Archives des nouvelles

Centre égyptien de l’ITI | Appel à candidatures : 31e Édition du Festival International du Théâtre Expérimental du Caire
1er au 8 septembre 2024, Le Caire, Égypte
Date limite de candidature : 15 mars 2024
Le Centre égyptien de l'ITI est ravi d'adresser une invitation aux artistes et troupes du monde entier à participer à la 31e édition du Festival International du Théâtre Expérimental du Caire (CIFET), prévue du 1er au 8 septembre 2024 au Caire, en Égypte. Les participants potentiels sont encouragés à soumettre leurs candidatures avant la date limite du 15 mars 2024.
Les troupes égyptiennes et arabes peuvent postuler ici
Les troupes internationales peuvent postuler ici
Pour plus d'informations détaillées sur les conditions de candidature, veuillez cliquer ici.
Académie du Théâtre de Shanghai | Appel à la candidature : programme de formation de talents artistiques Belt and Road 2024
5 – 26 juin 2024, Shanghai, Chine
Date limite de candidature : 15 mars 2024
L'Académie du Théâtre de Shanghai (STA), membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'Enseignement Supérieur, est ravie de dévoiler l'ouverture des candidatures pour le Programme de formation de talents artistiques Belt and Road 2024. Le programme de cette année, coorganisé par le Conservatoire de musique de Shanghai (SHCM) et l'Académie du théâtre de Shanghai (STA), avec le soutien de la Commission de l'éducation de la municipalité de Shanghai, combine les forces uniques et les expertises disciplinaires des deux institutions. Ensemble, elles visent à favoriser un avenir brillant grâce à l'éducation et à l’enrichissement des échanges culturels. Pour des détails complets sur ce programme, veuillez cliquer ici..
Pour l’admission, contacter Wendy Lou : staprograms(at) ; Pour des informations complémentaires, contacter Jiali Xu : xujialiaviva(at)
Académie du Théâtre de Shanghai | Appel à la candidature : École d’été de Shanghai (Opera Chinois) 2024
5 – 26 juin 2024, Académie du théâtre de Shanghai, Chine
Date limite des candidatures : 15 mars 2024
L'Académie du Théâtre de Shanghai (STA), membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'Enseignement Supérieur, est ravie d'annoncer l'ouverture des candidatures à l'École d'été de Shanghai (Opéra Chinois) 2024. Ce programme, qui connaît un grand succès depuis 12 ans (2011), propose trois cours : pratique de l'opéra chinois, théories de l'opéra chinois et culture chinoise. L'École d'été est ouverte à un maximum de 20 étudiants internationaux.
Pour des détails complets sur ce programme, veuillez cliquer ici.
Pour de plus amples informations, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter par e-mail : staprograms(at)
Centre brésilien de l’ITI | Réunion du Conseil régional des Amériques
Le nouveau Centre brésilien de l'ITI est heureux d'annoncer que la dernière réunion du Conseil régional des Amériques a eu lieu du 8 au 10 novembre 2023, en conjonction avec NEAPFEST Brésil. Au cours de cette réunion, des représentants des Amériques se sont réunis pour élaborer des stratégies de collaboration internationale, en se concentrant sur la promotion des programmes d'échange, des résidences et de la circulation des groupes de théâtre à travers le continent.
Pour le communiqué de presse complet du NEAPFEST DIÁSPORAS, veuillez cliquer ici. Pour avoir un aperçu du vibrant NEAPFEST, nous vous invitons à visiter notre page Instagram : iti.brazil, où vous trouverez des photos captivantes de l'événement.
Centre chypriote de l'ITI | Nouveau conseil d'administration du Centre chypriote de l'ITI
Les membres du Centre chypriote de l'Institut international du théâtre (CCOITI) ont élu un nouveau conseil d'administration pour diriger le CCOITI au cours des trois prochaines années. Le conseil d'administration a été élu par les membres lors de l'assemblée générale du CCOITI le 15 octobre 2023 à Nicosie. Le conseil d'administration est chargé de veiller à la mise en œuvre de la stratégie et des politiques du CCOITI.
Cliquez ici pour lire la presse dans son intégralité.
Centre finlandais de l’ITI | Nouvelles publication : Finnish Performing Arts Statistics 2022
The Finnish Performing Arts Statistics présente certaines des statistiques sur les arts de la scène les plus complètes au monde concernant le théâtre, la danse et le cirque. Les statistiques sur le théâtre sont collectées en Finlande depuis 1944, ce qui permet aujourd'hui d'étudier les changements intervenus dans ce domaine sur une période de près de 80 ans. Theatre Info Finland TINFO, le Centre finlandais de l'ITI, est responsable de la collecte des données depuis 1995. TINFO publie les statistiques de l'année précédente chaque année au mois d'août. La publication est en finnois, avec un résumé (pages 34-36) et une sélection de titres en anglais. Pour de plus amples informations, contacter Theatre Info Finland TINFO à tinfo(at)
Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur les publications.
Cliquer ici pour lire ou télécharger cette publication.
Centre croate de l’ITI | Université d’été internationale d’arts dramatiques à Grožnjan, Croatie 2023
Cette année, l’Université d’été internationale d’arts dramatiques se déroulera du 2 au 9 juillet, sous l'égide du Centre croate de l’ITI, en coopération avec l'organisation estonienne Estonian Theatre Agency, le Centre estonien de l’ITI et l'Académie d'art dramatique de Zagreb.
L’Université d’été internationale d’arts dramatiques « Du texte à la pièce » se tient sans interruption depuis 1999, organisée par le Centre croate de l’ITI. Ce programme résidentiel de sept jours a été lancé dans le but de vérifier et de promouvoir des textes étrangers et nationaux sous la forme de lectures mises en scène dans une puissante ambiance, car les représentations ont lieu dans les extérieurs colorés de Grožnjan.
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
Hommage à Julian Sands
4 janvier 1958 – 13 janvier 2023
John Malkovich sur la mort de Julian Sands
John Malkovich a déclaré que lui et Sands étaient « les plus grands amis depuis que nous nous sommes rencontrés sur le film The Killing Fields en 1983, le premier film que j'ai réalisé. Nous sommes restés incroyablement proches depuis. Il me manquera tous les jours de ma vie, mais c'est la vie. On perd beaucoup en chemin jusqu'à ce qu'on soit perdu. Et c'est ainsi que la vie se termine, je le crains. J'en suis très triste, mais bien sûr surtout pour ses enfants. »
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.
Veuillez cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur la vie et l’œuvre de Julian Sands :
Internet Movie Database
International Dance Day 2023
Expression of Gratitude
Journée internationale de la danse 2023 | Expression de gratitude L'équipe du Secrétariat général de l'ITI tient à exprimer sa profonde gratitude aux co-organisateurs, l'Académie du théâtre de Shanghai et l'Association de la danse de Chine, ainsi qu'à toutes les institutions et parties qui les ont soutenus, pour leur contribution à la célébration de la Journée internationale de la danse 2023, qui s'est achevée avec succès le dimanche 30 avril 2023.
>>Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Pour visionner la vidéo de YANG Liping lisant son Message veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Pour visionner la soirée de gala, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Pour regarder les photos de l’événement, veuillez cliquer ici.
Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l’ITI | Theatre Workshop – Unknown Memory of Conflicts 2023
Conçu et joué par le mentor Fabio Tolledi à Skopje, organisé par le Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l’ITI/PRODUKCIJA, l'atelier était axé sur les méthodologies du théâtre social et sur la création théâtrale dans les zones de conflits. L'atelier s'adressait aux professionnels du théâtre et des arts de la scène (acteurs, actrices, directeurs de théâtre, auteurs dramatiques, poètes-interprètes).
Plus d’informations avec les liens suivants :
Album Jour 1 : Facebook; Instagram
Album Jour 2 : Facebook; Instagram
Album Jour 3 : Facebook; Instagram
Samiha AYOUB, Égypte
Auteur du message de la Journée mondiale du théâtre 2023
Nous avons le grand plaisir et l'honneur d'annoncer officiellement que Samiha AYOUB, actrice égyptienne hors pair, a été choisie pour rédiger le Message de la Journée mondiale du théâtre 2023. Vous trouverez ici le message et la biographie ainsi que deux photos:
• Message de la Journée Mondiale du théâtre 2023 en arabe (original) en PDF et Word
• Message de la Journée Mondiale du théâtre 2023 en anglais (traduction) en PDF et Word
• Message de la Journée Mondiale du théâtre 2023 en français (traduction) en PDF et Word
• Biographie de Samiha AYOUB en anglais, en PDF et Word
• Biographie de Samiha AYOUB en français, en PDF et Word
Photo de Samiha AYOUB 1 (jpg)
Photo de Samiha AYOUB 2 (jpg)
Merci à tous les organisateurs et participants du 36e Congrès mondial de l'ITI
Le 36e Congrès mondial de l'ITI s'est achevé avec succès le 25 février 2023 dans la ville de Fujaïrah, aux Émirats arabes unis. Le Congrès a attiré plus de 250 participants venus de 78 pays du monde entier. 58 Centres de l’ITI et 12 Comités, groupes de projet, forums et réseaux ont été présentés.
Tous les membres de l'ITI attendaient depuis longtemps cette occasion de se réunir en présentiel et les participants ont été témoins de nombreux dialogues, échanges et réalisations au cours du Congrès. Ce Congrès n'aurait pas été possible sans le soutien de notre hôte, le gouvernement de Fujaïrah, de Son Altesse, le Prince héritier de Fujaïrah et, bien sûr, de chacun d'entre vous, en tant que participant.
Merci pour votre soutien et vive l'ITI !
Restez à l'écoute du site officiel du Congrès et de sa Page Facebook, plus de contenus et de photos seront publiés bientôt.
Célébrer l'année 2023 - Celle des plus grands mimes !
L'année 2023 est très importante pour le monde du mime, du théâtre physique et de la danse, et donc pour un grand nombre d'artistes et de créateurs du monde entier.
En effet, l'année 2023 marque le 100e anniversaire de la naissance du légendaire mime français Marcel Marceau (né le 22 mars 1923) et le 125e anniversaire de la naissance du « père du mime moderne » Étienne Decroux (né le 19 juillet 1898). C'est pourquoi les membres de l'Organisation Mondiale du Mime (OMM) ont décidé à l'unanimité de déclarer officiellement l'année 2023 comme : L'ANNÉE DES PLUS GRANDS MIMES
2023 sera une célébration mondiale du 100e anniversaire de Marcel Marceau et du 125e anniversaire d’Étienne Decroux.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.
Pour honorer les deux grands artistes et éducateurs du mime, l'Institut international du théâtre - ITI, la plus grande organisation mondiale des arts de la scène, a accordé son patronage à L'ANNÉE DES PLUS GRANDS MIMES. Pour contribuer aux activités de l'année ou pour obtenir de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter l'Organisation mondiale du mime : Organisation: office(at);; téléphone : +381 11 2652 557 ou +381 60 0320 169.
UNITED NATIONS | #Faith4Rights Toolkit
Les Nations Unies ont créé une boîte à outils intitulée « Faith for Rights » qui intéresse non seulement ceux qui travaillent dans le domaine des droits de l'homme, mais aussi les artistes, y compris les artistes de la scène. Cette boîte à outils s'appuie sur une multitude d'instruments comparables de plusieurs agences des Nations Unies qui y ont été intégrés dans #Faith4Rights. L'annexe propose plusieurs cas à débattre, qui illustrent les interactions entre les 18 engagements et renforcent les compétences des acteurs religieux dans leur gestion de la diversité religieuse dans des situations réelles et vers les objectifs partagés de « Faith for Rights ». Pour toute demande, merci d'envoyer un mail à : faith4rights(at)
>>La boîte à outils peut être téléchargée en cliquant ici (PDF).
Centre allemand de l’ITI | Appel ouvert : 25e Atelier international de Mülheim
Date limite de candidature : 15 février 2024
Le Centre allemand de l'Institut International du Théâtre ITI, en collaboration avec les Mülheimer Theatertage et avec le soutien du Goethe-Institut, invite les traducteurs de drames germanophones à un atelier international à Mülheim, du 17 au 26 mai 2024, dans le cadre du festival.
Retrouvez tous les détails dans l'appel à candidatures en allemand – cliquer ici. . Les candidatures par e-mail ne seront pas prises en compte. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter f.macanda(at)
Festival international du théâtre grec ancien 2024
Appel à propositions de troupes de théâtre ou de particuliers
Le ministère adjoint de la Culture de la République de Chypre, le Centre chypriote de l'Institut international du théâtre et le ministère adjoint du Tourisme annoncent l'ouverture de la soumission des propositions par les troupes/individus de théâtre chypriotes et par les troupes/individus de théâtre ne résidant pas à Chypre. , pour sa participation à la vingt-septième édition du « Festival international du théâtre grec ancien », qui se tiendra de fin juin à début août 2024, à Chypre.
Les troupes de théâtre ou les individus doivent soumettre leurs propositions en utilisant le formulaire de candidature officiel disponible sur le site Internet du Festival : La date limite pour soumettre la proposition est le 17 janvier 2024.Cliquez ici pour lire les informations complètes.
Centre slovaque de l’ITI | Appel à communications - Conférence internationale de Nová dráma/New Drama Festival 2024
L'Institut du théâtre de Bratislava (Centre slovaque de l'ITI) est heureux d'annoncer que le Festival Nová dráma/New drama 2024 aura lieu du 13 au 18 mai 2024. Comme de coutume, l'une des parties importantes du Festival est constituée par le Colloque international, qui se tiendra du 15 au 16 mai 2024, et dont le thème est La philanthropie dans les arts de la scène.
Soumission des communications pour le Colloque
Veuillez envoyer les résumés des communications (200 mots maximum) et les CV (100 mots maximum) avant le 31 janvier 2024 à l'adresse électronique suivante : daria.feherova(at) Cliquez ici pour lire le document détaillé.
Centre zimbabwéen de l’ITI | Appel à candidatures pour le International Physical and Dance Immersive 2024
du 18 au 31 août 2024, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Le Centre zimbabwéen de l'ITI a le plaisir d'annoncer l'ouverture des candidatures pour le International Physical and Dance Immersive 2024. Cet événement immersif aura lieu du 18 au 31 août 2024 à Victoria Falls, au Zimbabwe. Les praticiens du théâtre physique et du mouvement du monde entier se réuniront pour découvrir le riche patrimoine artistique du continent africain. Veuillez noter que le nombre de places est limité. Pour postuler, veuillez envoyer une manifestation d'intérêt à admissions(at) La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 31 janvier 2024. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter admissions(at)
Cliquez ici pour lire l'information complète.
Centre Nord macédonien de l’ ITI | Deux nouveaux e-Books du Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l’ITI /PRODUKCIJA
2023 ePlay: OVERVIEW EFFECT (22 scenes)
Nouvel e-Book du Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l’ITI /PRODUKCIJA - Résultats de l'atelier de dramaturgie, Mentors : Walter Prete (Italie), Gustavo D`Aversa (Italie), (Skopje, 2023)
2023, ePlay: AFTER 2030 (Dramatic Manifestos)
Nouvel e-Book du Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l’ITI /PRODUKCIJA - Résultats des ateliers de dramaturgie visuelle et chorégraphique, Mentors : Ivanka Apostolova Baskar; Iskra Sukarova (Lecce, 2023)
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
Annonce du nouveau Conseil exécutif et du Conseil d’administration
Le Secrétariat général a le plaisir de vous annoncer les nouveaux membres du Conseil exécutif. Ils ont été élus lors de notre 36e Congrès mondial qui s'est tenu en février à Fujairah, aux Émirats arabes unis. Le directeur général fait également partie du Conseil exécutif - ex officio.
Cliquez ici pour voir tous les membres.
Cliquez ici pour lire l'annonce.
Cérémonie en l’honneur de Theodoros Terzopoulos 3e édition du Prix international de théâtre Yuri Lyubimov, à Tbilissi, Géorgie
Après Anatoli Vassiliev et Tadashi Suzuki, le troisième Prix international de théâtre Youri Lyubimov a été décerné à Theodoros Terzopoulos, fondateur du Théâtre Olympics, éminent metteur en scène grec, éducateur et dirigeant du théâtre Attis. La cérémonie a été organisée le 16 octobre au Théâtre Rustaveli de Tbilissi. >>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus.
Arts chinois de la scène – n° 5, dédié au Yueju cantonais
Ce numéro 5 se concentre sur le développement et les études de l'opéra cantonais Yueju. Enraciné dans les provinces de langue cantonaise du Guangdong et du Guangxi dans le sud-est de la Chine, l'opéra cantonais Yueju se caractérise par une combinaison d'instruments à cordes et à percussion, avec des costumes élaborés et des peintures faciales. Il intègre également des cascades et des combats utilisant de vraies armes et s'inspirant des arts martiaux Shaolin, comme l'illustre le rôle central du wenwusheng qui exige une maîtrise à la fois du chant et du combat. L'opéra Yueju est populaire dans toute la Chine et crée un lien culturel entre les locuteurs du cantonais dans le pays et à l'étranger. En 2009, cette forme d'art a été inscrite sur la Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'humanité par l'UNESCO.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger ou lire ce numéro.
Mondiacult 2022 : les États adoptent une déclaration historique pour la culture
Mondiacult 2022, la plus grande conférence mondiale consacrée à la culture depuis 40 ans, a réuni près de 2 600 participants pendant trois jours à Mexico. À l'invitation de l'UNESCO et du Mexique, 150 États ont envoyé des délégations à la conférence et 135 d'entre eux étaient représentés au plus haut niveau par des ministres de la culture.
La culture a un rôle fondamental dans nos sociétés. Grâce à la culture, les gens peuvent découvrir leur humanité commune et devenir des citoyens libres et éclairés. Pourtant, malgré des progrès, elle n'a toujours pas la place qu'elle mérite dans les politiques publiques et la coopération internationale. Mondiacult 2022 est un signal fort pour changer cela. La Déclaration adoptée aujourd'hui est un engagement à agir.
Pour accéder à la déclaration complète dans les six principales langues de l'UNESCO, veuillez cliquer sur la langue de votre choix ci-dessous :
Français / French
Español / Spanish
Русский / Russian
العربية / Arabic
中文/ Chinese
Regardez quelques-uns des événements sur le site de Mondiacult, veuillez cliquer ici.
Publication Mondiacult – Resiliart 100
Lors de l'événement Mondiacult au Mexique, le 100e numéro de la revue ResiliArt est paru. Il contient des déclarations de Mme Audrey Azoulay, directrice générale de l’UNESCO, des statistiques et des déclarations de 100 personnalités de la culture du monde entier telles que Mohamed Saif Al-Afkham, Président de l’ITI dans le monde (page 125) et Hamadu Mandé, Vice-président de l’ITI (page 104).
Pour télécharger cette publication (uniquement en anglais), veuillez cliquer ici.
Centre japonais de l’ITI | Demande de commentaires sur les archives numériques du théâtre japonais
Le Centre japonais de l'Institut international du théâtre (ITI) a travaillé sur un projet de préservation et d'utilisation de vidéos sur les arts de la scène au Japon. Les objectifs de ce projet sont de promouvoir la distribution commerciale en archivant numériquement les vidéos de performances sur scène, en soutenant la gestion des droits et en augmentant la rentabilité en suggérant de nouvelles façons d'utiliser la vidéo via des sites de recherche et des portails. Nous voudrions demander aux Centres de l'ITI de consulter les deux sites internet suivants: Japan Digital Theatre Archives (JDTA) et STAGE BEYOND BORDERS (SBB)
Afin de faire connaître le théâtre japonais aux gens du monde entier, le Centre japonais souhaite avoir un retour d'expérience sur la convivialité de ces deux sites (JDTA et SBB) du point de vue des membres des Centres de l'ITI qui collectent des informations sur les arts de la scène à l'international au quotidien.
Pour de plus amples informations sur le projet, veuillez cliquer ici. .
Centre de Croatie de l’ITI | Magazine de danse : Movements 35/36
Dossier special sur Margarita FROMAN, fondatrice du ballet professionnel de Zagreb
Le Centre de Croatie de l'ITI est fier de présenter le magazine Movements 35/36. Ce double numéro est entièrement consacré à Margarita FROMAN, danseuse de ballet, chorégraphe, metteur en scène et pédagogue de ballet.
Le Comité de danse du Centre de Croatie de l’ITI a organisé en 2020 un symposium en prévision du 100e anniversaire de l'arrivée de Margarita FROMAN à Zagreb. Les experts qualifiés sélectionnés dans le domaine de l'histoire, de la théorie et de la pratique artistique du ballet, de la danse, du folklore, de la musique, des arts visuels, du théâtre et du cinéma croates ont répondu à l'invitation et nous avons été rejoints par deux invités importants de Belgrade. Le symposium s'est déroulé dans une atmosphère intime mais ouverte et inspirante d'échange de connaissances, d'opinions et d'archives personnelles.
Les lecteurs disposent désormais d'un fonds d'articles qui apporte un éclairage critique et multiplie les documents sur l'activité artistique de Margarita FROMAN, ainsi que sur la complexité du temps et du contexte qui l'ont traversée.
>>Cliquez ici pour voir ou télécharger la version numérique du magazine. . En savoir plus sur le Centre de Croatie de l'ITI, veuillez visiter
Diplomatie théâtrale pendant la guerre froide – Volume 1 à 5
Cet ouvrage en plusieurs volumes a commencé par une biographie de Martha Coigney, qui était une pionnière d'opinion et une défenseure de l'internationalisme dans le théâtre américain pendant l'une des périodes les plus difficiles de l'histoire moderne des États-Unis. Martha Coigney a été présidente de l'Institut international du théâtre (ITI) de 1987 à 1995 avant de devenir présidente honoraire de l'ITI. Pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent à l'histoire de l'ITI et au développement de l'ITI, cet ouvrage en plusieurs volumes est à lire absolument. Il est disponible : - sur le site de l'éditeur XLIBRIS
- sur
Comme les volumes sont relativement chers, vous pouvez également télécharger un ebook pour un prix raisonnable sur les magasins de Kindle Amazon, Apple Books ou Google Play Books.
Publication essentielle de l'UNESCO : La culture en crise : Guide de politiques pour un secteur créatif résilient
La pandémie de la COVID-19 et la crise qu’elle a générée ont eu un effet dévastateur sur les industries culturelles et créatives, révélant et amplifiant leur volatilité préexistante.
La Culture en crise offre des conseils sur la manière de répondre aux besoins les plus urgents et d’induire les changements structurels nécessaires pour renforcer la résilience des industries culturelles et créatives et se préparer à la « nouvelle normalité ».
Vous pouvez télécharger la publication de l'UNESCO (56 pages) dans les langues suivantes, en cliquant sur le nom de la langue :
Coréen 한국어
Académie du théâtre de Shanghai | Festival des arts de la scène traditionnels et symposium international « Route de la soie »
29 octobre - 4 novembre 2023, Shanghai, Chine
L'Académie du théâtre de Shanghai, membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène, a le plaisir d'annoncer la tenue prochaine du Festival des arts de la scène traditionnels "La route de la soie" et du symposium international. Cet événement très attendu aura lieu du 29 octobre au 4 novembre 2023. Le Festival promet une série d'activités passionnantes, notamment des conférences qui incitent à la réflexion, des séminaires instructifs, des représentations captivantes et des ateliers immersifs. Il servira de plateforme aux artistes, aux universitaires et aux passionnés du monde entier pour se réunir, échanger des idées et célébrer le riche héritage des arts de la scène traditionnels le long de l'ancienne Route de la soie. Pour toute question, veuillez contacter : sta_internationa(at)
Isra-Drama 2023 édition en ligne
8 et 9 décembre 2023
Le Centre israélien de l'ITI présente l'édition en ligne Isra-Drama 2023, qui aura lieu du 8 au 9 décembre 2023. Le festival de cette année comprend 18 nouvelles productions, 3 tables rondes et des projections en direct. Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire. Découvrez plus de détails en cliquant ici.
Centre chinois de l’ITI | 5e Festival international de théâtre de Daliangshan 2023 et 163e réunion du Conseil exécutif
La cinquième édition très attendue du Festival international de théâtre de Daliangshan aura lieu du 29 novembre au 10 décembre à Xichang, la capitale de la préfecture autonome Yi de Liangshan, dans la province du Sichuan, au sud-ouest de la Chine. Les organisateurs du Festival invitent sincèrement les membres du Conseil exécutif de l'ITI, experts estimés des arts de la scène, à participer aux activités du Festival. En outre, la 163e réunion du Conseil exécutif se tiendra les 4 et 5 décembre pendant le Festival. Cliquez ici pour lire l'information complète..
Centre iranien de l’ITI | Appel à candidatures pour le 28e Festival international de théâtre pour enfants et jeunes adultes
Le Centre iranien de l'ITI - Centre d'art dramatique d'Iran (DAC) a le plaisir de vous informer que le 28e Festival international de théâtre pour enfants et jeunes adultes aura lieu du 20 au 27 février 2024 dans la ville historique d'Ardakan, dans la province de Yazd, en Iran. Le Festival s'efforce d'atteindre plusieurs objectifs clés, notamment la promotion de la participation sociale des enfants et des adolescents, l'amélioration de la culture publique, le renforcement des liens familiaux, la promotion des connexions intergénérationnelles, l'enseignement de la citoyenneté et le développement du sens des responsabilités. Le Centre iranien souhaite obtenir des informations sur la nouvelle production de votre compagnie. Vous êtes invité à soumettre votre candidature à avant la date limite du 6 décembre 2023. Plus d'informations sur le festival en anglais.
Cliquer ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature.
Institut Mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI | Programme d’automne 2023
L'Institut mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT / ITI a le plaisir de dévoiler son programme pour l'automne 2023. À partir de la fin du mois d'octobre, plusieurs séminaires sur le jeu d’acteur, la mise en scène et l'enseignement débuteront pour la première fois en ligne. Il y aura également un cours pour les jeunes artistes avant leurs études ou leur premier engagement. Pour accéder aux détails complets et en savoir plus sur cette opportunité passionnante, veuillez cliquer ici..
Centre chypriote de l’ITI | Festival international de théâtre grec ancien 2023
Cette année, quatre productions seront présentées dans le cadre du Festival international du théâtre grec ancien, organisé conjointement par le secrétariat d’État à la culture, le Centre chypriote de l'Institut international du théâtre (ITI) et le secrétariat d’État au tourisme.
Le Festival international de théâtre grec ancien lève à nouveau son rideau et se voit prêt à offrir au public un mois plein de moments théâtraux inspirants. Le public pourra assister à quatre productions de haut niveau artistique, à l'esthétique contemporaine et à l'approche artistique d'un groupe d'organisations théâtrales de premier plan. Cette année, le festival aura lieu du 10 juillet au 5 août 2023.
Pour en savoir plus sur le festival, cliquez ici.
Réseau des artistes professionnels émergents - NEAP
Appel à candidatures pour la 3e édition du NEAPFEST BRASIL : IATE-ITI Diasporas
7 au 14 novembre 2023 à Rio de Janeiro, Brésil
Le Réseau des artistes professionnels émergents - NEAP prépare la troisième édition du Festival international d'échange théâtral - NEAPFEST BRASIL : IATE-ITI Diasporas, et appelle maintenant les artistes internationaux à soumettre une performance, un atelier, ou à être considérés pour participer à une table ronde ou à une résidence artistique.
Si vous êtes une compagnie ou un artiste solo et que vous souhaitez présenter une performance, un atelier et/ou être pris en considération pour les tables rondes, veuillez cliquer ici pour remplir le formulaire.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur le NEAPFEST.
Si vous avez des questions, envoyez un courriel à info(at) !
Lettre d'information de juillet et août du Centre iranien de l'ITI
Considérant l'importance de franchir les frontières géographiques et de présenter les potentialités de l'art dramatique, des arts de la scène et d’autres activités artistiques iraniennes, le Centre iranien de l'ITI et le Centre d'arts dramatiques d'Iran (DAC) jugent nécessaire de publier une lettre d'information mensuelle.
Veuillez cliquer ici pour lire ou télécharger la lettre d’information de juillet du Centre iranien de l’ITI.
Veuillez cliquer ici pour lire ou télécharger la lettre d’information d’août du Centre iranien de l’ITI..
Institut mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI
L'art de la répétition - Cours mixte pour metteurs en scène, enseignants et acteurs
Pratique de la mise en scène, Masterclass avec le Dr Jurij Alschitz
8 octobre : Introduction en ligne
12 au 16 octobre : Travail pratique en studio à Berlin
Le plus important dans le travail d'un metteur en scène n'est pas d'inventer une pièce, mais de la réaliser avec les acteurs sur scène. L'acteur est le « matériau » le plus important, le plus difficile, le plus imprévisible que le metteur en scène rencontre dans le processus de création. Jurij Alschitz propose deux méthodes de répétition innovantes à étudier sur scène.
Informations et inscriptions
Centre iranien de l’ITI | Lettre d'information de juilletdu Centre iranien de l'ITI
Considérant l'importance de franchir les frontières géographiques et de présenter les capacités de l'art dramatique, des arts de la scène et d’autres activités artistiques iraniennes, le Centre iranien de l'ITI et le Centre d'arts dramatiques d'Iran (DAC) jugent nécessaire de publier sa lettre d'information sur une base mensuelle. La lettre d'information de juillet est disponible.
Veuillez cliquer ici pour lire ou télécharger
Centre iranien de l'ITI | Nomination du directeur artistique du 42e Festival international de théâtre Fadjr
Kazem Nazari (le directeur général du Centre des arts dramatiques et président de l'IIT d'Iran) a publié un décret et nommé Mehdi Hamedsagayan au poste de directeur artistique du 42e Festival international de théâtre Fadjr.
Veuillez cliquer ici pour lire l'annonce complète.
Centre iranien de l’ITI | Appel à participation au 21e Festival international de théâtre rituel et traditionnel – Iran
Le Centre iranien de l'ITI - Centre d'arts dramatiques d'Iran (DAC) a le plaisir de vous informer que le 21e Festival international de théâtre rituel et traditionnel aura lieu du 28 septembre au 3 octobre 2023 en Iran.
Le Centre iranien apprécierait grandement que vous déposiez une candidature avec la nouvelle production de votre compagnie. La demande doit parvenir au Centre au plus tard le 30 août 2023.
Le Festival se déroulera en deux parties :
- Les représentations rituelles et traditionnelles qui reflètent les coutumes et les traditions du pays.
- Le 9e séminaire international sur les performances rituelles et traditionnelles.
Les chercheurs et les artistes intéressés sont priés d'envoyer leur contribution sous la forme d'une proposition avant le 22 septembre 2023.
Veuillez cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur le Festival
Veuillez cliquer ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature
Veuillez cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur le séminaire international
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter : dramatic.artcentre.iran(at) ; dac.internationalaffairs(at)
Site internet :
Centre finlandais de l’ITI | TINFO's June Newsletter 2023
Le « Theatre Info Finland » TINFO (Centre finlandais de l’ITI) est ravi de partager sa dernière newsletter qui rassemble des dizaines d'informations sur les festivals passionnants de cet été et d'autres événements et nouvelles intéressants dans le monde du théâtre. La lettre d'information de juin dresse une liste de festivals dynamiques qui se dérouleront cet été et couvre également divers événements et nouvelles liés aux arts du théâtre en Finlande. Pour lire la lettre d'information de juin de TINFO, veuillez cliquer ici.
Centre iranien de l’ITI | Lettre d'information de juin du Centre iranien de l'ITI
Considérant l'importance de franchir les frontières géographiques et de présenter les capacités de l'art dramatique, des arts de la scène et d’autres activités artistiques iraniennes, le Centre iranien de l'ITI et le Centre d'arts dramatiques d'Iran (DAC) jugent nécessaire de publier sa lettre d'information sur une base mensuelle. La lettre d'information de juin est disponible.
Please click here to read or download.
Centre mongol de l’ITI | Appel à communications : Conférence internationale de recherche sur la culture et la mentalité des nomades comme base pour le théâtre professionnel
Date limite de soumission : 1er juillet 2023
L'Académie Sainte Muse, en collaboration avec le Centre mongol de l'ITI, le Département de la culture et des arts du Bureau du maire et l'École des arts du théâtre de l'Université nationale des arts de Mongolie, a le plaisir d'annoncer leur prochaine conférence internationale de recherche sur la culture et la mentalité des nomades en tant que base pour le théâtre professionnel. La conférence aura lieu du 15 au 17 septembre 2023.
Pour de plus amples informations sur les modalités de soumission et les détails de la conférence, veuillez cliquer ici. Toutes les soumissions d'articles doivent être envoyées par courriel à itimogolia(at); bdavaamgl(at)
Centre iranien de l’ITI | Appel à candidatures 21e Festival international de théâtre rituel et traditionnel d’Iran
Date limite d'inscription : 30 août 2023
Le Centre iranien de l'ITI - Centre d'arts dramatiques (DAC) - a le plaisir de vous informer que le 21e Festival international de théâtre rituel et traditionnel aura lieu en novembre 2023 en Iran. Le Centre iranien apprécierait grandement que vous proposiez une nouvelle production de votre compagnie. La candidature doit parvenir avant le 30 août 2023. Le comité de sélection annoncera les représentations internationales invitées par l'intermédiaire du bureau des affaires internationales du Centre d'arts dramatiques. Le Festival se déroulera sans compétition au sein de la section internationale.
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur l’appel.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature.
Centre iranien de l’ITI | Newsletters d’avril & mai du Centre iranien de l’ITI
Compte tenu de l'importance de franchir les frontières géographiques et de présenter les capacités des arts dramatiques, des arts de la scène et des activités iraniennes, le Centre iranien de l'ITI - Centre d'arts dramatiques d'Iran (DAC) estime nécessaire de publier sa lettre d'information sur une base mensuelle. Les bulletins d'avril et de mai sont disponibles.
Avril : Bulletin d'information du Centre iranien de l'ITI
Mai : Bulletin d'information du Centre iranien de l'ITI
Centre italien de l’ITI – Été international - La MaMa Umbria 2023
Shahid Nadeem et des directeurs artistiques et fondateurs de théâtres internationaux animent des ateliers à Spoleto, en Italie
Lors de ce 24e symposium international annuel des metteurs en scène organisé par La MaMa Umbria, les artistes principaux sont les suivants : Shahid Nadeem (directeur artistique, Ajoka Theatre, Lahore, Pakistan), Iman Aoun (fondateur/directeur artistique, Ashtar Theatre, Palastine), Dmitry Krymov (fondateur, Krymov Lab - Russie), Ong Keng Sen (fondateur/directeur artistique, Theatre Works, Singapour), Thomas Ostermeier (directeur artistique, Schaubühne, Berlin), Hana Sharif (directeur artistique, Repertory Theatre of St. Louis), Virlana Tkacz (fondatrice/directrice artistique, Yara Arts Group, New York) et Torange Yeghiazarian (fondatrice, Golden Thread Theatre, San Francisco).
>>Cliquez ici pour lire le communiqué de presse complet.
>>Pour de plus amples informations, visiter le site internet ou contactez David Diamond : ddjdstar(at)
XIIIe Académie d’été internationale de théâtre
7 – 20 août 2023, Montecreto, Italie
Situé dans le parc régional des Apennins de Modène, au pied du Mont Cimone
L'Institut mondial de formation théâtrale renoue avec la longue tradition de l'Académie internationale d'été du théâtre et invite tous les collègues à travailler sur le thème commun du Dialogue. Vivez deux semaines intensives d'apprentissage et d'expérimentation dans une nature magnifique et des soirées partagées au sein du Festival Teatri del Cimone.
>>Cliquer ici pour toute information et inscription
Publication Croatian Theatre
La publication Croatian Theatre est rédigée en anglais et sert à présenter la scène théâtrale croate au niveau international.
Croatian Theatre 2022 fait partie du projet international « New Stages Southeast » de l'Institut Goethe qui soutient l'écriture dramatique et met en relation de jeunes auteurs et gens de théâtre d'Europe du Sud-Est et d'Allemagne pour échanger des expériences et développer de nouveaux textes axés sur des questions pertinentes. En 2021, l’Institut Goethe en Croatie et le Centre croate de l'ITI ont sélectionné 5 jeunes auteurs dramatiques qui, encadrés par Ivor Martinić, ont écrit les nouvelles pièces qui sont présentées dans ce numéro.
>>Cliquer ici pour lire ou télécharger la publication.
AITU-IUTA - Association internationale du théâtre universitaire
Deuxième volume de la série ─ Théâtre et université,
Programmes théâtraux et recherche créative : Neuf regards internationaux
Le deuxième volume de la collection « Théâtre et Université » a été publié en anglais / français / espagnol par l'Association internationale du théâtre universitaire (IUTA-AITU) pour les Nuove Catarsi Editions par le Théâtre Universitaire Aenigma d'Urbino en coopération avec la Revue européenne Catarsi, Teatri delle diversità (Catharsis, Théâtres des diversités).
Le thème général de la recherche scientifique présenté dans ce livre est encadré par les objectifs de notre série consacrée au théâtre universitaire, qui étudie le large spectre de la pédagogie théâtrale, de la création, de la recherche, et de la gestion des activités, des processus et des réunions liées aux arts vivants.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger ou lire la publication trilingue.
Theatre Yearbook 2022 – Theatre in Japan
Le Centre japonais de l'ITI publie depuis 1972 un Annuaire du théâtre couvrant l'évolution des arts de la scène japonais. La publication de ce Theatre Yearbook a jeté des bases solides pour concevoir des activités visant à acquérir des connaissances sur les relations entre le Japon et le monde, à approfondir la compréhension mutuelle en positionnant le Japon au sein de réseaux mondiaux et à contribuer au développement culturel et à la paix.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger ou lire cette publication.
Chinese Performing Arts – n°4, consacré aux Yueju
L'Institut international du théâtre (ITI) et l'Académie du théâtre de Shanghai (STA), membre du réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène, sont fiers d'annoncer que la quatrième édition de la revue Chinese Performing Arts est désormais disponible. La revue couvre des sujets sur la scène actuelle de la Chine, la diffusion du théâtre chinois et introduit de pièces et des artistes chinois. Ce quatrième numéro se concentre sur le développement et les études de Yueju, l'une des formes les plus importantes de Xiqu. La publication comprend des textes sur « Love to Rebellion – The textual adaptations of Xu Jin´s Yueju work A Dream of Red Mansions », sur « Female Xiaosheng of Yueju, on the Shanghai Yueju House : The Root and the Growing Brach of Chinese Yueju », etc. Rédacteurs en chef : Gong Baorong & Tobias Biancone.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger ou lire cette publication.
Pièces choisies de Stan Lai en anglais
Ces livres constituent une collection unique de douze pièces traduites par l’auteur dramatique lui-même. Stan Lai (Lai Shengchuan) est l'un des praticiens du théâtre les plus célèbres dans le monde de langue chinoise. Son travail sur trois décennies a transformé le destin du théâtre en langue chinoise moderne. Ces livres sont une collection unique de pièces de théâtre de Stan Lai et la sélection exceptionnelle d'une gamme variée de performances qui n'étaient pas disponibles en anglais auparavant. Les pièces ont été éditées par Lissa Tyler Renaud, maître enseignante, actrice-érudite, conférencière, écrivain et critique. Les livres sont disponibles auprès de University of Michigan Press – veuillez cliquer ici..
Sur Amazon au format Kindle et livre, et sur Apple Books au format numérique.
Arts chinois de la scène – Numéro 3 à télécharger
L'Institut international du théâtre (ITI) et l'Académie de théâtre de Shanghai (STA), membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène, sont fiers d'annoncer que la troisième édition des Arts chinois de la scène est désormais disponible. Le journal couvre les sujets de la scène chinoise d'aujourd'hui, la diffusion du théâtre chinois et introduit des pièces de théâtre et des artistes chinois. Ce troisième numéro se concentre sur le développement et les études du Kunqu.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger et lire la publication.
Institut Grotowski, Pologne (Wroclaw)| Symposium international "Sauver l'espoir : l'activisme théâtral dans les espaces de conflit".
Samedi 17 & dimanche 18 juin 2023
L'Institut Grotowski est fier de présenter le Symposium international Sauver l'espoir : l'activisme théâtral dans les espaces de conflit. Cet événement est organisé en collaboration avec le réseau Théâtre en zone de conflit (TCZN) de l'Institut international du théâtre (ITI) et l’Astragali Teatro. Le financement est assuré par le programme « Europe créative » et le partenaire Art Junction Foundation. Cet événement est l'un des projets internationaux les plus importants de l'Institut Grotowski cette saison. En raison de sa participation internationale et de l'inclusion de différents Centres de l'ITI, le symposium a reçu le patronage de l'ITI.
Cliquez ici pour de plus amples informations sur le programme détaillé ou tout autre aspect lié à ce symposium passionnant ! Ci-dessous.
Voici le lien pour participer au symposium
Identifiant de la réunion : 376 777 0208
Code d'accès : 785
Centre allemand de l’ITI | Theater der Welt – Un festival d’ITI Allemagne
29 juin – 16 juillet, à Frankfort et à Offenbach, Allemagne
THEATER DER WELT est l'un des principaux festivals internationaux de théâtre en Allemagne qui se déroule tous les trois ans dans une ville allemande différente. Inspiré par le festival de l'ITI « Théâtre des nations », qui est apparu pour la première fois en Allemagne en 1979 à Hambourg, THEATER DER WELT a été fondé par le Centre allemand de l'ITI en 1981 et présente depuis lors des réalisations révolutionnaires et des développements esthétiques théâtraux dans le monde entier. L'édition 2023 a été initiée, organisée et mise en œuvre par les trois institutions culturelles de Francfort Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, Museum Angewandte Kunst et Schauspiel Frankfurt, ainsi que par l'Office de gestion culturelle du Conseil municipal d'Offenbach en tant que partenaire associé.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.
Pour de plus amples informations sur le Festival, cliquez ici.
Pour de plus amples informations sur le Centre allemand de l'ITI lors du Theater der Welt, cliquez ici.
MTNN | Appel à candidatures pour le concours mondial de théâtre musical et de nouvel opéra
Date limite d'inscription : 30 juin 2023.
Présenté par le réseau Music Theatre NOW, en coopération avec l'International Theatre Institute ITI , et O. Festival for Opera. Musique. Theatre, avec le soutien de l'ITI Pays-Bas et du Performing Arts Fund NL.
e réseau Music Theatre NOW, en coopération avec l'Institut international du théâtre, invite les créateurs du monde entier à soumettre les premières productions de nouvelles œuvres créées entre juillet 2021 et juin 2023 au seul concours international pour le théâtre musical et le nouvel opéra.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur l'appel.
>>Postulez dès maintenant avec votre œuvre récente et innovante pour le premier concours international de théâtre musical.
Message macédonien pour la Journée internationale de la danse - 29 avril 2023
Célébration de la Journée internationale de la danse - 29 avril 2023 avec Aleksandar Georgiev (danseur, interprète, chorégraphe) en tant qu'auteur du message macédonien pour la Journée de la danse.
Visionner la lecture de son message par Aleksandar Georgiev.
Plus d’informations par Facebook ou Instagram.
YANG Liping, Chine
Auteur du message de la Journée internationale de la danse pour 2023
L'Institut international du théâtre (ITI), son Comité international de la danse (IDC) et l'Alliance mondiale de la danse Asie-Pacifique (WDA) ont le plaisir d'annoncer que la célèbre danseuse et chorégraphe chinoise YANG Liping a rédigé le Message pour la Journée internationale de la danse 2023. Ici vous trouverez son message et sa biographie, ainsi qu'une photo que vous pouvez utiliser. Veuillez néanmoins mentionner le crédit photo : « Yunnan Yang Liping Art & Culture Company ».
• International Dance Day Message 2023 in Chinese (original) in PDF and Word
• International Dance Day Message 2023 in English (translation) in PDF and Word
• Message de la Journée Internationale de la Danse 2023 (traduction) en PDF et Word
• Biography of YANG Liping in Chinese (original) in PDF and Word
• Biography of YANG Liping in English as PDF and Word
• Biographie de YANG Liping en français (traduction) en PDF et Word
Photo YANG Liping 1 (jpg)
Candidature pour l'école d'été 2023 - axée sur l'Opéra de Pékin
5 juin - 4 juillet 2023, Shanghai, Chine
L'école d'été de l'Académie du théâtre de Shanghai dure trois semaines, du 15 juin au 4 juillet. Elle se concentre principalement sur l'opéra chinois, avec quelques conférences sur la culture chinoise. À la fin de l'université d'été, les étudiants participants prennent part à une représentation d’Opéra de Pékin, avec maquillage et costumes d'opéra chinois. Ce programme se déroule avec succès depuis 2011, soit depuis 11 ans. L'école d'été est ouverte à un maximum de 20 étudiants internationaux. L'université d'été se tient à Shanghai, en Chine.
Pour toute question, veuillez contacter : sta_internationa(at)
>>Cliquer ici pour de plus amples informations sur le programme.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature.
Candidature à la formation « Talents artistiques des Route de la soie » 2023 5 juin - 4 juillet 2023, Shanghai, Chine
Cette formation aux talents artistiques est une collaboration entre l'Académie de théâtre de Shanghai et le Conservatoire de musique de Shanghai. Elle se déroule à Shanghai, du 15 juin au 4 juillet. Cette formation combine des éléments de l'opéra chinois et de la musique traditionnelle chinoise. L'Académie du théâtre de Shanghai accueillera 15 étudiants internationaux et le Conservatoire de musique de Shanghai en accueillera 15 autres. Le formulaire de candidature ci-dessous s'adresse à l'ensemble des 30 étudiants. Si vous remplissez les conditions requises et si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez remplir le formulaire de candidature. Vous êtes également invité à diffuser l'information à vos amis et collègues. Pour toute question, veuillez contacter : Shirley Zou, sta_international(at)
>>Cliquer ici pour de plus amples informations sur le programme.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature.
Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l’ITI | La dame au chapeau – Nouvelle et première publication pour la jeunesse
Le Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l'ITI a le plaisir de présenter son nouveau et premier livre pour la jeunesse, La dame au chapeau, de l'exceptionnelle auteure slovène Maša Ogrizek. Le livre est publié par le Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l'ITI / PRODUKCIJA.
Maša Ogrizek (1973-) est connue comme auteure de critiques, et plusieurs de ses livres d'images et un album de bande dessinée ont été publiés ces dernières années. Le livre d'images L’éléphant sur un arbre a été nominé pour le Prix Kristina Brenkova en 2014. Elle publie également dans les magazines Ciciban et Galeb. Click here to know more about the author.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur l'auteure
Centre slovène de l’ITI| Penser et repenser le ballet - Entretien avec Jennifer Hommans, États-Unis
En 2021, l'Association slovène des artistes de ballet et le Centre slovène de l'ITI ont lancé une page internet et des conférences diffusées en direct sur YouTube avec des invités du monde entier.
Le vendredi 27 janvier 2023 à 15 heures CET (heure de Paris), nous avons eu un entretien avec la célèbre auteure Jennifer Hommans (États-Unis) au sujet de son livre influent récemment publié sur George Balanchine, intitulé : Mr. B., George Balanchine's Twentieth Century.
La discussion était animée par Tatjana Ažman, auteure dramatique, responsable dui Centre slovène de l’ITI.
>>Cliquer ici pour regarder la discussion et découvrir d’autres échanges précédents.
Prix international Gramsci pour le théâtre en prison 2022 (7e édition) remis à Elena Cánovas et à la compagnie de théâtre Yeses
TEATRI DELLE DIVERSITÀ - Théâtres des diversités
23e édition de la Conférence internationale de la revue européenne Catarsi-Teatri delle Diversità mercredi 28 décembre 2022 | Édition spéciale en ligne
La revue européenne Catarsi-Teatri delle Diversità est publiée en collaboration entre la Casa Natale - Association Gramsci (Ales), l’Association italienne des critiques de théâtre et le Réseau international du théâtre en prison (partenaire ITI-UNESCO).
>>Cliquer ici pour lire l’annonce complète.
Message spécial : Culture et futur durable, par Lemi Ponifasio
Le sixième Sommet international de la culture d'Édimbourg s'est tenu au Parlement écossais du 26 au 28 août, intitulé Sommet pour la Culture et un futur durable 2022. Il a reflété le besoin urgent d'examiner et d'investir dans notre avenir. Les organisateurs du Sommet estiment que les problèmes mondiaux nécessitent des solutions mondiales : « La culture peut jouer un rôle vital en aidant les gens du monde entier à découvrir des points communs, à conceptualiser les problèmes critiques auxquels nous devons faire face et à aider à imaginer et à créer un avenir durable ».
Lemi Ponifasio, auteur du message de la Journée internationale de la danse 2016, a prononcé un discours lors de la session d'ouverture du Sommet international de la culture d'Édimbourg 2022, le vendredi 26 août 2022. Le Secrétariat général a déjà envoyé le lien aux personnes intéressées par e-mail et il a reçu de nombreuses réponses. C'est pourquoi il est partagé ici avec vous.
>>Cliquer ici pour visionner le discours.
Centre allemand de l’ITI | Le Prix ITI Allemagne 2023 est décerné à Flinn Works !
En 2023, Flinn Works se voit décerner le Prix du Centre allemand de l'Institut international du théâtre. La sélection a été opérée par les membres du Centre allemand de l'ITI, sur la base d'une liste de suggestions du jury de cette année, composé des membres du conseil d'administration du Centre allemand de l'ITI Ihsan Othmann et Maria Rößler, ainsi que des membres du Centre allemand de l’ITI Helge-Björn Meyer (BFDK), Nina de la Chevallerie (boat people projekt e.V.) et Renate Klett.
>>Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez cliquer ici.

Photo: Flinn Works : Global Belly, Crédit photo : Alexander Barta
Centre mongol de l’ITI | Appel à participation – 17e Festival international de théâtre Saint Muse
Date limite de candidature : 31 mai 2023
Le festival international de théâtre « Saint Muse 17 » se tiendra du 7 au 17 septembre 2023 sous le thème La culture nomade dans la culture mondiale, à Oulan-Bator, en Mongolie.
L’Académie Saint Muse, le principal organisateur du Festival, est membre du Centre mongol de l'ITI et organise le festival depuis 2002. Le Festival est reconnu par l'Institut international du théâtre, organisation mondiale des arts de la scène, et soutenu par le Centre mongol de l'ITI.
L'objectif du Festival est de rassembler les artistes de la scène pour qu'ils partagent leurs idées et apprennent les uns des autres, afin de créer des liens et une compréhension mutuelle entre les troupes de théâtre, au-delà de toute frontière ou autre limite.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur l'appel à candidatures >>Cliquez ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature Veuillez envoyer votre candidature ainsi que les annexes à l'adresse suivante : itimongolia.sma(at)
Appel à candidatures pour le Festival de l'Académie d'été – SAFest 2023
Du 12 au 15 juillet 2023
Membre du réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur, l'Académie Civique d'Art Dramatique « Nico Pepe » (Italie) est heureuse d'annoncer le Festival international d'écoles de théâtre – Académie d'été – SAFest 2023, qui aura lieu du 12 au 15 juillet 2023 à Udine, Italie. Le thème du festival est Aria di Teatro (les quatre éléments de l'air).
L'appel à participation des membres du Réseau ITI/UNESCO est ouvert.
Date limite de candidature : 31 mai 2023
Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à envoyer un courriel à accademiateatrale(at)
>>Cliquer ici pour de plus amples informations sur cet appel..
Célébration de la Journée internationale de la danse 2023
Samedi 29 avril 2023, Shanghai (Chine)
En direct à 13h15 (heure de Paris)
Cliquer ici pour regarder le Live. (Ce lien ne sera utilisable que le Samedi 29 avril 2023 à 13h15 (heure de Paris))
La principale célébration de la Journée internationale de la danse 2023 est organisée conjointement par l'Institut international du théâtre (ITI), l'Académie du théâtre de Shanghai et l'Association chinoise de la danse. La soirée de gala sur le thème La danse. Dialogue avec la nature, la vie et le monde invite des artistes de la danse de Chine, des Samoa/Nouvelle-Zélande, de MAPUCHE, du Chili et de la République de Corée à présenter leur travail. L'auteure du message, Yang Liping, proposera deux représentations de danse, interprétées par les danseurs de sa compagnie.
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur le programme de la Soirée de Gala.
Cliquer sur la langue de votre choix pour lire ou télécharger la brochure de la Journée internationale de la danse 2023.
English (double page); English (single page); Chinese (double page); Chinese (single page)
Célébration de la Journée internationale de la danse 2023 à Shanghai, Chine
24 au 30 avril 2023, Shanghai, Chine
L'Institut international du théâtre (ITI) a le plaisir d'annoncer que des célébrations sous diverses formes ont lieu dans le monde entier, organisées par des Centres de l’ITI, des associations de danse, des écoles de danse et de multiples institutions similaires.
La principale célébration de la Journée internationale de la danse 2023 se déroulera du 24 au 30 avril à Shanghai, en Chine. Cet événement est organisé conjointement par l'ITI, l'Académie de théâtre de Shanghai et l'Association chinoise de la danse.
Le programme de la Journée internationale de la danse 2023 à Shanghai comprend une conférence, une soirée de gala et des ateliers sur différents sujets liés à la danse.
>>Veuillez cliquer ici pour en savoir plus.
Centre géorgien de l'ITI - 2e édition du festival international du mouvement, du théâtre physique et de la danse
14-18 juin 2023, Tbilissi, Géorgie
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 1er mai 2023
La deuxième édition du Festival international du mouvement, du théâtre physique et de la danse se tiendra du 14 au 18 juin 2023 à Tbilissi, en Géorgie. Le festival est récompensé par l'Association européenne des festivals comme l'un des meilleurs festivals avec le prix EFFE pour 2022/2023.
Il est placé sous le patronage de l'ITI de l'UNESCO et du réseau éducatif des arts du spectacle UNESCO/ITI, en partenariat avec le comité de l'ITI pour le mime et le théâtre physique, LA FESTA, l'Institut de recherche artistique de Géorgie et le SCF. Le festival est membre de l'organisation mondiale Circostrada.
>>Cliquez ici pour télécharger le dossier de candidature et en savoir plus.
z ici pour télécharger le dossier de candidature et en savoir plus. Contact : Centre géorgien de l'ITI – itigeorgiacentre(at) / mpadifestival(at)
Directeur du festival : Levan Khetaguri lkhetaguri(at)
Directeur artistique : Soso Bakuradze
Newsletter de décembre du Centre iranien de l’ITI
Compte tenu de l'importance de franchir les frontières géographiques et de présenter les potentiels du théâtre, des arts de la scène et des activités artistiques d’Iran, le Centre iranien de l'ITI, le Centre des arts dramatiques d’Iran (DAC), trouve nécessaire de publier sa newsletter sur une base mensuelle. Le bulletin d'information de décembre est disponible, >>veuillez cliquer ici pour le lire ou le télécharger.
Centre nord macédonien de l’ITI | 3 e-Plays de Filip Grujic (Serbie)
• Where they sing
• Not before 16.30h, neither after 17.00h
• Eben byers’s jaw
Traduction (macédonien) : Ivanka Apostolova Baskar / Publication : Centre nord macédonien de l'ITI / PRODUKCIJA, Skopje 2022
Synopsis :
RENVERSEMENTS CITATIFS - Traduction de 3 pièces de Filip Grujic (jeune dramaturge et écrivain, lauréat du prix national Sterija du meilleur dramaturge 2019, Serbie) ; il écrit sur la crise de l'homme moderne, garçon et vieil homme ; la masculinité en crise ; la masculinisation érodée ; la phallusoïdité introvertie ; et l'histoire des hétéro-relations : masculin-féminin. Il est l'une des voix les plus fraîches et les plus jeunes de l'écriture dramatique serbe contemporaine.
>>Cliquer ici pour visiter la page Instagram officielle.
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur ces nouvelles e-Plays.
Centre nord macédonien de l’ITI | 4 e-Plays de Simona Semenic (Slovénie)
• Beautiful vidas, they burn beautiful
• 1980
• You are a miracle
• That apple of gold
Traduction (macédonien) : Ivanka Apostolova Baskar / Publication : Centre nord macédonien de l'ITI / PRODUKCIJA, Skopje 2022
Synopsis :
INVERSION LOCATIVE – Traduction littéraire dramatique de 4 pièces de Simona Semenić (auteur primée Grum/dramaturgie féministe contemporaine, Slovénie). Elle écrit sur les femmes du point de vue de l'âge, de la profession, du rôle social des femmes, de la classe, de l'histoire et de l'héritage des femmes. Elle est l'une des figures les plus inspirantes et uniques de l'écriture dramatique européenne et slovène contemporaine. >>Cliquer ici pour visiter le site internet officiel.
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur ces nouvelles e-Plays.
e-anthologie : I AM NOT DEAD, ILL AND FAMOUS (oeuvres dramatiques macédoniennes, 2010-2022)
L'e-anthologie regroupe de 25 auteurs dramatiques macédoniens de 2010 à 2022. 13 Points de vue féminins et 12 points de vue masculins dans l'anthologie dramatique.
Publication : Centre macédonien du Nord ITI / PRODUKCIJA, Skopje 2022
Synopsis :
Publication de textes dramatiques classiques, contemporains, expérimentaux et modernes en langue anglaise et macédonienne (créés de 2010 à 2022) sous forme de livres électroniques en PDF sur CD.
Objectifs :
• Internationalisation des formes théâtrales en Macédoine du Nord.
• Visibilité internationale des auteurs dramatiques et contemporains qui travaillent et créent en Macédoine du Nord.
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus.
Scènes émergentes en Afrique 2022 : un résonant succès !
La deuxième édition de Scènes émergentes en Afrique s'est déroulée du 25 au 30 septembre 2022 à Accra, au Ghana, sous le thème « Promouvoir les innovations pour le développement économique ». Grâce au succès de la première édition, cet événement artistique et éducatif est devenu depuis une activité phare du Conseil régional africain de l'ITI, comprenant des ateliers de formation, des masters classes, des conférences, des performances et des remises de prix.
Cliquez-ici pour lire l'intégralité du communiqué de presse.
Pour voir toutes les photos de l’événement, veuillez visiter sa page Facebook : Scenes Emergentes en Afrique
Édition de juillet 2022 du Tracker UNESCO pour la Culture & les politiques publiques
Hors-série n°4 : Compte à rebours pour MONDIACULT 2022 | Culture et éducation : piliers du développement
La Conférence mondiale UNESCO MONDIACULT 2022 sera accueillie du 28 au 30 septembre 2022 par le gouvernement du Mexique. Pour de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur :
La culture et l'éducation sont ensemble l'épine dorsale du développement humain. Pourtant, la culture et l'éducation ne sont pas suffisamment exploitées ensemble en tant que dimensions complémentaires susceptibles de tirer parti de l'inclusion sociale, de l'acquisition de compétences ainsi que de l'amélioration des connaissances.
Pour lire et télécharger la nouvelle brochure au format PDF, cliquez sur la langue de votre choix :
Juin 2022 |UNESCO Tracker Culture & Politiques publiques
Numéro spécial n° 3 : MONDIACULT 2022 à l’horizon| Le patrimoine culturel, essence vitale de la cohésion sociale et source d’un futur durable
Dans ce troisième volet de la série spéciale consacrée à la Conférence mondiale de l’UNESCO sur les politiques culturelles et le développement durable – MONDIACULT 2022, nous faisons le point sur l’évolution des approches du patrimoine culturel et en particulier la reconnaissance accrue du rôle des communautés dans sa préservation et sa sauvegarde, ainsi que son importance en faveur de l’inclusion sociale et des générations futures.
Pour lire le Tracker en le téléchargeant en PDF, cliquer sur la langue de votre choix :
Centre de Macédoine du nord de l’ITI | Nouvelle publication électronique : traduction macédonienne de MATER MEDEA - pièce de Fabio Toledi (Italie)
Synopsis : Dans cette version dramatique et richement poétique de Médée par Fabio Toledi, celle-ci est confrontée au non-sens de l'infidélité de Jason. Le chœur ou Rashomon de la pièce, expose tous les aspects d’un conseil pris sous l'emprise de la fatalité mais aussi de la vigilance. Ce beau langage dramatique n'est jamais ennuyeux et exprime le subconscient contenu dans le mythe.
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter les liens ci-dessous.
Exposition en ligne
UNESCO Tracker Culture & Politiques publiques | Avril 2022
Numéro spécial n°1 : MONDIACULT 2022 à l’horizon
Le compte à rebours pour MONDIACULT 2022 a commencé ! Il s’agit de la première partie d’une série spéciale compte à rebours pour la Conférence mondiale de l'UNESCO sur les politiques culturelles et le développement durable - MONDIACULT 2022, qui se tiendra au Mexique, du 28 au 30 septembre. Dans ce numéro, nous explorons cette grande conférence internationale, les enjeux, les débats émergents sur la culture dans les politiques publiques, l'avenir de l'économie créative, la culture en temps de crise, la culture pour les moyens de subsistance, la culture pour la résilience et le bien-être, la diplomatie culturelle et la culture pour la paix et la sécurité.
Pour télécharger et lire ce numéro en PDF, veuillez cliquer sur la langue de votre choix :
Online Publication: Critical Stages / Scènes critiques
Entretien avec le directeur général de l’ITI
Une section spéciale de chaque édition est consacrée aux entretiens. Dans le 24e numéro, vous trouverez : un dialogue de Savas Patsalidis avec Tobias Biancone ayant pour titre « The Global Role of ITI » et un entretien avec Tadashi Suzuki, ayant pour titre « Pumpkin and the Public Scene ».
Parmi la multitude d’entretiens, les suivants pourraient également vous intéresser : Theodoros Terzopulous, Ion Caramitrou, Anina Jendreyko et Yuri Lyubimov. Pour accéder à l’entretien, cliquer simplement sur le nom.
Anina Jendreyko
Yuri Lyubimov
>>To subscribe to the Newsletter for Critical Stages on its webste, please click here.
Nouvelle publication périodique de l'UNESCO : The Tracker - Culture and Public Policy
L’UNESCO vous propose une nouvelle publication périodique en ligne qui présente des données essentielles sur ce qui se passe dans le monde : "The Tracker - Culture & Public Policy". Voici ce que M. Ernesto Ottone, Sous-Directeur général de l'UNESCO pour la culture a déclaré dans l'édition spéciale du Tracker d’avril 2021.
Voici les titres des numéros qui ont été publiés jusqu’à maintenant. Il vous suffit de cliquer sur les titres en gras ci-dessous pour télécharger ou lire le document pdf.
The Tracker édition 8 / Numéro spécial : Focus sur une année de Covid-19
The Tracker édition 7 : Focus sur la culture et la consolidation de la paix
The Tracker édition 6 : Focus sur le tourisme culturel
The Tracker édition 5 : Focus sur l'économie créative
The Tracker édition 4 : Focus sur la culture et le changement climatique
The Tracker édition 3 : Focus sur le futur du travail
The Tracker édition 2 : Focus sur la culture et les technologies numériques
The Tracker édition 1 : Focus sur la culture et le multilatéralisme
Pour être informé régulièrement, veuillez vous rendre sur le site internet ou écrire à
Centre de la République tchèque de l’ITI | 15e édition de la Quadriennale de Prague et invitation au programme QP+ 2023
Date limite d'inscription : 15 mars 2023
Depuis 1967, la Quadriennale de Prague du design et de l’architecture théâtrale présente les meilleurs travaux de scénographie en mettant l'accent sur l'autosuffisance de ce domaine artistique. QP ne fonctionne pas simplement comme un festival, il a progressivement évolué vers une plateforme qui explore des approches progressives, de nouveaux médias, des espaces virtuels et des relations interdisciplinaires. QP2023 présentera des œuvres d'art provenant de dizaines de pays et réalisées par des centaines d'artistes dans le cadre de projets conçus par l’équipe internationale de QP et des principales expositions compétitives.
Inscription en ligne :
>>Cliquez ici pour plus de détails.
Centre indien de l’ITI | Appel à candidatures pour le Festival international de théâtre IAPAR 2023
Date limite de candidature : 27 mars 2023
Le Centre indien de l'ITI est heureux d'annoncer l'appel à candidatures pour le Festival international de théâtre IAPAR 2023 ! Après deux longues années d'absence, nous ouvrons à nouveau nos portes et vous invitons tous à nous rejoindre dans cette aventure. Le Festival international de théâtre IAPAR lance un appel à candidatures pour cette édition de notre festival qui aura lieu en décembre 2023 ! Le festival est un festival officiel du Centre indien de l'ITI. Pour obtenir le formulaire de candidature détaillé, veuillez envoyer un courriel à ou appeler le +91 77750 52719.
Appel à participation au 9e festival international de théâtre de Colombo - 2023 (CITF) (Concours international de monodrame)
25 - 31 août 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Date limite de candidature : 10 avril 2023
Au cours des trois dernières années, nous, les praticiens du théâtre, avons été confinés dans un coin de manière inattendue. Nous n'avons pas été autorisés à nous rencontrer, ni même à avoir une discussion amicale. Ce fut une année difficile pour nous tous. Quoi qu'il en soit, nous devons oublier l'année écoulée. Préparons-nous à affronter la nouvelle année avec de nouvelles attentes. Notre mission est maintenant de faire de notre réunion de 2023 une réalité.
Il est temps pour nous de nous préparer. Rencontrons-nous au festival international de théâtre de Colombo. Le CITF 2023 présentera des monodrames du monde entier, ainsi que des interactions formelles et informelles entre des artistes du Sri Lanka et de l'étranger. Nous aimerions inviter chaleureusement les troupes de théâtre intéressées à se joindre à nous dans cette île perle.
>>Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.
Nouvelle publication électronique : Traduction macédonienne de LA MORT DE MADAME DUPIN - Poésie de Katarina Saric (Monténégro)
Katarina Saric est un génie. Elle écrit une poésie activiste, féministe et profondément artistique. Elle est pure inspiration et vitalité !
Je vous retrouverai dans ce même couloir, accroché dans le portrait de l'arbre généalogique, descendu de ses plus hautes branches.
Durant la même nuit j'ai pris cette photo,
Et quand cela m'apparaîtra de nouveau
De la nuit au jour,
Mon âme je laisserai aller.

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter les liens ci-dessous.
Exposition en ligne
Centre arménien de l’ITI | Appel ouvert pour HIGH FEST 2023
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 15 mars 2023.
Les organisateurs ont le plaisir d'annoncer que l'appel à candidatures pour le 21e Festival international des arts de la scène HIGH FEST, qui aura lieu du 1er au 8 octobre 2023 à Erevan, en Arménie, est désormais ouvert. Le Festival invite les compagnies et les artistes à présenter leurs productions de tous genres des arts de la scène, notamment le théâtre, la danse et la musique.
>>Cliquez ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature.
Veuillez envoyer les candidatures à info(at) Site internet :
Newsletter de décembre de l’Institut mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI
Le bulletin d'information de décembre de l'Institut mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI contient l'offre de Noël : Profitez du pack de 3 livres de Jurij Alschitz et de cours en ligne en 2023.
>>Cliquer ici pour lire ou télécharger la newsletter.
36e Congrès mondial de l’ITI
Le prochain Congrès mondial de l'ITI se déroulera du 20 au 25 février 2023 dans la ville de Fujairah, aux Émirats arabes unis. Le Secrétariat général et l'Hôte à Fujairah sont très occupés à préparer le Congrès. Plus d'informations peuvent être trouvées sur le site internet du Congrès qui est régulièrement mis à jour.
Si vous avez d'autres questions sur le Congrès à Fujairah, veuillez écrire à congress(at)
Newsletter d’octobre du Centre iranien de l’ITI
Compte tenu de l'importance de franchir les frontières géographiques et d'introduire les capacités du théâtre, des arts de la scène et des activités iraniens, le Centre iranien de l'ITI et le Centre des arts dramatiques d'Iran (DAC) jugent nécessaire de publier un bulletin d'information sur une base mensuelle.
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur le message de Kazem Nazari, président du Centre iranien de l’ITI.
>>Cliquer ici pour lire ou télécharger la newsletter.
Annonce du Festival Nová dráma/New Drama 2023 & Appel ouvert à contributions – Colloque international LE THÉÂTRE EN EXIL
Le Centre slovaque de l'ITI et l'Institut du théâtre de Bratislava sont heureux d'annoncer que la 19e édition du Festival Nová drama/New Drama aura lieu du 15 au 20 mai 2023. Comme d'habitude, l'une des parties importantes du festival est le colloque international, qui se tiendra les 18 et 19 mai 2023 à Bratislava (Slovaquie). Le thème du colloque est LE THÉÂTRE EN EXIL.
Soumission des présentations
• Veuillez envoyer les résumés des contributions à la conférence (max. 1 000 caractères) et une courte biographie de l'auteur avant le 15 janvier 2023 à l'adresse e-mail suivante : jakub.mudrak(at)
• La sélection finale des propositions sera effectuée par le comité scientifique du colloque avant le 15 février 2023.
>>Pour en savoir plus sur le colloque international, veuillez cliquer ici.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter Mgr art. Jakub Mudrák, ArtD. à jakub.mudrak(at)
Red de Escuelas de Teatro - RET Colombia | Rencontre nationale des écoles de théâtre (Encuentro Nacional de Escuelas Teatro)
du 18 au 21 octobre 2022
Membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur, le Red de Escuelas de Teatro - RET Colombia présente la Rencontre nationale des écoles de théâtre (Encuentro Nacional de Escuelas Teatro) du 18 au 21 octobre 2022 à Bogotá, Colombie. L'événement est placé sous le patronage du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène. C'est un événement académique qui a lieu chaque année. Chaque année, le thème de l'événement varie. Cette année, il se concentre sur les différentes voies de l'enseignement du théâtre. Avec le soutien du Ministère colombien de la Culture, une rencontre de Recherche sur le théâtre et le cirque est prévue. L'événement se compose de forums, d'ateliers et de deux performances artistiques.
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez visiter le site internet et la page Facebook : RET Colombia
Académie du théâtre de Shanghai (STA) | 11e Festival international de théâtre expérimental de Shanghai
du 17 au 23 octobre 2022
Le Festival international de théâtre expérimental de Shanghai a été fondé par l'Académie du théâtre de Shanghai (membre du réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur) en 1998. Après sept éditions, il est devenu un événement biennal régulier. Ce 11e Festival international de théâtre expérimental de Shanghai, coorganisé par l'Académie de théâtre de Shanghai, l'Université des arts du Yunnan et l'Institut international du théâtre ITI, se déroulera du 17 au 23 octobre 2022.
Le thème du festival de cette année est Théâtre expérimental dans la pandémie - Hommage à Molière, dédié au 400e anniversaire de la naissance de Molière. Des artistes d'Allemagne, de Géorgie, de Grèce, d'Inde, d'Italie, d'Iran, de Macédoine du Nord, de Corée du Sud, d'Uruguay et de Chine présenteront 15 performances en ligne pendant ce festival d'une semaine. À la fin de celui-ci, se tiendra un symposium académique international.
Pour découvrir dès maintenant toutes les vidéos des productions théâtrales sélectionnées, veuillez visiter
Journée Mondiale de l’Opéra 2022 – Unboxing Opera | 25 octobre 2022
Le mardi 25 octobre 2022 aura lieu la 4e édition de la Journée mondiale de l’Opéra. Une belle occasion pour « déballer l'opéra » ! Unboxing Opera fait référence aux millions de vidéos où les utilisateurs déballent des produits devant leur caméra, révélant un objet reçu, l'analysant et l'expliquant à leur public virtuel. Les vidéos très enthousiastes reflètent l'émotion et l'excitation que quelqu'un peut ressentir en découvrant quelque chose de nouveau. Au-delà de la référence à ces vidéos, Unboxing Opera évoque assez clairement l'idée de faire sortir le théâtre d'un lieu clos et propose de briser les limites de l'art. Unboxing Opera donnera l'opportunité à un public plus large de découvrir de nouvelles facettes de l'opéra, d'approfondir ses connaissances à son sujet et d'être surpris et touché par cette forme d'art.
Cliquer ici pour obtenir de plus amples informations.
Annonce du 36e Congrès mondial de l’ITI Du 20 au 25 février 2023 à Fujaïrah, ÉAU
L'Institut international du théâtre - ITI est heureux d'annoncer que le 36e Congrès mondial de l'ITI se tiendra en présentiel du 20 au 25 février 2023 à Fujaïrah, aux Émirats arabes unis. L'événement sera accueilli et coorganisé par le gouvernement de Fujaïrah, avec le soutien de S.A. Cheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, souverain de Fujairah et membre du Conseil suprême des Émirats arabes unis, et de S.A. Cheikh Mohammed bin Hamad Al Sharqi, prince héritier de Fujaïrah. Le 36e Congrès mondial de l'ITI sera placé sous le patronage de l'UNESCO.
Le thème du 36e Congrès mondial de l'ITI est Réunir, pour les arts de la scène et l'humanisme, offrant aux membres la première opportunité depuis des années de se réunir et de se remémorer l'importance de la culture, de l'éducation et des principes fondamentaux de l'humanisme tels que défendus par l'UNESCO et promulgués par les Statuts de l'ITI et par ses activités.
Pour en savoir plus sur le Congrès, veuillez cliquer pour voir ou télécharger : • La Présentation du 36e Congrès mondial de l'ITI 2023 en anglais, français
• Le Programme du congrès en in anglais, français
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez écrire à congress(at)
Pour de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur :
Centre ghanéen de l’ITI | Programme de la deuxième édition des Scènes émergentes en Afrique 2022
Du 23 au 30 septembre à Accra, Ghana
La deuxième édition des Scènes émergentes en Afrique 2022, organisée par le Conseil régional africain de l'Institut international du théâtre (CRAIIT) et le Centre ghanéen de l'ITI, se tiendra bientôt ce mois-ci, du 23 au 30 septembre à Accra, au Ghana. L'événement propose des activités de formation de haut niveau dans les domaines artistiques, techniques et administratifs liés aux arts de la scène et aux arts visuels.
>>Pour consulter le programme détaillé, veuillez cliquer ici.
En mémoire | Ralf Långbacka (1932-2022)
C'est avec une grande tristesse que le Centre finlandais de l'ITI doit partager la nouvelle du décès de Ralf Långbacka, metteur en scène de théâtre renommé et président du Centre finlandais de l'ITI de 1983 à 1996. En tant que président de l'ITI Finlande, Långbacka a supervisé entre autres le Congrès mondial de l'ITI tenu à Helsinki en 1989, ainsi que les concours internationaux de ballet à Helsinki en 1984 et 1991, supervisés par le Comité international de la danse de l'ITI.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur Ralf Långbacka.
Vous pouvez envoyer vos condoléances à la famille de Ralf Långbacka par l'intermédiaire du Centre finlandais de l'ITI. Ils seront transmis immédiatement à la famille. Envoyez pour cela un e-mail à tinfo(at)
New Theatre Record editor and New Website
Theatre Record has a new editor, Alison Cook, and a new, hugely improved and even faster website
The new website will continue to include all of the Record's existing content features – its archive of more than forty years' unabridged reviews, casts, credits and production photographs for all major UK productions, its unrivalled UK-wide listings of press nights – as well as some exciting improvements to make an even more invaluable and easy to use resource, updated daily. Click here to read more. Take a look at the new website now!
If you have any other enquiries, please contact editor(at)
In Memoriam | Hans-Thies Lehmann (1944 - 2022)
Hans-Thies Lehmann (1944 - 2022) died in Athens on Saturday 16 July. The German theatre scholar influenced the performing arts in theory and practice especially with his work "Postdramatic Theatre". The book is considered as a standard work and has been translated into more than twenty languages. He was also co-founder of the Giessen Institute for Applied Theatre Studies. The theatre world mourns the loss of one of the most important and influential theorists of our time.
Institut mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI | Formation quantique au théâtre - Programme de qualification en ligne pour les enseignants
16 octobre 2022 - 26 mars 2023
Des offres promotionnelles d’inscription sont valables jusqu’au 15 août 2022 !
Le directeur artistique de l'Institut mondial de formation au théâtre, le Dr Jurij Alschitz, inaugure un programme de formation de haute qualité pour les enseignants de théâtre du monde entier, introduisant la pédagogie quantique dans la théorie et la pratique, dans le but de renouveler et de réévaluer fondamentalement l'éducation théâtrale en comblant le fossé entre la science et l’art. L'enseignement devient un acte créateur et l'enseignant un artiste.
Le programme consiste en 22 sessions hebdomadaires en ligne incluant une formation par l'équipe pédagogique de l'Institut.
>>Découvrez toutes les informations et inscrivez-vous, en cliquant ici.
En mémoire | Peter Brook (1925 - 2022)
Peter Brook est décédé.
L'Institut international du théâtre et le monde du théâtre ont perdu une personnalité éminente. Son brillant travail de metteur en scène, présenté à maintes reprises a profondément influencé le théâtre et la communauté théâtrale mondiale de façon permanente. Peter Brook est la seule personnalité du théâtre qui ait été invitée deux fois à écrire le message de la Journée mondiale du théâtre (1969 et 1988
>>Pour de plus informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
Vous pouvez faire part de vos condoléances à la famille de Peter Brook par l’intermédiaire du Secrétariat général de l’ITI. Votre message sera immédiatement transféré à la famille. E-mail du Secrétariat général de l’ITI : info(at)
En mémoire | Anatoly Polyankin (1952 – 2022)
C'est avec une grande tristesse que le Secrétariat général de l’ITI vous annonce le décès d'Anatoly Polyankin. Anatoly Polyankin a été le recteur de l'École supérieure des arts de la scène de Russie, Vice-président du Centre russe de l'ITI et membre du Conseil d'administration du réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène.
Une grande perte pour l'ITI, pour le Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène, pour son épouse et sa famille, et pour moi. Tobias Biancone, Directeur général de l’ITI
>>Veuillez cliquer ici pour lire le message qu'un ami de la famille, Dmitry Trubochkin, a écrit.
Si vous souhaitez présenter vos condoléances, veuillez écrire directement à Alfira Arslanova alfira.arslanova(at)
KANG Sue-jin, Corée du Sud
Auteure du Message de la Journée internationale de la danse pour 2022
L'Institut international du théâtre (ITI) et l’Alliance mondiale pour la danse (WDA) ont l'honneur et le plaisir de vous annoncer que la danseuse de ballet KANG Sue-jin de Corée du Sud a écrit le message pour la Journée internationale de la danse 2022.
Ici vous trouverez le Message et la biographie, ainsi qu'une photo fournie par le Ballet National de Corée que vous pouvez utiliser libre de droits. Ajouter : Crédit photo, Jail Souen.
• Message de la Journée internationale de la danse 2022 par KANG Sue-jin en coréen (original) en PDF et Word / en anglais (traduction) en PDF et Word
• Message de la Journée Internationale de la Danse 2022 par KANG Sue-jin (traduction), en PDF et Word
• Biographie de KANG Sue-jin en anglaise en PDF et Word
• Biographie de KANG Sue-jin en français, en PDF et Word
• Affiche de la Journée internationale de la danse 2022 en anglais en JPG
• Affiche de la Journée internationale de la Danse 2022 en français en JPG
Photo KANG Sue-jin par Jail Souen en JPG
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus.
Célébration en ligne de la Journée internationale de la danse 2022
Vendredi 29 avril 2022 | 14h00 (heure de Paris)
L'Institut International du Théâtre (ITI) a le plaisir d'annoncer que la célébration en ligne de la Journée internationale de la danse 2022, organisée par le Secrétariat général de l'ITI, aura lieu en ligne le vendredi 29 avril 2022.
Cette 40e célébration de la Journée internationale de la danse 2022 présentera une vidéo de l'auteure du Message de cette année et cinq productions de danse, chacune provenant d'une région du monde différente (Afrique, Asie-Pacifique, Amériques, Europe et Pays arabes). Le but de la célébration est de rassembler les gens et de montrer au monde la beauté et la diversité de l'art de la danse. Toutes les vidéos des productions de danse seront visibles sur le site officiel de la Journée internationale de la danse le 29 avril. Outre la célébration en ligne, le Centre sud-coréen de l'ITI, en collaboration avec le Secrétariat général de l'ITI, organisera également une célébration sur place à Séoul, en Corée du Sud.
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez visiter le site internet officiel ou nous suivre sur Facebook InternationalDanceDay.
Consejo Argentino de la Danza/Conseil argentin de la danse
Journée internationale de la danse 2022 – Célébration à Buenos Aires, Argentine
Vendredi 29 avril, à 20h30 (heure d’Argentine), Théâtre Del Globo à Buenos Aires, Argentine Entrée libre !

Le Conseil argentin de la danse (CAD), membre coopérant de l'ITI, est heureux de partager avec vous sa célébration de la Journée internationale de la danse 2022. Afin de ne pas perdre la continuité de ces 27 années ininterrompues de spectacle, le Conseil argentin de la danse a eu recours à la réalisation d’un gala de ballet en présentiel et diffuse en direct le 29 avril à 20h30 (heure d’Argentine) au théâtre Del Globo de Buenos Aires. ENTRÉE LIBRE !
Diffusion en direct sur YouTube: consejoargentinodeladanza
>>Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez visiter :
Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l’ITI
Olga Pango, auteure du message national pour la Journée internationale de la danse 2022
Extrait « La danse est tellement excitante et amusante que, nous qui la faisons, sommes des gens heureux. Dans des moments comme ceux-ci, des moments de grande tentation et de transition, à l'ère de la pandémie, le seul salut est de se purifier avec des choses sublimes : comme la danse et l'art en général. » >>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus.
Crédits photo : Melanija Georgievska
Journée mondiale du théâtre 2022 | PS. Écoutez la voix de Peter Sellars lisant son message pour la Journée mondiale du théâtre 2022
« Peter Sellars a lu son message et a envoyé le fichier audio au Secrétariat général. Comme j’ai pris un grand plaisir à l’écouter et que j’ai ressenti que sa propre voix donne encore plus de force à son message, je vous suggère de l’écouter à votre tour ! » Tobias Biancone, directeur général de l’ITI.
Si vous voulez faire l’expérience du timbre qu’il donne à son message, vous pouvez cliquer ici.
Crédits photo : Ruth Walz
Institut mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI | Maîtriser une mise en scène professionnelle, avec Jurij Alschitz
Les metteurs en scène demandent aux acteurs de leur faire confiance. En tant qu'artistes, nous ne devons pas avoir peur de prendre des risques, mais en tant que metteurs en scène, nous avons une énorme responsabilité – envers l'art et envers nos acteurs.
Ce parcours invite les metteurs en scène émergents et confirmés à explorer cinq thèmes essentiels de leur art lors de cinq rencontres. Vous pouvez assister à l'une ou à toutes :
20/21 avril : Énergie – une question vitale
27/28 avril : Composition – la route pour la vie
04/05 mai : L’espace des événements
11/12 mai : L’analyse de texte par le metteur en scène
18/19 mai : Le travail du metteur en scène avec les acteurs
>>Pour de plus amples informations, cliquer ici.
Peter SELLARS, États-Unis
Auteur du message de la Journée Mondiale du théâtre 2022
C’est un grand plaisir et un honneur pour l’ITI de vous présenter le message de la Journée mondiale du théâtre 2022 de Peter SELLARS, metteur en scène d'opéra et de théâtre, et directeur de festival des États-Unis. Vous trouverez le Message et la biographie, ainsi que deux photos qui sont libres de droits et que vous pouvez utiliser, en mentionnant « Crédits photo : Ruth Walz ».
• • Message de la Journée Mondiale du Théâtre 2022 par Peter SELLARS en anglais (original) PDF et Word
• Message de la Journée Mondiale du Théâtre par Peter SELLARS 2022 en français (traduction), en PDF et Word
• • Biographie de Peter SELLARS en anglais (original), en PDF et Word.
• Biographie de Peter SELLARS en français (traduction), en PDF et Word
Photo 1 Peter SELLARS by Ruth Walz as JPG
Photo 2 Peter SELLARS by Ruth Walz as JPG
En mémoire | Nécrologie de Natalia Isaeva
« Natalia Isaeva était professeure principale d'études orientales à l'Académie des sciences de Russie et a reçu le titre de « Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres » de France. Un professionnel de haut niveau et une charmante personnalité nous a quitté. Merci pour votre soutien continu à l'ITI. Merci pour votre amitié. Vous manquez à tous vos amis. Je vous envoie un adieu sincère, Natacha. » Tobias Biancone, Directeur général de l’ITI
>>Cliquer ici pour lire le texte complet par Tobias Biancone.
Vidéo : Il y a une jolie vidéo disponible sur Facebook qui montre Natacha à l'événement avec ses amis. Pour la regarder, veuillez cliquer ici.
En mémoire | Shaig Safarov (1955-2022) – Un ami et une eminente personnalité du théâtre d’Azerbaïdjan
« Shaig Safarov - grand ami de l'ITI et de plusieurs de ses membres - est décédé. Pendant plus d'une décennie, Shaig Safarov n'a cessé de promouvoir la culture azerbaïdjanaise et a invité les membres de l'ITI à des festivals et à la Conférence internationale du théâtre de Bakou. L'ITI se souviendra toujours de lui pour sa gentillesse, son enthousiasme, son charme et aussi son rêve d'organiser un congrès mondial de l'ITI dans la capitale de l'Azerbaïdjan. Que ce rêve devienne un jour réalité ! Cher Shaig, vous manquerez à beaucoup, beaucoup de membres de l'ITI – y compris moi. Adieu, cher Shaig. »
Tobias Biancone, Directeur général de l’ITI
>>Cliquer ici pour lire le texte complet par Tobias Biancone
Association internationale des critiques de théâtre – IATC
Présentation de la publication en ligne : Critical Stages / Scènes critiques
C'est un plaisir de présenter aux lecteurs de l'ITI la publication en ligne de l'IATC Critical Stages / Scènes critiques. Ce journal en ligne publié pour la première fois en 2009 est disponible en ligne gratuitement pour le lecteur. Il offre une plate-forme de débat et d'exploration d'un large éventail de manifestations de théâtre et d'art de la performance dans le monde. Ce journal en ligne a été lancé par Kim Cheol-Yun, ancien président de l'IATC. Dans le premier numéro de Critical Stages, déclare-t-il : « Critical Stages touchera les praticiens du théâtre, le public » et il confirme que Critical Stages fait largement la promotion de la critique théâtrale : « Je crois fermement que la fonction la plus importante de la critique théâtrale est – et doit rester – de susciter un intérêt pour les arts de la scène dans la société ». Depuis 2015, et la 11e édition, Savas Patsalidis (Grèce) est le rédacteur en chef de Critical Stages. Il est professeur d'études théâtrales à l'Université Aristote de Thessalonique et à l'École d'art dramatique du Théâtre national de Grèce du Nord. Tous les numéros suivants ont été publiés sous sa direction. >>Vous avez accès à toutes les éditions de Critical Stages / Scènes critiques en cliquant ici.
>>Si vous souhaitez consulter le 24e numéro sur le thème « Dramaturgies orales », cliquer ici.
Centre iranien de l’ITI | Appel à candidature au 41e Festival International de Théâtre Fadjr
21 - 31 janvier 2023 à Téhéran (Iran)
Le Centre iranien de l'ITI et le Centre d'arts dramatiques d'Iran (DAC) ont le plaisir de vous informer que l'appel pour le 41e Festival international de théâtre Fadjr, qui aura lieu du 21 au 31 janvier 2023 à Téhéran, en Iran, est maintenant ouvert. Nous serions enchantés de découvrir la nouvelle production de votre compagnie.
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur le Festival.
Date limite de candidature : 7 novembre 2022. Veuillez envoyer les candidatures à
Site internet :
Academic Forum & Seminar of International Young Scholars of Dance
14 & 15 October 2022
2022 is the 40th Anniversary of International Dance Day. To celebrate this special occasion, the Dance College of Shanghai Theatre Academy and the Editorial Department of Contemporary Dance Research will hold an International Dance Forum themed with International Dance Day 2022: Dance and Tradition - Aspects of Traditional Dance. The forum is supported by ITI, the Shanghai International Dance Center Development Foundation and Dance School Affiliated to the Shanghai Theatre Academy. The forum will be held on October 14-15, 2022 in Shanghai, China, in online and offline manners.
The forum will open at 8h30 (Beijing, China GMT+8), Friday 14 October 2022. Please check the detailed agenda here. The whole forum will be streamed live on internet, you scan the QR code (shown on the banner) and watching the streaming at the right time.
Institut mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI Programme d’automne
L'Académie de théâtre en ligne a été restructurée pour être plus claire avec ses offres dans un format classique. Trois départements d'interprétation, de réalisation et d'enseignement fournissent une orientation claire sur les publics cibles principaux pour chaque cours. Chacun est donc invité à changer de perspective. En principe, tous les cours s'adressent toujours de manière égale aux acteurs, aux réalisateurs et aux enseignants, car ce sont précisément les différentes perspectives sur un sujet avec les suggestions qui en résultent qui stimulent l'innovation et les idées individuelles.
L'Académie a beaucoup appris au cours des deux dernières années et souhaite conserver le format en ligne pour la prochaine saison car, de cette façon, nous pouvons créer de merveilleuses relations et une communication artistique à travers les continents. Avant tout, nous voulons donner accès aux nouvelles recherches de Jurij Alschitz dans le monde entier.
Au plaisir des rencontres et des échanges artistiques !
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur le programme d’automne.
The ITI Germany Prize 2022 is awarded to Monika Gintersdorfer
Based on a selection decision made by the members of the German Centre of ITI theatre director Monika Gintersdorfer receives the ITI Germany Prize 2022. The award ceremony will take place on 25 June as part of the Politics of Invitation event series at the Forum Freies Theater (FFT) in Düsseldorf.
The ITI Germany Prize is an award to honour and support the work of transnational artists in theatre. The awardee is chosen by the members of ITI – German Centre in a selection process which is based on the recommendations from a jury. The jury consists of ITI members and members of the executive board of the German Centre and is composed annually.
>>Click here to read the full press release.
German Centre of ITI: Annual Conference — Performing Arts & Equity
On May 7 and 8, 2022, the ITI Annual Conference was held in a special context: at the Theatertreffen and as part of the fourth edition of the Burning Issues conference. Global issues were brought into the discussion on structural changes in the German theatre landscape, and topics of the last ITI annual conference "Hybridity and Equality?" were perpetuated. n 2022, under the title "Performing Arts & Equity", the thematic focus opened up from equality to a more globally conceived justice and it was asked which sustainable changes enable a just theatre on and off stage. The recordings of the conference, such as the key note and panel discussion “I can’t believe I still have to protest this shit”, are online and can be viewed here.
UNESCO Tracker Culture & Politiques publiques | Mars 2022
Numéro 18 : Focus sur la culture et l'égalité des genres
Aucune société au monde ne jouit d'une pleine égalité des genres, mais garantir une plus grande autonomie dans la vie culturelle peut ouvrir les voies d’égalité. À l’horizon explore les dynamiques de l’égalité des genres dans le secteur culturel, les initiatives nationales et la façon dont les conventions culturelles de l’UNESCO peuvent être un tremplin pour combler l’écart entre les genres, pour stimuler un développement durable inclusif et réduire les disparités.
Pour télécharger et lire ce numéro en PDF, veuillez cliquer sur la langue de votre choix :
UNESCO Tracker Culture & Politiques publiques | Février 2022
Numéro 17 : Focus sur les Petits États insulaires en développement (PEID)
L’Afrique, l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes, ainsi que les États arabes ont mené leurs Consultations régionales en vue de MONDIACULT 2022, réunissant les ministres de la culture et les acteurs de la société civile. La Conférence mondiale de l’UNESCO sur les politiques culturelles et le développement durable - MONDIACULT 2022 sera accueillie du 28 au 30 septembre 2022 par le gouvernement du Mexique.
Pour télécharger et lire ce numéro en PDF, veuillez cliquer sur la langue de votre choix :
Institut de Danse Alicia Alonso – Université Rey Juan Carlos, Espagne | Appel à candidature pour la deuxième édition du World Performing Arts Research Congress
L'Institut Supérieur de Danse "Alicia Alonso" annonce la deuxième édition du Congrès mondial de recherche sur les arts de la scène. Cette fois, le congrès se tiendra en personne et en ligne.
Tous les détails de l'appel au Congrès seront disponibles sur le site à partir du 14 mai 2022.
En résumé, nous anticipons le calendrier des présentations :
Célébration du Congrès : Du 13, 14 et 15 octobre 2022.
Lieu : Palais des Congrès de Castilla y León. Ville de Salamanque. Espagne
Adresse : Cuesta de Oviedo, s/n CP 37008 – Salamanque
Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez écrire à Luis Llerena à luis.llerena(at)
UNESCO | Tracker Culture & Politiques publiques
Édition de décembre 2021 du UNESCO Tracker Culture & Politiques publiques #15 : Culture et peuples autochtones
La rubrique À l’horizon de ce numéro explore les avancées dans la reconnaissance des savoirs autochtones et l’évolution des pratiques visant à exploiter la contribution des peuples autochtones au développement durable, tout en s’attaquant aux défis restants et aux lacunes persistantes.
Pour lire et télécharger le nouveau bulletin au format PDF, cliquer sur la langue de votre choix :
UNESCO | Tracker Culture & Politiques publiques
Édition de Janvier 2022 du UNESCO Tracker Culture & Politiques publiques #16 : Diplomatie Culturelle
À l’Horizon examine l'importance croissante de la diplomatie culturelle dans les relations internationales et le passage à des modèles de coopération plus avantageux pour les parties. La culture a un pouvoir unique pour instaurer la confiance et ouvrir des voies au dialogue. Par ailleurs, la diplomatie culturelle contribue à mettre en valeur les atouts culturels nationaux et locaux d'un pays, avec des avantages multiples.
Pour lire et télécharger le nouveau bulletin au format PDF, cliquer sur la langue de votre choix :
L'édition d'octobre du UNESCO Tracker Culture & Public Policy #13 : Culture & ville
Les villes sont des terrains privilégiés pour l'exercice et la reconnaissance de la diversité culturelle, et pour exercer un effort dans des sociétés de plus en plus fragmentées. Les villes sont également des laboratoires d’utilisation de la culture pour nourrir la résilience et le bien-être des sociétés, et soutenir la durabilité environnementale.
Pour lire et télécharger la nouvelle brochure au format PDF, cliquez sur la langue de votre choix :
Centre de l’Ouganda de l’ITI | Jessica Kaahwa reçoit le titre de membre honoraire de l'Association du théâtre africain (AfTA)
Jessica Kaahwa, auteure du message de la Journée mondiale du théâtre, auteure dramatique, universitaire et présidente du Centre ougandais de l'ITI, vient de recevoir le titre de membre honoraire de l'AfTA, avec Martin Banham (professeur émérite de théâtre et d'études africaines, Université de Leeds), Duro Oni (Université de Lagos & President de l’Académie nigériane des belles lettres) et Ildevert Méda (acteur burkinabè, réalisateur et auteur dramatique).
Le titre de membre honoraire de l'Association du théâtre africain est décerné à une personne exceptionnelle qui a apporté une contribution significative à l'avancement du théâtre, de la performance ou de la culture africaine.
L'Institut International du Théâtre félicite chaleureusement Jessica Kaahwa, Martin Banham, Duro Oni et Ildevert Méda.
>>La cérémonie de citation virtuelle peut être regardée sur la chaîne YouTube de l'AfTA.
L'édition de septembre du UNESCO Tracker Culture & Public Policy #12 : Culture & Cohésion sociale
L'inclusion sociale est au cœur de l’Agenda 2030 pour le développement durable. La culture reste néanmoins sous-utilisée pour favoriser la cohésion sociale. « Toute personne a le droit de prendre part librement à la vie culturelle de la communauté [et] de jouir des arts ».
—— Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme, article 27.1
Pour lire et télécharger la nouvelle édition du Tracker au format PDF, cliquer sur la langue de votre choix :
L'édition de juillet du UNESCO Tracker Culture & Public Policy #11
L'édition de juillet 2021 contient un dossier spécial sur la réunion des ministres de la Culture du G20 et leurs déclarations historiques affirmant avec force le rôle vital de la culture dans l'ensemble des politiques publiques. Le rapport explore les cinq grandes priorités saisies par les ministres de la Culture des plus grandes économies mondiales pour revitaliser la politique économique et sociale mondiale.
Pour lire et télécharger la nouvelle brochure au format PDF, cliquez sur la langue de votre choix :

L’édition de juin du UNESCO Tracker Culture & Public Policy #10 se consacre aux jeunes.
L'édition de juin 2021 met l'accent sur la Culture et la Jeunesse
Les jeunes sont aujourd'hui confrontés à des défis sans précédent : non seulement ils sont plus susceptibles d'être au chômage, mais ils doivent également faire face à certains des plus grands défis jamais rencontrés par l'humanité. Les jeunes sont les futurs gardiens de notre patrimoine riche et diversifié. Ils sont nos sources d’idées nouvelles et de créativité.
Pour lire et télécharger la nouvelle brochure au format PDF, cliquer sur la langue de votre choix :
L'édition de mai du UNESCO Tracker Culture & Public Policy #9 se concentre sur la culture et l'éducation.
La dernière édition se concentre sur « Culture et éducation » : la culture et l'éducation comme investissement stratégique pour un développement inclusif et durable.
Pour lire et télécharger la nouvelle brochure au format PDF, cliquez sur la langue de votre choix :
UNESCO : lancement en ligne du Cadre pour favoriser le dialogue interculturel
C'est avec grand plaisir que l'UNESCO vous invite à vous joindre le 20 septembre à 15h30 CEST pour assister au lancement virtuel du Cadre de l'UNESCO pour le dialogue interculturel et du rapport mondial qui l'accompagne, intitulé Nous avons besoin de parler : mesurer le dialogue interculturel pour la paix et l'inclusion.
Alors que le monde est aux prises avec une intolérance, une discrimination et une polarisation sociale croissantes, à un moment où la coopération est plus que jamais nécessaire pour relever les défis mondiaux, notamment la crise climatique, le COVID-19, les conflits et la précarité économique, l'urgence de favoriser la compréhension dans les diverses communautés n'a jamais été aussi prononcé.
>>L'inscription et plus d'informations sur l'événement peuvent être trouvées ici.
Réseau international pour le théâtre en prison – INTiP
Appel à propositions pour des projets de théâtre et des projets vidéo lors de la 9e édition du Festival national de théâtre en prison Destini Incrociati (Destins croisés), la première réunion du Réseau international pour le théâtre en prison - INTiP
Du 23 au 25 novembre 2022, Venise, Italie
La 9e édition du Festival national italien de théâtre en prison Destini Incrociati (Destins croisés), promu par le Réseau national de théâtre en prison, se tiendra du 23 au 25 novembre 2022 à Venise, en Italie. Il sera également le lieu de la première réunion du Réseau International pour le Théâtre en prison - INTiP. L'appel à propositions de projets de théâtre ou de vidéo (documentaires sur des projets de théâtre en prison) qui seront inclus dans le Festival est maintenant ouvert. Date limite de candidature : 4 octobre 2022.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur le Festival.
>>Cliquez ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature.
Pour toute autre demande, veuillez contacter le secrétariat du Réseau national de théâtre en prison à l’adresse suivante : teatrocarcereitalia(at)
Centre de Slovaquie de l’ITI | Nová Dráma / Nouveau drame - Festival à Bratislava (Slovaquie)
Du 16 au 21 mai, l'édition 2022 du Festival Nová drama / Nouveau drame se déroule dans la ville de Bratislava. Le Festival est un lieu d'attraction pour les professionnels et les amateurs du théâtre de Slovaquie, d'Europe et du monde entier. Le Festival propose 10 représentations et un programme d'accompagnement composé d'une Master class animée par Falk Richter, dramaturge allemand et mécène du Festival, d'un marathon de lecture scénique, d'une conférence et d'une remise de prix, etc.
Pour de plus amples informations sur l'ensemble du Festival, visitez le site internet du Festival, veuillez cliquer ici.
Pour lire le texte intégral des mots d'introduction de Vladislava Fekete, veuillez cliquer ici.
Si vous souhaitez contacter le Festival, écrivez à du(at)
O. Festival Rotterdam
Du 20 au 29 mai, le O. Festival (anciennement Operadagen) consacre son programme de dix jours au théâtre musical innovant. Selon la devise du Festival « Écoutez quelque chose que vous n'avez jamais vu », le public se voit proposer un programme surprenant et excellent. Une partie du O. Festival comprend des événements liés à l'édition 2022 du concours Music Theatre Now organisé par le Festival et par Réseau Music Theatre Now (MTNN) de l'ITI (voir ci-dessous).
Pour en savoir plus sur le programme, la meilleure façon de participer et de sélectionner le spectacle ou l'événement qui vous plaît, visitez le site internet sur lequel vous pouvez également acheter des billets d'une journée.
>>Veuillez cliquer ici pour accéder au site internet du O. Festival..
Concours Music Theatre NOW (MTNN)
Une partie du O. Festival est consacré à un programme de trois jours dédié aux lauréats du concours Music Theatre NOW de cette année. Des présentations et des performances de certains des artistes gagnants, ainsi que les événements suivants, sont dédiés au concours MTNow.
DIMANCHE 22 mai, 19h30, lieu : TR Schowburg – grote zaal
Spectacle de remise des prix MTNow avec des lauréats et des représentations spéciales
Lundi 23 mai, 10h00, lieu : De Fruitvis
Étendre les pratiques artistiques – Les lauréats du Prix MTNow en dialogue : ateliers, conférences et représentations par les auteurs.
Lundi 23 mai, 13.00, lieu : De Fruitvis
Altérité – Les lauréats du Prix MTNow en dialogue : ateliers, conférences et représentations par les auteurs.
Mardi 24 mai, 10h00, lieu : De Fruitvis
Chanter ensemble - Les lauréats du Prix MTNow en dialogue : ateliers, conférences et représentations par les auteurs.
Samson – Crédit photo : Brett Baily - Third World Bunfight
Consejo Argentino de la Danza/Conseil argentin de la danse | Invitation à la remise des Prix María Ruanova 2022 à Buenos Aires, Argentine
Date : mardi 7 juin 2022, 18h00 (heure d’Argentine)
Lieu : Salón Dorado, Av. de Mayo 575, C1084 AAA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Le Conseil argentin de la danse (CAD), membre coopérant de l'ITI, est heureux de présenter le Prix María Ruanova 2022. Il se tiendra le mardi 7 juin 2022 au Salón Dorado de Buenos Aires.
>>Cliquer ici pour voir l'invitation.
Pour de plus amples informations à propos du Prix María Ruanova 2022, veuillez visiter le site internet officiel.
Accademia Teatro Dimitri | 2e édition du Certificat d'études avancées (CAS) en pratique des arts de la scène en zones de conflit 2022
Dans un monde globalisé où les conséquences de la violence, de la guerre et de la discrimination font désormais partie intégrante de nos vies, la politique est gérée avec l'angoisse, la démarcation et l'isolement qui déterminent la vie quotidienne. La CAS « Performing Arts Practice in Conflict Zones » offre l'opportunité d'ouvrir de nouveaux espaces de réflexion et d'action.
Le CAS est orienté vers la pratique, conçue en collaboration artistique directe avec des personnes et des artistes d'origines différentes. C’est un lieu d'échange, de création et d'expérience pratique, qui se construit par une exploration d'une nouvelle forme d'inter- et de trans-culturalité concrètement appliquée.
Langues: Anglais, allemand et kurde.
>>Cliquer ici pour lire et télécharger le programme complet.
Contact: Daniel Bausch, daniel.bausch(at)
Centre du Ghana de l’ITI | Deuxième édition des Scènes émergentes en Afrique 2022
Du 23 au 30 septembre à Accra (Ghana)
Le Conseil régional africain de l'Institut international du théâtre (CRAIIT) et le Centre ghanéen de l'ITI lancent la deuxième édition des Scènes émergentes en Afrique, qui se déroulera du 23 au 30 septembre 2022 à Accra, au Ghana. Cette deuxième édition propose des activités de formation de haut niveau dans les domaines artistiques, techniques et administratifs liés au spectacle vivant et aux arts visuels.
>>Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
Pour toute question, veuillez nous écrire par e-mail à scenesemergentes(at)
Appel à candidature au 12e Théâtre National et 1er Théâtre international des Mystiques (Sahebdelan) Août à décembre 2022, à Téhéran (Iran)
Le Centre iranien de l'ITI et le Centre des arts dramatiques d'Iran sont heureux d'annoncer que les appels à candidatures pour les différentes sections du 12e Festival national de théâtre et du 1er Festival international de théâtre pour les mystiques (Sahebdelan) à Téhéran, en Iran, sont désormais ouverts.
Site internet :
Vous êtes invite à envoyer vos candidatures à : dramatic.artscenter.iran(at)
>>Pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Pour en savoir plus sur le Festival en anglaise, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Pour en savoir plus sur le Festival en arabe, veuillez cliquer ici.
German Centre of ITI | StayOnStay – Support in the Performing Arts
ITI – German Centre and Deutscher Bühnenverein (German Theatre and Orchestra Association) launched the online platform "StayOnStage" to support people who have fled war and violence and are looking for work or performance opportunities in exile. The website lists job offers in the performing arts from all artistic, technical and administrative areas, with references to possible accommodation. Also listed are artist residencies, offers of guest performances, use of rehearsal rooms for performers, musicians and dancers, and other support opportunities. The offers are posted by the members of the German Theatre and Orchestra Association as well as the partner associations in Switzerland and Austria.
Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l’ITI | Nouvelles E-Plays écrites par les auteurs dramatiques contemporains Eva Kamchevska et Sasho Blazheski
Le Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l’ITI est heureux de partager ses deux nouvelles pièces de théâtre électroniques, conçues par de talentueux auteurs dramatiques contemporains : Eva Kamchevska et Sasho Blazheski.
Nouvelle E-play : Bio Clock par Eva Kamchevska
Eva Kamchevska est née à Skopje. Elle est scénariste, créatrice et auteure dramatique professionnelle. >>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus.
Nouvelle E-play : Rokerishta par Sasho Blazheski
Sasho Blazheski est né à Prilep. C'est un poète, et c'est sa première pièce de théâtre. >>Click here to know more.
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus.
Réseau international du théâtre en prison – INTiP
Vito Minoia : « La prison ne devrait pas être le lieu où le destin d’une personne est scellé »
Article de Teresa Valiani
L'article porte sur le festival Destini Incrociati, un événement réussi de quatre jours qui a été organisé du 17 au 20 novembre 2021 à Rome (Italie). Le festival a été organisé avec la contribution du ministère italien de la Culture - Direction générale des arts de la scène. Il a été prévu de fusionner deux éditions cette année, grâce à une initiative spéciale qui a permis de rattraper le temps perdu à cause de la pandémie.
Les performances ont été sélectionnées par une direction artistique qualifiée. Certaines pièces classiques ont été mises en scène au Théâtre Palladium de l'Université de Rome III. >>Pour lire l’article complet, cliquer ici.
Université Hassan II Casablanca | Programme de la 34ème Edition du Festival International de Théâtre Universitaire de Casablanca FITUC
L'Université Hassan II de Casablanca membre du Réseau a le plaisir d'annoncer que la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines Ben M'sik de l'Université Hassan II Casablanca accueillera la 34ème édition du Festival International de Théâtre Universitaire de Casablanca qui se déroulera du 23 au 28 juillet 2022 à Casablanca, Maroc.
>>Veuillez cliquer ici pour connaître le programme plus détaillé.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visitez le site officiel et facebook fitucbenmsik.
Appel à candidatures pour la 1re École d'été iranienne de théâtre 2022 16 août - 6 septembre 2022 à Téhéran et dans d'autres Provinces d'Iran.
Date limite de soumission : 20 juillet 2022
Le Centre iranien de l'ITI et le Centre des arts dramatiques d'Iran sont heureux d'annoncer que les appels pour la première école d'été iranienne de théâtre 2022 (à Téhéran et dans d'autres provinces d'Iran, pendant 5 jours) sont maintenant ouverts. L'événement se tiendra du 16 août au 6 septembre 2022 et se répartira en 3 sections : Ateliers (3 jours) ; Master classes (3 jours) ; Conférence (1 jour)
Veuillez envoyer vos candidatures à Dramatic.artcenter.iran(at)
>>Cliquer ici pour de plus amples détails sur l’événement et la candidature.
Appel à candidatures pour le 19e Festival international de théâtre de marionnettes, Téhéran -Mobarak
14 - 22 octobre 2022
Date limite de soumission : 16 août 2022
Le Centre Iranien de l'ITI et le Centre d'Art Dramatique d'Iran sont heureux d'annoncer que le 19e Festival International de Théâtre de Marionnettes, Téhéran -Mobarak se tiendra du 14 au 22 octobre 2022 à Téhéran. Nous serions enchantés de découvrir les nouvelles productions de votre compagnie de théâtre de marionnettes. La priorité du festival repose sur l'utilisation de nouvelles méthodes dans les représentations de marionnettes et sur la créativité et l'innovation dans la conception des marionnettes. Les représentations se composeront de deux sections principales en intérieur et en extérieur.
>>Pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Pour en savoir plus sur le Festival en anglaise, veuillez cliquer ici.
Veuillez envoyer vos candidatures à Dramatic.artcenter.iran(at)
Site internet :
Accademia Teatro Dimitri | Audition is Open! – Master of Arts in Theatre 2022/2023
The Accademia Teatro Dimitri is a member of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts. Master of Arts in Theatre audition is now open! This Master's program focuses on the human body both in its theatrical representation and in its relationship with the other arts. To experience different artistic expressions, students can choose between 3 different specializations: Physical Theatre; Teatro di Figura; Applied Theatre Practice.
Application deadline: 30 June 2022
Admission examination: 17 July 2022
Beginning of the academic year: 26 September 2022
>>For more detailed information and the admission process, please click here.
Open Call for Participation in the Online Meeting of the ITI Action Committee for Artists Rights ACAR and ITI Theatre in Conflict Zones Network
The Members and Friends of ITI are cordially invited to participate in the online meeting of the ITI Action Committee for Artists Rights (ACAR) and the ITI Theatre in Conflict Zones Network (TCZN) on Saturday, 11 June at 14h00 to 16h00 Paris Time.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 884 0445 9155
Passcode: 389238
The current situation of the world is strongly calling for meeting, sharing and elaborating common artistic practices in relation to conflicts. Your participation is very important!
We remain at your disposal for any further information you may need. Please contact Roberta Quarta project(at)
>>Click here to know more details about the call and meeting topics.
University of Hassan II Casablanca | Open Call for the 34th Edition of the International Festival of University Theater of Casablanca
Application deadline: 23 June 2022.
The Network member Université Hassan II de Casablanca is pleased to announce that the Faculty of Letters and Humanities Ben M'sik of the University Hassan II Casablanca will host the 34th edition of the International University Theater Festival of Casablanca which will take place from 23 to 28 July 2022 in Casablanca, Morocco. The theme of the festive is Reinventing the Theater. The festival’s organizer now open call for performance and workshops from artists or artistic groups.
>>Click here to know more information and the rules about the festival.
>>Click here to download the application form for performance.
>>Click here to download the application form for workshops.
Please send the application form before 23 June 2022.
Email to fitucfituc(at) and agonegai(at)
For more information, please visit the official website and facebook fitucbenmsik.
Arts Research Institute of Georgia (ARI), Georgia | Tbilisi Children and Youth International Theatre Festival
It will take place from 1 to 6 June. The programme includes indoor and outdoor performances for children, performed by children from different age groups. A special programme will be offered for refugee children from Ukraine, with round tables dedicated to the problems of Theatre and Youth/Children. There will be an international jury with members from Switzerland, Iran, Georgia, and a representative from ASSITEJ.
People who are interested to take part as observers, guests, and participants in round tables are welcome to write to the Georgian Centre of ITI as soon as possible. Please write to Levan Khetaguri at lkhetaguri(at) and itigeorgiacentre(at)
>>Click here for more information.
Shanghai Theatre Academy, China | Call for the 11th Shanghai International Experimental Theatre Festival
The application deadline is 15 July 2022.
It will take place from 17 to 23 October 2022. The 11th Shanghai International Experimental Theatre Festival will be co-hosted by Shanghai Theatre Academy STA and Yunnan Arts University.
The Shanghai International Experimental Theatre Festival was founded by the Shanghai Theatre Academy in 1998. It has developed into a regular biennial event after seven editions. This year the two universities decided to do a hybrid event, the way the last edition was held. The main activities include performances and an international academic symposium at the end of the event, both online and on-site. If the pandemic situation worsens, the Festival will be held online only.
If you are interested, please send your application to STAfestival(at)
>>Click here to view or download the entire call.
World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI | A masterclass with Jurij Alschitz: Five essential aspects of the professional director's craft
A masterclass with Jurij Alschitz, five essential aspects of professional directing will be explored in five online modules of two days each from 18 May to 16 June 2022.
Directors ask actors to trust them. As artists we should not be afraid to take risks, but as directors we have an enormous responsibility – towards art and towards our actors. The greatest happiness is to create works together – and this process lies in the hands of the director. When it happens, we speak of mastery. There is no recipe for this, but there are professional ways to get there. This course invites you to do so, with 5 topics for 5 meetings over two days each. You can attend one or all of them.
>>For more information about the meetings, please click here.
>>To register, please click here.
Consejo Argentino de la Danza/Argentine Dance Council | Argentine Dance Council May 2022 Newsletter
It is already a tradition: every year the International Dance Day Celebration brings a smile of approval as the most prominent mark of this unique festival.
Comment of the International Dance Day 2022 Celebration in Buenos Aires, Argentina
“The most beautiful, celebratory and moving in decades.” Laura Falcoff, Clarin Newspaper
The International Dance Day Celebration organized by the Argentine Dance Council CAD for 27 years covers the different modalities of this art with soloists, groups or ensembles, some consecrated, others independent, who with their quality as artists and with the warmth of the reception along with the incredible staging they do the rest.
>>Click here to view or download the May Newsletter of the Argentine Dance Council CAD
Photo Credit: Alicia Sanguinetti
University of Regina | Policing through the Arts: Connecting People and Communities
…exploring nuanced ways to address issues facing policing and community in Canada
The Network member University of Regina, the Centre for Socially Engaged Theatre (C-SET) is thrilled to announce the launch of a dynamic new research webinar series under one of its research mandates: “Policing through the Arts: Connecting People and Communities.”
As part of the ongoing Canada Research Chair program in Socially Engaged Theatre, the Centre for Socially Engaged Theatre (C-SET) at the University of Regina invites to a series of research webinar that comprises of six sessions on policing, justice and theatre. This series is the first of three editions. This new initiative aligns with the objectives of the Canada Research Chair research program and seeks to create a space for respectful dialogue through community engagement.
Project Lead: Dr. Taiwo Afolabi, Canada Research Chair in Socially Engaged Theatre, and the Director, Centre for Socially Engaged Theatre (C-SET), University of Regina, Canada.
>>For more information and to register for this event, please visit
Applied Theatre India Foundation ATiF
E-Book: Role of Applied Theatre in Indian Society
The first virtual conference on 'Role of Applied Theatre in Indian Society' organized by Applied Theatre India Foundation in association with the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) is an opportunity for Applied Theatre practitioners in India to present their work and research on an international platform. The practices need to be theorized for the appropriate study in future and ATI Foundation is working to build the academic framework in India for Applied Theatre. People working in diverse fields, such as theatre in education, theatre of the oppressed, playback theatre, special education need, and storytelling participated in this conference from India, the USA and the UK. This E-Book contains all the papers presented at the conference. >>Click here to view the E-Book.
Carte Mondiale des célébrations de Journée internationale de la danse
Chers membres et amis de l’ITI, les communautés de danse du monde entier sont encouragées à organiser des événements pour la Journée internationale de la danse 2022. Si vous organisez un événement, veuillez partager les informations en terme d’horaires, de lieu et de programme avec idd(at) L’événement sera inscrit sur la carte Mondiale des célébrations sur le site de la Journée internationale de la danse et sur la page Facebook InternationalDanceDay.
Slovak Centre de Slovaquie de l’ITI | 18e édition du Festival Nová Drama / Nouveau Drame 2022
Le 18e festival Nová Dráma en 2022 ne pourra malheureusement pas proposer de se rencontrer en personne. Le festival a par contre préparé une plateforme en ligne qui proposera des productions de référence des deux dernières saisons, sélectionnées par le conseil dramaturgique du festival. L'organisation du festival pense que cette sélection vous aidera à rester en contact avec le théâtre slovaque et à vous y intéresser à l'avenir également. Espérons que le 18e festival Nová dráma/New Drama en 2022 aura lieu aux dates traditionnelles de mai et profitera de votre présence physique.
Pour vous inscrire sur la plateforme en ligne, veuillez cliquer ici..
>>Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez cliquer ici >>Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez cliquer ici
Réseau Music Theatre NOW (MTNN) | Le MTNow Awards Show est organisé par O. Festival en mai
Le Réseau Music Theatre NOW en coopération avec l'Institut international du théâtre (ITI), le O. Festival pour l’opéra, la musique & le théâtre, avec le soutien du Centre des Pays-Bas de l'ITI, a annoncé les gagnants du cinquième concours mondial de décembre 2021. Le jury de renommée internationale a sélectionné six performances, esthétiquement innovantes qui reflètent les nouveaux développements dans le domaine.
Les gagnants seront les invités d'honneur du programme O. Professionals 2022, à Rotterdam, aux Pays-Bas, du 22 au 25 mai 2022. Le programme comprend :
• Remise des prix MTNow
• Conférence de 3 jours
• Débats, tables rondes, speed dates & plus
• Une sélection de spectacles (dimanche 22 mai – mercredi 25 mai 2022)
En mars, le programme complet sera publié et les inscriptions ouvertes. Veuillez noter que certains contenus seront disponibles en ligne pour connecter les professionnels de près et de loin.
>>Si vous souhaitez assister à notre conférence, veuillez vous pré-inscrire ici !
Email frauduleux au nom de l’ITI
Récemment, nos collègues des Centres de l’ITI et certains artistes ont vérifié auprès du Secrétariat Général la réalité d’un "contrat" qu'ils avaient reçu par mail. Ce « contrat » utilisait le nom de l'ITI et le nom du directeur général de l'ITI pour inviter le destinataire à se produire lors de la Journée mondiale du théâtre à Paris fin mars.
Important : Il s'agit d'un faux contrat. C'est un spam.
Le Secrétariat général tient à préciser que ces soi-disant invitations et contrats proviennent d’un e-mail frauduleux. Ignorez cet e-mail et si possible, mettez l'adresse de l'expéditeur sur la liste noire.
Le Secrétariat général n'a jamais envoyé de tels e-mails à des Centres de l'ITI, à des artistes ou à des compagnies d'arts de la scène. Tous les e-mails officiels d'ITI-Worldwide ou du Secrétariat général de l'ITI se terminent par (at)
Si vous avez des questions, vous êtes toujours les bienvenus pour vérifier cela et des problèmes similaires avec le Secrétariat général de l'ITI à info(at)
Conseil argentin de la danse
Invitation à regarder le prix María Ruanova 2021
Le Conseil argentin de la danse, membre coopérant de l'ITI, a le plaisir de présenter le prix María Ruanova 2021. L'événement a été diffusé en direct sur YouTube. >>Vous pouvez toujours le visionner en cliquant ici.
Le prix María Ruanova a été créé en 1986 (pour une durée de 35 ans) par le Conseil argentin de la danse en hommage à María Ruanova qui fut la première danseuse du Stable Ballet Colón Theatre, puis la directrice du Corps de Ballet Colón Theatre qui brillait par ses performances dans le pays (Argentine) et à l'étranger en tant que membre de compagnies étrangères.
Un diplôme d'honneur est également décerné aux maîtres en reconnaissance de leur travail engagé en tant que formateurs de danseurs. Le prix María Ruanova 2021 a été décerné à l'unanimité au Festival Nacional de Malambo de Laborde, une institution, pour le mérite de ses contributions et de sa diffusion de la culture locale argentine.
Pour toute question, veuillez contacter : consejoargentinodeladanza(at)
Conseil argentin de la danse - Commémoration en ligne
Le Conseil argentin de la danse honnore les danseurs du Teatro Colón décédés de manière tragique lors du crash aérien du 10 octobre 1971, lors d’une cérémonie de commémoration de cinquantenaire. Vous pouvez regarder cette cérémonie sur Youtube (en espagnol). Veuillez >>cliquer ici pour la Vidéo 1 et >>cliquer ici pour la Vidéo 2.
Photo : Noms des danseurs décédés lors du crash aérien et honorés lors de la commémoration de 2021.
Publications: Le cinéma de Tunde Kelani : Esthétique, théâtralité et performances visuelles
Edité par Tunde Onikoyi et Taiwo Afolabi
La société d'édition en plein développement au Royaume-Uni, Cambridge Scholars est sur le point de publier une collection d'articles sur les travaux et l'œuvre cinématographique du réalisateur nigérian / africain Tunde Kelani. Cette collection deviendra le premier manuel académique consacré à l'explication et à l'analyse de certains des films les plus importants de Kelani à ce jour.
>>Pour en savoir plus sur le livre, veuillez cliquer ici.
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter les éditeurs à tundeonikoyi(at) et taiwo.afolabi(at)
Helen MIRREN nous parle de théâtre lors de la Journée mondiale du théâtre 2021
L’ITI est extrêmement heureux de partager avec vous un entretien avec Helen Mirren, auteure du message de la Journée mondiale du théâtre. Elle parle de son approche du théâtre et de son futur. Ce court entretien a été effectué sur Zoom le 27 mars 2021. Il a été réalisé par Fabio TOLLEDI et Roberta QUARTA, présidente et coordinatrice du Centre italien de l'ITI.
>>Cliquer ici pour regarder la vidéo.
Partagez votre voix d'amour, d'encouragement et de soutien
La pandémie mondiale actuelle secoue le monde d'anxiété, de peur et même de haine. Il est temps pour chacun de nous d'être actif et d'utiliser les meilleurs outils dont nous disposons - le dialogue et la communication inhérents aux arts de la scène pour traverser cette crise sanitaire mondiale.

Le Secrétariat général reçoit beaucoup de mots d'amour, d'encouragement et de soutien de toutes les parties du monde, et toutes ces lettres méritent d'avoir plus de lecteurs.

>>Veuillez cliquer ici pour lire et regarder
Mexican Centre of ITI UNESCO - New release: TEATRO magazine #27
The TEATRO magazine was created with the intention of disseminating research, analysis, history, and trends of theatre in Mexico and in the world.
TEATRO magazine is a yearly publication in Spanish and English, with important national or international theatre artists expressing their vision and knowledge about theatre and performing arts. The TEATRO Magazine is free to distribute, the authors submit their article without payment. And it doesn’t run ads or sponsorships.
This year, according to the situation of the pandemic, only a limited number has been printed and distributed. It exists as a PDF that can be downloaded for free: >>Please click here to view and download TEATRO magazine #27
The Mexican Centre of ITI UNESCO is grateful for the continuous support of the cultural institutions of Mexico and the national and international artistic community. Thanks to this support, the publication has reached its edition 27th edition.
Chinese Performing Arts – Issue #2 for download
The Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA) and the International Theatre Institute (ITI) are proud to announce the second edition of the Chinese Performing Arts Journal. Tobias Biancone and Gong Baorong, the two Editors-in-Chief, invite you to participate in a journey of the Chinese Drama and even Classical Xiqu. The topics of this issue are: Studies of Cao Yu, the Early Form of Modern Chinese Drama, Chinese Experimental Theatre, Theatre and Artists (Beijing People´s Art Theatre & Pu Cunxin), an Introduction in Classical Xiqu (part 2) and an Inventory of Chinese Theatre in 2019.
You may download the publication
>>One-sided version
>>Double-sided version
If you are interested in downloading the first edition, please write to info(at)
This new book, released in June 2020 by the Desert Hearts Media in the United Kingdom, is an important publication, that is intended to be “For everyone who teaches the performing arts in schools everywhere.”
Equal Stages, Standing Up for Identity and Integrity in the Performing, Volume 1is a publication that is showing the reader of how diverse theatre is made in the UK and Ireland.
Published in association with the Other National Theatre, Morecambe, and the International Theatre Institute, Equal Stages is a ground-breaking overview of diversity, representation, visibility and inclusion in the live performing arts, particularly theatre. It’s an interlocking snapshot of the industry provided by 40 interviews with a diverse range of 42 people who work in everything from performance to running venues, from writing to marketing, fringe theatre to international festivals. What they share is the vision and drive to break new ground for culture to make a difference in society.
Moreover, the book is designed to be an accessible resource, that is why includes an eight-page glossary of performing arts terms.
>>List of the Interviewees, please click here.
>>Biography Nick Awde, please click here.
Equal Stages, Standing Up for Identity and Integrity in the Performing Arts, Volume 1 By Nick Awde, 594pp | paperback | £24.99 | ISBN: 9781908755384
The book can be ordered directly from Orders and Press inquiries: Nick Awde– / +44 (0)79 6115 4590
Centre du Zimbabwe de l’ITI | Appel à participation — 4e édition du Festival international de théâtre Mitambo 2022
Le Centre du Zimbabwe de l'ITI et l’Académie du théâtre Trust du Zimbabwe sont heureux d'annoncer l'appel à participation pour la 4e édition du Festival international de théâtre Mitambo 2022 (MITF). Le festival se tiendra du 20 au 24 septembre 2022 à Harare, au Zimbabwe (à la fois physiquement et virtuellement).
Le thème du festival cette année est « UPTURN ». L'édition spéciale du festival de cette année élargi les styles de performances pour inclure le théâtre et ses intersections avec la musique, la poésie, l'art de la performance, la danse et les installations. Des ateliers et des Master class feront également partie de l'édition de cette année.
Date limite de soumission des candidatures (par e-mail ou par lien en ligne) : jeudi 31 mars 2022 à 17h00 CAT.
>>Cliquer ici pour accéder au formulaire de candidature en ligne. Si vous souhaitez demander une copie électronique du formulaire de candidature, veuillez contacter mitambointerfest(at)
Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez également visiter Facebook mitambotheatre.
Accademia Teatro Dimitri | Master en Théâtre — 2022/2023 Les inscriptions sont ouvertes !
L'Accademia Teatro Dimitri est membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène. L'inscription au Master of Arts de Théâtre est désormais ouverte pour l'année académique 2022/2023. Vous trouverez toutes les informations détaillées sur le site.
Date limite d'inscription : 25 mars 2022
>>Cliquez ici pour lire et télécharger le dépliant.
Contact: Jessica Di Pasquale, jessica.dipasquale(at)
Institut Mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI | Programme de février et mars 2022
L'Institut mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI aimerait présenter son programme pour février et mars. Un accent particulier est mis d'une part sur l'exploration de sa propre identité artistique, dans les cours SOLO et THE ACTOR'S ID, et d'autre part sur l'échange de méthodes d'enseignement et de mise en scène : bienvenue au 27e Colloque international des réalisateurs et formateurs, bienvenue dans le 5e module MON SYSTÈME DE STANISLAVSKY. Et il y a bien plus à découvrir !
Tous les cours seront enregistrés et pourront ensuite être visionnés par les participants (par ex. si vous ne pouvez pas assister à l'une des séances).
>>Cliquer ici pour voir le programme complet.
Centre du Mexique de l’ITI | Un grand merci à César Chris Muñoz !
Le Centre Mexicain de l'ITI tient à exprimer sa gratitude et son appréciation toutes particulières à son plus cher ami, collègue et Secrétaire général César Chris Muñoz, qui a mis fin à son engagement pour le Centre à la fin de 2021.
César Chris Muñoz a mené un travail intense et fructueux pendant 16 ans en tant que coordinateur et secrétaire général du Centre mexicain de l’ITI. Il a œuvré en faveur de la diffusion et de la promotion des arts de la scène selon les principes de la charte de l'Institut International du Théâtre. Le Centre lui fait part de ses remerciements infinis et lui souhaite tout le succès mérité dans ce qui l'attend.
Le Directeur général de l'ITI et l'équipe du Secrétariat général tiennent aussi à exprimer leur gratitude envers César Chris Muñoz. Il a été une source solide pendant cette longue période et un excellent hôte lorsque le DG s'est rendu au Mexique – et notamment pour le 70e anniversaire de l'ITI en 2018. L'équipe du Secrétariat général lui adresse ses meilleurs vœux pour l'avenir, et espère de nouvelles occasions de coopérer.
Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l’éducation supérieure dans les arts de la scène
Expression de Gratitude
L'événement spécial de connexion du 13 au 17 décembre 2021 est devenu un rassemblement très apprécié grâce au soutien des membres du réseau ITI/UNESCO et de tous les participants. L'événement a atteint son objectif d'améliorer la communication entre nos membres, de promouvoir l'interaction entre les artistes et les étudiants, et de créer des collaborations potentielles. Plus de 600 participants de différentes parties du monde ont rejoint cet événement de cinq jours. L'équipe du Secrétariat général tient à exprimer sa plus profonde gratitude à tous les participants pour avoir contribué à cet événement spécial de connexion.
Accademia Teatro Dimitri
Ouverture des inscriptions à la Licence en Arts théâtraux 2022-2023
L'Accademia Teatro Dimitri est membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène. L'inscription à la licence en Arts théâtraux est maintenant ouverte pour l'année universitaire 2022-2023. Vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations détaillées sur le site :
Date limite d'inscription : avant mars 2022
>>Pour en savoir plus sur l'admission, veuillez cliquer ici.
Bonne Année !
Rechercher la paix, favoriser la diversité culturelle, renforcer les membres des communautés des arts de la scène, sauvegarder la santé et la dignité humaine au niveau mondial - Voilà notre devise pour l'année à venir.
Nous espérons que vous la partagez.
Et vous souhaitons du fond du cœur le meilleur pour 2022.
—— L'Équipe du Secrétariat général de l'ITI

Centre français de l’ITI | Compétition internationale « Écriture, humanisme et diversité culturelle ». A l’occasion du 500e anniversaire de la naissance de Joachim Du BELLAY
Le Centre français de l'ITI, en partenariat avec l’association des Lyriades, invitent les auteurs dramatiques et écrivains de tous les pays à participer à un concours d’écriture à vocation théâtrale sur le thème : « Écriture, humanisme et diversité culturelle ».
Prix :
1. Selon la qualité et pertinence des contributions reçues, le jury retiendra de 1 à 3 propositions classées de 1 à 3.
2. Le texte lauréat sera publié sur le site internet de l’institution :
3. D'autres publications pourront être envisagées en accord avec l’auteur.
4. L’adaptation du texte en pièce de théâtre pourra être créée en accord avec l’auteur.
La date limite de soumission est fixée au 20 mars 2022.
Les candidatures doivent être envoyées par e-mail à contact(at) avec comme sujet du message : Compétition Joachim du Bellay 2022.
>>Pour de plus amples informations sur la compétition, cliquer ici.
En mémoire | Jim O'Quinn, rédacteur en chef fondateur de l'American Theatre Magazine, décède à 74 ans
Lisons ce que nous a écrit l'ambassadeur du théâtre mondial Philip Arnoult depuis les États-Unis :
« Chers amis,
Le théâtre américain 'American a perdu une voix importante la semaine dernière : Jim O'Quinn. Ce fut une perte personnelle profonde pour moi, et pour beaucoup dans son large cercle d'amis et de collègues. Rob-Weinert Kent de TCG a écrit la première nécrologie de Jim O'Quinn. >>Vous pouvez lire l'article publié dans l'American Theatre Magazine en cliquant ici.
Philip Arnoult “

Photo Credits Jim O’Quinn
En mémoire de ION CARAMITRU - 9 mars 1942 – 5 septembre 2021
Une personnalité contemporaine unique de l'art, de la culture et de l'histoire vient de nous quitter. Un homme d'une grande force morale, un Artiste doté d'un don universel, d'une conscience puissante et d'une ampleur unique, qui savait percevoir son temps, le comprendre et suivre le droit chemin. Il a su se battre pour ses idéaux, les concrétiser et les défendre, sans renoncer à ses principes. Une présence séduisante, irrésistible, charismatique, montrant une élégance noble et raffinée. Mais surtout, un HOMME, un LEADER, un CONSTRUCTEUR, un CRÉATEUR à la vision époustouflante.
>>Cliquez ici pour lire le texte intégral de Doina Lupu, UNITER / Centre roumain de l'ITI
>>Un autre texte, de Georges Banu est disponible en cliquant ici.
Livre de condoléances
>>Vous êtes invité à écrire vos condoléances sur ce livre en cliquant ici pour l’ouvrir.
Photo: Ion Caramitru durant le UNITER Gala 2020
Centre d’Allemagne de l’ITI | Appel ouvert : programme de résidence STUDIO2
Du 17 au 30 juillet 2022 à Berlin (Allemagne)
Date limite de candidature : 28 février 2022.
En 2022, STUDIO2, the work and research space of the German Centre of ITI proposera pour la première fois ce programme de résidence. Les deux périodes de résidence (résidence d'été et d'automne) offrent aux artistes des domaines de la danse, des arts de la scène et de l'art de la performance (également interdisciplinaires) l'opportunité d'explorer un sujet de leur choix et permettront une recherche artistique ouverte sur un thème choisi par eux-mêmes. >>Vous pouvez trouver plus d'informations sur le programme de résidence et le processus de candidature ici.
Veuillez envoyer votre candidature à Lene Gaiser : studio2(at)
Festival tunisien du Monodrame | Appel à candidatures : 4e Festival International du Monodrame de Carthage, du 13 au 16 mai 2022
Le Festival International du Monodrame de Carthage en Tunisie, présidé par Ikram Azzouz, a lancé la participation à sa quatrième session, qui se tiendra du 13 au 16 mai 2022. La direction du festival accueille la participation des professionnels, des amateurs et de toutes les troupes théâtrales de tous pays du monde. L’œuvre théâtrale doit être un « monodrame ».
Date limite de candidature : 28 février 2022
>>Cliquer ici pour remplir le formulaire de candidature..
Pour en savoir plus sur le festival, vous êtes invité à visiter notre site internet ou notre page Facebook : fimcarthage
Centre du Mexique de l’ITI | 34e Rencontres nationales des amoureux du théâtre
Du 15 janvier au 6 février 2022
Centro Cultural del Bosque, Reforma y Compo Marte S/N, Mexico City, Mexico
Entrée libre !
Le Centre mexicain de l'ITI est heureux d'annoncer que les 34e Rencontres nationales des amoureux du théâtre auront lieu du 15 janvier au 6 février 2022 au Centro Cultural del Bosque, qui est un centre culturel de la ville de Mexico. Entrée libre ! L'événement attire 33 compagnies de théâtre de tout le pays. Pour plus d'informations sur l'événement, veuillez visiter le site internet :
>>Click here to download the programme.
Université de Regina |Appel de candidatures pour un poste (tenure-track) en mise en scène et conception au département de théâtre de l'Université de Regina.
Le département de théâtre lance son nouveau BFA en interprétation et création théâtrale, et sa licence en études théâtrales et arts dramatiques en septembre 2022. Il lance un appel à candidatures pour un poste en mise en scène et en conception au département de théâtre. Il recherche un candidat qui fait preuve d'expertise et d'un dossier dynamique et engageant en matière de création théâtrale et de performance, possède une maîtrise ou un doctorat en beaux-arts, et démontre une production critique créative significative au niveau professionnel/révisé par des pairs avec la capacité de connecter la théorie et la pratique.
>>Pour plus d'informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
Pour saisir cette opportunité exceptionnelle, veuillez postuler à
Date limite : 1er mars 2022
Centre d’Iran de l’ITI | Appel à candidatures pour le 27e Festival international de théâtre pour enfants et adolescents
Le Centre iranien de l'ITI a le plaisir d'annoncer que le Centre d'art dramatique d'Iran organisera le 27e Festival international de théâtre pour enfants et adolescents du 1er au 6 mars 2022 à Hamedan, en Iran.
L'appel à représentation est ouvert dès maintenant. Les premières candidatures envoyées seront prioritairement acceptées.
Le Comité de sélection annoncera les performances internationales invitées par l'intermédiaire du bureau des affaires internationales du Dramatic Arts Center. Le Festival couvrira l'hébergement complet, trois repas par jour, les chambres, les services de prise en charge à l'aéroport, les transferts locaux entre Téhéran et Hamedan, pendant le séjour du groupe sélectionné en Iran.
Date limite de candidature : 31 décembre 2021
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur l'appel ouvert.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature.
Veuillez envoyer la candidature à Mme Mozhgan Vakili, directrice du bureau des affaires internationales : dramatic.artscenter.iran(at)
Site internet :
Centre de Macédoine du Nord de l’ITI | Nouveau livre | ePlay : Come un granello di sabbia (théâtre social/drame social italien) traduction macédonienne
Le Centre macédonien du Nord de l'ITI est heureux de partager son nouveau projet - ePlays : Come un granello di sabbia. Le projet est publié par le Centre macédonien du Nord de l'ITI/PRODUKCIJA, Skopje. Traduction soutenue par le ministère italien des Affaires étrangères / Ambassade d'Italie à Skopje. Couverture du livre soutenue par Ivana Kungulovska, artiste visuelle. Auteurs : Massimo Barilla, Salvatore Arena / Traducteur : Kristina Peseva-Dinovska / Acteur : Salvatore Arena dans le rôle de Giuseppe Gulotta / Édition : Théâtre et arts de la scène / Illustration de la couverture : Ivana Kungulovska / Éditeur et graphiste : Ivanka Apostolova Baskar / 2021 / Langue : Macédonien / Pages : 38 / Exemplaires : 500 / ISBN - 978-608-4912-99-6
>>Pour en savoir plus sur les ePlays, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Pour regarder la vidéo promotionnelle, veuillez cliquer ici.
Centre autrichien de l’ITI | UNESCO Club Vienna : The Paradis Files
Le premier opéra de chambre créé et interprété par des artistes sourds et handicapés. The Paradis Files est produit par Graeae Theatre Company (prononcé grey-eye) à partir d'un concept original de Selina Mills >>Pour accéder au site, veuillez cliquer ici.
L'équipe de Graeae est composée d'artistes et de metteurs en scène sourds et handicapés >>Pour plus d'informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
Dans cet enregistrement, l'équipe de création discute du développement d'un nouvel opéra qui a pris forme au cours des deux dernières années. >>La production de l'opéra est en partenariat avec le Club UNESCO de Vienne (membre du Centre autrichien de l'ITI) à l'appui de la stratégie des Nations Unies pour l'inclusion des personnes handicapées. >>Pour en savoir plus sur cette stratégie, cliquez ici.
Centre russe de l’ITI | Les lauréats du XXXIe Festival international de théâtre Baltic House (Saint-Pétersbourg)
Le programme principal du forum théâtral comprenait 14 représentations de quatre pays : Italie, Biélorussie, Lituanie et Russie. Les nouvelles œuvres ont été présentées par les plus grands maîtres de la scène russes : Dmitry Krymov, Iosif Raikhelgauz, Kama Ginkas, Denis Azarov, Andrey Prikotenko et Dmitry Volkostrelov. Parmi les réalisateurs émergents qui ont commencé leur carrière dans la deuxième décennie du 21e siècle figuraient Evgeny Kornyag (Biélorussie), Roman Muromtsev (Russie) et Dmitry Krestyankin (Russie). Un focus particulier dans le programme portait sur le Mac Beth réalisé par Alessandro Serra (Italie) ; et deux premières du célèbre réalisateur européen Oskaras Korshunovas (Lituanie) avec Othello et Mort de Tarelkin.
>>Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>For more information, please click here
Photo : The Garden avec Julia Aug, crédits : Theatre Festival Baltic House
Journée Mondiale de l’Opéra, 25 octobre - Rooftop Action
O. célèbre la Journée mondiale de l'opéra avec une performance sur le toit de Claron McFadden, favorie du festival
O. Festival d'opéra. Musique. Théâtre. (anciennement connu sous le nom de Operadagen Rotterdam) est le festival des visiteurs curieux. O. signifie opéra et ouverture du genre. O. se concentre sur l'aventure, les créateurs talentueux et les liens croisés entre les genres ; de l'art de la scène à l'électropop et des romans à l’eau de rose à la culture de la rue. O. ne catégorise pas. O. est ouvert d'esprit. O. fait bouger les gens, innove et connecte. O. est aussi diversifiée que la ville de Rotterdam elle-même.
La performance est filmée sur le toit d'un bâtiment emblématique, le Groothandelsgebouw (qui signifie Entrepôt de Gros ou Bureaux).
Contact : Matthijs Van Burg, matthijs(at)
Vous êtes conviés à regarder la performance sur le site internet de O. : >>Veuillez cliquer ici ou pour >>Youtube, cliquer ici.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur l'Action.
Photo Claron MacFadden sur le toît du Groothandelsgebouw à Rotterdam.
Centre Nord Macédonien de l’ITI
Résultats du projet « ePlays : Skopje Whispers, Cries, and Dramatisations »
Le Centre Nord Macédonien de l'ITI est heureux de partager les résultats du projet - ePlays : Skopje Whispers, Cries, and Dramatisations. Le projet est organisé par le Centre Nord Macédonien de l'ITI/PRODUKCIJA et soutenu par la ville de Skopje.
6 ePlays de jeunes auteurs dramatiques
1. ePlay: Big Deal de Mia Efremova (Macédoine du Nord)
2. ePlay: An artist in starvation de Mia Nikoloska (Macédoine du Nord)
3. ePlay: This Tomb Is A Whorehouse de Nina Plavanjac (Serbie)
4. ePlay: EPILOGUE 2077 de Nikola Kuzelov (Macédoine du Nord)
5. ePlay: A Boy de Sinan Rakipovski (Macédoine du Nord)
6. ePlay: Raw Cut (2010-2014) de Mia Volt (Macédoine du Nord)
>>Pour visionner ces ePlays, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Veuillez Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur le projet.
Appel à communications
pour la Conférence internationale sur le thème « Liberté contemporaine et nouvelle crise du théâtre, entre l'extrémisme idéologique et la « culture de l'annulation » ». La conférence a lieu pendant le Nova Drama / New Drama Festival, du 18 au 21 mai 2022, organisé par le Theatre Institute Bratislava - Le Centre Slowak de l'ITI.
Date limite d'envoi des communications : 8 février 2022.
>>Plus d'infos : Call for Papers
UNESCO | Édition de novembre du UNESCO Tracker Culture & Public Policy #13 : Culture & développement durable
Ce mois-ci, À l’horizon retrace un historique du plaidoyer sur la culture et son ancrage dans le large spectre du développement durable, et explore les principaux champs des politiques publiques dans lesquels la culture constitue un moteur de progrès. La rubrique Focus sur les politiques culturelles passe en revue les dernières innovations en matière de politiques culturelles dans le monde portant notamment sur le rôle transversal de la culture dans les politiques publiques, tandis que la rubrique Perspectives régionales fait le point sur les processus régionaux, et comprend un focus spécial dédié à la Biennale de Luanda.
Pour lire et télécharger le nouveau bulletin au format PDF, cliquer sur la langue de votre choix :
Festival de théâtre monodrame de Colombo 2021
26 – 29 décembre 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Le festival de monodrame de Colombo organisé pour la première fois par Interact Art Theatre Group, organisateurs du Colombo International Drama Festival, se tiendra du 26 au 29 décembre à 18h30 tous les jours au Elphinstone Theatre, Maradana, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Ce festival se compose de deux catégories qui se sont tenues pour la première fois dans le pays. La première catégorie est la section compétitive pour les jeunes praticiens du théâtre. La deuxième catégorie comprend les monodrames de praticiens chevronnés du théâtre.
Cette fois, le dramaturge vétéran de « Love and Lock Down » de M. Safeer et la production cinghalaise de « Untouched » réalisé par Sujeewa Pathinisekera, qui a remporté le prix du meilleur monodrame au festival international de théâtre Sham El Sheike en Égypte, seront également présentés en première.
>>Cliquez ici pour plus d'informations.
Invitation à regarder la « Connexion spéciale » autour du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l’éducation supérieure dans les arts de la scène
La Connexion approche et le Secrétariat du Réseau ITI/UNESCO prépare l'événement avec le plus grand soin. Elle se tiendra en ligne, du lundi 13 au vendredi 17 décembre 2021. Elle démarre tous les jours à 14h00 (heure de Paris). Les objectifs généraux sont de mettre les participants en communication les uns avec les autres, de donner des informations et de stimuler l'inspiration. Plus de 40 institutions membres du Réseau ITI/UNESCO d'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène du monde entier ont confirmé leur participation à cet événement et se présenteront.
>>Pour télécharger le programme détaillé de l'événement Connexion spéciale, veuillez cliquer ici.
Le Réseau ITI/UNESCO vous invite avec cœur à participer ou à regarder cet événement, qui est ouvert à tous. Vous pouvez regarder la Connexion spéciale en direct sur le Facebook du Réseau ITI/Unesco, puis également sur le site internet du Réseau.
Pour de plus amples informations sur l'événement, veuillez visiter le site internet du Réseau.. Pour toute question, veuillez contacter : secretariat(at)
Centre de Finlande de l’ITI | Ice Hot Nordic Dance - Helsinki 2022
Le Centre finlandais de l'ITI a le plaisir d'annoncer que la plateforme de danse nordique Ice Hot sera organisée du 9 au 13 février 2022 à Helsinki, en Finlande. Le programme artistique comprend 23 représentations sur scène et 15 présentations More pitch. L'événement invite à rencontrer les artistes et entreprises sélectionnés, et à s'inspirer de leur art sur la plateforme d'Helsinki. Les inscriptions sont désormais ouvertes sur le site.
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur le programme artistique.
Ice Hot Nordic Dance est une plateforme présentant de la danse contemporaine aux programmateurs du monde entier.
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur Ice Hot Nordic Dance
Centre du Zimbabwe de l’ITI | Nouveau comité exécutif du Centre du Zimbabwe de l'ITI
Le Centre du Zimbabwe de l'ITI a tenu une Assemblée générale extraordinaire le 8 avril 2021 au cours de laquelle il a été décidé d'élire le tout premier comité exécutif du Centre du Zimbabwe de l'ITI. Le Comité Exécutif succède au Comité de Pilotage qui dirige le Centre depuis 2010.
>>Cliquer ici pour voir l'équipe.
Message du nouveau président :
« Nous apprécions les fondations qui ont été posées par le comité précédent, avec la coordination très compétente de Lloyd Nyikadzino et le leadership facilitateur du président sortant Zane Lucas. Nous sommes très enthousiastes à l'idée de travailler avec le comité sortant pour tracer une voie à suivre pour l'ITI Zimbabwe, ce qui nous permettra de nous enraciner dans la communauté du théâtre zimbabwéen et d'enrichir profondément les expériences des membres de l'ITI Zimbabwe ». Zaza Muchemwa
Centre du Zimbabwe de l’ITI | Herbert Chibvongodze rejoint l’équipe zimbabwéenne de l’ITI
Herbert Chibvongodze est un artiste visuel qui travaille principalement par le moyen de la photographie pour promouvoir la guérison et la réconciliation au sein de communautés divisées. Il est également historien de l'art et écrit sur les artistes émergents et contemporains des arts visuels et de la scène. En tant que coordinateur national, il assurera la planification et la coordination des programmes nationaux, assurera la croissance et le développement des programmes du Centre et mobilisera les ressources. Herbert Chibvongodze travaille depuis 2014 dans le secteur des arts de la scène au Zimbabwe. Plus récemment, il était directeur de programmes pour une compagnie artistique Communautaire : Creative Lounge Trust. Il remplacera Lloyd Nyikadzino comme coordinateur national dont le mandat se termine cette année. Nous sommes profondément reconnaissants pour le travail accompli par Lloyd Nyikadzino pendant son mandat. Et nous sommes convaincus qu'Herbert Chibvongodze apportera son expérience, sa perspicacité et ses compétences pour faire avancer le travail commencé par M. Nyikadzino. Pour plus de contacts et d'informations : ecitizim(at)
>>Cliquer ici pour voir la biographie de Herbert Chibvongodze et Lloyd Nyikadzino
Centre israélien de l’ITI | Annonce : Isra-Drama 2021
Chers amis du théâtre de l’ITI,
L’institut Hanoch Levin d’arts dramatiques israéliens vous invite à vous connecter à Isra-Drama, qui présente internationalement le théâtre israélien de 2021. Cela se déroule du 17 au 21 novembre 2021 – En ligne.
>>Pour regarder le trailer, cliquer ici.
Plus d'informations seront bientôt disponibles Contact: Shimrit Ron, directeur de l’Institut Hanoch Levin d’arts dramatiques israéliens
Centre nord-macédonien de l’ITI | Première de la chanson PCR
Le Centre nord-macédonien de l'ITI est heureux d'annoncer la première de la chanson PCR. Il s'agit d'un projet de théâtre vidéo (triptyque-expérimental), inspiré de The Cold Song / King Arthur Semi-Opera de Henry Purcell, avec le libretto de John Dryden
réatrice, productrice, réalisatrice, dramaturge visuelle : Ivanka Apostolova Baskar
Actrice : Dimitrina Mickoska dans le rôle de Dimitrina Reine Arthur
Caméra vidéo/montage/son : Mihailo Apostolov
Photographie : Vesna A. Brishkoska
Production par le Centre nord-macédonien de l'ITI / PRODUKCIJA, soutenu par la ville de Skopje.
>>Cliquez ici pour voir la bande-annonce officielle sur YouTube.
Centre russe de l’ITI | Le Festival en ligne de One Play d'Alexander Vampilov « Duck Hunt 20.21 »
aura lieu du 4 au 28 novembre 2021 (Moscou). Il sera retransmis sur les sites internet du Media-project ARTIST et du Festival International de Théâtre Golden Vityaz, ainsi que sur les chaînes YouTube et dans les réseaux sociaux de ces projets.
Le Festival est dédié à l'anniversaire du dramaturge russe Alexander Vampilov, décédé à l'âge de 35 ans en 1972, mais dont les pièces sont toujours étudiées et mises en scène dans le monde entier. Le programme du festival comprend 25 représentations d'une même pièce venues de 7 pays du monde - Russie, Arménie, République de Biélorussie, Moldavie, Ouzbékistan, Estonie et Japon
Journée Mondiale de l’Opéra, 25 octobre - Opera Reboot
La troisième édition de la Journée mondiale de l'opéra se déroulera dans un contexte difficile alors que les théâtres du monde entier reprennent progressivement leurs activités. Les anciens modèles de production ont été remis en cause, et beaucoup ont investi de la réflexion et du temps pour se réinventer et incarner leur rôle d'acteurs responsables dans la société. Les compagnies d'opéra rouvrent avec de nouvelles ambitions. Le thème de cette année d'Opera Reboot se traduit en 3 volets principaux :
• GREEN OPERA : Des modèles de production réévalués, prenant en compte des choix éco-responsables ;
• ÉGALITÉ DES CHANCES : Reconnaître la diversité des citoyens peut être mieux reflété dans le secteur culturel, dans ses professionnels, sur scène ainsi que dans les publics ;
• EMPLOIS POUR LES TALENTS DE LA NOUVELLE GÉNÉRATION : préparer de jeunes artistes et des professionnels dévoués à une carrière dans l'opéra.
Pour de plus amples informations, y compris sur la Rooftop Action (ci-dessous), visiter notre site internet :
Ainsi que sur le site de Opera Europa, une organisation partenaire de l’ITI :
>>Si vous souhaitez obtenir plus d’informations sur Opera Reboot, veuillez cliquer ici.
Publication - Commémoration en ligne
Appel à contributions : Théâtre appliqué et objectifs de développement durable : crise, collaboration et au-delà
Éditeurs : Taiwo Afolabi, Abdul Karim Hakib et Bobby Smith
Le livre sera divisé en trois parties thématiques :
• Première partie : Appliquer le théâtre en temps de crises mondiales
• Deuxième partie : Collaboration à travers les zones géographiques : tensions et complexités
• Troisième partie : Envisager le futur. Regarder en arrière pour voir en avant
Date limite de soumission des résumés : 15 janvier 2022
Notification aux auteurs : février 2022
Première version de chapitre : mai 2022
Manuscrit soumis : avril 2023

Veuillez envoyer les résumés à tous les éditeurs :
Taiwo Afolabi : taiwo.afolabi(at)
Abdul Karim Hakib : abakariman(at)
Bobby Smith : bobby.smith(at)
>>Pour de plus amples informations sur ce projet d’ouvrage collectif, cliquer ici.
Centre nord macédonien de l’ITI
Exposition numérique Avec le son du tonnerre : Affiches d'opéra (récitatifs visuels)
Projet collaboratif avec des étudiants de la Faculté d'Art et de Design/EU Skopje.
Artistes-Etudiants-Collaborateurs (Départements de la mode et du graphisme) : Hristijan Mladenovski, Afra Kahreman, Marko Miletikj, Kristina Laleva, Ivona Panoska ; Inspiration : Journée internationale de l'opéra (25 octobre), Italian Opera Belcanto ; Commissaire/éditrice : Ivanka Apostolova Baskar ; Vidéo/son : Mihailo Apostolov ; Remerciements : Prof. Gordana Vrencoska, Ass. Elena Makarovska ; Production : Centre nord macédonien de l'ITI/PRODUKCIJA ; Skopje 2021
>>Page Facebook cliquer ici..
>>Pour plus d'informations, veuillez cliquer ici. >>Pour regarder la vidéo, veuillez cliquer ici.
Webinaire sur le théâtre et la diversité
19 décembre 2021 | 18h00 Heure de Paris avec Vito Minoia et Julia Varley
Web-conférence en italien avec traduction simultanée en anglais.
« La diversité est une richesse et le théâtre peut la valoriser » : une intuition qui a guidé les recherches du magazine européen « Catarsi, Teatri delle Diversità", fondée en 1996 à l'Université d'Urbino par Emilio Pozzi e Vito Minoia, avec la contribution significative de Claudio Meldolesi. D'ici vient une hypothèse de travail originale : vérifier la possibilité de s'approprier des formes de théâtre actif, autrefois considérées comme marginales, dans le contextes de handicap, de prison, de maladie mentale et plus encore.
Vito Minoia est spécialiste du théâtre éducatif à l'Université d'Urbino, où il a fondé le Théâtre universitaire Aenigma en 1990 : il est président de l'Association Internationale du Théâtre Universitaire (IUTA) et directeur de la revue européenne "Catarsi, Teatri delle Diversità". En 2011, il a fondé la Coordination nationale du théâtre en prison et en 2019 le Réseau international du théâtre en prison (INTIP).
Inscription au zoom requise.
>>Veuillez cliquer ici pour vous inscrire et en savoir plus.
Centre du Burkina Faso de l’ITI | Appel à candidature pour le Collège Scéno des Récréâtrales 2022
Cet appel à candidature s’inscrit dans le processus global des Récréâtrales, qui consiste en des residences pan-africaines de recherche, de creation et de diffusion du théâtre à Ouagadougou. Elles s’adressent à des techniciens et des scénographes résidant en Afrique, qui aimeraient participer au Collège de scénographie du Festival.
Le programme 2022 a été conçu pour mettre l’accent sur la transmission et le partage de connaissances entre les “anciens” et les nouveaux participants.
Pour cette édition, l’équipe de coordination du Collège Scénographique souhaite promouvoir la qualité des conditions de la réception pour les artistes et le public, les créations dans des espaces publics scénographiés et mieux se focaliser sur la transmission du savoir. br> >>Pour des informations détaillées, veuillez cliquer ici.
Date limite de candidature : 15 décembre 2021.
Veuillez envoyer vos candidatures aux adresses e-mail suivantes : stagiaire(at); communication(at); technique(at); teampyce(at)
Centre de Chypre de l’ITI | Appel à candidatures : 25e Festival international de théâtre de la Grèce antique 2022
Les services culturels du ministère de l'Éducation, de la Culture, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, le Centre chypriote de l'Institut international du théâtre et le Secrétariat d’État au Tourisme, annoncent l'ouverture de la soumission des propositions par les compagnies de théâtre & artistes individuels chypriotes ou ne résidant pas à Chypre, pour participer à la vingt-cinquième édition du Festival international de théâtre de la Grèce antique, qui se tiendra de fin juin à début août 2022, à Chypre.
L'objectif du Festival est de promouvoir des représentations de théâtre grec ancien, qui mettent en évidence sa nature particulière et qui soient toujours basées sur le texte original des tragédiens et comédiens de l'Antiquité.
Les troupes de théâtre ou les personnes souhaitant soumettre une proposition de participation au Festival international de théâtre de la Grèce antique 2022 doivent soumettre leur proposition en utilisant le formulaire disponible sur le site internet du Festival :
La date limite de soumission est fixée au 12 janvier 2022.
La soumission d'une proposition équivaut à l'acception de tous les termes et conditions des organisateurs.
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez visiter le site internet du Festival . Il est aussi possible de nous contacter au +357 2267 4920 (en semaine : 10h00 – 17h00 EET) ou par e-mail à info(at)
Centre d’Iran de l’ITI | Appel pour le 40e Festival international de théâtre Fadjr
Le Centre iranien de l'ITI a le plaisir d'annoncer que le Centre d'art dramatique d'Iran organisera la 40e édition du Festival international de théâtre Fadjr du 30 janvier au 9 février 2022 à Téhéran. Le Festival se déroulera de manière non compétitive.
L'appel à représentation est ouvert dès maintenant. Le Festival acceptera également des propositions d'ateliers, des discours liés à cet événement et à son thème. Le Comité de sélection annoncera les performances internationales invitées par l'intermédiaire du bureau des affaires internationales du Dramatic Arts Center. Le Festival couvrira l'hébergement complet, trois repas par jour, les chambres, les services de prise en charge à l'aéroport, le transfert local pendant le séjour du groupe sélectionné en Iran.
Date limite de candidature : 21 décembre 2021
>>Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus sur l'appel ouvert.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature.
Veuillez envoyer la candidature à Mme Mozhgan Vakili, directrice du bureau des affaires internationales : dramatic.artscenter.iran(at)
Site internet :
Centre de Turquie de l’ITI | Appel à candidatures pour les 23e Théâtres d'État turcs - Festival international de théâtre Sabancı, à Adana
Les Théâtres d'État turcs sont ravis d'annoncer que les candidatures sont ouvertes pour les 23e Théâtres d'État turcs qui auront lieu du 27 mars au 30 avril 2022 à Adana, la quatrième plus grande ville de Turquie.
Ce Festival international a été initié en 1998 par la coopération de Sakip Sabanci, industriel de renommée mondiale qui a été honoré d'une médaille de la Légion d’honneur et le Sabanci Trust, qui est un établissement de la famille Sabanci.
Les Théâtres d'État turcs attendent avec impatience de recevoir vos candidatures avant le 20 décembre 2021.
>>Cliquer ici pour télécharger les conditions de participation et le formulaire d'inscription.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter Kayhan Namal, coordinatrice du Festival : adanatheatrefest(at)
Académie civique des arts dramatiques « Nico Pepe » (Italie)
Appel pour la prochaine édition du SAFEST Summer Academy Festival 2022
L'Académie civique des arts dramatiques « Nico Pepe » (Italie) membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène, organise le SAFest FESTIVAL en juillet 2022. C'est un festival international des écoles de théâtre d'une durée de cinq jours ayant pour thème « FRONTIÈRES ». L’académie appelle à toute déclaration d'intérêt pour ce festival. >>Veuillez trouver les informations détaillées ici.
Date limite : 20 décembre 2021
Contact : Claudio de Maglio, accademiateatrale(at)
Institut mondial de formation théâtrale AKT-ZENT/ITI
L’Institut mondial de formation théâtrale AKT-ZENT/ITI, membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène, vous propose deux programmes dans le mois à venir. L'heure se réfère à l'heure de Berlin/Paris (UTC+1)
Mon système de Stanislavsky
Un dialogue entre les Dr Jurij Alschitz et Dr Olga Lapina en neuf épisodes, à propos du système Stanislavsky et de ses applications dans la pratique théâtrale contemporaine.
Ce programme en ligne d’un an est basé sur la pratique pour formuler son propre jeu d’acteur, sa direction ou son système d’enseignement. Des collègues souhaitant proposer des sujets sont bienvenus. Prochaine date :
13 décembre 2021, 15h – 18h (UTC+1) – En ligne
Action and Affective Memory. What is truth on stage today ?
>>Pour de plus amples informations et pour s’inscrire, cliquer ici.
Institut mondial de formation théâtrale AKT-ZENT/ITI
L’Institut mondial de formation théâtrale AKT-ZENT/ITI, membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène, vous propose deux programmes dans le mois à venir. L'heure se réfère à l'heure de Berlin/Paris (UTC+1)
XXVII International Directors’ and Trainers’ Colloquium
The Basis of Quantum Pedagogy - Theory - Methodology – Training
6 – 8 janvier 2022, 15h – 18h (UTC+1) – En ligne
Depuis 1995, le Dr Jurij Alschitz, avec des directeurs et des formateurs jeunes et expérimentés, explore les thèmes les plus pertinents du jour et les ouvre à des applications pratiques.
« La pédagogie quantique appliquée signifie un changement total de la perception individuelle ; cela implique le dysfonctionnement de la logique avec laquelle nous avons été élevés, et conduit donc à une reconfiguration complète de l'esprit. Elle affecte la communication et la création artistiques. Ce colloque partage mes découvertes dans ce nouveau domaine. C'est ma réponse à l'évolution rapide du monde, en utilisant les réalisations de la communauté scientifique pour développer l'art du jeu et la créativité artistique dans le théâtre, qui peut alors utiliser - si nécessaire - toutes les tentatives techniques ».
>>Pour de plus amples informations et pour s’inscrire, cliquer ici.
Centre slovaque de l'ITI / L’Institut du théâtre Bratislava
GREEN DRĀMA - 15 nouvelles pièces environnementales slovaques
GREEN DRĀMA, le projet initié par l'Institut du Théâtre qui s'est étalé sur deux ans, a réuni quinze dramaturges slovaques et trois dramaturges - Vladislava Fekete, Andrea Dӧmeová et Miriam Kičiňová. Il a été coordonné par le dramaturge Lenka Čepková, avec les conseils méthodologiques du théoricien du théâtre Milo Juráni. Les textes de scène sont traduits en anglais par Lucia Faltin.
>>Pour accéder au lien sur YouTube, veuillez cliquer ici.
Pour recevoir le texte intégral de l'une des pièces de théâtre, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Mme Eva Fačková: eva.fackova(at)
Centre slovène de l’ITI
Table ronde : Créatrices de changement – femmes auteures dramatiques durant la pandémie de COVID-19
Organisé par le Centre slovène de l'ITI, pendant la Semaine du théâtre slovène. Date : jeudi 11 novembre, à 15h00 (heure de Paris).
L'événement en direct pourra être regardé sur Zoom et en présentiel, dans la tour Škrlovec, Škrlovec 3, à Kranj, en Slovénie, le 11 novembre, à 15h00 (heure de Paris).
>>Pour en savoir plus sur l'événement, cliquer ici.
Pour de plus amples informations, écrire à tatjana.azman(at) ou consulter le site de l’événement >>en cliquant ici.
Centre slovène de l’ITI
Penser et repenser le ballet
En 2021, l'Association des artistes de ballet slovène et le Centre slovène ITI ont lancé une section de page Web et des discussions en direct diffusées sur YouTube avec des invités du monde entier. Cette coopération exceptionnelle entre deux organisations favorise le dialogue entre l'art et la société dans sa diversité et son rayonnement international.
Dialogue avec Georgette Gebara
Modérateur: Tatjana Ažman, dramaturge, responsable du Centre slovène de l'ITI, membre du Conseil exécutif de l'ITI dans le monde.
>>Cliquez ici pour regarder la vidéo.
Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l’enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène
Pré-annonce : événement « Connexion spéciale » | du 13 au 17 décembre 2021 – en ligne
Le réseau ITII/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène se développe régulièrement. Étant donné qu'une assemblée générale n'est pas possible en présentiel en raison de la pandémie, le Secrétariat du réseau ITI/UNESCO organise un « événement spécial de connexion ». Au cours des quatre premiers jours de l'événement, les membres du réseau se présenteront, ainsi que leurs activités. Après la présentation de chaque jour, un artiste de la scène de renom présente une vidéo et dialogue avec les étudiants et les éducateurs. Au cours de la dernière journée, il y aura des sessions en petits groupes sur différents thèmes.
« Connexion spéciale » est conçue comme un événement pour ses membres. Tous les étudiants et les éducateurs intéressés par les présentations et le dialogue avec les artistes peuvent regarder l'événement sur Facebook. C’est également l’occasion pour des invités spéciaux de participer. Veuillez contacter le Secrétariat, pour de plus d'informations ou sur les possibilités de vous inscrire en tant qu'invité spécial : secretariat(at) (Le nombre est limité.)
Réserver cette date! Le programme détaillé sera publié prochainement.
Académie des arts de la scène de Hongkong
Webinaire sur l'avenir de l'enseignement des arts de la scène n°6 — Interdisciplinarité
Jeudi 4 novembre 2021, 17h00 (heure de Hongkong) / 11h00 (heure de Paris) L'Académie des arts de la scène de Hongkong discutera de la pertinence de la pratique interdisciplinaire pour les artistes de la scène et pour l'éducation artistique.
• James Andean, maître de conférences en musique, technologie et innovation, Université de Montfort
• Ger Post, spécialiste de l'enseignement, Université de Melbourne
• Elissa Rosati, responsable du Centre de production et de recherche de l’École de cinéma et de télévision, Académie des arts de la scène de Hongkong
Rejoignez la conversation le jeudi 4 novembre 2021 à 17h00(heure de Hongkong) / 11h00 (heure de Paris), >>cliquer ici pour vous inscrire.
Institut Mondial de Formation au Théâtre AKT-ZENT / ITI
accueille des acteurs, des réalisateurs et des formateurs à l'Académie de théâtre en ligne. Mon système de Stanislavski | Lundi 15 novembre 2021 à 15-18:00 UTC+1
>>Renseignements et inscription, cliquez ici.
L'art de la réalisation avec Jurij Alschitz - Un programme d'études condensé pour réalisateurs émergents et expérimentés en deux parties : L'art de la composition et la conduite du processus créatif avec une attention particulière aux sujets :
6 sessions commençant le 20 novembre 2021 à 15-18:00 UTC+1
>>Toutes les dates, informations et inscriptions, cliquez ici.
Réseau international du théâtre en prison – INTiP
XXIIe Colloque international de la Revue européenne Catarsi,Teatri delle diversità
Théâtres et processus de libération : pratiques maïeutiques
Urbania (Pesaro – Urbino), les 6 et 7 novembre 2021
Le XXIIe Colloque international de la Revue européenne Catarsi,Teatri delle diversità, fondée en 1996 à l'Université Carlo Bo par Vito Minoia et Emilio Pozzi, est annoncée sur son site Internet. >>Pour y accéder, veuillez cliquer ici.
Ce colloque est le lieu privilégié pour le travail du Réseau international du théâtre en prison (INTiP), organisation partenaire de l'Institut international du théâtre. Il abritera la sixième édition du Prix international Gramsci pour le théâtre en prison, l’avant-première du Destini Incrociati - Festival National de Théâtre en Prison « Destins Croisés », Rome, Théâtre Palladium et Université Roma Tre, du 17 au 19 novembre 2021, organisé par la Coordination Nationale pour le Théâtre en Prison >>Pour accéder au site web, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur l'événement.
Association internationale du théâtre pour les enfants et les jeunes - ASSITEJ
Appel ouvert : ASSITEJ Programme Next Generation 2022
Date limite : 10 novembre 2021 (Nouvelle date limite)
17 – 22 mai 2022, Helsingborg, Suède
Êtes-vous un artiste émergent travaillant dans le théâtre et les arts de la scène pour le jeune public ou avez-vous envie de vous lancer ? Alors jetez un œil à cette résidence passionnante qui se tiendra lors de l'ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2022, lors de la Biennale de Bibu en Suède. La résidence s'adresse aux artistes âgés de 36 ans ou moins.
Le programme de résidence Next Generation est une initiative de l'ASSITEJ, conçue pour soutenir les échanges et la collaboration artistiques et culturels entre des artistes internationaux âgés de 36 ans ou moins, intéressés par le théâtre pour le jeune public, lors des événements de l'ASSITEJ.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur l'événement.
How to apply: >>Comment postuler : remplissez le formulaire de candidature avant le 10 novembre 2021, cliquez ici.
Forum international des auteurs dramatiques des Philippines
La section du Centre philippin du Forum international des auteurs dramatiques, en association avec le Centre philippin de l'ITI, est heureuse de vous annoncer ce nouveau concours pour les auteurs dramatiques émergents.
Concours mondial 2021 pour les auteurs dramatiques émergents
Sur les questions découlant des
Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations-Unies
>>Le règlement complet du Concours est disponible en cliquant ici.
Pour toute question, veuillez contacter l'International Playwrights' Forum Philippines :
Dr Anton Juan, Président : ajuan(at)
August Melody Andong, Co-présidente : august.andong(at)
Tanya P. Lopez, Secrétariat : tanyaplopez(at)
Centre égyptien de l’ITI | Appel ouvert pour le Festival international de théâtre la jeunesse du Sud
23 – 28 février 2022, Louxor (Égypte)
La Fondation Seen pour la culture et la créativité annonce le début de la réception des candidatures pour participer à la sixième session du Festival international de théâtre pour la jeunesse du Sud, dans la ville de Louxor en Égypte, du 23 au 28 février 2022.
• Première et Compétition Officielle
• Deuxième Compétition
• Programme de performances narratives
La date limite de réception des demandes de participation des équipes arabes et étrangères, comme de l'envoi du lien de connexion à la performance propose, est le 30 novembre 2021 ; les noms des candidats retenus seront annoncés à la mi-décembre 2021.
>>Pour toutes les informations et conditions détaillées du festival, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Veuillez cliquer ici pour télécharger le formulaire de candidature
Centre géorgien de l’ITI
Festival International de Théâtre physique et de mouvement
du 10 au 14 septembre 2021
Le Centre géorgien de l'ITI est heureux d'inviter les membres des Centres de l'ITI et les membres coopérants de l'ITI à participer à la première édition du Festival international du mouvement et du théâtre physique, qui aura lieu du 10 au 14 septembre, dans la ville de Tbilissi en Géorgie.
Vous pouvez regarder l'événement en ligne, tous les jours à 12h00 heure de Géorgie / 10h00 heure de Paris..
Cliquez ici pour télécharger le programme.JPG MPADTIF programme.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur le festival.
Centre italien de l'ITI | Chi è di scena? L’ITI rencontre le monde
Thursday, 15 April, 16:00 h Paris Time: ITI meets ITI Croatia
Jeudi 15 avril, 16h00, heure de Paris: l'ITI rencontre l'ITI Croatie
Lundi 19 avril, 16h00, heure de Paris: ITI rencontre ITI Espagne
Jeudi 22 avril, 16h00, heure de Paris: l'ITI rencontre l'ITI Macédoine
Jeudi 6 mai, 16h00, heure de Paris: ITI rencontre ITI Royaume-Uni
Les réunions sont organisées par le Centre italien de l'ITI en collaboration avec l'ITI dans le monde entier. Les personnes intéressées à participer à la réunion, veuillez écrire à iti.italiancentre (at)
>>Les personnes intéressées peuvent regarder le programme sur Facebook, sans lien d'inscription.
Slovenian Centre of ITI
Round Table: Creators of Change – Women Playwrights During COVID-19 Pandemic
Organized by the Slovenian Centre of ITI, during The Week of Slovenian Drama
Time: Thursday, 11 November, at 15h00, Paris Time
The live event will can be watched over Zoom, and on-site, live on-site in the Škrlovec Tower, Škrlovec 3, in Kranj, Slovenia, on 11 November, at 15h00, Paris time.
>>To know more about the event, click here.
More information: tatjana.azman(at) or over the website of the Event. >>For accessing the website, please click here.
Slovenian Centre of ITI
Thinking and Rethinking Ballet
In 2021 The Slovenian Ballet Artists' Association and The Slovenian Centre ITI have launched a web page section and live talks streamed on YouTube with guests from around the World. This exceptional cooperation between two organizations fosters the dialogue between art and society with its diversity and international reach.
Dialogue with Georgette Gebara
Moderator: Tatjana Ažman, dramaturge, Head of the Slovenian Centre of ITI, Member of the Executive Council of ITI worldwide.
>>Click here to watch the video.
ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts
Pre-Announcement: Special Connecting Event | 13 to 17 December 2021– online
The ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts is growing steadily. As an on-site General Assembly is not possible due to the pandemic, the Secretariat of the ITI/UNESCO Network is organizing a “Special Connecting Event”. During the first four days event the Members of the Network will present themselves and their activities. After each day’s presentation a notable performing artist is presenting a video and is in dialogue with students and educators. During the last day, there will be break-out sessions on different themes.
The Event is conceived as an event for its members. Any students and educators who are interested in the presentions and the dialogue with the artists can watch the event over Facebook. The Event allows also special guests to participate. Please get in touch with the Secretariat, for more information or the possibilities to register as one of the special guests: secretariat(at) (The number is limited.)
Save the date! The detailed programme will be released soon.
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
The Future of Performing Arts Education Webinar No.6 — Interdisciplinarity
Thursday 4 November 2021, 5:00 pm (Hon Kong Time) / 11h00 am (Paris Time)
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts will discuss the relevance of interdisciplinary practice for performing artists and arts education.
• James Andean, Senior Lecturer in Music, Technology and Innovation, De Montfort University
• Ger Post, Teaching Specialist, University of Melbourne
• Elissa Rosati, Head of Screen Production and Research Centre from the School of Film and Television, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Join the conversation on Thursday, 4 November 2021 5:00 pm (Hong Kong Time) / 11h00 am (Paris Time), >>click here to register.
International Network of Theatre in Prison INTiP
The Future of Performing Arts Education Webinar No.6 — Interdisciplinarity
XXII International Conference of the European Review "Catarsi,Teatri delle diversità"
Theaters and processes of liberation: maieutic practices
Urbania (Pesaro - Urbino) 6 and 7 November 2021
The XXII International Conference of the European Review "Catarsi,Teatri delle diversità", founded in 1996 at the Carlo Bo University by Vito Minoia and Emilio Pozzi, is announced its website. >>To access it, please click here.
The Conference confirms to be a privileged home for the work of the International Network Theatre in Prison (INTiP), partner organisation of the International Theatre Institute, with the sixth edition of the International Gramsci Prize for Theatre in Prison, preview of the "Destini Incrociati” National Festival of Theatre in Prison “Crossed destinies”, Rome, Palladium Theatre and Roma Tre University, 17 to 19 November 2021 by the National Coordination for Theatre in Prison. >>To access the website please click here.
>>Click here to know more about the event.
International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People ASSITEJ
Open call: ASSITEJ Next Generation Programme 2022
Deadline: 10 November 2021 (New deadline) | 17 – 22 May 2022, Helsingborg, Sweden
Are you an emerging artist working in theatre and the performing arts for young audiences or are you keen to begin? Then have a look at this exciting residency held during the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2022 at Bibu Biennial in Sweden. The residency is aimed at artists aged 36 years or below.
The Next Generation residency programme is an ASSITEJ initiative, designed to support artistic and cultural exchange and collaboration between international artists aged 36 years or below, interested in theatre for young audiences, at ASSITEJ events.
>>Click here to know more about the event.
How to apply: >>Fill out the application form before 10 November 2021, click here.
International Playwrights’ Forum Philippines
The Philippine Center’s Section of the International Playwrights’ Forum in association with the Philippine Centre of ITI, is glad to announce this new Competition for Emergent Playwrights.
2021 Global Competition for Emergent Playwrights
on issues arising from the
United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
>>The complete Competition rules are available by clicking here.
For questions, please contact the International Playwrights’ Forum Philippines:
Dr. Anton Juan, Chairperson: ajuan(at)
August Melody Andong, Co-chairperson: august.andong(at)
Tanya P. Lopez, Secretariat: tanyaplopez(at)
Egyptian Centre of ITI | Open Call for the International Theater Festival for Southern Youth
23 – 28 February 2022, Luxor (Egypt)
The Seen Foundation for Culture and Creativity announces the beginning of receiving applications for participating in the Sixth session of The International Theater Festival for Southern Youth, in the city of Luxor in Egypt , from 23 to 28 February 2022.
• First and Official Competition
• Second Competition
• Performances of Storytelling Program
The deadline for all the participation applications of the Arab and foreign teams And send the link of the performance is 30 November 2021 ; the names of the accepted applicants will be announced in mid-December 2021.
>>Click here to read the detailed festival information and conditions.
>>Click here to download the Application Form
Georgian Centre of ITI
Movement and Physical International Theatre Festival
10-14 September 2021
Georgian Centre of ITI is happy to invite the members of ITI Centres and Cooperating Members of ITI to participate in the first edition of the Movement and Physical International Theatre Festival, which will take place from 10 to 14 September, in the city of Tbilisi in Georgia.
To watch the event playback on YouTube, clicking on the days. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4.
Click here to download the programme.
Click here to know more about the festival.
Centre mexicain de l’ITI
Nouvelle Production : Lisístrata
La compagnie Amantes del Teatro est heureuse de présenter Lisístrata, une production du Centre mexicain de l'ITI avec le soutien de la Coordination Nationale du Théâtre.
Quand : Du 2 au 17 octobre : mercredi, samedi et dimanche, à 17h00.
Où : Angel Square Salles du Centro Cultural del Bosque INBAL.
Entrée libre !
Direction générale : Maestra Isabel Quintanar.
Mise en scène et adaptation : Ray Nolasco.
>>For more information, please click here.
Centre russe de l'ITI
Appel à candidatures pour le Prix international "Culture en ligne"
Les candidatures pour le prix international « Culture en ligne » sont désormais ouvertes. Les candidatures sont acceptées sur le site Web du projet éducatif numérique "Culture en ligne" jusqu'au 15 octobre 2021. En 2021, l'organisateur du prix international "Culture en ligne" est la Fondation culturelle russe en collaboration avec la Direction du Forum culturel international de Saint-Pétersbourg.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur le prix.
>>Cliquez ici pour lire les termes et conditions.
>>Cliquez ici pour soumettre votre candidature
Centre slovaque de l’ITI
Nová dráma/New Drama Festival 2021 — Platforme en ligne
Du 11 au 16 octobre 2021, à Bratislava
Cette année, la plateforme en ligne du festival Nová dráma/New Drama proposera des productions de référence des deux dernières saisons, sélectionnées par le Conseil dramaturgique du festival. Cette sélection vous aidera à rester en contact avec le théâtre slovaque ou vous propose de vous y intéresser à l'avenir !
>>Cliquer ici pour s’inscrire à la plateforme en ligne
>>Pour en savoir plus sur le Festival et son programme, cliquer ici.
Red de Escuelas de Teatro – RET Colombia
16e Rencontre des Écoles de Théâtre - XVI Encuentro Nacional de Escuelas Teatro
Du 19 au 22 octobre 2021.
Le membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène, le Red de Escuelas de Teatro (RET Colombie) présente la 16e Rencontre des écoles de théâtre (Encuentro Nacional de Escuelas Teatro) du 19 au 22 octobre 2021. L'événement est placé sous le patronage du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène. Cet événement académique a lieu chaque année autour d’un nouveau thème. Cette année, l'événement se déroulera dans toute la Colombie lors de sessions en présentiel et en ligne.
Contact :
Alvaro Franco : afrancor(at)
Yuly Valero : retcolombiaoficial(at)
>>Pour de plus amples informations sur l’événement, veuillez cliquer ici.
>>Pour consulter le programme en espagnol, cliquer ici.
Institut mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI
Programme d’automne
L’Institut mondial de formation au théâtre AKT-ZENT/ITI souhaite vous informer de son programme d'automne désormais mis à jour et étendu, et vous invite au traditionnel XXVIIe Colloque international des metteurs en scène et formateurs du 6 au 8 janvier 2022. Prenez rendez-vous !
>>Cliquer ici pour consulter le programme d’automne.
Centre de la République du Congo de l'ITI | La Célébration des 25 ans de carrière littéraire et artistique de Yvon Wilfride LEWA-LET MANDAH
La Compagnie Autopsie Théâtre en partenariat avec le Centre de la République du Congo de l’Institut International du Théâtre organise la Célébration des 25 ans de carrière littéraire et artistique de Yvon Wilfride LEWA-LET MANDAH. Activités de célébration : conférences, spectacles de théâtre, danse, musique, contes, slam, atelier d’écriture etde formation de comédiens. Thème : Littérature congolaise et arts de la scène, Yvon LEWA-LET MANDAH, une pièce du puzzle
• 1 au 3 octobre 2021, à Pointe-Noire
• 12 et 13 octobre, à Dolisie
• 15 au 17 octobre 2021, à Brazzaville
Pour plus d'information veuillez contacter : iticongobrazza(at); ylewalet(at)
Contacts : + 242 06 907 55 38; + 242 05 520 57 93
Centre iranien de l’ITI | Appel à candidatures pour le 15e Festival international de théâtre de rue de Marivan
Le Centre iranien de l'ITI a le plaisir de vous informer que le Centre d'art dramatique d'Iran organisera le 15e Festival international de théâtre de rue, du 10 au 17 octobre 2021 à Marivan, en Iran.
Le Centre serait encanté de recevoir des informations sur les nouvelles productions de votre compagnie théâtrale.
>>Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
Contact: Mozhgan Vakili
Emails: dramatic.artcenter.iran(at) ; Mozhganvakili78(at)
Institut Mondial de Formation Théâtrale AKT-ZENT/ITI
Mon système de Stanislavski
Un dialogue entre le Dr Jurij Alschitz et le Dr Olga Lapina au fil de neuf épisodes mensuels sur le système Stanislavsky et son application à la pratique théâtrale contemporaine. Ce cours s'adresse de manière interactive aux praticiens du théâtre avec de nombreux exercices pratiques qui conduisent à une exploration approfondie et globale du système. Une véritable formation de perfectionnement sur neuf mois
À partir de
Lundi 18 octobre 2021, de 15h00 à 18h00
Système et chaos. Ma vie dans l'art.

Tous les thèmes, toutes les dates, plus de détails : >>cliquez ici.
>>Cliquer ici pour voir le programme et les projets.
Joyeux anniverssaire à Ramendu Majumdar !
« Cher Ramendu,
Le Secrétariat général de l'ITI a découvert que vous aviez un « anniversaire rond » ce 9 août ! Joyeux anniversaire à vous Ramendu. Nous vous souhaitons tout le meilleur, une bonne santé, de bonnes amitiés et une vie bonne. »
L'équipe du Secrétariat général

>>Voici un article sur Ramendu Majumdar publié dans le Daily Star le 7 août. Vous pouvez le regarder en cliquant ici.

PS. Si quelqu'un souhaite envoyer à Ramendu Majumdar ses vœux d'anniversaire, nous vous suggérons de le faire via sa page Facebook ou par e-mail à : ramendu(at)
Centre croate de l’ITI - Nouvelles publications
En juin 2021, le Centre croate de l'ITI a publié le magazine Theatre 85/86 et le nouveau livre Plays du jeune auteur dramatique croate primé Dino Pešut - les deux publications sont rédigées en croate.
Théâtre 85/86 a un contenu abondant. Il contient des critiques de premières de théâtre de la saison 2020/2021, des recensions critiques de livres de théâtre, il traite du thème du cirque et de deux pièces des auteurs dramatiques croates Ivana Sajko et Nina Mitrović, et contient de nombreux autres textes de théâtre passionants.
Le livre Plays de Dino Pešut se compose de cinq pièces composées par ce jeune auteur dramatique croate primé. Les pièces sont Pret)posljednja panda ili statika, Veliki hotel Bezdan, Stela, polava, H.E.J.T.E.R.I. et Granatiranje.
Vous pouvez commander votre volume au Centre croate de l’ITI, e-mail : hcentariti(at) Le prix du magazine Théâtre 85/86 est de 50 kn et celui du livre Plays de Dino Pešut de 160,00 kn.
Plus d’information :
Centre iranien de l’ITI / Centre d’arts dramatiques d’Iran
Appel à communications : 8e Séminaire international de représentations théâtrales rituelles et traditionnelles 2021
Le comité exécutif du 8e Séminaire international, parallèlement à la tenue du 20e Festival de théâtres rituels et traditionnels, organisera des séminaires de recherche scientifique dans les deux sections suivantes. Les domaines concernés sont les approches classiques, les théories contemporaines de méthodologie, la conformité scientifique et les visions d'avenir. Pour cela, des chercheurs iraniens et étrangers sur les représentations théâtrales rituelles et traditionnelles sont invités à soumettre leur proposition.
Centre iranien de l’ITI / Centre d’arts dramatiques d’Iran
Ghader Ashena, Directeur général du Centre d’arts dramatiques d’Iran
Dr. Hamidreza Ardalan, Directeur du séminaire
Thseminar(at), hamid.r.ardalan(at), dramatic.artcenter.iran(at)
Téléphone : +98 21 66 70 88 61
Fax : +98 21 66 72 53 16
Plus d'informations disponibles en anglais, arabe et espagnol. Veuillez cliquer sur la langue de votre choix.
Festival, Forum and ateliers SDG Resiliart pour la santé, le bien-être, la paix et la justice climatique
3 au 10 octobre 2021 | Manille, Philippines
Un exercice de diplomatie Culturelle qui rend accessible à tous les piliers de l'ensemble du système des Nations Unies à travers la culture et l'art. Alors que cet événement se tiendra en octobre 2021, il s'inspire des réunions précédentes tenues à Manille (Philippines) et à Carthagène (Colombie), organisées par UNESCO Dream Center aux Philippines et SSCC en Colombie. Suite à l'adoption anticipée de la Plate-forme d'action de Manille, le travail se poursuivra dans les années à venir comme une campagne de mobilisation d'une armée arc-en-ciel d'artistes pour lutter pour la paix, le bien-être et la justice climatique à travers le puissant médium de l'art.
Cliquez ici pour consulter ou télécharger le programme provisoire.
ITI Partner Organizations | SIBMAS - International Association of Libraries, Museums, Archives and Documentation Centres of the Performing Arts.
Save the Victoria & Albert Museum Theatre & Performance Department!
SIBMAS, ITI´s Partner Organizations that is dealing with Libraries, Museum, Archives and Documentation Centres of the Performing Arts ask ITI and its members to sign the petition to save the department of Theatre and Performance.
>>Click here to know more
To make this issue public SIBMAS arranged an online petition at
Please help spread the news about this petition as widely as you can.”
More info about the campaign, >>please visit the SIBMAS website
Centre de la République de Corée de l’ITI | Appel international à représentations pour le World Duo Performing Arts Festival (WDPAF) 2021
Le World Duo Performing Arts Festival est organisé par le comité WDPAF et co-organisé par WDPAF et le Centre de la République de Corée de l’ITI. Il s’agit d’un festival mondial d'art unique et de grande valeur, qui vise à partager les études théâtrales sur la communication entre deux individus, ce qui constitue l'unité de base des relations humaines. En raison de la situation de la covid-19 dans le monde, les performances des participants internationaux seront présentées cette année en ligne, du 31 octobre au 28 novembre.
>>Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
Date limite de soumission : dimanche 19 septembre 2021
Apply to Yveyi Yi / Centre de la République de Corée de l’ITI : iti.korea.yveyi(at)
Conseil argentin de la danse
Invitation à regarder le programme de septembre de la Galerie des Célébrités
Le Conseil argentin de la danse, membre coopérant de l'ITI, a le plaisir de vous inviter à découvrir le projet intitulé Galería de Celebridades (Galerie des célébrités), qui rend hommage au grand maître de la danse en Argentine. Il est diffusé tous les quinze jours les vendredis à 20h (heure argentine) sur YouTube.
Le 3 septembre dédié à Renate Schottelius (Danse moderne). Projection de trois classes sous la direction de Renate Schottelius. Danseuse « ARIA » Antonella Zanutto ; chorégraphe Renate Schottelius.
Le 17 septembre aura lieu la dixième émission consacrée à Angel Pericet (danse espagnole). Classe magistrale. Projection de « La boda de Luis Alonso ». Chorégraphe et danseur Angel Pericet.
>>Vous pouvez accéder à la Galerie des Célébrités en cliquant ici..
Ou chercher sur YouTube "consejoargentinodeladanza" ou "galeríadecelebridades".
Kasaysayan, Kalinangan, Kinabukasan (Histoire, Culture, Futur)
“Enracinements de notre histoire et de notre culture pour un futur Meilleur et résilient”
Si la construction de politiques qui améliorent la situation des arts et des arts de la scène est une vraie question pour vous, cet événement en ligne peut vous intéresser ! Il s'agit d'un événement de deux jours axé sur la question de l'histoire, de la culture et de l'avenir, organisé par le Conseil de développement régional des Visayas occidentales des Philippines. Les membres de l'ITI y participent. Il se déroule en ligne les 11 et 12 août.
>>Rejoignez la diffusion en direct sur la page Facebook officielle du RCHAC en cliquant ici.
>>Pour télécharger le programme provisoire, veuillez cliquer ici.
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez écrire à Mme Maria Lourdes B. Miado ou Mme August Melody Andong à : nro6(at)
Centre italien de l’ITI
Séminaire international, du 10 au 13 août 2021, Lecce (Italie)
Le Centre italien de l'ITI est heureux de présenter l'événement à venir Arca di Pace (Arche de la paix).
Les séminaires internationaux seront diffusés en direct
Pour le regarder, cliquez ici Chaîne YouTube ou cliquez ici Page Facebook
Aucune inscription n’est nécessaire.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à : arcadipace(at)
>>Cliquez ici pour télécharger le programme détaillé..
IX METHODIKA - Festival International des Méthodes de formation au théâtre La formation comme méthode
Du 2 au 6 octobre 2021, à Pescara (Italie)
L'Événement est organisé par Institut mondial de formation théâtrale AKT-ZENT / Centre de recherche de l’ITI en coopération avec l'Istituto Italiano Pedagogia Teatrale
Le directeur artistique Dr Jurij Alschitz invite les artistes – enseignants, pédagogues, acteurs, metteurs en scène – à une occasion unique de partager, discuter et développer certaines des idées les plus insolites de la formation et de la pratique du théâtre. La structure du festival offrira aux participants une occasion unique d'exprimer des idées non encore réalisées. Principalement, METHODIKA célébrera l'aspect artistique de l'enseignement.
Il n'y a pas de frais de participation - vous n'apportez que vos rêves, vos visions et vos idées !
>>Pour plus d'informations et la date limite, veuillez cliquer ici.
Centre slovaque de l’ITI / Institut du théâtre de Bratislava
Festival Nová dráma/New Drama 2021
Après que le Nová dráma/New Drama festival ait été repoussé de mai à octobre 2021, l’Institut du théâtre, en tant qu’organisateur, a maintenant des nouvelles positives à partager : le festival aura bien lieu ! Il se tiendra du 11 au 16 octobre 2021 à Bratislava sous forme hybride.
Pour plus d'informations sur le festival peuvent être trouvées dans le communiqué de presse, veuillez cliquer ici.
Les Récréâtrales
Labo ELAN 2021-2024 – Candidats selectionnés !
Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer la liste des candidats sélectionnés pour rejoindre le Labo ELAN 2021-2024. Cette nouvelle édition est composée de 16 artistes de 10 pays du continent africain. Ils participeront à un processus de formation-recherche-création déployé sur 4 ans. Rendez-vous du 20 septembre au 16 octobre 2021 à Ouagadougou pour la première phase de recherche-formation de cette nouvelle promotion !
Le Labo ELAN a été initié à Ouagadougou en 2014 par Les Récréâtrales, comme programme de relance de l'activité théâtrale en Afrique.
Pour plus d’information sur Les Récréâtrales, veuillez cliquer ici.
Veuillez cliquer ici pour consulter la liste des canditats sélectionnés pour le labo ELAN 2021-2024
Expérimenter Hektomeron : 25 heures de performances
Projet sous le patronage de l'ITI et du Réseau ITI/UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts de la scène.
Début : lundi 21 juin, 18h00 Heure de Paris / Durée : 25h
Découvrez l'une des plus riches productions théâtrales en ligne. L'ensemble du projet comprend 100 metteurs en scène de 100 pays différents. Il s’agit sans doute de la représentation théâtrale la plus longue et du processus performatif le plus complexe à ce jour.
Le Théâtre National de Craiova (Roumanie) a produit cet événement sur trois mois, reliant tous les participants à l'aide d'applications Internet.
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus et regardez-le ici :
Levée de fonds pour des bourses d’étude à l’Académie de théâtre du Zimbabwe
Les jeunes qui veulent être formés comme acteurs / créateurs à l’Académie de théâtre du Zimbabwe ont besoin de votre soutien financier. C'est pourquoi Brian Weaver (Portland Playhouse) et Lloyd Nyikadzino (Académie de théâtre du Zimbabwe) ont lancé une initiative de financement participatif.
>>Regarder la vidéo sur YouTube
>>Plus d’informations ici.
Contact : Brian Weaver ou Llyod Nyikadzino
brian(at) ; lloydnyikadzino(at)
>>Plus d’informations
Académie de théâtre du Zimbabwe : Facebook Page
Portland Playhouse : Website
Université Hassan II de Casablanca 33ème Edition du Festival International de Théâtre Universitaire de Casablanca (Edition Hybride) du 26 au 30 octobre 2021
L'Université Hassan II de Casablanca, membre du Réseau ITI/UNESCO a le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à son prochain événement, la 33ème édition du Festival International de Théâtre Universitaire de Casablanca FITUC, du 26 au 30 octobre 2021.
Le thème est Théâtre et Résilience.
L'organisateur du festival fait appel à des performances et des ateliers internationaux d'artistes ou de groupes artistiques.
>>Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus et connaître le règlement du festival.
>>Cliquez ici pour télécharger le formulaire de demande de représentation.
>>Cliquez ici pour télécharger le formulaire d'inscription aux ateliers.
Date limite de soumission : 31 août 2021
Envoyer à fitucfituc(at) et agonegai(at)
Appel à participation de la 6ème édition du Festival International de Théâtre pour la Jeunesse (SITFY)
du 6 au 11 novembre 2021, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypte
Le Festival International de Théâtre pour la Jeunesse de Charm el-Cheikh, dirigé par Mazen Elgharabawy, lance le formulaire de participation de sa sixième édition le 12 août, et la période de participation se poursuit jusqu'au 12 septembre, date limite de réception des demandes de participation pour toutes les troupes théâtrales de tous les pays du monde.
>>Cliquez ici pour télécharger l'application en anglais ou en arabe. Date limite de soumission 12 septembre 2021
Email to sitfy2015(at); info.sitfyeg(at)
Envoyer à
Open call of the Cairo international festival for experimental theatre
14-19 December 2021 | Cairo, Egype
The Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre (CIFET) invites applications for its upcoming 28th edition to be held in Egypt December 2021 . As a competitive festival organized annually by the Ministry of Culture of the Arab Republic of Egypt, CIFET mission is to create communication and dialogue among diverse populations and communities by means of the various forms of theater and performance.
An application submitted without a link to an uploaded video of the full performance along with other supporting materials will be considered incomplete. These should arrive no later than 30 August 2021
For submission, please click here.
Conseil argentin de la danse
Invitation à regarder le programme d'août de la Galería de Celebridades
Le Conseil argentin de la danse, membre coopérant de l'ITI, a le plaisir de vous inviter à découvrir le projet intitulé Galería de Celebridades (Galerie des célébrités), qui rend hommage au grand maître de la danse en Argentine. Ce cycle annuel comprend 14 émissions vidéo jusqu'en novembre. Il est diffusé tous les quinze jours les vendredis à 20h (heure argentine) sur YouTube. Ci-dessous, le programme de diffusion du mois d'août.
Le 6 août, septième émission : George Balanchine, Léonide Massine, Tamara Grigorieva. Projection de la Valse viennoise du chevalier à la rose ; Chorégraphie : George Balanchine.
Le 20 août, huitième émission : Danse moderne consacrée à Dore Hoyer, Miriam Winslow, Cecilia Ingenieros. Projection de deux solos de Dore Hoyer Angst et Amor
>>Vous pouvez accéder à la Galerie des Célébrités en cliquant ici.
Oubien chercher sur YouTube "consejoargentinodeladanza" ou "galeríadecelebridades".
Centre allemand de l’ITI
Nouveau président - Nouvelle élection du Conseil d'administration
Le 20 juin, le Centre allemand de l'ITI s'est réuni en ligne pour sa réunion annuelle et a élu un nouveau Conseil d'administration. La nouvelle présidente est Yvonne Büdenhölzer, directrice du Berlin Theatertreffen. Elle succède à Joachim Lux, directeur artistique du Thalia Theater Hamburg, qui s'est retiré après sept ans de mandat. Le week-end également, la conférence publique annuelle de l'ITI a été diffusée sur Internet.
Pour accèder au texte complet, cliquer sur English ou Deutsch.

Cédit photo: Christoph Neumann
Centre allemand de l’ITI
Le festival Theatre der Welt de Düsseldorf à Frankfurt/Offenbach
Le 3 juillet, à la fin de l'édition 2021 du Theater der Welt à Düsseldorf, le directeur artistique Wilfried Schulz et le directeur des programmes Stefan Schmidtke, ainsi que Joachim Lux, le président sortant du Centre allemand de l'ITI, ont transmis le Theater der Welt à leur successeurs de Francfort-sur-le-Main. Les directeurs du Frankfurt Theater der Welt 2023 sont Matthias Pees du Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Matthias Wagner K du Musée Angewandte Kunst et Anselm Weber du Schauspiel Frankfurt. Les nouveaux directeurs ont annoncé dans une déclaration vidéo commune que la direction du programme du Theater der Welt 2023 est placé sous la responsabilité artistique de Chiaki Soma et de Kyoko Iwaki de Arts Commons Tokyo.
Pour lire le texte entier en anglais, veuillez cliquer ici.
Red de Escuelas de Teatro – RET Colombie
Appel ouvert pour les 8e Rencontres des scènes académiques (édition mixte)
L'Université Antonio Nariño (Colombie), membre du Red de Escuelas de Teatro – RET Colombie, a le plaisir de vous inviter à participer aux 8e Rencontres des scènes académiques. L'événement sera organisé du 8 au 10 septembre 2021, de 16h00 à 19h00 (UTC-5).
Le sujet de cette année est : L'artiste professeur et son contexte.
Cet événement sera un espace de dialogue entre étudiants colombiens et internationaux, professeurs et artistes des arts de la scène, qui réfléchiront sur le rôle social du professeur d'art et de l'artiste.
Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez envoyer vos propositions de présentations numériques ou de diffusion de la recherche sur le rôle de l'artiste en ces temps de transformations sociales.
Nous serions honorés et ravis de votre présence. Nous sommes impatients de vous entendre bientôt. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez envoyer un courriel à semillero.siembra(at) ou visiter le site :
Centre mexicain de l’ITI
Appel ouvert à contribuer d’un article au magazine TEATRO
Le Centre mexicain de l'ITI invite les artistes, les formateurs, les chercheurs et les praticiens du théâtre et des arts de la scène à participer avec un article sur le thème « Théâtre virtuel » présenté maintenant, pendant la pandémie, et qui pourrait être diffusé à l'avenir.
Plus d'informations cliquez ici.
Questions à la rédaction jusqu'au 31 juillet 2021.
Envoi de l'article avec photos et CV au plus tard le 31 août 2021.
César Christo Muñoz, Secrétaire général du Centre mexicain de l'ITI et rédacteur en chef du magazine TEATRO
E-Mail: christomuz(at)
L’Institut Grotowski
L'Institut Grotowsk (Wroclaw, Pologne) a le plaisir d'annoncer des appels ouverts à des résidences d'artistes destinées à des compagnies de théâtre comme à des artistes individuels ; ainsi qu’à des visites d'étude destinées aux étudiants des écoles d'art dramatique, des écoles d'art et des départements de sciences humaines, tels que des départements d'études théâtrales et culturelles. Ces programmes devraient avoir lieu entre octobre 2021 et octobre 2022.
Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici.
• The Grotowski Institute_Open calls for artist residencies_GENERAL
• The Grotowski Institute_Open call for theatre companies_1
• The Grotowski Institute_Open call for individual artists_2
• The Grotowski Institute_Open call for study visits for drama schools_3
Centre burkinabé de l’ITI
Appel à propositions artistiques pour le 18e Festival international de théâtre et de marionnettes de Ouagadougou (FITMO)
Le Centre du Burkina Faso de l'ITI et la direction du Festival international de théâtre et de marionnettes de Ouagadougou (FITMO) ont le plaisir d'informer les artistes, le public, les médias ainsi que les partenaires et les amis de la culture que la 18e édition du FITMO se tiendra à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), du 25 au 31 octobre 2021. Il aura pour thème Arts et Violence.
Le comité d'organisation du festival lance un appel à propositions artistiques en théâtre, marionnette, musique, danse, cirque, conte, cinéma, arts visuels d'artistes ou de groupes artistiques du monde entier.
Soumission des propositions : 19 juin - 31 juillet 2021.
Les propositions doivent être envoyées aux adresses e-mail suivantes : fitmofestival(at) & espacegambidi(at)
Informations détaillées sur l’appel : veuillez cliquer ici.
Centre burkinabé de l’ITI
Jean-Pierre GUINGANÉ : l’homme et son oeuvre – Appel à contributions pour une publication collective
L'année 2021 marque le 10e anniversaire de la mort subite du Pr Jean-Pierre Guingané. Afin de lui rendre un hommage plus que mérité, et dans la continuité des activités organisées depuis une dizaine d'années, la direction du Festival International de Théâtre et de Marionnettes de Ouagadougou (FITMO) envisage la publication d'un ouvrage collectif intitulé : Jean-Pierre GUINGANÉ : L'homme et son œuvre.
Les contributions seront publiées par FITMO et ses partenaires durant l’année 2021. Pour les informations détaillées sur cet appel, cliquer pour les lire en English ou en Français.
Envois des contributions (en anglais ou en français) : du 10 juin au 30 juillet 2021 Par e-mail à fitmofestival(at) & mandahama(at)
Centre géorgien de l’ITI
Appel à candidatures pour la première édition du Festival International de Théâtre physique et de mouvement
Le Centre géorgien de l'ITI est heureux d'inviter les membres des Centres de l'ITI et les membres coopérants de l'ITI à participer à la première édition du Festival international du théâtre physique et de mouvement, qui aura lieu du 10 au 14 septembre dans la ville de Tbilissi en Géorgie.
Pour des informations détaillées, veuillez cliquer ici.
Pour télécharger le formulaire de canddature, veuillez cliquer ici.
Date limite de candidature avec documentation : 30 juillet 2021
Centre géorgien de l’ITI : itigeorgiacentre(at)
Directeur du festival : Levan Khetaguri: lkhetaguri(at)
Conseil argentin de la danse
Invitation à regarder le programme de juillet de la Galería de Celebridades
Le Conseil argentin de la danse, membre coopérant de l'ITI, a le plaisir de présenter le projet intitulé Galería de Celebridades (Galerie des célébrités) qui rend hommage aux grands maîtres de la danse en Argentine.
Ce cycle annuel comprend 14 émissions vidéo jusqu'en novembre, et il est diffusé sur YouTube chaque quinzaine, les vendredis à 20h (heure argentine). Vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme du mois de juillet.
Le 9 juillet, cinquième émission consacrée à Antonia Mercé : La Argentina. Projection d'un film sur sa vie.
Le 23 juillet, la sixième émission, consacrée à Margarita Wallmann, Michel Borowsky et Mercedes Quintana. Projection de Ballet Resurrection (extrait du film When Words Die), avec une chorégraphie de Margarita Wallmann.
Vous souhaitez accéder à la Gallerie des célébrités, veuillez cliquer ici.
Ou rechercher sur YouTube : "consejoargentinodeladanza" ou "galeríadecelebridades".
Expression de gratitude
Le Secrétariat général de l'ITI tient à remercier les centres de l’ITI, le comité de danse de l'ITI, les auteurs des messages et toutes les personnes et les groupes qui ont participé à la célébration en ligne de la Journée internationale de la danse 2021. Votre participation et vos contributions ont créé un événement culturel d’une grande richesse qui a été très apprécié par les membres et les amis de l'ITI. Ceux qui souhaitent regarder ou revoir l'événement peuvent le faire en visitant le site internet
Journée internationale de la danse 2021 – Programme des célébrations en ligne
Le Secrétariat général est très fier et heureux de vous présenter le programme de la célébration en ligne de la Journée internationale de la danse 2021. Centres de l’ITI et membres coopérants, personnalités éminentes des communautés mondiales de la danse, ainsi que des compagnies de danse ont contribué à cette célébration avec plus de trois heures de magnifiques vidéos de représentations de danse. Le tout une fois combiné forme une excellente expression de la diversité culturelle et de la résilience de l'être humain face aux difficultés. Tout comme le proposent les slogans des vidéos d'introduction à la Journée internationale de la danse : « dansons ensemble aux quatre coins du monde pour créer de la lumière dans l’obscurité ».
Vous êtes invité à regarder la célébration en ligne de la Journée internationale de la danse 2021, ce jeudi 29 avril à partir de 14h00 (heure de Paris), sur
Programme in English as PDF
Programme en français, par PDF
Auteur du message de la Journée internationale de la danse 2021
Le Secrétariat général est honoré et heureux de vous annoncer que le célèbre danseur de ballet - danseur principal du Ballet de Stuttgart -, Friedemann Vogel (Allemagne), a écrit le message pour la Journée internationale de la danse 2021.
• International Dance Day Message 2021 by Friedemann Vogel in English (original) in PDF and Word
• Message de la Journée internationale de la danse 2021 par Friedemann VOGEL, en français (traduction), en PDF et Word
• Biography of Friedemann Vogel in English in PDF and Word
• Biographie de Friedemann Vogel en français, en PDF et Word
Photo Friedemann Vogel by Roman Novitzky (jpg) – royalty-free 1
Photo Friedemann Vogel by Roman Novitzky (jpg) – royalty-free 2
Photo Friedemann Vogel by Roman Novitzky (jpg) – royalty-free 3
Bonne Journée Mondiale du Théâtre 2021 !
Grâce à la multitude de vidéos de performances fournies par les Centres de l’ITI et par les communautés mondiales du théâtre, l'ITI est fier de vous présenter la célébration de la Journée Mondiale du Théâtre en ligne 2021.
Regardez la célébration le 27 mars
Session 1: 12h00 heure de Paris
Session 2: 14h00 heure de Paris
Session 3: 16h00 heure de Paris
And on

>>Téléchargez ici le programme de la session 1 à la session 3.
>>Téléchargez ici les vidéos des performances du programme des communautés mondiales de théâtre.
Moments inspirants de la Journée mondiale du théâtre 1
Voix de l'Europe - Visions pour un théâtre du futur
Le Centre allemand de l'ITI vous invite à l'occasion de la Journée mondiale du théâtre de cette année cette vidéo contenant des voix de metteurs en scène européens partageant leurs visions et leurs idées concernant le théâtre. Regardez la vidéo sur
Helen MIRREN, Royaume-Uni
Auteur du message de la Journée mondiale du théâtre pour 2021
La Journée mondiale du théâtre - le 27 mars 2021 approche. Le Secrétariat général est honoré et heureux de vous annoncer que l'éminente actrice de théâtre, de cinéma et de télévision Helen MIRREN du Royaume-Uni a écrit le Message pour la Journée mondiale du théâtre 2021.
Vous trouverez ici le message et la biographie en anglais et en français.
• World Theatre Day Message 2021 by Helen MIRREN in English (original) in PDF and Word
• Message de la Journée mondiale du théâtre par Helen MIRREN 2021, en français (traduction), en PDF et Word
• Biography of Helen MIRREN in English in PDF and Word.
• Biographie de Helen MIRREN en français, en PDF et Word
>>Pour lire l'annonce complète, veuillez cliquer ici
Réseau Music Theatre NOW de l’ITI
Le réseau Music Theatre NOW présente la cinquième édition du concours international de théâtre musical et de nouvel opéra, en coopération avec l'Institut international du théâtre (ITI). Cet appel à candidatures est diffusé auprès des artistes et des collègues qui travaillent dans ce domaine. Les nouvelles œuvres qui ont été créées entre juillet 2018 et juin 2021 sont invitées à postuler pour ce prix prestigieux qui a servi de tremplin à de nombreuses carrières internationales réussies.
Date limite de soumission : 30 juin 2021
Vous trouverez plus d'informations dans la pièce jointe (en anglais). Cliquez ici s’il vous plaît.
Site internet :
Contact : info(at)
Festival Theater der Welt
Düsseldorf 17.6. — 4.7.2021
« Theater der Welt » est un festival de l'Institut international du théâtre (ITI). Cette édition actuelle est présentée par le Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus. Le festival existe depuis plus de 40 ans. C'est le principal festival international de théâtre d'Allemagne et se tient tous les trois ans par rotation entre différentes villes allemandes.
350 artistes des 5 continents et de 17 pays peuvent remplir leurs engagements pour le plus grand événement théâtral d'Allemagne. Bienvenue à Düsseldorf !
>>Cliquez ici pour connaître les détails du festival.
Centre nigérian de l’ITI
Appel aux auteurs dramatiques africains émergents - Script Lab 2021
Theatre Emissary International, membre du Centre nigérian de l'ITI, appelle les auteurs dramatiques africains émergents à participer au « Script Lab 2021 ». La première édition du Script Lab impliquera une sélection de 10 auteurs dramatiques africains émergents qui seront encadrés par 6 auteurs dramatiques africains primés. Le projet se déroulera entre août 2021 et février 2022 (en fonction de la disponibilité des mentors). Script Lab 2021 aura lieu pratiquement sans frais pour les participants.
Déposez votre candidature :
Date limite de candidature : 15 juillet 2021
Pour plus de détails, veuillez visiter le site Web.
Conseil argentin de la danse – Invitation à assister à la Galería de Celebridades
Le Conseil argentin de la danse, membre coopérant de l'ITI, a le plaisir de vous inviter à découvrir le projet intitulé Galería de Celebridades (Galerie des célébrités) dont l'objectif est de diffuser le travail des nombreux artistes qui ont jeté les bases de l'art de la danse en Argentine. Galería de Celebridades entend préserver le riche patrimoine artistique en rendant hommage aux grands maîtres de la danse en Argentine.
Ce cycle annuel comprend 14 émissions vidéo jusqu'en novembre. Il est diffusé chaque quinzaine le vendredi à 20h (heure argentine) sur YouTube.
Il a commencé le 14 mai et était dédié à Adolf Bolm, George Kyasht et Bronislava Nijinska.
Le 28 mai, l'émission était consacrée à Boris Romanov, Elena Smirnova et Michel Fokin.
Le 11 juin, le programme était consacré à Ekatherina de Galantha, Serge Lifar et Esmée Bulnes. Projection de Suite en Blanc.
Le 25 juin, il sera consacré à María Ruanova. Projection de Apollon Musagete.
Vous pouvez accéder à la Galerie des Célébrités en cliquant ici.
Ou effectuer une recherche sur YouTube avec les mots-clés : « consejoargentinodeladanza » ou « galeríadecelebridades ».
Online Interview
A Midsummer Night's Theatre: Silviu Purcărete and the Nocturnal Magic of the Stage, from The Danaids to Faust
Having been featured in the programme of the Edinburgh International Festival three different times, making a strong impact at the Avignon Festival, Silviu Purcărete is arguably Romania's best-known international theatre artist. His iconic Faust, a production of monumental proportions, with a cast of more than one hundred people, has been considered one of the greatest shows on Earth. Rather enigmatic, not easily tempted to speculate about his own work, Purcărete remains the type of artist who prefers to talk through his performances rather than about them. However, sometimes, he accepts the "challenge" of certain questions and he answers with charming serenity.
Invitation to watch the Online Dialogue with and about Silviu Purcărete Moderator: Octavian Saiu
Guests: Silviu Purcărete, Coca Bloos, Ofelia Popii, and Jonathan Mills
ITI members and friends are cordially invited to an online dialogue with and about Silviu Purcărete – in his home, during a period of isolation that he considers at once pleasant and torturous. At the age of seventy, he remains the same great sceptic, although he maintains his healthy sense of humour, while preparing to direct a new performance in Tokyo. In this dialogue he will be accompanied, albeit from afar, by Coca Bloos, Ofelia Popii, and Jonathan Mills. The Online Dialogue was live on 20 August and can be watched now:
Candidature pour l’Université d’été de Shanghai 2021
Performances traditionnelles chinoises – Cours EN LIGNE
Organisé par l'Académie du théâtre de Shanghai, membre du Réseau ITI / UNESCO, les cours en ligne de l'Université d'été de Shanghai - Performances traditionnelles chinoises s’échelonnent sur quatre semaines. Les cours sont dispensés en anglais et s’adressent essentiellement aux artistes, aux chercheurs et aux institutions hors de Chine. Le programme contient une appréciation du répertoire, des conférences d'artistes célèbres, l’acquisition de compétences de bases d'acteur, un apprentissage de courts extraits. Des vidéos documentaires visent aussi à aider les étudiants à comprendre l'histoire, la situation actuelle et la perspective de l'opéra chinois traditionnel et de son système de formation, ainsi que les histoires des efforts et des succès de certains pratiquants.
Date limite de candidature : 31 mai 2021
Plus d’informations et comment candidater, cliquer ici.
Académie des arts de la scène de Hong Kong : Webinaire « Éducation basée sur les résultats dans les arts de la scène »
L’Académie des arts de la scène de Hong Kong accueillera une série de trois tables rondes virtuelles sur l'éducation basée sur les résultats. Chaque session invitera différents membres du corps professoral de l'Académie et des experts extérieurs à partager leurs idées sur l'application de l'éducation axée sur les résultats dans l'enseignement des arts de la scène. Que vous soyez des enseignants en arts de la scène, en arts libéraux ou dans d'autres disciplines créatives, vous apprendrez quelque chose de nos panels d'experts.
Date : 14 mai 2021, 07h00 (heure de Paris) / 13h00 (heure de Hong Kong)
Pour s’inscrire au webinaire, veuillez cliquer ici..
Université de Georgetown : Appel à candidature pour le Programme Lab's Global Fellows
La mission du Lab est d’humaniser la politique mondiale grâce au pouvoir de la performance artistique. Le programme Global Fellows incarne cette mission à travers un programme international de résidence virtuelle conçu pour des professionnels exceptionnellement prometteurs travaillant à l'intersection de la performance et de la politique.
Date limite de candidature : 7 juin 2021
Dates du programme : octobre 2021 – mai 2023
Détails sur le programme, cliquer ici.
Centre allemand de l’ITI – Veuillez participer au financement du Théâtre Zouzak (Liban)
L'explosion du port de Beyrouth le 4 août 2020 a gravement endommagé les salles et les équipements du théâtre Zoukak, situé dans le quartier Karantina, à proximité du port. Le bâtiment est toujours debout, mais son intégrité structurelle est mise en danger : l'auditorium, les bureaux et les salles de répétition ont été dévastés.
D'autres vidéos et bandes-annonces donnent un aperçu du travail à entreprendre : Le conseil d’administration du Centre allemand de l’ITI a décidé d’attribuer le prix ITI - Allemagne « Preis des ITI 2021 » à la compagnie de théâtre Zoukak. ITI Allemagne est heureuse d'annoncer que la somme de 3 000 euros pourrait être doublée par un appel à dons parmi ses membres.
S'il vous plaît, aidez cette initiative du Centre allemand de l’ITI et envoyez un don jusqu'à la fin du mois d'avril.
Faites un don sur PayPal : Contact pour le financement : a.doffin(at)
Centre Sud-Coréen de l’ITI
Festival des auteurs dramatiques d’Asie 2021 - Appel à participation
L'Asia Theatre Circle a confirmé que le « Asia Playwrights Festival (APF) 2021 » aura lieu en octobre. Son objectif est de favoriser les échanges entre les différentes cultures et le développement du théâtre asiatique.
Plus d’information en PDF.
Un projet international des plus remarquables
Sous le patronage de l'ITI et du Réseau ITI / UNESCO pour l'enseignement supérieur dans les arts du spectacle
HEKTOMERON - 100 jours / 100 histoires / 100 metteurs en scène de 100 pays
HEKTAMERON, un projet international fait de courtes performances vidéo qui a été développé en 100 jours, avec 100 histoires, 100 réalisateurs de 100 pays.
>>>Plus d’information en PDF
Regardez les 100 performances vidéo de HEKTOMERON sur
Appel ouvert pour une résidence d’artistes Queer
Le CPH - Queer Theatre Festival présente Hot Meat, un programme de développement de nouvelles pièces et de résidence d'artiste, axé sur la communauté LGBTQ +. Au cours de cette résidence de 10 jours, vous travaillerez avec d'autres artistes du monde entier pour créer l'une des 4 nouvelles pièces de théâtre pop-up, qui sera présentée en première lors de la World Pride.
Êtes-vous un créateur de théâtre professionnel qui s'identifie comme queer et souhaitez-vous vous immerger, explorer et remettre en question les principes fondamentaux de la performance queer, alors Hot Meat est une résidence d'artiste faite pour vous. Date limite pour postuler : le 23 avril 2021.
Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici.
Réseau de théâtre dans les zones de conflit
Séminaires en ligne : Théâtre dans les zones de conflit
La proposition fait partie du projet « Alchimie », promu par le Centre italien de l’ITI, en partenariat avec ITI Mondial et d’autres institutions, soutenu par la Fondazione con il Sud. Il prévoit la mise en œuvre d'une série de séminaires en ligne impliquant des artistes et des opérateurs culturels principalement des Centres de l’ITI qui ont développé une expérience dans le domaine du théâtre dans les zones de conflit. Tout le monde peut regarder les réunions sur Facebook, sans lien d'inscription.
Jeudi 8 avril, 16h00, heure de Paris:
Jessica KAAHWA du Centre ougandais de l'ITI, Elica MIWA, Shuji SOTA, Hideki HAYASHI du Centre japonais de l'ITI, Nora AMIN, Directrice de théâtre (Egypte)
20th ASSITEJ World Congress & International Performing Arts Festival for Children and Young People / MIRAI 2020
The 20th ASSITEJ World Congress & International Performing Arts Festival for Children and Young People / MIRAI 2020 will take place as a physical (‘On the Ground’) and virtual (‘Online’) event – from 22 to 31 March with all online contents available until 11 April 2021.
>>Click here to know more about the event.
More information is available on the special website created for the Congress and for the Festival: The website will inform about the “On the Ground Festival” (Tokyo), the “Professional Exchange Programme” and the “Performances on Demand”. Over this website you also can get in touch with the organizers (contact).
The World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI
invites all friends colleagues to celebrate the World Theatre Day on 27 March 2021 at 15h00 Paris Time
>>Click here to join the event on Zoom.
With a Toast on the Holistic Theatre and the Butterfly Effect
The event is hosted by Dr. Jurij Alschitz (artistic director) and Christine Schmalor (programme director).
>>For more information click here
South Korean Centre of ITI
The Members of the South Korean Centre of ITI invites you to join an Online Zoom Meeting to celebrate 2021 World Theatre Day on 27 March, 16h00 Korea Time (KST) / 8h00 Paris Time.
Jeong-ok Kim, Honorary President of ITI, and many of the members of the Centre will participate in this online event during which the Message of World Theatre Day 2021 will be read in Korean language.
>>You can join on ITI Korea FB page
Aguijón Theater Company and the Instituto Cervantes de Chicago
invites you to celebrate World Theater Day!
Let's Celebrate the Theatre!
Saturday, 27 March 2021, 14h00 Chicago Time / 20h00 Paris Time

Join us, virtually, this 27 March 27 for the awards ceremony of the Chicago International Hispanic Dramaturgy Competition 2020, given to:
José Manuel Hidalgo (Mexico): The No Place - First Prize
Teresa Díaz Del Guante (Mexico): Monster Underground - Honorable Mention
Let's toast together - from a distance - to the theater!
For more details visit:
The Philippine Centre & Colombian Centre of ITI
… are inviting you to participate in the International Forum “Women in Theatre Arts and Sustainable Development. It is scheduled on World Theatre Day, 28 March 2021 at 10h00 Bogota Time / 16h00 Paris Time.
>>For joining the International Forum over Facebook, click here
International Network Theatre in Prison
Under the lens of the International Theatre Institute ITI UNESCO is organizing the Inaugural event of the 8th National Day of Theatre in Prison on World Theatre Day 2021. It is an international training seminar on two significant Italian projects of theatre in prison with adults and minors in Venice and Palermo on 27 March, 15h00 to 16h30 Paris Time.The seminar is organized by the National Coordination for Theatre in Prison, representing more than 50 qualified professional projects and the International Network Theatre in Prison / ITI-UNESCO Partner organization. Please join the event which is broadcast in both Italian and English (with simultaneous translation) on:
>>Website Teatro Aenigma
>>Teatro Aenigma Facebook Page
Teatro do Noroeste – Centro Dramático de Viana, Portugal
has prepared a special program for World Theatre Day. Saturday, at 16h00, reading of the World Theatre Day Message by Helen Mirren is read by Armanda Santos. After the reading, the play Palhaço Verde, by Matilde Rosa Araújo, will be broadcast free of charge, with simultaneous translation in Portuguese Sign Language and subtitled in English.
The event begins at 27 March, 16h00 Portugal Time / 15h00 Paris Time
>>Watch the reading and the play by clicking here
Nowy Teatr, Poland
Celebrate World Theatre Day with Nowy Teatr by watching “Enter Full Screen” by polish director Wojtek Ziemilsk, free of charge
27 March, 18h00 / 28 March, 19h00
Photo: Maurycy Stankiewicz
>>On Facebook live, click here
Montenegro Centre of ITI
An official presentation of the Montenegro Centre of ITI was organized via ZOOM conference on 3 March by the DG of ITI Tobias Biancone, the ITI Vice-President of Europe Fabio Tolledi, the President Natasa Kraljevic and the General Secretary Jelena Markovic, both of the Montenegro Centre of ITI, during the Adriatic - Ionian Festival of Theatre on Intangible Heritage. This Festival is the final activity of the ADNICH Project, which was co-founded by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme. The goal of the project was to create a South Adriatic network between Italy, Albania and Montenegro, which can enhance the immaterial heritage of the three countries through art and theatre. The Festival is scheduled from 1 to 31 March. It is conceived as an opportunity for each partner to display and promote the results achieved during the ADNICH Project.
>>Watch the Festival on YouTube
More information: >>the Festival // >>the Festival Agenda
Website General Assembly Special Edition is online – English
The Headquarters of ITI is proud to announce to you that the website for the General Assembly Special Edition in English is now online. As it is a work in progress, information is added on an almost daily basis.
You find it by clicking: The French version will be on shortly. The Registration for participation is open soon.
Ballet Dancer Friedemann Vogel selected to write the message for International Dance Day 2021
The International Theatre Institute ITI, the International Dance Committee of ITI and World Dance Alliance, is taking the opportunity of giving attention to World Ballet Day which is celebrated on 29 October. They also want to inform you that the Friedemann Vogel, the outstanding and internationally celebrated Ballet Dancer from Stuttgart (Germany) has been selected to write the official message for International Dance Day 2021 – celebrated on 29 April.
Friedemann Vogel is the Principal Dancer of the Stuttgart Ballet and a frequent guest artist at major ballet companies around the world including La Scala Theatre Ballet in Milan and the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow.
If you are interested in receiving more information about International Dance Day, the message of Friedemann Vogel (when it is ready), and the International Dance Committee, please write to idd2021(at)
Photo credit: Yoon6photo
World Theatre Day 2021 - Call for Performance Videos for World Theatre Day 2021
Due to the current unpromising situation of the global pandemic, the General Secretariat of ITI will organize the World Theatre Day 2021 Celebration - online. It will be a global Celebration consisting of a full-day streaming on 27 March of performance videos submitted from all over the world. All the streamed performances will also be available at the ITI worldwide and World Theatre Day websites after the event.
The General Secretariat of ITI is calling theatre artists and groups for submitting a creative production in the form of a performance video to enrich this marvelous celebration.
>>Click here to find out the detailed information about the performance video.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact with the General Secretariat of ITI: info(at)
World Theatre Day 2021 - Call for Sharing World Theatre Day Celebrations & Special Events
Additionally, members and friends of ITI are encouraged to organize celebration events for the World Theatre Day in various forms - online or at a venue inside or outside. The General Secretariat would love to promote and stream the event on the social media channels of ITI. Please share with the detailed information about your events by sending the General Secretariat the data.
We hope that through this initiative of ITI, members and the friends of ITI will share their Celebration of World Theatre Day. In these difficult times, it is essential to use the art of theatre to fuel people’s spirit on a global scale.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the General Secretariat of ITI: info(at)
Chi è di scena? ITI Meets the World
“Chi è di scena? ITI Meets the World” aims to promote the knowledge of ITI Centres in the world, through a series of bilateral meetings with one ITI Centre, that can give voice to the different artistic experiences that enliven the theatrical scene in the different countries.
>>Click here to know more about the project.
People who are interested in participating in the meeting, please write to iti.italiancentre(at)
Interested persons can watch the programme on >>Facebook without registration Link. So far, the Russian Centre and the Georgian Centre have been in dialogue with ITI Italy.
Programme of the next meetings
• Monday, 22 March, 16.00 h Paris Time: ITI Italy and ITI USA in dialogue
• Thursday, 15 April, 16:00 h Paris Time: ITI Italy and ITI Croatia in dialogue
• Monday, 19 April, 16:00 h Paris Time: ITI Italy and ITI Macedonia in dialogue
• Thursday, 22 April, 16:00 h Paris Time: ITI Italy and ITI Spain in dialogue
• Thursday, 6 May, 16:00 h Paris Time: ITI Italy and ITI United Kingdom in dialogue
Theatre in Conflict Zones Network of ITI - Online Seminars: Theatre in Conflict Zones
The proposal is part of ‘Alchimie’ project, promoted by ITI Italia, in partnership with ITI worldwide and other institutions, supported by Fondazione con il Sud.
>>Click here to know more about the project.
Interested persons who like to participate in the meetings, please write to iti.italiancentre(at)
Everybody can watch the meetings over >>Facebook without registration Link.
Programme of the next online seminars
• Wednesday, 24 February, 18.00 h Paris Time: Ali MAHDI NOURI of the Sudan Centre of ITI, and Daniel BAUSCH of the Swiss Centre of ITI
• Thursday, 4 March, 16.00 h Paris Time: Rawand ARQAWI, Osama ALSADI of the Fragment Theatre in Palestine, Thomas ENGEL of the Germany Centre ITI
• Thursday, 18 March, 16.00 h Paris Time: Hamadou MANDE of the Burkina Faso Centre of ITI, Hamadou TIEMTORE Theatre Director of Burkina Faso, Taiwo AFOLABI of the Nigerian Centre of ITI
• Thursday, 8 April, 16.00 h Paris Time: Jessica KAAHWA of the Uganda Centre of ITI, Elica MIWA, Shuji SOTA, Hideki HAYASHI of the Japan Centre ITI, Nora AMIN, Theatre Director (Egypt)
In Memoriam: Emmanouil Koutsourelis
Emmanouil Koutsourelis, the former President of the Hellenic Centre, member of the International Festival Forum and the International Dance Committee, and active member of the European Regional Council passed away. “I experienced Emmanouil as someone with a gentle attitude, had an adventurous life, especially when working with Robert Wilson at LaMama in New York. He was always ready to assist ITI worldwide and find solutions for the Hellenic Centre when Greece was hit by the financial crisis. Thinking of him, I see him with a smile, an impish smile… I just found it again when I was looking at his Facebook Page, which is still on and is offering impressive photos and statements.”
Tobias Biancone, DG ITI
>>Link of Emmanouil Koutsourelis Facebook Page
>>Please read the attached letter written by Evi Prousali, General Secretary of the Hellenic Centre of ITI.In the attached letter you find the email addresses for sending condolences.
Call for application - Translating Theatre – 22nd International Workshop Mülheim
The International Theatre Institute (ITI Germany), in cooperation with the Mülheimer Theatertage “Stücke 2021” and supported by the Goethe - Institut, invites translators of German-language drama to a workshop from 21st – 30th May, 2021.
If on-site attendance is not possible due to COVID-19, then attendance at a hybrid or digital workshop is also assured.
Please send your application by e-mail along with a letter of motivation (no longer than one page), a bibliography and a description of your professional background by the 31st of January, 2021 to: Internationales Theaterinstitut Deutschland, FAO Andrea Zagorski: a.zagorski(at)
>>Please click here to find out more.
Happy New Year!
May the new year bring you encouragement and inspiration for creating a good life – personally and professionally.
May 2021 become an extraordinary culturally rich year for all of us – in a world where mutual understanding and peace permeates our lives.
----The General Secretariat of ITI

Que la nouvelle année vous apporte encouragement et inspiration pour créer une vie bonne - personnellement et professionnellement. Puisse 2021 devenir une année extraordinaire et culturellement enrichissante pour nous tous - dans un monde où la compréhension mutuelle et la paix imprègnent nos vies.
----Le Secrétariat général de l'ITI
Expression of Gratitude
The Executive Council and the General Secretariat want to thank the speakers, ITI Centres, the Committees, Forums and Networks of ITI, the Partner Organizations and all individuals and groups that have participated in the General Assembly Special Edition 2020. Your participation and contributions created a culturally rich event that was highly appreciated by members and friends of ITI.
For those who would like to watch or re-watch the event, may do so, by visiting the website
During the Internal Meeting ITI Centres have presented 15 different international projects. If you are interested in the project descriptions, please send an email to info(at), and the General Secretariat will send you the document.
Colombian Centre of ITI - Video Presentation “Theatre in Conflict Zones”
The Colombian Centre of ITI, in association with the Theatre in Conflict Zone Network and the Social Change Network of ITI, is proud to present to you a first video dealing with the theme of “Theatre in Conflict Zones”. Interesting statements are made by Anamarta de Pizzaro and Viktor Sebek (Co-Presidents Colombian Centre of ITI), Hedva Ser (Artist & UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Cultural Diplomacy), Cecile Guidote Alvarez (President of the Social Change Network & Philippine Centre of ITI), Fabio Tolledi (Teatro Astragali, Secretary Theatre in Conflict Zone Network & President Italian Centre of ITI), Ali Mahdi Nouri (Sudan Centre of ITI), Nube Sandoval & Bernardo Rey (Teatro Cenit), Andrija Milosevic (actor and theatre director, Serbia), Parakrama Niriella (Theatre of the People & Secretary of the Social Change Network) and many more.
It is a video that is witnessing of what people have achieved and achieve by working on the subject of “Theatre in Conflict Zones” on a global scale.
>>Please watch it on YouTube
Viktor Sebek, Co-President, Colombian Centre of ITI: victor vsebek2008(at)
Anamarta de Pizzaro, Co-President, Colombian Centre of ITI: anamarta.depizarro(at)
Fabio Tolledi, Secretary of the Theatre in Conflict Zone Network of ITI: teatro(at)
Calls of the Accademia Teatro Dimitri
The Accademia Teatro Dimitri is a member of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts.
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in “Diversity and Inclusive Practice in Performing Arts” at Accademia Teatro Dimitri | May 2021 — Oct. 2022
The CAS “Diversity and Inclusive Practice in Performing Arts” focuses on the importance of diversity and its potential to enrich artistic endeavors, and offers the opportunity to explore new forms of individual and collective creation. The training continues the discourse and practices which began with the research and training project “DisAbility on Stage/Disabled Bodies in Discourse” that addresses the issue of disability in contemporary performance practice and their inclusion in the curricula of universities of applied sciences.
>>More information
Work Opportunity: Head of BA/MA Programmes
The Accademia Teatro Dimitri a theatre academy affiliated to the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI). The Accademia will appoint a new Head of BA/MA Programs with teaching obligations (80%) - from August 2021/22.
Applications must be submitted to the Accademia Teatro Dimitri by 30 January 2021.
Incomplete applications and applications sent to other addresses or after the deadline will not be accepted.
>>More information
Lorenza Gobbi: lorenza.gobbi(at)
Address: Accademia Teatro Dimitri, Stradòn 28, CH-6653 Verscio, Switzerland
Excellent News: New Colombian Centre of ITI
It is with big pleasure and pride that ITI is announcing the new Colombian Centre of ITI. After two years of having no Centre in Colombia, Viktor Sebek and Anamarta de Pizarro took the initiative to create it in this country with an important theatre and cultural movement. Anamarta de Pizarro is well-known and well-respected in Colombia for working for the Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Bogota for which she held the positions of Executive Director between 2010 and 2018 and Artistic Director from 2018 through 2020. Viktor Sebek is the Chairman of the South-South Cooperation Council for Sustainable Development and is Vice-President of the Social Change Network of ITI. He is currently co-organizing an artistic Festival and Forum on Sustainable Development Goals in October 2021 in Manila, together with Cecile Guidote-Alvarez, President of the Philippine Centre of ITI.
Viktor Sebek - vsebek2008(at)
Anamarta de Pizarro - anamarta.depizarro(at)
Photo: Anamarta de Pizzaro and Viktor Sebek, Co-Presidents of the Colombian Centre
Network - Heritage, Indigenous Cultures & Migration of ITI – N-HIM
Message by Jorge Ortoll, President of the Network - Heritage, Indigenous Cultures & Migration of ITI: "Dear colleagues, dear friends, I would like to share with all members and friends of ITI the 30-minute film from Ma-Yi Theater Company of New York City. Our intent of making a film in lieu of theatre is to keep theatre alive and give work to artists during these distressing pandemic times.
The film is called SOPHOCLES IN STATEN ISLAND. It deals with a Filipino American family in the suburbs of New York City dealing with the pandemic and homeschooling thru, among other things, Oedipus Rex and Antigone. I believe this will be of interest to many ITI members.
Please, watch the film by logging on to It's easy to find. We can also provide a narrative of how the film was conceived and put together.
Hoping this can be of assistance to the members and friends of ITI. Any comments and questions are welcome."
Jorge Z. Ortoll, President of the Network - Heritage, Indigenous Cultures and Migration of ITI
Email: jortoll(at)
PS by the Editors of the ITI Newsletter; In any case, the visit the website of the Ma-Yi Studios is a worthwhile experience.
Publications: Why Theatre?
Edited by Kaatje De Geest, Carmen Hornbostel & Milo Rau
With an introduction by Milo Rau
For two years now, the Belgian Theatre NTGent and the Berlin-based Verbrecher Verlag have been publishing the series The Golden Books: books on the theory and practice of contemporary performance art, on individual plays and general social questions. >>Click here to know more
Why Theatre? Golden Book V, 320 pages, ca. 16 €, Published 1 October 2020, ISBN 978-3-95732-450-4
>>You may order the book where ever books are sold or directly by NT Gent by clicking here.
Join the World Opera Day celebrations on 25 October!
"Celebrated on 25 October, World Opera Day is a reminder of the importance of the arts in society."
The International Theatre Institute ITI invites its members and friends to celebrate World Opera Day.
>>Click here to read two short messages of the first World Opera Day Ambassadors for this year's celebration, and Some information about how Opera venues in Europe were doing during the pandemic.
Celebrate World Opera Day – Online
Wherever you are in the world, join us on OperaVision on the weekend of 23 to 25 October to celebrate the power of opera.
World Ballet Day returns on 29 October 2020
ITI invites you to celebrate World Ballet Day that is celebrated on 29 October. For watching the trailer, click on the picture or visit
World Ballet Day 2020 invites audiences to experience morning class, which in the UK, will take place on the iconic Royal Opera House stage. There will be exclusive interviews and access to backstage rehearsals, as we prepare for The Royal Ballet: Live, the first series of live performances for The Royal Ballet in seven months. The Australian Ballet will kick off the live stream (2.00 am GMT) before passing the baton to the Bolshoi Ballet (7.00 am GMT) and on to The Royal Ballet (11.00 am to 3.00 pm GMT). A full schedule from these global dance companies will be available via
>>Click here to know more about the World Ballet Day
Yuri Lyubimov International Theatre Award 2020 – Theodoros Terzopoulos
The Yuri Lyubimov International Theatre Award has been created in honour and memory of the outstanding Russian Theatre and Opera director Yuri Lyubimov (1915-2014), the extremely well-respected stage director who enjoys a high esteem in the performing arts community all over the world.
In the memory of his achievements, every year the Lyubimov Foundation and ITI are selecting an outstanding theatre personality to be awarded with the Yuri Lyubimov International Theatre Award.
The jury of the Yuri Lyubimov International Theatre Award (Katalin Lyubimova, Natalia Isaeva, Anatoli Vassiliev, and Tobias Biancone) decided to announce the Awardee 2020 to you.
Theodoros Terzopoulos
Theodoros Terzopoulos, Stage Director, Educator, Author and Founder of the Theatre Olympics.
>>Click here to know more about the winner Photo Credits –Johanna Weber
Call for New Physical Theatre Working Group
After discussions led by representatives of ITI and the World Mime Organization (WMO) to establish a working group for the physical/non-verbal theatre, both organizations are inviting interested practitioners to join the Physical Theatre Working Group (working title) to develop the organizational goals, structure and task and to prepare first activities and projects.
If you are interested to be part of this Working Group, please write to the email physical-theatre(at) Your message will be forwarded to Marko Stojanovic, President of WMO and Daniel Bausch, Executive Council member ITI worldwide & President of the Swiss Centre of ITI (both responsible for establishing the working group). Please include a short CV and the reason why you would like to be part of the Working Group.
>>Click here to read more about the New Physical Theatre Working Group
Photo Credits – Pavlo Vyshnevskyi and Maksym Lytvynenko, students of the Kiev Municipal Academy of Circus and Variety Arts. Photo Credits Filip Stojanovic
Inspirational Words on Culture and the Arts
Anak*, why art?
In this so-called quarantine era, is there room for the arts?
by Nick J. Lizaso, Chairman of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) of the Philippines, Vice-President of the International University Theatre Association (IUTA – a Partner Organization of ITI) and member of the Philippine Centre of ITI. *Anak is a Filipino word and means “Child”, so the title may be translated to: “My Child, why art?” >>Please click here to read the full words.
Austrian Centre of ITI
The production of Black Swan was initiated by ITI Austria and realized with support of our member-organization UNESCO-Club Wien. This short video (mixed-media of theatre/performance/film) is meant as a remembrance of Hiroshima 1945, Fukushima 2011 in a time of Covid 19. It has just gone on-line and is there for you to watch on YouTube. >>Click here to watch the impressive nine-minutes video
The text is an edited extract from a larger piece that Fran Eve Wright wrote for a production with Prince Shimazu of Satsuma that is called Tyfun. It goes back to the time of the Mongolian invasion of China and attempted invasion of Japan by the Yuan dynasty. It goes down through to the Fukushima accident and tsunami. Tyfun essentially deals with the power of prayer and the power of nature throughout the history of Japan.
Presented to you by Helga Dostal, President of the Austrian Centre of ITI
North Macedonian Centre of ITI
The North Macedonian Centre of ITI is kindly inviting you to watch the 72 Hours Ongoing Premiere - Project: Dispersive Dramatics in Skopje - 6 Video Theatre / 6 Video Drama Pitching
What is the creative point with this project? We develop creative digital formats in theatre. We promote peripheral urban, rural and natural locations with strong narrative visual content and context. We internationally promote new generations of contemporary playwrights based in the Republic of North Macedonia)
Category: Public Space Theatre – Video Theatre (fragments) / Mono Performances
Language: English
>>Click here to see the Video Theatre Menu
Official Trailer:
Short info about the organization of the event: The North Macedonian Centre of ITI / Produkcija (2011-2020) develops and performs international promotion of local North Macedonian contemporary performing arts: theatre, opera / musical theatre, dance, performance. International promotion via education, publishing and collaborative productions.
Spreading Newly Translated Plays from Sweden
Contemporary Swedish drama runs the gamut from menstrual musicals to urgent depictions of our era, from dystopian futures to a critical view of our economic system, by way of Greek drama that plays out in the psychiatric ward. Each Swedish playwright presented here is different from the next. Each inhabits their own unique position and perspective and allows their divergent life experiences to be reflected in their words. Taken as a whole, these works offer something for every target audience and paint a picture of our society and world.
>>Here you will find ten voices, translated by Rachel Willson Broyles, that together comprise a palette that can illustrate the current state of Swedish drama. And yet this is merely a fragment of a staggering and many-faceted chorus of voices. We hope that the curiosity sparked by this selection will lead to more Swedish playwrights’ work being read, moving audiences, and being produced all over the world. While the Swedish experience is unique, reading and the performing arts are universal.
Operadagen 2020
“We are delighted to invite you to the world premiere of Home Sweet Home, Operadagen Rotterdam's online community opera, which you may follow now. You can be there and experience it all from the comfort of your own sitting room or wherever you want to watch.
On the very day that the 15th edition or our festival would have opened in a spectacular fashion, with a grandiose urban fest on Afrikaanderplein in Rotterdam-Zuid, we are launching the first instalment of this cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary video opera, in collaboration with OPEN Rotterdam TV. A hundred artists from Rotterdam will collectively (and in six parts) embody a raft of stories that speak of a city in lockdown. Home Sweet Home chronicles the quarantine.” Guy Coolen – Artistic director of Operadagen, President of the Flemish Centre of ITI and President of Music Theatre NOW Network of ITI and Hans Blik – Business Manager of Operadagen
Enjoy watching Home Sweet Home online. Click here.
In Memoriam | Santiago Garcia – World Theatre Ambassador of ITI
20 December 1928 to 23 March 2020
Santiago García – Reinventor of the Colombian Theatre
By José Assad
Santiago García, the inveterate reinventor of Colombian theatre, with his jovial, familiar presence, loaded with spontaneous humor as if he were any regular citizen of La Candelaria, the traditional Bogotá neighborhood, no longer lives there like any mortal being.
Now following in the footsteps of his own inventiveness, he will live from now on, in the universe of the collective memory of the great theatre of the world.
>>Please click here to read the full version of “Santiago García – Reinventor of the Colombian Theatre”.
In Memoriam | Jeffrey Sichel
24 December 1967 – 27 March 2020
It is with deep sadness that the ITI/UNESCO Network announces that our dear friend and colleague Jeffrey Sichel passed away. Thanks to his tremendous efforts for the ITI/UNESCO Network with his passion, generosity and expertise this organization came into existence.
Tobias Biancone, Derek Goldman and Vidyanidhee Prasad Vanarase have sent us their words in honour of their friend Jeffrey Sichel. The texts are attached.
If you would like to send us your condolences, please send them to the ITI/UNESCO Secretariat. We will forward them to his family.
Please read the tribute words honouring Jeffrey Sichel by:
>>Tobias Biancone
>>Derek Goldman
>>Vidyanidhee “Prasad” Vanarase
In Memoriam | Heherson “Sonny“ Alvarez
6 October 1939 – 20 April 2020
Many members of ITI have met Senator Heherson “Sonny” Alvarez, a noble person that a lot of people consider to be a hero. Most of us have met him together with Cecile Guidote Alvarez, President of the Philippine Centre of ITI and UNESCO Artist for peace who he supported throughout his life. That he passed away has saddened many of us and for sure “our” Cecile. In this Newsletter we are sharing the words of the Former House Speaker Jose De Venecia, Jr. who is giving us an insight into the life of his colleague and friend Heherson Alvarez.
May he rest in peace.
If you would like to send Cecile and her family your condolences please send your words to the General Secretariat of ITI – info(at) - who will forward them to Cecile Guidote-Alvarez.
UNESCO | In moments of crisis, people need culture
Article presented on the UNESCO website by Ernesto OTTONE, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture
COVID-19 has brought into stark relief, as crises often do, the necessity of culture for people and communities. At a time when billions of people are physically separated from one another, culture brings us together. It provides comfort, inspiration and hope at a time of enormous anxiety and uncertainty. Yet even as we rely on culture to get us through this crisis, culture is also suffering. Many artists and creators, especially those that work in the informal or gig economy, are now unable to make ends meet, much less produce new works of art. Cultural institutions, both large and small, are losing millions in revenue with each passing day. As the world works to address the immediate danger of COVID-19, we also need to put in place measures to support artists and access to culture, both in the short and long-term.
You find this article on the UNESCO website in different languages, just click on the language for reading it in the following languages
Chinese (Mandarin)
On these pages you can also subscribe to the UNESCO Newsletter.
United Nations | Culture in the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda – Invitation to endorse the Campaign
The International Theatre Institute (ITI) supports the initiative for the inclusion of a specific cultural goal to be devoted to culture in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Leading up to the adoption of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the International Music Council (Partner Organization of ITI) campaigned together with several global cultural networks under the banner "The Future We Want Includes Culture" for the inclusion of one specific goal devoted to culture, or for the integration of cultural aspects across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This campaign was also known as the #culture2015goal campaign. In the final document of this campaign (23 September 2015: "Culture in the SDG Outcome Document: Progress Made, but Important Steps Remain Ahead"), the networks committed to keep their cooperation active.
To harness this potential, the #Culture2030Goal movement, in the context of its engagement in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, calls on UN agencies, governments and all other stakeholders to act.
If you would like to endorse this initiative, you can endorse it over this link. You can endorse it as individual and an institution.
More information: (Click on the title)
The Future We Want Includes Culture
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
"Culture in the SDG Outcome Document: Progress Made, but Important Steps Remain Ahead"
IATC - International Association of Theatre Critics – Congress in Bratislava
The General Secretariat of IATC has announced that their 30th Congress in May 2020, in Bratislava, Slovakia, has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The Congress is now planned to happen in Bratislava as well during the New Drama Festival 10 - 16 May 2021.
More information:
Contact: contact(at)
Chinese Performing Arts – Issue #1 - Available on the Website of ITI
Shanghai Theatre Academy and International Theatre Institute are proud to announce the online availability of their joint publication “Chinese Performing Arts”. The book is available as a PDF. >>Please click here to download. If you would like to have the printed softcover book, please write to info(at) (Price 10 Euros plus mailing costs.)
Solidarity for the Reconstruction of the “Scène Espace Themacult”
The Theatre Maoundoh-Culture-Themacult (Director: Ismael Vangdar Dorsouma) and its partners, Lafia Compagnie (Artistic Director: Doro Dimanta) and the association Zon'Action (President: Anicet Djoubana Koublengar) request your solidarity for the reconstruction of its theatre scene, located in N’Djamena in Chad. It hosts, produces, co-produces and programmes various activities (shows, exhibitions, meetings, artistic residencies, etc.). The very bad state of this stage is a hindrance to activities in the space and in the neighbourhoods benefiting from these activities.
If you want to have >>more information about the project, please click here. >>To make an online donation click here.
New Publication – UNESCO & the International Theatre Institute ITI
The General Secretariat is proud to announce a new publication about the relationship of UNESCO & ITI. The 40-page publication illustrates the history of how UNESCO laid the first bricks which became the foundation of “The International Theatre Institute”. It sheds light on how ITI and UNESCO collaborate with each other: the UNESCO National Commissions and the Centres of a country, the country´s delegation to UNESCO in Paris with ITI worldwide. The publication is an invitation for the National Commission of UNESCO and the Centres to mutually assist each other and collaborate. It is a kind request to the National Delegations and National Commissions of UNESCO to help ITI to create Centres in countries where there are no Centres of ITI.
Furthermore, it might be interesting for anyone to find out what the relationship of UNESCO looks like.
The brochure is available in English and French. Spanish is in preparation. You may download the brochure here:
UNESCO & ITI – English version
UNESCO & ITI – version française
The General Secretariat of ITI may send you a copy or copies of the printed version. Please write to info(at) to obtain yours.
New Publication “CULTURE 2030 - Indicators”
This 112-page publication, with a foreword by Ernesto OTTONE, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture, has just been released. It focusses on Culture’s role in sustainable development, the key concepts and approaches; on UNESCO Culture Conventions and Programmes towards the agenda 2030; on the overall purpose and guiding principles; it illustrates how Culture fits in the Sustainable Development Goals and informs about the methodological approach and describes the indicators.
The publication is available in English, French and Spanish (online). You may download the Anglophone and francophone versions here:
CULTURE / 2030 – Indicators English version CULTURE / 2030 - Indicateurs – version française
IETM/Theater der Zeit – New Publication
The most recent meeting of the IETM (International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts) in Munich has spawned a new publication which they wish to share with everyone. The new book, published in association with Theater der Zeit, is available in English and German, and tackles theatres role in the world alongside issues such as post-colonialism and diversity.
>>For more information, please click here.
The Director General’s Congress Report
35th ITI World Congress, 14 to 22 July 2017, Segovia/Spain
The Director General’s Congress Report (35th ITI World Congress) is now available in English and French for download.
>>Please click here to download different versions.
Discover UNESCO Platform for Cultural Policies
UNESCO's Policy Monitoring Platform supports evidence-based policy making for the promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions in the hope of creating more informed, transparent and participatory systems of governance for culture. A new platform detailing their Innovative practices is now available for you all to look at and get involved with. >>To further explore, please click here.
Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts
The ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts is a Network that follows the rules and guidelines of UNITWIN, a programme of the Education Sector of UNESCO, intended to twin academia with UNESCO and support UNESCO to reach their goals. The ITI/UNESCO Network is dedicated to working for the education in the performing arts and intends to follow the humanistic, educational and artistic goals of ITI and UNESCO that are formulated in the Charter of the Network. These are the activities and projects that the Network is undertaking or developing: Conferences, Student Festivals, Directory/Mapping Project, Exchange of Students and Educators, Research Projects, Books, Audio & Multimedia Publications, Exhibitions, Intangible Heritage Research & Preservation, Knowledge & Knowhow Transfer, Competitions, Awards and so on. Please get in touch with the Network if your institution is interested in joining by writing to Chen Zhongwen: chen.zhongwen(at) or if you want to subscribe to the Newsletter of the Network by writing to: Tom Johnson: tom.johnson(at) To read the first Newsletter of the Network for Higher Education in the performing art >>in English please click here, >>in French please click here, and >>in Spanish please click here.
Open Call for Publications in ITI info
Short guidelines for Publications for ITI-info, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of ITI. The idea is to represent Arabian, African, Asian, European and American wonderful Faces of Theatre. Please, contribute your love and pride, your thoughts and knowledge to the joint non-commercial project. Here on pages of the magazine we meet each other again, but with a lot of necessary information to make new contacts and share new channels of collaboration. >>For more information please check the call here.
Toolkit for ITI Centres – Tools for Opening and Running a Centre
For quite a while the members of the General Secretariat assembled all the available information that concerns the opening and running of an ITI Centre and put it together in a publication.. It answers questions such as: Who founded ITI? What is the procedure to open a Centre? What are the ongoing artistic, educational and humanistic activities of ITI? How to go about to approach a National UNESCO Commission? What are the tools for increasing membership? Etc. The Toolkit for ITI Centres is available in English, French and Spanish. Please write to info(at) so that we can send you a copy in the language(s) of your choice. The publication exists in PDF format.
German Centre of ITI
Work Opportunity: Theater der Welt – Programme Directorship
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main, Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main and Schauspiel Frankfurt (Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt am Main), in association with the German Centre of the International Theatre Insti¬tute (ITI), collectively search for a
for the 2023 edition of the international theatre festival, Theater der Welt (Theatre of the World) to be held in the cities of Frankfurt am Main, and Offenbach am Main in Germany from 29 June to 16 July 2023.
If you are interested in the work opportunity, please read the attached information or visit the website of the 2023 edition of Theater der Welt:
Deadline for the application: 31 January 2021
>>More Information
Contact: recruitment2023(at)
Call for Participation - Colombo International Theatre Festival 2021
Inter Act Art is happy to announce the Call for Participation in the 9th Colombo International Theatre Festival 2021 (CITF) which will be held from 1 to 7 August in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
CITF 2021 will feature performances from across the globe, formal and informal interactions between artists from Sri Lanka and abroad. Deadline for applications: 28 February 2021, to be sent to interactarts(at)
>>More information and application form
Contact interactarts(at)

M. Safeer, Festival Director, +94 773 129 749 M.Shafraz, Festival Secretary, + 94 757 235 727
Call for Artists
STOFF's 12th annual global artist call is open!
Stockholm Fringe Festival (STOFF) is a multidisciplinary arts festival, acting as a ‘stage’ for local and international artists to present their innovative work ranging from performance to installation art and anything in between. The festival stands for artistic freedom and focuses on out-of-the-box and “alternative” works that may not fit into mainstream performance or exhibition spaces.
The 12th edition of STOFF will be returning on 14-18 September 2021, in the shape of a HYBRID festival, that will feature old and new festival modules: both IRL fringe art, and online showcases from Sweden and the globe! Deadline for applications: 15 January 2021.
>>More information
World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT / ITI
Peace and Health for 2021: “The World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT / ITI wishes you peace and health for 2021. Do we need more? Yes! Theatre!”
Dr Jurij Alschitz – Artistic Director // Christine Schmalor – Programme Director // Dr Olga Lapina, Riccardo Palmieri, Dimitris Tsiamis – Team Of Teachers
More than ever, we need “stimuli” for our artistic existence and opportunities to stay tuned and to develop further… Therefore, the World Theatre Training Institute invites you to look at the programme of new Online Theatre Academy for next year.
>>Please click here for more information.
Ferdausi Majumdar received this year’s Independence Award
Ferdausi Majumdar, the legendary and highly acclaimed and celebrated actress of Bangladesh received this year’s Independence Award, the highest civilian award of the country for her contribution to theatre arts. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh was virtually present as the Chief Guest in the award giving ceremony held on 19 October 2020.
Ferdausi Majumdar is one of the founding members of Bangladesh Centre of ITI and the President of Theatre Drama Group. So far only three theatre personalities received this state recognition. 1998 Ferdausi Majumdar got the Ekushe Padak, the second highest state award. The whole Majumdar family has the dedicated their life to theatre – her husband Ramendu Majumdar, Honorary President of ITI, and also their daughter Tropa.
Members and friends of ITI would like to congratulate her for this outstanding award and wish her good health and continuous possibilities to enchant audiences with her theatrical arts.
Contact: ramendu(at) Photo: Ferdausi Majumdar (left) & Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh(right) at the Award Ceremony.
Swedish Centre of ITI presenting Swedstage 2020 online
Swedstage 2020 becomes Swedstage Online on 9 November
Swedstage is the opportunity to see and experience the very best of Swedish performing arts for children, youth and adults.
Swedish Performing Arts Coalition and ASSITEJ Sweden have decided to suspend Swedstage 2020 in the form we are used to.
Instead, we will arrange a digital showcase program on 9 November at 14.00 h CET: Swedstage Online.
Link coming soon on the Website:
Photo credit: Senay Berhe - So sorry by BamBam Frost
>>Click here to know more about the event
World Theatre Day 2020 – Ceremony with Award Ceremony “Scrivere il Teatro”
9 October 2020, Cine Politeama Theatre Caltagirone - Catania (Italy)
Since 2016 the Ministry of Education of Italy and the Italian Centre of ITI are celebrating World Theatre Day with a competition called “Scrivere il Teatro” (Writing Theatre) for Italian students. Fortunately, the 2020 edition was not cancelled but just postpone to 9 October to happen in a historic theatre and cinema venue with live audience (following the legal instructions for theatre having an audience indoors).
The competition “Scrivere il teatro” is intended to creatively celebrate World Theatre Day by writing theatre. The winning work is staged by students who wrote the theatrical text themselves. They are assisted by professional theatre experts during a 10-day full immersion artistic residence. The emergency of the Covid-19 pandemic prevented the normal implementation of the final phase of the project in March. Everything had to be postponed to the opening of schools in September. But now, the city of Caltagirone in Sicily (Italy) has become the Italian Capital of World Theatre Day 2020 by celebrating the Day and premiering the winning performance “” in the city´s Cine Teatro Politeama. The play has been written by the students of class IIIB of the Secusio High School of Caltagirone. Students and school children will be able to see the play online when it is streamed to all Italian schools.
The Celebration 2020 of World Theatre Day in Italy opens with the videoed message of Shahid Nadeem, World Theatre Day message author 2020, followed by introductory words of Fabio Tolledi and Georgio Zorcù, President and Secretary of the Italian Centre of ITI. H.E Lucia Azzolina, Minister of Education of Italy, will speak live over video streaming. The Celebration culminates with premiering the winning play “”.
Announcement of the winners of the Sholem Aleichem Adaptation's Contest
In June 2019 The International Playwrights´ Forum (IPF) of ITI, in collaboration with the Israeli Centre of the ITI and The Institute for Jewish Theatre (associated with the Israeli Centre), and thanks to the generous support of the ITI Executive Council and the ITI Headquarters, launched an international project: A competition of new dramatic adaptations of Sholem Aleichem's short stories.
The winners of the Sholem Aleichem Adaptation's Contest
• The first prize of 2500 Euro was accorded to “Lazare”, a French adaptation by Louis Malié (France).
The second prize of 1375 Euro each was divided between two Hungarian competitors:
• Péter Körmöczi-Kriván for the Play “Almost”
• Péter Hollós for the play “The Dreamers”
ITI and IPF want to warmly congratulate the winners. Apart from the awards for the playwrights, the winning plays will be celebrated and accorded with a staged reading at an ITI international event that will be duly announced. The texts will be published on the websites of the IPF and The Institute for Jewish Theatre and Facebook page. Further options for exposing the plays are considered.
For any questions please write to the President and the General Secretary of IPF over info(at)
>>The full final report with the juries´ explanations, written by the President of IPF, is available here
Second Edition of “Emerging Scenes in Africa”, 9 to 18 April 2021 in Accra, Ghana
Call for Applications for Workshop and Masterclass Trainers, Speakers, Facilitators
The African Regional Council of ITI and the Ghana ITI Centre are committed to providing accommodation, catering and internal travel related to the project for experts and guests.
>>Click here to know more about the Categories, Organization & Conditions of Participation.
Call for Participation
From different members of ITI we have received messages that they have started to perform in or outside of venues – with dance, theatre or other performances. How is it possible? What Covid-19-conditions have to be applied? Please share your story of your Festival, of your performances in or outside of a venue with members and friends of ITI. Your best practice will help others to follow similar procedures.
Please send the story with pictures or a video, and a logo so that we can publish it in one of the next ITI Newsletters. Send it to news(at) It will give ITI members and friends guidelines and hope.
Picture: Song of the Songs, performed at the archaeological site of Rudiae near Lecce, Italy, in August 2020. Production: Astragali Teatro. Direction: Fabio Tolledi. Performers Roberta Quarta and Simonetta Rotundo, with the Ensemble Montesardo
ITI Publications Committee announces a new Book Almanac Project: "The Social Theatre Today"
Under the guidance of Alfira Arslanova, General Secretary of the Russian Centre of ITI and President of the ITI Publication Committee (IPC) a new Book Series has been launched. The books are non-commercial publications, created within the framework of the IPC. The publications reflect the activities and influences of the performing arts in a system of social changes in society in various countries. The first publication that should appear before the 36th ITI World Congress is dedicated to people of culture and cultural organizations and their survival during the coronavirus pandemic.
Call for Articles for the first Almanac "Social Theatre Today – 2020. Pandemic"
The ITI Publications Committee is interested in:
a. Articles published in 2020, reflecting the situation in the field of performing arts during the period of the coronavirus pandemic in general
b. Statistics of cultural figures who have passed away for reasons related to coronavirus, as well as the names of the most prominent personalities associated with culture (in this case, photographs and information about the person are needed for the heading in memorials, in some cases even posthumous essays)
c. Interviews of experts on unrealized plans, human losses, hopes and ideas on how to preserve art in the current conditions
d. Artistic photographs illustrating the situation in theatres and cities in 2020
e. Pop vox questionnaire: audience survey (name, age, gender activities, country) about how they miss theatre and performances, why they needed theatre in the past and will / can they go to the theatre now
f. Monologues, statements, excerpts, quotes from prominent/local people about the pandemic and hopes for the future
g. Projects, titles and authors of works created in 2020, related to the pandemic, excerpts from them
If you are interested in submitting your article, please connect with Alfira Arslanova alfira.arslanova(at) and visit the Facebook Page
New Publication: Challenges of the Mind - New Dimensions in Theatre Training
A reader of the Online Conference 2020 where first experiences were discussed and new perspectives of Online Theatre Training were presented. Edited by Christine Schmalor
The Conference was initiated by Dr Jurij Alschitz, the World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI and the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts. Born out of the necessity that the teaching situation in Spring 2020 is facing, the online encounter opened many perspectives, questions and new fields of research. In agreeing that theatre is a live-art which needs live performance with the live contact between actors and audience, speakers and participants found a large number of interesting new paths where new media and online possibilities are used to wake up artistic self-responsibility and creativity.
The speakers have kindly revised and supplemented their contributions so that there is much to read: from the philosophical reflections of Pavlos Kavouras, University of Athens, to practical examples from the teaching of Erik Lint, ID Lab Amsterdam, or Marcus Lobbes, head of the Academy for Theatre and Digitality and many more, to various reflections and analyses of the situation.
>>The reader is available online over this link.
In English. The Russian translation will follow soon.
Croatian Centre of ITI: The Project MONOVID 19, Kazalište
The Croatian Centre of ITI is pleased to present the project MONOVID 19, 19 monologues about coronavirus and the isolation and social situation caused by the virus. The monologues were written by the middle age and younger generation of Croatian playwrights. They were published in Croatian language in the theatre magazine Kazalište.
More information about the Croatian Centre and its activities and its publications:
Philippine Centre of ITI – SDG Arts Festival & Forum for Peace and Climate Justice
7 to 14 March 2021, Manila, Philippines
Under the guidance of Cecile Guidote-Alvarez, President of the Philippine Centre of ITI & Artist for Peace of UNESCO, and Viktor Sebek, President of the South-South Cooperation Council for Sustainable Development (SSCC) the SDG Arts Festival & Forum for Peace and Climate Justice is already in full preparation. Together with a multitude of partners, including UNESCO and ITI, a week-long event is planned with a conference, with a performing arts festival, with an art camp and so on.
>>The draft programme is giving you more information about the scope of the event.
Call for Participation: If you would like to participate or if you would offer a performance for the event, please get in touch with both: Cecile Guidote-Alvarez – cecilealvarez(at), and Viktor Sebek - vsebek2008(at)
They will inform you about hosting and condition for the performances (max. 30 minutes).
International Dance Day 2020 Online Celebration
Gregory Vuyani MAQOMA, dancer, choreographer & educator from South Africa is the International Dance Day Message Author for 2020. Celebrate International Dance Day 2020 with translating the message into your country´s languages and sending us a VIDEO of your country´s version of Gregory MAQOMA´s message.
We encourage all the Centres, Cooperating Members, any members and friends of ITI to send a video (preferably in MP4-Format) to CHEN Simin of the General Secretariat of ITI as soon as possible. Her email address is chen.simin(at)
Attached is the message Gregory Maqoma in English and French:

>>International Dance Day Message 2020 by Gregory MAQOMA in English (original) in PDF and Word
>>Message de la Journée Internationale de la Danse 2020 de Gregory MAQOMA en français (traduction) en PDF et Word
>>Biography Gregory MAQOMA in English as PDF and Word
>>Biographie Gregory MAQOMA en français (traduction) en PDF et Word Photo Credit: Alon Skuy
World Theatre Day 2020 – Great gratitude to all of you
The feedback that we received from the Centres, Cooperating Members, Partner Organizations and friends of ITI was like an avalanche of passion for theatre, for theatre artists – for all those who dedicate their life for the work on stage. On behalf of ITI and all its entities – I would like to send everybody a heartfelt, strong thank you.
All the contribution to World Theatre Day can be found on the website Just click on the link and check
A fantastic amount of translations, messages, information, happy world theatre messages that we received are uplifting our spirit and empowering us. Please have a look.
(If something is missing, please let us know: wtd(at) and we put it on the website.)
Let´s continue to create a positive effect and encourage our colleagues and friends all over the world.
ASSITEJ - International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People
Postponement of the 20th ASSITEJ World Congress & Performing Arts Festival / MIRAI 2020
We would like to express our sympathies to all those who are suffering from the new coronavirus and all those around the world whose lives have been affected by the spread of the infection.
ASSITEJ International and the ASSITEJ Japan Centre have been in repeated discussions, keeping an eye on the rapidly changing situation of Japan and the world. We deeply share the belief that the event is of great significance. We are convinced it will be a great and rare opportunity to experience the fascinating productions of the invited companies from around the world, together with other audiences in the theatre, and the feeling of crossing cultural boundaries. However, the threat of the coronavirus, which has evolved into a global pandemic, is far beyond what we can imagine and respond to. Under these circumstances, what matters most is the health and safety of everyone.
Thus, we make a joint statement here that the 20th ASSITEJ World Congress & Performing Arts Festival / MIRAI will be unavoidably postponed, most likely to the second half of March 2021.
>>For full information please click here
This and That and That
The Multiple Roles of the Theatre Artist – The Double Meaning of Performative Criticism
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
Hong Kong Time 17:00-19.30 h / Paris Time 10:00-12.30 h
Thursday, 28 January 2021
Hong Kong Time 17:00-20:00 h / Paris Time 10:00-13.00 h
Live Broadcast:
Language: English
Keynote Speakers: Jaroslaw Fret, Nassim Soleimanpour and Alexandra Badea.
Conference Chair: Octavian Saiu
>>Click here to find out more information
>>Watch it on Facebook
Online Seminars: Theatre in Conflict Zones
It is launched by the Italian Centre of ITI, in association with the ITI Theatre in Conflict Zones Network, and the ITI Centres of Colombia, Sudan, Switzerland, Germany, Burkina Faso, and more confirmed.
Programme of the online seminars
Thursday, 11 February, 18.00 h Paris Time: Featuring Viktor SEBEK, Ana Marta DE PIZARRO, Nube SANDOVAL, Bernardo REY of the Colombian Centre of ITI
Wednesday, 24 February 18.00 h Paris Time: Featuring Ali MAHDI NOURI of the Sudan Centre of ITI, and Daniel BAUSCH of the Swiss Centre of ITI Interested persons who like to participate in the meetings, please write to iti.italiancentre(at)
Everybody can watch the meetings over Facebook, without registration link.
>>Click here to know more
Iran Centre of ITI
Call for Entry of the 18th Tehran-Mobrak International Online Puppet Theatre Festival
During the current times of global pandemic, the 18th Tehran-Mobarak International Puppet Theatre Festival will be online. It calls for applications so that international puppet performances can be part of this event. The Iran Centre of ITI / Dramatic Arts Center of Iran holds the Festival online, from 28 February to 7 March 2021 in Tehran.
>>Click here to read more about the festival
Deadline for the submission of application: 19 January 2021. Send the link or file to dramatic.artcenter.iran(at) or Mozhganvakili78(at)
Mozhgan Vakili, Director of International Relation Department
Online ITI General Assembly Special Edition 2020
The Registration for the six-day event is open
How can you participate in the ITI General Assembly Special Edition?
You may watch Day 1 to Day 5 - live on Facebook live. Please use the link:
Or you may watch Day 1 to Day 5 in a reordered version afterward by visiting the website of the event using the link:
How to do the Registration?
The Registration is a quick process which only takes 2 to 3 minutes. You just need to visit the website or just click on the link below: >>Link for the Registration Form in English
>>Link for the Registration Form in French
If there are any questions, please write to
Last day for Registration: Sunday, 6 December 2020
>>The publication with essential information below you can download here.
Jordan Centre of ITI / The National Centre for Culture and Arts
Jordan Theatre Season 2020
Due to the pandemic of the Coronavirus, the Jordanian Ministry of Culture is holding the 2020 Theatre Season from the 1 to 16 of December 2020 - online. During this period friends and members of ITI can watch 16 plays that will be presented via Zoom and can be streamed over Facebook and YouTube.
Watch the Performances
During the period of 1 to 16 December, each performance is shown at 7.00 pm Amman – Jordan Time / 6.00 pm Paris Time. Use the time converter to find out when it is show in your time zone.
To watch, please visit the Facebook Channel of the Ministry of Culture of Jordan
Or visit the YouTube Channel.
Contact: Lina Attel, lina.attel(at)
>>Click here to know more about the Jordan Theatre Season 2020
German Centre of ITI / European Theatre Forum
The first European Theatre Forum was held online from 11 to 13 November. More than 150 theatre specialists participated in the event and online Forums. Additionally, thousands of viewers watched the event via live stream.
The Dresden Declaration marked the end of the first European Theatre Forum. It describes the particular role and value of theatre and the performing arts in Europe. Moreover, it emphasizes the need for a pan-European approach to this field. It proposes eight practical measures, covering working conditions for theatre artists, artistic freedom and international cooperation in the context of an ecological sustainability strategy.
The Declaration has been signed by 12 European and international networks of theatres and performing arts, including ITI as a member of the initiative group. The cooperation for the development of the Forum in recent months will continue.
>>Read the full Declaration!
Morrocan Centre of ITI / University of Hassan II Casablanca
International Video Art Festival of Casablanca / Festival international d'art video de Casablanca
The 32nd edition of the International Video Art Festival of Casablanca (FIAV) is organized under particular circumstances, marked by the pandemic of the Coronavirus which has affected all sectors of public and private life in Morocco. The surprise was drastic, and its effects and consequences were even more drastic, during which the world entered into a climate that was unprecedented in its customs, practices and rituals.
The Festival is ongoing, it started on 24 November and ends on 28 November – you may join the event live or watch the events after the events. >>Please visit the website of the International Video Art Festival of Casablanca – please >>click here or visit its Facebook Page
University Hassan II of Casablanca
Member of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts
Call for Participation International University Theatre Festival of Casablanca
32nd Edition - online
From 21 to 27 December 2020 / Theme: Theatre and Dream
The deadline for submission of theatrical pieces filmed for the selection is 5 December 2020.
Applications to participate are to be sent to fitucfituc(at) // agonegai(at)
Additional Documents:
>>Application Form as Word File
>>Rules to Sign
Contact: Website:
Phone: 00 212 579826811
Fax: 00 212 522 70 51 00 President Festival: 00 212 661 634 957
Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Ben M’Sik, BP 7951 Hay El baraka Casablanca/ Maroc
>>Click here to read more information about the Festival
Invitation to Isra-Drama: International Exposure of Israeli Theatre 2020 – Online
It is a pleasure to invite you to attend the annual Isra-Drama: International Exposure of Israeli Theatre, Thursday to Saturday, 26 to 28 November 2020, held online.
On the website, you can find more information about all participating productions, including schedule, trailers, discussion panels that will be live streamed, and more.
Please RSVP your attendance by Tuesday, 10 November 2020. For additional information please contact shimrit(at) or isradrama2020(at)
Isra-Drama would be thrilled to have you on board for this celebration of Israeli theatre and drama! Best wishes of good health to you and your loved ones from Tel Aviv, Shimrit Ron, Director of The Hanoch Levin Institute of Israeli Drama; Dr. Roy Horovitz, Chair of the Artistic Committee.
“Is it true that you will always wait for me?"
Tuesday, 24 November, Rialto Theatre, 20.30
Wednesday/Thursday 25/26 November, Pallas Theatre, 20.30
Asomates Dynameis Dance Company announces “Is it true that you always wait for me? – live performance in Cyprus.
>>Click here to know more.
Contact: Αsomates Dynameis: lindahl(at)
Facebook Page
Photo Credit: Asomates Dynameis
World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI
November Programme
The November programme of the Online Theatre Academy has a lot to offer!
In times of reorientation, we want to give impulses to theatre professionals in short, compact courses. Allow yourself the moments of freedom and deep breathing! Creativity is a pleasure!
Since the courses are designed to connect artists worldwide, they are taught in simple English; depending on the teacher, they can support you in other languages such as German, Italian, Greek, Russian. For exercises, you will use your mother tongue.
All announcements refer to UTC+1 / Berlin time
>>Click here to know more about the Programme
Announcing the ITI General Assembly Special Edition 2020 – Online
Due to the pandemic the ITI World Congress will not happen at the beginning 2021 but is postponed to the beginning of 2022. As the gap between the 35h ITI World Congress that happened in Segovia (Spain) 2017 and the 36th ITI World Congress is too big, the Executive Council and the General Secretariat if ITI are creating a General Assembly Special Edition that will happen 10 to 15 December 2020 – online.
But this Special Edition will NOT be an administrative General Assembly with elections and approval of reports but an ARTISTIC Assembly with keynote speeches by remarkable persons and brief presentations from:
• the National Centres of ITI
• the ITI Committees, Forums and Networks
• the Partner Organizations of ITI (international theatre, music, dance and similar organizations)
Friends and members of ITI as well as anybody who has an interest in ITI can watch the presentations and listen to the keynote speeches of the first five days. Your will find more detailed information about this Special Edition event in the next ITI Newsletters, the ITI website and a specially designed website. Stay tuned.
Celebrate World Opera Day 2020 on 25 October
ITI is calling its members and friends all over the world to join forces with their local venues that are presenting Operas to celebrate World Opera Day on 25 October.
In 2019 ITI together with UNESCO supported the first Opera Day that was celebrated in Strasbourg (France) and Karlsruhe (Germany) during the Opera Forum.
For this 2020 edition, OperaVision, the free streaming platform supported by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme, will stream three contrasting versions of Beethoven’s only opera, Fidelio: in a recent recorded concert version; in an animated form for young people; and in a promenade production staged at the heart of an inner-city community.
>>Link to free streaming
World Opera Day was initiated with joint forces of Ópera Latinoamérica, OPERA America and Opera Europa but is also supported by international partners such as UNESCO and the International Theatre Institute ITI. Opera Europa is one of the Partner Organizations of ITI.
Third World Mime Conference 2020 - Online
Thursday to Sunday, 10 to 13 of December
If you want to participate, please send us an email to office(at) Please send us your full name, country and email, and add some words expressing your interest and some brief information about your background. >>Click here to read the Letter by the President of the World Mime Organization, to know about the Third World Mime Conference 2020.
What does „home“ mean for the people in Mongolia – and in Switzerland. A series of Radio Plays of Ursula Werdenberg
In July 2019 the dramaturge and playwright Ursula Werdenberg and the directors of the Radio Play Section of the Swiss Radio and Television Päivi Stalder have been in Mongolia. They were exploring “What does Homeland mean in terms of globality and how does Homeland sound in Mongolia?” Four short Radio Plays are now available. The texts are in Mongolian but any listener will feel the atmosphere of “Homeland” in this unique Radio Plays that are now available for you.
For a better understanding, please read the English synopsis of the radio plays before, available here as a PDF:
- The Human Radio Play Synopsis
- The Horse Radio Play Synopsis
- The Field Sound Radio Play Synopsis
- The Last Day Radio Play Synopsis
Ursula Werdenberg is a Swiss playwright and is the General Secretary of the International Playwrights´ Forum of ITI.
Swedish Centre of ITI
Together with our members, we have created a state of the nation address. In the industry, we often talk and write messages and manifestos about the importance of performing arts, theatre, art, and culture. We wanted to investigate whether it’s possible to write a kind of message which is art in itself. The playwrights Alexandra Loonin and Ebba Petrén have written a fantastic text, which can be listened to and read over and over again. It is both abstract and concrete, and very human. The fact that so many of our members wanted to be involved in recording audio and film on their own gives the film a touching quality and we are so happy for everyone´s efforts and commitment. Doing something together even though we can't meet live feels special at times like these.
>>Watch ”STATE OF THE RELATIONSHIP" here and please help us spread it!
Tobias Biancone interviewed by The Stage UK: Isolation is never the answer to anything. Never give up!
Tobias Biancone, Director General of ITI, has been interviewed for the prestigious UK journal The Stage by Nick Awde, Co-President of the UK Centre of ITI and culture journalist. >>To have access to the complete interview, please click here.
WMO – World Mime Organization
Invitation to all performing artists: #artistsagainstcorona
The #artistsagainstcorona initiative became a global campaign on Facebook and Instagram and other social networks. We have more and more colleagues posting free artistic content so that people around the world would spend quality time at home in (self) isolation as the only prevention from the Covid-19 virus and the pandemic we are all faced with.
The #umetniciprotivkorone Facebook group has become a central point for all that want to enjoy shared free artistic content. All the national media have promoted this campaign for free.
Other localised hashtags and Facebook groups/pages:
English: #artistsagainstcorona
Serbian: #umetniciprotivkorone
Italian: #artisticontroilcorona
Portuguese: #artistascontraocorona
Indonesian: #senimanmelawancorona
Polish: #artyscikontrakoronawirus
Please join this extremely valuable effort to help the uplift the spirit of people around the world so that they are able to survive during this pandemic with the help of performing and other artists.
For more information please write to Marko Stojanović president(at)
Photo Credit: Dara Gravara Stojanović
The Japanese Theatre Director and Educator Tadashi Suzuki receives the Yuri Lyubimov International Theatre Award 2019
The Yuri Lyubimov International Theatre Award, established by the Lyubimov Charity Foundation for the Development of Theatre Art and the International Theatre Institute (ITI), was presented on 16 November 2019 to the Japanese director and educator Tadashi Suzuki at the Alexandrinsky Theatre after his performance “Cyrano de Bergerac” which was part of the Theatre Olympics, held in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The award ceremony happened in the Tsar's lobby of the theatre in the presence of actors and interested theatre people. The ceremony was hosted by Katalin Lyubimova, Chairwomen of the Foundation, and Mohamed Saif Al-Afkham, President of ITI. In his speech, the President of ITI underlined the significance of the Yuri Lyubimov Award and the value and importance of the life-long work of Tadashi Suzuki. Welcoming addresses were handed over to the Japanese laureate from Tobias Biancone, Director General of ITI, and Anatoli Vassiliev, stage director and Yuri Lyubimov Awardee 2018 who both could not be present during the cultural event in Saint Petersburg.
Attached are the >>messages of Tobias Biancone, DG ITI; >>and Anatoli Vassiliev for the event.
Calls of the Accademia Teatro Dimitri
The Accademia Teatro Dimitri, member of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts is announcing different calls.
Preliminary Auditions "Bachelor of Arts in Theatre" 2020/2021
The Bachelor of Arts in Theatre offers extensive training in the field of Physical Theatre. The teaching consists of regular lessons in core subjects, various academic workshops, numerous courses for further growth and the development of theatrical shows, which allow the students to gain a solid technical mastery in the theatrical and movement skills. Preliminary Auditions are held in: Bern, Berlin, Paris, Milano and Version. >>More information
Master of Arts in Theatre
The Accademia Dimitri offers two Master of Arts Programms with specialization on "Physical Theatre" and Teatro di Figura: Puppets, Objects and Material Theatre >>More information
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Performing Arts Practice in Conflict Zones
In a globalized world in which the consequences of violence war and discrimination have become an integral part of our lives politics is created with angst demarcation and isolation determining everyday life. The CAS Performing Arts Practice in Conflict Zones offers an opportunity to open new spaces of reflection and action. >>More information
Easter and Sommer Courses for Adults During the months of July and August, the Accademia Teatro Dimitri offers an interesting and varied program of courses in Verscio. These are aimed at adults, both professionals and non-professionals, who are interested in physical theatre and would like to explore various fields such as dance, circus arts, pantomime, clowning, rhythm and theatrical improvisation. The Accademia also offers courses for kids. >>More information
Intercultural Communications Studies MA Programme / Shanghai Theatre Academy
The Shanghai Theatre Academy is creating an MA Programme in Intercultural Communication Studies. This two-year English-taught programme includes the required first year full-time residency and an optional second year residency for project-based internships. Open to international students. Contact: Shirley ZOU micgirl(at) or sta_international(at) >>For full information please click here.
Open call for actors
Discover ALthattheatre, an innovative project of self-development for the artist. This is a chance to explore the most complex ideas and questions about the Theatre and your place within its sphere. The aim is not to pass on knowledge, but to engage everyone in the development of knowledge for each individual to become a master. The project consists of several weeks of self-preparation already in dialogue with a teacher followed by three work-intensive weeks in Sestola (Italy) conducted by Jurij Alschitz and his team of teachers. This methodological experiment is limited to a selected number of participants to allow for each artist’s individuality to shine through and continuously develop.
>>Please find here the words of Jurij Alschitz himself explaining his ideas in more detail, and >>here the link to apply.
ITI Inter-Europe Artist Exchange Programme
The Committee for Emerging Artists (ITI NEAP) have been busy over the last few months working on projects all over the world. One of these has been the inaugural ITI Inter-Europe Artist Exchange Programme. After ITI Centres agreed to participate in the project, they were paired together in January via a draw and have since been working together to arrange to send emerging artists to their partnering countries for a short artistic residency. The aim is to give emerging artists the opportunity to create original work in a different cultural landscape from that which they're used to, and to give Centres around Europe the opportunity to strengthen ties and work together on a continent-wide project. The pairings are United Kingdom-Greece, Macedonia FYROM-Italy-Russia, and Switzerland-Slovenia. The dates of the exchanges can be found in the image below. So far, the artists selected to represent each country are as follows: United Kingdom: Adam Wheeler; Macedonia FYROM: Gorjan Milosevski; Slovenia: Dorian Silec and Switzerland: Stefanie Bölzli & Robert Diaz.
For more updates on ITI NEAP's activities and to read interviews with each of the selected artists, please like their Facebook page at or for more information about the project, please email the project coordinator Fin Ross Russell at fin(at)
Tobias Biancone, Yvette Hardie, Dadi Pudumjee & Bert Dettermann in Dialogue with Octavian Saiu
Tobias Biancone (Director General of ITI-UNESCO), Yvette Hardie (President of ASSITEJ), Bert Determann (President of OISTAT), and Dadi Pudumjee(President of UNIMA)
in Dialogue with Octavian Saiu
Watch the Premiere on
At Thursday, 12 November, starting 7 pm (EET) / 6 pm Paris Time
You may continue to watch the Dialogue over the Facebook after the event.
>>Click here to know more
The Gramsci International Prize for Theatre in Prison 2020is awarded to Zishan Ugurlu
I Teatri Delle Diversità (The Theatres of Diversities)
On Saturday, 31 October, during the 21st edition of the International Conference of the European Review “Catarsi-Teatri delle Diversità”, held in Urbania/Italy, from 29 to 31 October 2020, the European Review “Catarsi-Teatri delle Diversità” in collaboration with Casa Natale Gramsci di Ales Association, Italian Association of Theatre Critics, International Network Theatre in Prison has decided to honour Zishan Ugurly with the Gramsci International Prize for Theatre in Prison.
>>Click here to know more about Zishan Ugurlu
More information about the Gramsci Prize, its earlier editions can be found on the website of the International Network for Theatre in Prison INTiP:
Contact: vito_minoia(at)
Swedish Centre of ITI presenting Swedstage 2020 online
Swedstage 2020 becomes Swedstage Online on 9 November
Swedstage is the opportunity to see and experience the very best of Swedish performing arts for children, youth and adults.
Swedish Performing Arts Coalition and ASSITEJ Sweden have decided to suspend Swedstage 2020 in the form we are used to.
Instead, we will arrange a digital showcase program on 9 November at 14.00 h CET: Swedstage Online.
Link coming soon on the Website:
Photo credit: Senay Berhe - So sorry by BamBam Frost
>>Click here to know more about the event
Slovakian Centre of ITI presents new Slovak plays - GREEN DRĀMA – Online
Tuesday, 27 October 2020 at 8,00 pm Bratislava Time| Facebook - Nová dráma/New Drama The online version of the festival Nová dráma/New Drama will present an exceptional collection of new plays GREEN DRĀMA, which are the result of a theatre and ecological project.
Fifteen Slovak playwrights wrote dramatic texts with an environmental message. The project will be publicly presented thanks to Slovak actresses and actors, who read parts of these texts.
These online stage-readings will be gradually published on YouTube of the SlovakTheater Institute and the Facebook page of Festival Nová dráma / New Drama every Tuesday at 8.00 pm.
The first video will be available on 27 October 2020 at 8:00 pm – Bratislava Time Contact:
Pre-Announcement: Online Theatre Academy
The World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI opens a new training portal in Fall 2020 with three departments:
1. International Courses of the Team of Teachers on various topics
2. School of Jurij Alschitz - Research on Quantum Pedagogy
3. Courses for acting, directing and teaching (in Russian language)
These courses offer different content and methods to regular acting and directing classes. They can be seen complementary to a classical/traditional education, or by entering the "School of Jurij Alschitz" students experience the new pedagogical path of Quantum Pedagogy.
All courses are conducted in a live setting with the teacher. All Courses are part of ongoing research to develop innovative training methods. >>More information you in detail about the new portal, with first Courses starting in October can be found here.
You can express your interest in filling out the contact form. >>Please click here.
Alicia Alonso | In Memory of the Prima Ballerina Assoluta / Announcement of 100th Anniversary Event
In 2020 the legendary Prima Ballerina Assoluta would celebrate her 100th birthday.
The Ministry of Culture of Cuba, the International Theatre Institute ITI, the Dance Committee of ITI, World Dance Alliance, UNESCO and many, many dance institutions and individuals are taking the occasion of International Dance Day to remind all dance aficionados about the live and achievements of the extraordinary personality Alicia Alonso who was admired, adored, respected and loved by people from all over the world.
Alicia Alonso, born in Havana on 21 December 1920, was an outstanding ballet dancer, choreographer and pedagogue, whose unique imprint identifies the Cuban School of Ballet. The gifted ballerina performed in more than 65 countries, was granted 266 international and 225 national awards.
The 100th Anniversary celebration was scheduled for July in Madrid. Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the event is now planned for 21 December 2020, her birthday. If possible, with a live event.
The Alicia Alonso University Dance Institute / The Spanish Centre of ITI has prepared a beautiful comprehensive website about Alicia Alonso to explore. Languages: English and Spanish.
More information about the planned event can be found in the ITI Newsletter at a later point this year.
Photo Credits: Alejandro Ernesto
Conference « Theatre and Virtual Reality »
Friday to Sunday, 16 to 18 October 2020, at the Baltic House Theatre-Festival (Saint Petersburg, Russia) – the Conference is offline and online
Part of the XXX Baltic House International Theatre Festival, in cooperation with International Theatre Institute ITI The conference aims to give a multi-perspective look at theatre and virtual reality in a post-Covid-19 age. Russian and international theatre professionals come together to discuss the future of global cooperation, debate over the potential of virtual theatre as a stand-alone genre and consider theatre attendance habits of Generation Z. One of the conference’s highlights is a master-class in branding and marketing for actors. The conference takes place both offline at the Baltic House Theatre-Festival and online.
Live streams will be available on the Baltic House Theatre’s official YouTube channel:
The conference’s official language is English, with simultaneous interpretation to Russian. More information at Documents - Posters in English and Russian - Programme in English and Russian
A tWo Day ONliNE IntErnationAL GaThEring oF TheatRe people
If you’re passionate about theatre, then you’ve probably been feeling a little uncertain over the past few months. We’d like to invite you to wrestle with the questions we’re all asking in the shadow of COVID-19.
Artistic Directors: Nataly Zukerman & Moshe Perlstein
Recommended by: Gad Kaynar-Kissinger, President Israeli Centre ITI
Please join the Conference
When: Wednesday & Thursday, 14 &15 October 2020
>>To join the Conference or watch the live play on Telegram, please visit the website
Swedish Centre of ITI
As there is great uncertainty about how the pandemic will develop, the Swedish Performing Arts Coalition and ASSITEJ Sweden have decided to suspend Swedstage 2020 in the form we are used to. Current circumstances make it difficult to organize international festivals. Instead, we will arrange a digital showcase program, October 18-20: Swedstage Online.
There, we will show the variety of Swedish performing arts through a number of short clips from selected productions, as well as conversations with the creators and others.
A physical Swedstage will be arranged in 2021, more about this after the summer.
If you have questions or want to know more, contact us at info(at)
Opera Europa – New Member of the Partner Organizations
It is with great pleasure to announce to you the newest Partner Organization into the cohort of the organizations around the International Theatre Institute.
Here is the description of Opera Europa: Opera Europa was constituted as the professional association for opera companies and festivals in Europe in 2002. Today, it encompasses 207 member theatres in 43 countries, several of them beyond Europe.
More information you find on their website:
Opera Europa Events:
A. Opera Spring Conference Goes Virtual
28/29 May 2020 (Registration possible on this link:
B. Joint Forum Meeting for AV & Digital Media, Education, Fundraising and Marketing & Communications
Zagreb is happy to host the meeting next autumn, from 24 to 26 September 2020.
>>For more information please click here
C. Information about World Opera Day (25 October)
Call for participation: The International Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Arts Festival Forum / Workshops for Peace and Climate Justice
The program will be observed in the City of Manila, in conjunction with UNESCO’s International Arts Education Week from May 20th to the 26th. For any questions please get in touch with Cecile Guidote Alvarez, President of the Philippine Centre of ITI.
>>Click here to view the Project Brief
>>Click here to view the Newsletter about this event
>>Click here to view the Event Schedule
>>Click here to view the Congratulatory Message of Department of Foreign Affairs
>>Click here to view the letter for ITI Colleagues
Connect 35 - Log on, join in, dance!
In a range of 35th-anniversary celebrations, Magpie Dance, the leading dance charity for children and adults with learning disabilities, launch Connect 35, a free, online, participatory dance opportunity.
People with and without a disability, and with and without dance experience, are encouraged to make and upload their own dances, using the number 35 as their inspiration. With participants from all over the UK and beyond, Connect 35 is set to break barriers to dance.
"We hope that you find inspiration from us and want to join in by making your own moves! Take part and upload your own video and help us share Connect 35 around the globe." Erica Moshman, Creative Learning Coordinator.
>>Click here for more information
International Symposium 21st CENTURY ACTORS, Lodz, Poland
The Mieczysław Hertz Theater Institute and The Kazimierz Dejmek New Theatre in Łódź are preparing a project called International Symposium 21st CENTURY ACTORS Methods / Traditions / Explorations. The event will take place in Poland in Łódź from the 23 October-25 October 2020. The aim of the Symposium is to review the acting methods that underline the education and artistic practice of actors in the 21st century, and to present brand new explorations in this field.
>>For more information about the Symposium please click here. To have information’s about the MAT click here. All people interested in participation should contact: sympozjum(at) and visit their website :
Call for Participation
The Committee of World Duo Performance Arts Festival of the South Korean Centre of ITI calls for artists to submit their Duo Performances for participating in the World Duo Performing Arts Festival 2020 The festival will take place in Seoul, South Korea, from 18 to 29 November 2020. This unique and valued world art festival whose primary objective is to share a theatrical study on communication between one and another calls all interested artists.
The Korean companies will be performing at theatre venues. The chosen International companies will show their performances in a virtual way.
Information for the International Applications or Virtual Presentations:
1. Eligibility: Performances played by two artists
2. Presentation method: Selected companies will send a video of their performance to be projected online, once during the Festival 2020 and will be later invited to perform once in November 2021, during the 2021 Festival edition.
3. Required documents for the application: Introduction about performance, Company history, Profile of all artists (playwright, director, actors), maximum four photos and a video of the performance if it has been previously performed.
4. Acceptance period: 13 August to 5 September 2020
Email Address to send documents: iti.korea.yveyi(at)
The Saint Muse 15 International Theater Festival
Originally planned in May 2020, is now taking place online late August. The Festival is organized by Saint Muse Academy of Mongolian and Mongolian Center of ITI. It is the very first attempt to organize the Festival online.
Taking advantage of organizing it online, the organizers have taken a bold step to include as many international guests as jury members as well as participants. Currently, the Festival will include about 30 plays – drama, children's play, musical play, two-men performances, and monodrama. Interesting plays will be performed by theater artists from Austria, Brazil, Germany, Greece, India, Inner Mongolia, Italy, Poland, Ukraine, and so on besides numerous selected plays from Mongolia.
The Festival's aim is to create a platform for artists to inspire each other and make connections. No pandemic situation stops us being creative and trying new ways to meet and make connections. The Festival will certainly encourage many in the audience as well as the participants.
Invitation to Watch the Award Ceremony
The 15th Saint Muse International Festival and red-carpet ceremony will take place at 'Khun' Theatre on 30 August 2020.
It may be watched online over: More information about the Saint Muse Festival Facebook Page of the Saint Muse Festival.
Call for Best Practice during the time of Confinement - to Share with Other Artists
How can we keep the show on the road? How can we reach out to others with our art? How can we uplift the spirit of our colleagues? How can we bring joy to those who need it most –the people serving the ill in the hospitals and homes, and the elderly and lost people?
If you have done actions with theatre, dance or any part of the performing arts that were well received and that others could do as well? Please let us know about it. If you have started an action that could include other people from the performing arts community that is valuable, please let us offer it to others over the ITI Newsletter.
If the Covid-19 tells us to change our habits and daily life, let´s find other ways to reach out to others – without any danger in it.
Whoever would like to write to the General Secretariat is welcome to do it. Please send us an email to info(at)
Photo Credit: Fujairah Monodrama Festival
Call for the 9th Methodika: “Assuming the Future is Shaping the Future”
Assuming the Future is Shaping the Future is the title of the 9th Methodika, the International Festival for Theatre Training Methods. It is scheduled from 25 to 29 September 2020 in Pescara, Italy.
The Artistic Director Dr Jurij Alschitz invites artists, actresses, actors, directors, teachers, pedagogues for the unique opportunity to share, discuss and develop the most unusual ideas for theatre training and rehearsal practice.
This year the format of the International Festival for Theatre Training Methods Methodika will give to every participant the unique possibility to express and develop yet unrealized methodological ideas. What today seems like a crazy or risky proposition may easily become the future of theatre training and rehearsing. In this way, the 9th Methodika is not only a space of sharing but also creating new theatre methods and professional networks. Finally, Methodika wants to celebrate the artistic aspect of teaching.
The participation is free of charge (only the administration fee of 90 € is applied). Application is required. Please send your expression of interest to methodika(at) to ensure your place. We will get back to you with more information. Contact: +39 08 5431 0119 / +39 33 3422 6744
The 9th Methodika is an invitation to all visionary artists!
The 9th Methodika, led by the World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT, is part of the joint research programme on Hybrid Theatre Training of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts. The 9th Methodika is hosted by Didattica Teatrale and Media Museum Pescara, Italy.
>>More information, click here.
>>Note of the Artisitic Director Dr. Jurij Alschitz please click here.
Virtual Mitambo International Theatre Festival 2020
Mitambo is a Zimbabwean summer Theatre Festival that draws its name from the Shona word for plays which truly encapsulates what the Festival is about: A platform through which local and global communities can access and celebrate the diversity of cultural identity and artistic expression.
Following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus global pandemic, world travel protocols and gathering restrictions, the Festival top priority is everyone's safety. As a Festival, we have been cautiously monitoring the WHO and various government authorities, especially in Zimbabwe where the Festival is to be hosted, to ensure we are accessing the most comprehensive available information to inform what the Festival will be.
The 2020 Virtual Festival running under the theme, "Connect", will host a conference which will included conversations around:
• Theatre Matters: Performing with and in the face of a global pandemic
• Performing the Nation: Interrogation the role of the government, industry and academia in the theatre
• The State and the Stage: Reflections on the intersection of theatre and politics
• The Scribe and the Stage: Best practices for socially responsible theatre criticism
• Where is the audience: Digitization of theatre for sustainability.
Ten Short theatre plays and five full length plays will also be part of the main programming during the Festival.
For more information, please contact: Lloyd Nyikadzino, Festival Director
Call or WhatsApp +263 733 203 636
mitambointerfest(at) or lloydnyikadzino(at)
Coletivo Egrégora: Open Call for Emerging Artists
The Coletivo Egrégora would like to invite young artists interested in exchanging experiences and knowledge with two Brazilian artists, Gab Mariquito and Jeff Fagundes, who will be on a Europen tour between 21 July 21 August 2020 with the dance theatre solos NIDRA and IROKO: Meu Universo, beginning its trajectory in Lisbon and ending it in Amsterdam.
Through this journey, the two artists seek to foster cultural exchange between the political ways of independent art in Brazil and in countries such as Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Netherlands and other countries that have any group who want to talk about young contemporary theatre.
If you are interested, please contact:
E-mail: coletivoegregora(at)
Phone: Gab Mariquito +55 21 979 511 169
Jeff Fagundes +55 21 995 071 340
Open Call for Speakers for Theatre Training in Hyperspace
Experts’ Colloquium about New Dimensions for the Theatre Training
An initiative by Dr Jurij Alschitz; concept and moderation Christine Schmalor.
The Experts’ Colloquium about New Dimensions for Theatre Training is organized in the frame of the 6th International Theatre and Education Festival Forum “Nauruz” of the Galiaskar Kamal Tatar Academic Theatre in Kazan, Russia – from 10 to 12 June 2020
The challenge of digitality has arrived at all Institutions of the Arts. The ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts formed a working group to investigate the theme of Hybrid Education – the combination of online training and classroom tuition.
Any interested scientist or practitioner in the field of education, theatre training or production is invited to join and share experience.
While the first two days will take the shape of a work meeting, all participant of the festival will be invited to join the open panel discussion on the 12 June. The colloquium language will be English and Russian.
Open Call for Speakers
Please apply with a short proposition on the theme and content as fast as possible and send to akt.zent(at)
Conditions: Full accommodation for 4 nights and local transport.
Furthermore, we encourage any interested person to join as a participant. Please use the registration form.
The 36th ITI World Congress
As ITI members are asking “Where and when is the next ITI World Congress?”, the General Secretariat would like to inform you that two options have been considered and explored. One location is not yet ready to hold the Congress. For the second option the General Secretariat is in discussion with the concerned Centre and the Ministry of Culture of the country and hopes to give you more information as soon as possible.
ITI cordially invites you to watch the first edition of “In Dialogue with Remarkable People”
Host: Tobias Biancone, DG ITI
Guests: Gregory Maqoma (South Africa) and Aja Jung (Serbia)
Focus: Dance
Time: Saturday, 25 July 2020, 15h00 Paris Time
Live on
No registration necessary. Find out what viewpoints and ideas on dance the two invited remarkable people – Gregory Maqoma and Aja Jung - will share with you.
The Guests
Aja Jung from Serbia is a celebrated dancer, educator and director of internationally extremely well respected Belgrade Dance Festival.
Gregory Maqoma from South Africa is known to friends and members of ITI as the author of the International Dance Day Message 2020. He has established himself as an internationally renowned dancer, actor, choreographer, teacher and director.
For questions to the host and guests of the first edition, please write before or during the online interview to: general.secretariat(at)
Photo Credits : Gregory Maqoma, Via Katlehong Dance, Via Kanana by Christian Ganet
In Dialogue with Remarkable People
First edition: Tobias Biancone in dialogue with Gregory Maqoma and Aja Jung
Many of us have participated in numerous online discussions and online meetings in which people shared their viewpoints with the audience. Sometimes, I felt that I would love to hear more from some of the persons, but due to the large number of participants that was not possible. Sometimes, I would like to know from some speakers what they consider essential for their work and what they belief is necessary for the future of their profession, for the future of their art form, for the future of society. But it was clear that the existing formats that I was able to watch could not offer this. That is why, together with my team in Shanghai, we have conceived a new format called “In Dialogue with Remarkable Persons.”
In each edition, one to two persons are in dialogue with the host. In each edition the dialogue concentrates on a major theme such as theatre, dance, education, social theatre, culture and the arts, etc. The dialogue should be illustrated by videos and pictures of their work. It should last about 1 to 1 ½ hours, the language spoken is English. Questions of the audience can be sent before or during the “Dialogue” to the General Secretariat so that at the end some of the questions can be taken up by the moderator and answered by the guests.
The first edition of “In Dialogue with Remarkable People” is scheduled for Saturday, 25 July, 15.00 Paris Time. Host: Tobias Biancone; Guests: Gregory Maqoma and Aja Jung.
The link will be announced soon.
For questions to the host and guests of the first edition, please write to: general.secretariat(at)
UNESCO launches ResiliArt movement in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic
Cancelled concerts, postponed festivals, delayed album launch and closed cinemas – COVID-19 has hit the cultural and creative industries hard. Still, creative workers find creative solutions. This is why UNESCO calls on all artists and creatives to join the ResiliArt movement.
On 15 April, UNESCO launched a global movement – ResiliArt to shed light on the current state of creative industries, engaging with key industry professionals globally for their views and capturing experiences of resilience from artists – both established and emerging – on social media. Together, it raises awareness about the far-reaching ramification of COVID-19 across the sector and aims at supporting artists during and following the crisis.
Cultural industry professionals are encouraged to join the movement and replicate the ResiliArt series in their respective regions using the publicly available guidelines. The devastation brought to the entire culture value chain will have a long-lasting impact on the creative economy; ResiliArt aims to ensure the continuity of conversations, data sharing, and advocacy efforts long after the pandemic subsides.
Let’s flood the screens with messages of creative resilience and bring maximum visibility to the challenges artists and creative professionals are facing – and overcoming – in this time of crisis!
For further information, please contact us at hanoi(at)
More information about ResiliArt you can find by clicking on the language you would like to read, below. You will find on this web page the Participation Guide, the Concept Note and the Institution Guide, as well as the link to the video of the 15 April 2020 online event.
Chinese (Mandarin)
UNESCO | International Arts Education Week – 25 to 31 May
Message from Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO
International Arts Education Week is an opportunity to promote learning with and through the arts to improve the quality and relevance of our education systems, nurture creative thinking and resilience.
UNESCO – as the only United Nations agency with a core mandate encompassing culture, heritage, arts, creativity and education – is committed to joining forces with its Member States to step up cooperation, mobilizing civil society, educators and arts professionals to fully harness the potential of both culture and education.
On this day, I call upon everyone to join us in celebrating International Arts Education Week, so we can make this disaster into flowers, to offer to the world.
Audrey Azoulay, Director-General UNESCO
Text is available online in these language versions:
© Text and Portrait Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO, 2020
Georgian Centre of ITI – Call for Participation in the Comedy Festival in Gori
6 to 12 June 2020 (organised as an openair festival with videos)
Attention Short Deadline: Call for Participation for the Comedy Festival of Gori in Georgia. Since 2014 Gori is organizing this festival with the support of Gori Municipality and Governor of Shida Kartli . The Artistic Director is Soso Nemsadze, theatre director and professor at the Theatre and Film Georgian State University and Artistic Director of the Rustavi national Theatre. The Comedy Festival focuses on international performances. The 2020 edition will be organized open air; the performances are shown as video projection in a park.
The Festival is inviting the members and friends of ITI Centres to send comedies that exist on videos so that they can be projected during the festival. The comedies may be traditional, verbal or non-verbal in any form of the performing arts.
If you are interested to be part of this video open air comedy festival in Gori, get in touch with the Georgian Centre of ITI for further questions send the link for download to
Deadline for getting in touch with the Georgian Centre, Dr. Levan Khetaguri, Secretary General of the Georgian Centre of ITI: 31 May 2020
Past festival video links:
>>Festival 2018
>>Festival 2019
Online Conference on New Dimensions for Theatre Education
13 to 15 June 2020
The impacts brought by the COVID-19 are massive. We should say it is a challenging time for theatre teachers. Most of the academies switched to online teaching course and turned to the e-learning mode. Are there methodologies and experiences that could be shared? Or is a complete change of teaching methodology needed? The pandemic invites all to reflect on new dimensions. That is the reason why the Board of the ITI/UNESCO Network has decided to launch this conference.
The World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI – one of the members of the ITI/UNESCO Network has taken the initiative to create a three-day conference as a starting point for a possible long-term project for the development of new methods and forms for online and hybrid theatre education.
We encourage you to participate in the conference and contribute to your experience. Please read the detailed project and register your participation.
>>More Information about the Conference
>>Registration Form for the Conference
Open Call Participation for the lectures “Short School of German Theatre Knowledge”
Digital lectures by Thomas Irmer, 11 and 12 June 2020
North Macedonian Centre of ITI / PRODUKCIJA
Seminar / Lecture
Thursday/Friday 11/12 June 2020 from 12.00 to 13.30 h (Paris time)
Lecturer: Thomas Irmer, dramaturge, a researcher in theatre; Berlin, Germany
Target audience/participants: Local, regional and international students and professional practitioners and theoreticians
1. Skype Online Lecture: Theatre history and the next future for international theatre; including keyword relations to former Yugoslav theatre culture.
Thursday, 11 June 2020: 60 minutes lecture and 30 minutes Q&A session on Skype / 12.00 - 13.30 h (Paris time)
2. Skype Online Lecture: Focus on contemporary German Drama.
Friday, 12 June 2020: 60 minutes lecture and 30 minutes Q&A session on Skype (90 minutes) / 12.00 to 13.30 h (Paris time)
Deadline: 30 May 2020 (Please send your confirmation for participation to: macedoniancenterofiti(at), with the following data:
Subject: Thomas Irmer Lectures, your first name and your last name, profession and email
>>Detailed information about the Lectures by Thomas Irmer
Sopot, Gdansk, Gdynia, Poland – 11 to 17 May 2020, online
All events are available free of charge at and on Facebook throughout the entire week of the Festival
Please visit the 11th Between.Pomiedzy Festival: Kosmopolis 2020
It is online until 17 May. All events are available free of charge at and on Facebook throughout the entire week of the Festival.
Facebook: between.pomiedzy
More information:
>>The Poster
>>The Press Release (in English)
>>The Program (in English)
UNESCO launches ResiliArt – Artists and Creativity beyond Crisis
We need a concerted and global effort to support artists and ensure access to culture for all
The inaugural debate took place on 15 April 2020, World Art Day, in partnership with CISAC.
Audrey AZOULAY, UNESCO Director-General, launching the ResiliArt discussions with an introduction.
Ernesto OTTONE, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture, moderated the discussion with the following artists:
• Jean Michel JARRE, France - composer, performer, CISAC President and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador
• Yasmina KHADRA, Algeria – Author
• Deeyah KHAN, Norway/UK - musician, documentary film director and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador
• Angélique KIDJO, Benin - Singer-songwriter, CISAC Vice-President and UNICEF International Ambassador
• Nina OBULJEN-KORŽINEK, Croatia - Minister of Culture of Croatia and violinist
• Luis PUENZO, Argentina - film director, screenwriter, producer and President of INCAA
If you want to watch the inspiring statements of Ms Audrey Azulay, Mr Ernesto Ottone and all the artists please click on the language versions below. You can watch the whole or section of it.
Chinese (Mandarin)
Call for the 10th Shanghai International Experimental Theatre Festival, 19 to 30 October 2020
The Secretariat of the ITI/UNESCO Network is delighted to inform you that the ITI/UNESCO Network Member, the Shanghai Theatre Academy, will host the 10th Shanghai International Experimental Theatre Festival from 19 to 30 October 2020. An international academic seminar will be held at the end of the event. All of the members of the ITI/UNESCO Network are welcome to bring a production to participate in the event.
>>For more info, please click here.
The deadline for application is 30 May 2020. If you are interested in taking part in this event, please send your production to secretariat(at)
IPAC - Intercultural Performing Arts Cie VoiceLAB: A Laboratory Dedicated to the Voice and the Polyphony
After the success of the Ateliers de l'Acteur’s training program (2018-2019), in collaboration with the Grotowski Institute and the actors of Teatr ZAR, the Intercultural Performing Arts Cie is pleased to announce a new program, focusing on the Voice, for professional actors and singers: VoiceLAB.
Between September 2020 and March 2021, a group of 20 people will take part to 6 sessions (weekends) + 1 intensive week lead by the actors-singers of the Grotowski Institute & Teatr ZAR: Aleksandra Kotecka et Tomasz Wierzbowski. The sessions will take place at the Micadanse Studio in Paris.
Deadline for registration: 10 June 2020
Contact: hello(at)
More information:
About the Laboratory: IPAC VoiceLAB Program EN & FR
Leaflet Voicelab FR
About IPAC (Intercultural Performing Arts Cie)
Conference Communicating the Arts – The Art of Placemaking
22 to 24 June 2020 in Lausanne/Switzerland
This year, Lausanne in Switzerland will host Agenda’s leading arts conference Communicating the Arts (CTA). Taking place over three days, more than 250 of the world’s leading professionals from visual and performing arts will gather at CTA from 22 to 24 June to discuss the latest trends, learnings and best practices in the cultural sector. This is a unique opportunity to meet the key decision-makers and experts in the cultural sector from all over the world.
The theme of this year’s edition of CTA is the ‘art of placemaking’, which will be explored through a series of interactive case studies, keynotes and round table discussions. Each session is designed to help participants better understand the growing contribution that cultural organisations are making to our cities and people’s everyday lives.
CTA is delighted to offer ITI members a preferred rate to attend the conference.
>>Please register here using the code CTALAU_ITI to benefit from a 20% discount. >>To have more information and to have access to the press release click here and a >>brochure click here
Slovak Centre of ITI: Announcing Nová dráma/New Drama Festival 2020
The Nová dráma/New Drama Festival will take place from 11 to 16 May 2020 in Bratislava. The Festival of contemporary Slovak and world drama is an annual presentation of the best contemporary Slovak and world drama productions.
The main programme offers eight performances of contemporary plays staged in the last year, which will be observed by an international jury. The best performance will receive the Grand Prix Nová drama/New Drama 2020.
We are happy to announce German playwright Falk Richter as a godfather of Festival 2020 and a special guest and pleased to offer a rich additional programme with the special festival section Focus Austria, bringing insight into the theatre of this country.
The year 2020 marks a major jubilee: the centenary of the foundation of the Slovak National Theatre (1 March 1920). Therefore, we prepare also a Showcase of Slovak theatre as well as international conference Recycling In The Performing Arts: From Creativity To Commerce and the Congress International Association of Theatre Critics (AICT).
The program will be available in March.
International Playwrights’ Forum: New Deadline for the Submission of Entries for the International Competition: Dramatic Adaptations of Sholem Aleichem Short Stories
The International Playwrights’ Forum is prolonging the deadline for the submitting stories to 31 May 2020.
More information about the Competition:
>>English version click here
>>French version click here
eMotion - When dance and technology collide.
Join Magpie Dance for a dance technology festival - Try your hand at interactive exhibitions, immersive workshops and watch live performances. Suitable for all the family. >>Get your tickets online
Activities include: Dancing with Meccanoid, Immersive pop up performances, Exhibition, Interactive Lights performance in the studio theatre, VR Headsets, Sphero experience
UNESCO will hold the second ResiliArt debate in partnership with the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity on May 14, from 2 to 4 p.m. (Paris time).
It is a great pleasure to invite you to join the second online conference “ResiliArt that UNESCO is initiating in partnership with the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity. The theme is: The Road to Recovery
• ITI feels honoured that Mohamed Saif Al-Afkham, United Arab Emirates - President of the International Theatre Institute (IT) is part of this debate. These are the panellists that take part as well:
• ANITTA, Brazil - Singer, songwriter and actress
• Ferne DOWNEY, Canada- Actress and President of the International Federation of Actors (FIA)
• Cheick Oumar SISSOKO, Mali - Film director and Secretary-General of the Pan-African Federation of Filmmakers
• Pascal ROGARD, France - Director General of the Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers (SACD)
• Fouzia SAEED, Pakistan - Director General of the National Arts Council of Pakistan
• Jana VOZAROVA, Slovakia - General Director of Authors Association of Slovakia (LITA)
>>Link for those, who missed the debate
UNESCO will hold the second ResiliArt debate in partnership with the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity on May 14, from 2 to 4 p.m. (Paris time).
It is a great pleasure to invite you to join the second online conference “ResiliArt that UNESCO is initiating in partnership with the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity. The theme is: The Road to Recovery
• ITI feels honoured that Mohamed Saif Al-Afkham, United Arab Emirates - President of the International Theatre Institute (IT) is part of this debate. These are the panellists that take part as well:
• ANITTA, Brazil - Singer, songwriter and actress
• Ferne DOWNEY, Canada- Actress and President of the International Federation of Actors (FIA)
• Cheick Oumar SISSOKO, Mali - Film director and Secretary-General of the Pan-African Federation of Filmmakers
• Pascal ROGARD, France - Director General of the Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers (SACD)
• Fouzia SAEED, Pakistan - Director General of the National Arts Council of Pakistan
• Jana VOZAROVA, Slovakia - General Director of Authors Association of Slovakia (LITA)
Join the debate
You will be able to follow the debate using the link below. The link will go live on 14 May 2020, 2 pm to 4 pm (Paris time)
Live Dialogue | The Spring of Hope and the Day of Dance
ITI in Association with the International Association of Theatre Critics IACT would like to invite you to Seasons of Theatre Dialogue with Octavian Saiu.
When: Wednesday, 29 April 2020 – International Dance Day
13:30 Bucharest Time / 12:30 Paris Time / 11:30 London Time
The “venue” for this event is the virtual, boundless online space, to which you are all invited:
Special guests will be Tobias Biancone (Director General of ITI), Noa Wertheim, (Choreographer of Vertigo Dance Company), and Jarosław Fret (Director of the Grotowski Institute and of Teatr Zar).
We look forward to celebrating, together, the International Dance Day. Let us rediscover the beauty of dreaming, smiling, moving ... in the rhythm of our thoughts. So, join us in a dialogue about the art of dance, understood as a liberation of the self and as a true bridge between souls.
Professor Octavian Saiu is a scholar and professional theatre critic. He holds a PhD in Theatre Studies from National University of Theatre and Film (NUTF) in Romania, with a thesis about theatrical space, and another PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Otago in New Zealand, with a thesis about Samuel Beckett and Eugène Ionesco.
>>For full information with full biography, click here.
African Regional Council of ITI: Call for Applications 2nd Edition "Emerging Scenes in Africa"
The African Regional Council of the International Theatre Institute (CRAIIT) and the Ghanaian Centre of ITI are launching the second edition of the “Emerging Scenes in Africa”, which will take place in Accra (Ghana), from 18 to 27 September 2020.
This second edition will offer seven (07) training workshops which will be open to 100 professional participants, young practitioners, students, in the arts, both men and women.
These seven workshops are: physical theatre, Chinese theatre, choreographic creation, sound creation, lighting creation, visual arts, and scenography.
This edition will also feature a round table on the theme “Market for the Performing Arts: How to Sell the African Live Performance”, a master class on artificial intelligence, and performances of shows.
>>To apply for this call for applications, please click here
Application deadline: 30 April 2020
Contact: scenesemergentes(at)
Shahid NADEEM, Pakistan – World Theatre Day Message Author for 2020
It is our great pleasure and honour to officially announce that Shahid NADEEM from Pakistan, the leading playwright from Pakistan who has written over 50 plays, has been selected by the Executive Council to write the World Theatre Day Message for 2020.
>>To read the message and know more about the author, please click here.
NEXT 2020 Dance World Championships Season
The NEXT 2020 Dance World Championship Season, consisting of the Barcelona Dance Award, from 9 - 13 April 2020 and Dance Grand Prix, in Italy, from 22 - 26 June 2020 is now open for applications.
The events are open to Dance Schools, Companies and Groups from all over the world, and every different type of dance.
For more information and to apply, email dancegrandprix19(at)
International Dance Day 2019
The General Secretariat prepared a report of the International Dance Day 2019 event. For those who have not yet received it, you can look into the activities that happened in Seoul in South Korea. >>Please click here to check it.
World Theatre Day 2019
The General Secretariat prepared a report of the World Theatre Day 2019 event. For those who have not yet received it, you can look into the activities that happened in Pesaro and Rome in Italy. >>Please click here to check it.
Live Discussion with Global Theatre Academies Monday, 13 April, 21:00 (Hong Kong Time, UCT +8 hours)
It is great pleasure for ITI to present a very important project for performing arts educators from all over the world that The Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts – a Member of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education - is organizing very soon: Monday, 13 April.
Theatre educators from every corner of the world are all welcome to join the dialogue.
The Live Discussion will be held on Monday, 13 April 2020 at 21:00 (UTC +8, Hong Kong Time).
Here is the link for the dialogue participation in the Live Discussion. Please let us also know a bit about yourself.
To coordinate your participation please check in a Time Zone Converter what time it is at your place when it is 21:00 (9 pm) in Hong Kong. A simple one you find here:
Should you have any question, please contact our faculty Janice POON, Senior Lecturer in Playwriting and Dramaturgy at janicepoon(at) Let's connect!
An Easter Gift : Limited Free Screening of “The Tightrope” by Peter Brook, filmed by Simon Brook
In “The Tightrope”, Peter Brook, one of the world´s most revered directors, reveals for any theatre professional how he works with actresses and actors. The two exercises that are shown in this documentary, created by Simon Brook open the curtain and give us a look at how much work it takes for an actor to look like he is not working, and how much a difference a sensitive stage director can make. But the best is watching this precious film yourself. Over Easter, you can stream it for free (until Tuesday, 14 April 2020, morning.). It is available for you in English and French.
ITI would like to express its gratitude to Simon Brook for offering this possibility the members and friends of ITI and the readers of the Newsletter to offer.
The links are here: Trailer:
English: “The Tightrope” streaming
Password: lovelovelove (all in lower case)
French: “Sur un Fil” streaming
Password: lovelovelove (all in lower case)
The video only can be streamed, not downloaded. Streaming possible until Tuesday, 14 April 2020, morning
Contact: contact(at)
Indian Centre of ITI: IAPAR International Theatre Festival 2020 - Application Deadline Extended
As the IAPAR International Theatre Festival enters into its fifth year, the thrust to keep the 'Actor at the Centre', has been infinitely rewarding. In the current socio-political-cultural situation worldwide, there are many voices which need a representation, hence the decision to focus the festival on ‘Marginalised Narratives’.
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis worldwide the deadline for an application has been extended to 15 April 2020. The IAPAR Theatre Festival is scheduled to happen in November 2020.
We understand that this crisis has put everyone around the world at great risk and caused major and minor problems or inconveniences. It is our sincere wish that this extension eases pressure on those interested in sending applications. We look forward to receiving your entry and would also like to appreciate your dedication in continuing to work for art in these difficult times. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.
For more details about the festival, you may visit
Send us an email on iapar.festival(at) for the detailed application form or call on +91 77750 52719 to know more.
German Centre of ITI: Theater für Zuhause (Theatre for Staying at Home) – Offered by Thalia Theater Hamburg
At the moment, all of us miss a lot – social life, the real contact with people, the experience of culture, true theatre. To ease this the Thalia Theater of Hamburg, member of the German Centre, shows new forms and pre-recorded performances, every evening from 7 pm. Each performance is available for 24 hours. You will find current performances as highlights from the past. Most of the performances may be in German, but check it yourself:
Main link:
Website Thalia Theater:
Easter 2020 Programme:
• Saturday, 11 April: Die Tragödie von Romeo und Julia, Regie Jette Steckel, 2 hours
• Sunday, 12 April: Faust I
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Regie Nicolas Stemann, 3 hours
• Monday, 13 April; Faust II
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Regie Nicolas Stemann 3:55 hours
Open Call to Share Your Voice of Love, Encouragement and Support
Dear members and friends of ITI,
We also invite you to join us. Please share your voice of love, encouragement and support to the people. Please touching the people with your creative, please using your positive energy to light into the darkness…
Your statement can be a letter, a fragment of a performance, a drawing, a picture - anything that you would like to share with others to show them your care, your encouragement or support.
If you have any best practice for how to use the performing arts these days, please let us know too.
Please send everything to chen.simin(at) cc: info(at)
>>Click here to read more info in English >>Click here to read more info in French
Call for Videos for World Theatre Day and International Dance Day
2020 is a year with even more challenges for the performing arts community all over the world.
Almost all the Centres of ITI are not able to celebrate World Theatre Day & International Dance Day with an event because of the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. Therefore, the General Secretariat Team of ITI initiates that all the ITI Members celebrate 2020 World Theatre Day and International Dance Day - online. We encourage all the Centres, Cooperating Members and friends of ITI to send a video to chen.simin(at) as soon as possible.
>>Click here to read more info in English
>>Click here to read more info in French
Registration Open: International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC): 30th Congress of IATC in Bratislava, Slovakia
The 30th edition of the Congress of IATC will happen during the Nová dráma/New Drama Festival (see information above) from 12 to 16 May 2020 in Bratislava, Slovakia. >>More information about IATC and about the Congress can be found on the website – in English and French. Email: contact(at)
Deadline for Registration March 2020.
Open Call for Inclusion Day, Theatre Info Finland / Finnish Centre of ITI
Theatre Info Finland TINFO, the home of the Finnish Centre of ITI – together with the Culture for All service, UrsaMinor, DuvTeatern, Globe Art Point and The Association of Finnish Theatres – has declared Inclusion Day, which will be celebrated on Friday, 27 March 2020. The goal of the Inclusion Day campaign is to draw attention to equal opportunities for artists and other dramatic professionals and accessibility of theatrical experiences for everyone. >>To have more information click here.
Critical Stages/Scènes Critiques: Call for Articles and Essays
The International Association of Theatre Critics IATC’s Critical Stages/Scènes Critiques, a peer reviewed journal, wish to post a call for articles and essays on the theme of the ‘theatricality of music and the musicality of theatre’. Critics, scholars and art enthusiasts are encouraged to write on the aesthetics, meanings and social implications of music in theatre and, equally, of theatre in music, for a special journal which will be published June 2020.
The maximum length of an essay is 3,500 words, in French or English, and must conform to >>the Style Guide and >>Submission Guidelines. Deadline for submissions is March 2020. For more information email octavian_saiu(at)
Gregory Vuyani MAQOMA, South Africa – International Dance Day Message Author for 2020
It is our great pleasure and honour to announce to you that Gregory MAQOMA, dancer, choreographer, dance educator and actor from South Africa has written the official message for International Dance Day 2020.
>>International Dance Day Message 2020 by Gregory MAQOMA in English (original) in PDF and Word
>>Message de la Journée Internationale de la Danse 2020 de Gregory MAQOMA en français (traduction) en PDF et Word
>>Biography Gregory MAQOMA in English as PDF and Word
>>Biographie Gregory MAQOMA en français (traduction) en PDF et Word
New Short Version of the Message for World Theatre Day 2020 by Shahid NADEEM, Pakistan
World Theatre Day is approaching. Many Centres asked for a shorter version that is why we asked Shahid NADEEM to create a brief version that is easier to be read in front of an audience and also easier to be translated and published.
Based on the experience so far, we suggest to you to use the short version as World Theatre Day 2020 message, translate it, send us wtd(at) the translation and use it for your celebration of World Theatre Day. If you decide to stick to the long version, please feel free to do so.
Documents for use:
Short Version in English as PDF and Word
Short Version in French as PDF and Word
>>To know more about the author, please click here.
Special Message from the General Secretariat Team of ITI
The members of the General Secretariat will return to work in the office at the beginning of March.
The good news is that the Shanghai authorities have been successful in dealing with the virus and things are getting back to normal, step by step.
We will keep you updated on the situation here. If you have any questions, please write to us over info(at) We wish safety and health to all of you. And we hope that authorities all over the world will keep the health issues well under control so that each and everyone can experience safe and healthy days and do the intended work without fear.
UK Centre launches the Initiative “the other national theatre”
What does this mean? Who is behind it? What is in the manifesto of the other national theatre? To find out >>please visit the website of the other national theatre by clicking here. Further information you find in the new publication by Desert Hearts Books under the guidance of the editors Nick Awde & Isabel Appio. The first volume of the series is called Equal Stages: Standing Up for Identity and Integrity in the Performing Arts, by Nick Awde. It will be released on 23 March. >>More information and where to order click here.
Indian Centre of ITI: Open Call for the IAPAR International Theatre Festival 2020 in Pune, India
As the IAPAR International Theatre Festival enters into its fifth year, the thrust to keep the 'Actor at the Centre', has been infinitely rewarding. In the current socio-political-cultural situation worldwide, there are many voices which need a representation, hence the decision to focus the festival on ‘Marginalised Narratives’.
The IAPAR international Festival 2020 invites applications under the umbrella of ‘Marginalised Narratives’. The festival will take place in Pune, India in November 2020! Deadline for application is 27th March 2020.
Send us an email on iapar.festival(at) for the detailed application form or call on +91 77750 52719 to know more. Vidyanidhee Vanarase (Prasad), Founder Director, International Association for Performing Arts and Research, India (IAPAR), President of the Indian Centre of ITI.
The London International Mime Festival receives the Special World Mime Organisation Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Art of Mime, given by the World Mime Organization
Helen Lannaghan and Joseph Seelig, co-directors of the London International Mime Festival, receiving the Special World Mime Organisation Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Art of Mime – presented on behalf of World Mime Organisation's president Marko Stojanovic. The award is presented to them by Stefania Bochicchio and Nick Awde, co-directors of the UK Centre of ITI, 1 February 2020.
(Photo credits: Nick Awde)
Call for Participation; International University Theatre Associaton (IUTA) 13th IUTA World Congress in Manila, Philippines
Theme: University Theatre as Social and Cultural Agent
The International University Theatre Association (AITU-IUTA) is pleased to announce that its 13th World Congress will be held in Manila, Philippines – from 25 to 29 August 2020. Organized by the IUTA Philippine Center in partnership with the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), the 13th Congress seeks to provide a major forum to discuss the role of the university theater as social and cultural agent in the present time.
>>Click here to find more information about the Congress 2020 (PDF) In this letter, you find also call for papers, workshops and performances. Deadline for the submission of application: 15 March 2020
Further Information about the Congress you find on these links: Facebook, IUTA Philippine Centre and IUTA-AITU Website.
Call for Applications for the High Fest in Yerevan, Armenia 1 to 8 October 2020
“ Dear Friends and Colleagues! We are happy to announce the opening of the registration for the HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival, which will take place from 1 to 8 October 2020 in Yerevan, Armenia! This year it will be the 18th Edition! The festival is one the best 24 European festivals from the long list of 715 by EFFE Awards 2019-2020. We are the main festival on the territory of the former USSR Countries (except for Moscow). >>So, apply and be part of us! The application deadline is 15 March!
We will be happy to answer any other question, so don't hesitate to write to us.
Contact: High Fest Coordination Team, HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival
26 Amiryan Street / State Institute of Theatre and Cinema Yerevan 0002, Armenia
Tel/Fax: +374 99 53 62 33 whatsapp/viber
Pre-Announcement: Communicating the Arts 22 - 24 June 2020 in Lausanne/Switzerland
Communicating the Arts is the leading conference and networking platform for professionals working for performing and visual arts organizations. 300 senior professionals will come together to network, engage in stimulating conversations and rethink their institution’s models and strategies.
More information will follow in the next Newsletter.
Important Message from the General Secretariat
As you may know, due to the new Corona virus outbreak in a few areas of China, the whole country is now going through some serious problems. Strong efforts to fight against the outbreak and the prevention of more cases are done.
After a 10-day stay-at-home lunar year holiday, the General Secretariat Team has resumed its work on 3 February. If you have any questions or needs, you can still reach the General Secretariat. The work of the office continues to be done. However, as the government and experts strongly suggest, the citizens should avoid gathering. That is why the members of the General Secretariat will work from home for the next two weeks. >>More information.
2020 Fujairah International Arts Festival / Fujairah International Monodrama Festival
The Fujairah/United Arab Centre of ITI is happy to announce that the 2020 Edition of the Fujairah International Arts Festival & Fujairah International Monodrama Festival is happening from 20 to 28 February in Dibba and Fujairah City. The event is held under the patronage of the HH Sheikh Hamad bin Mohamed Al-Sharqi, Ruler of Fujairah and Member of the Supreme Council of the UAE. The Fujairah International Monodrama Festival was founded by Mohamed Saif Al-Afkham (President ITI worldwide) and Mohamed Saeed Al-Dhanhani (Emir of Fujairah) and has developed into the world´s most prestigious festival for monodrama; since two editions it is part of the Fujairah International Arts Festival.
The 2020 Festival will be inaugurated with an amazing opening ceremony, followed local and international monodramas, music and art events from all over the world. For more information, please write to info(at)
Congo Republic Centre of ITI: FITAAS Festival 3rd Edition
The Congo Republic Centre of ITI is pleased to announce the organization of the 3rd edition of the FITAAS festival
The festival will take place from 25 March – 29 March 2020 in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire. This festival will address the following themes: Theatre, a tool for the correction of harmful morals. Theatre, dance, music, lectures, excursions and much more are planned.
For any information please contact fitaas18(at) / iticongobrazza(at), >>click here to access the main informations about the festival.
World Mime Organization: The Stage. Interview of Marko Stojanovic
The World Mime Organization´s founder Marko Stojanovic is pleased to share with you an interview reported by the British Magazine The Stage. The subject of the interview is "Mime artist knows their bodies and the linked ides of movement". >>If you want to read the article, please click here.
Mitambo International Theatre Festival 2020
The second edition of the Mitambo International Theatre Festival 2020 will be held from 29 September- 3 October 2020 in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2020.
For any information about the open call please contact mitambointerfest(at), please >>click here to have access the open call information.
Open Call: International Colloquium of Theatre Schools: Trends and Perspectives of Theatre Research
The Teaching in Performing Arts program of the Antonio Nariño University, the Dramatic Arts program of the Central University, the Teaching Performing Arts program of the University of Sonora (Mexico) and the Theatre School Network - RET Colombia, open the call for professors and students to participate in "International Colloquium of Theatre Schools: Trends and Perspectives of Theatre Research from 29 March to 2 April 2020 in Bogota, Colombia.
>>To have more information about the programme please click here, to have >>more info please click here, or contact or
International Competition: Dramatic Adaptations of Sholem Aleichem Short Stories
2019 has been declared as “The Sholem Aleichem Year” due to it being the 160th anniversary of the birth of the great Yiddish and international humour celebrity. The writer Sholem Aleichem’s (1859-1916) writings abound with a humanistic outlook and ardent faith in the goodness of people, and as such promote tolerance, understanding, peace and belief in a better future in accordance with the Charter of ITI.
The International Playwrights Forum (IPF) of the ITI, in collaboration with the Israeli Centre of ITI and The Institute for Jewish Theatre, calls upon playwrights and writers worldwide to participate in a competition for the 3 best adaptations of Sholem Aleichem's short stories. The winning plays will be chosen by a jury whose members will be selected by the IPF.
>>Please see the Call for Submissions for further details. The deadline is 30 March 2020.
International Competition: Dramatic Adaptations of Sholem Aleichem Short Stories
2019 has been declared as “The Sholem Aleichem Year” due to it being the 160th anniversary of the birth of the great Yiddish and international humour celebrity. The writer Sholem Aleichem’s (1859-1916) writings abound with a humanistic outlook and ardent faith in the goodness of people, and as such promote tolerance, understanding, peace and belief in a better future in accordance with the Charter of ITI.
The International Playwrights Forum (IPF) of the ITI, in collaboration with the Israeli Centre of ITI and The Institute for Jewish Theatre, calls upon playwrights and writers worldwide to participate in a competition for the 3 best adaptations of Sholem Aleichem's short stories. The winning plays will be chosen by a jury whose members will be selected by the IPF.
>>Please see the Call for Submissions for further details. The deadline is 30 March 2020. >>For the French version of the Call for Submissions please click here
New Centre: ITI Montenegro Centre
Thanks to the initiative of the Italian Centre of ITI, the International Theatre Institute is able to announce to you the Montenegro Centre of ITI. The Executive Council and the General Secretariat are happy to welcome the new Centre and its members.
Their official address is Baja Pivljanina no:4, 81 250 Cetnje, Montenegro and can be reached via Their board is made up of Natasa Kraljevic (President), Slobodan Bozovic (Vice-President), Janko Ljumovic (Vice-President), Lidija Dedovic (General Secretary), Radmila Vojvodic, Nada Vukcevic, Jelena Markovic, Branislav Micunovic and Srdjan Grahovac.
Encouragement, Appreciation and Friendship at the current difficult time
The Executive Council and the General Secretariat of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) would like to express our heartfelt very best wishes to the members of government and all the people of China.
We encourage you and support you in your endeavors to handle this harmful and sometimes deadly novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Your efforts are helping the people of China and all over the world feel safer, so that they live a prosperous and happy life without fear of the virus.
>>Click here to see the video messages from Executive Council
>>Click here to read the ITI Encouragement Letter
and >>Reply Letter from China Theatre Association
South Korean Centre of ITI: 2019 Newsletter
The South Korean Centre of ITI is happy to share its 2019 newsletter with you. This Newsletter will allow you to come back on the events which took place in 2019 in connection with the South Korean center. >>Please click here to have a look.
PuppeTry: Study your Master in Puppetry at Central European universities in Budapest, Bratislava, Prague and Białystok!
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree.
Apply for Erasmus+ scholarship for the academic year 2020/2021 and get all your costs of studies covered, including tuition fee, travel, insurance and living costs.
The application deadline in 20 January 2020.
>>To find out more information and online application please click here.
Colombo International Theatre Festival 2020
InterAct Art is happy to announce the Call for Participation in the 9th COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL THEATRE FESTIVAL – 2020 (CITF) which will be held from 31 July to 7 August 2020 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The deadline for submissions is 15 February 2020.
For any information about the application please contact interactartsl(at), or >>click here to have access the festival application form.
2nd Student Festival of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts at Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Artistic Committee Meeting
The Secretariat of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts would like to extend its gratitude to everyone who applied for the 2nd Student Festival of the Network, to be held at the Piccolo Teatro in Milan in July.
The Secretariat has received 20 applications from universities all around the world. As there are only 10 “theatre schools” can participate, the Artistic Committee of the Student Festival must go through all the applications and decide according to the criteria that are set for the Festival in a fair way.
The first round has been done over email, the second and final round will be done at a meeting at the Fujairah International Monodrama Festival, 24/25 February. Which “theatre schools” are chosen will be announced in a future Newsletter.
ITI Mexico: XXXII Encuentro Nacional de los Amantes del Teatro
The Mexican Centre ITI UNESCO is organizing from 6 January to 2 February 2020 the XXXII Encuentro Nacional de los Amantes del Teatro (32nd National Encounter of Theatre Lovers), in the Teatro Orientacion / Teatro del Bosque, Julio Castillo – Centro Cultural del Basque in Mexico City. It contains a rich programme with performances such as “2 de 90” (directed by Mario Ficachi), and many other performances with remarkable actresses, actors and directors.
It also pre-announces the “Temporada Mundial de las Artes Escénicas Quetzalcoatl 2020”, organized by Mexican Centre of ITI UNESCO with UNIMA, ASSITEJ and AITA/IATA – encompassing the World Theatre Day for Kids and Young (20 March), World Theatre Day (27 March), International Puppet Day (21 March) and International Dance Day (29 April). The main event will happen 8 April 2020 at 19.00 h in Teatro del Bosque Julio Castillo, Centro Cultural del Bosque, Colonia Chapultepec Polanco, Alcaldia Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX.
For any information >>please click here to access the main informations about the event and >>here to access the website of the Mexican Centre of ITI UNESCO.
Blue Theatre Festival 2020, Siligudi, Prayagraj, Bikaner, Tonk- India
The Ex-tra An Organisation and Community Theatre Tonk are pleased to present the Blue Theatre Festival 2020 with the theme: SCAFFOLD, The Cultivating Journey towards untold expressions of Coexistence. The festival will focus on expression as the creative language of the human being.
The festival will take place from 15 March – 6 April 2020 in different villages in India:
Siligudi of West Bengale: 15 March-18 March 2020
Prayagraj (Allahabad) of Uttar Pradesh: 22 March-25 March 2020
Bikaner of Rajasthan: 28 March- 31 March 2020
Tonk of Rajasthan: 3 April- 6 April 2020
The deadline for submissions is 5 December 2019, the announcement of short-listed plays 22 December 2019.
For any information please contact bluetheatrefest(at), >>click here to access the festival page or >>click here to access the main informations about the festival.
22nd International Adana Theatre Festival- Adana, Turkey
Turkish State Theatre are delighted to announce that applications are open for their 22nd Sabancı International Adana Theater Festival. The “22nd Adana, International Theater festival”, which will be realized between the dates of 27 March - 30 April 2020. The visiting companies will be hosted and a full artistic programme will be provided to the guests.
>>To see the announcement letter and application form of the festival please click here. The deadline for submissions is 30 January 2020. To have more information about the festival please contact adanatheatrefest(at)
Open Call for ALthattheatre 2020- Starting world-wide online 1 March and in Montecreto, Italy, from 15 April - 27 May
The World Theatre Training Institute - ITI research centre for theatre training methods -introduces its first full version of a unique education for vocational training as well as for postgraduate studies using Quantum Pedagogy created and conducted by Jurij Alschitz and his international team of teachers.
Instead of attending a multi-year education, ALthattheatre proposes a three month training course to prepare the individual system for an artistic career. The first part is a 40 days online preparation, followed by the 40 days practical training on stage.
It is the definite aim of this training programme to create a group of utmost diversity concerning age, professional and cultural background. Registration and contracting starts now in December 2019. >>To have more information about this training programme please click here, >>to have access to the registration please click here.
Assuming the future is shaping the future: Open Call for the Experts’ Colloquium about New Dimensions for the Theatre Education, Kazan, Russia 10 June-12 June 2020
On the initiative Dr Jurij Alschitz, the ITI/UNESCO Network’s working group on Hybrid Education will meet during the VI International Theatre and Education Festival-Forum “Nauruz” of the Galiaskar Kamal Tatar Academic Theatre and invites specialists for a creative exchange of ideas. Concept and moderation: Christine Schmalor.
Digitality is not a technical question but a cultural competence. Today we are facing the need for substantial changes in education in general. New demands for innovation of content and methodology arise in the educative process. How does the digital mindset affect the process of acting, stage presence, dramaturgy, and methodological tools for artistic development? How do we imagine the future of teaching? How can online training be useful for theatre?
>>If you are interested to join as speaker or listener please click here. Contact: World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI akt.zent(at)
ITI Germany Announces the Winner of the 2020 International Theatre Institute Prize
The German ITI Centre is pleased to announce Dutch director Jetse Batelaan as the winner of their 2020 International Theatre Institute Award.
Mr Batelaan has won the award in recognition of his work which reflects a sympathetic view on human incompetence. An official award ceremony will be held on 7 February 2020. >>For the full bio of the winner, please click here – and take a look at the >>official Press Release for the announcement.
UNIMA: Call for Entries in the 2020 Arlyn Award for Outstanding Design in the Puppet Theatre
The Union Internationale de la Marionnette – UNIMA – are pleased to announce their call for entries to the prestigious Arlyn Award, named after Arlyn Coad, co-founder and artistic director of Coad Canada Puppets, and rewarding Outstanding Design in the Puppet Theatre.
The Arlyn Award is a world-wide search for outstanding design in the puppet theatre. It runs every two years, and is open to people all around the globe. First prize stands to receive $1,000,000 USD, with Certificates of Recognition being handed out to other entrants.
>>To find out more, please visit the UNIMA Website, by clicking here. Entrants must abide by the terms and conditions – deadline for applications is 15 February 2020.
The International Theatre Festival for Southern Youth – Egypt
The (Seen) Foundation for Culture and Creativity declared applications are now open for the Fifth session of The International Theatre Festival for Southern Youth, which will be held in Assiut Governorate – Egypt - from 8 to 14 April 2020.
The event revolves around two competitions (one for folklore performances, the other for street theatre), workshops, and performances. >>For more information regarding terms and conditions and how to apply, please click here or email Seen.fcc(at)
Hi PerformanCZ: Prague Visitors' Program - 22-25 April, 2020: Text-Based and New Plays Theatre Performances
Experience Czech text-based and new plays theatre productions within a special programme package for international audiences. Hi PerformanCZ: Prague Visitors´ Program is organized by the Arts and Theatre Institute together with the National Theatre and Prague theatres. They offer free accommodation, tickets and networking activities for a limited number of visitors. Registration is open until 30 October 2019. >>To register, click here.
>>For more information, view the Call or email martina.peckova-cerna(at)
Two New Partner Organizations
ITI is pleased to be able to announce two new Partner Organizations, widening the pool of resources ever further.
INTiP - International Network of Theatre in Prison is the first. Founded in 2011 and based in Italy, INTiP already has ran initiatives alongside ITI including WTD 2019, and sees itself as a reference tool for people working in the field or seeking expertise in theatre initiatives for prisoners.
The Second new partner organization, Women Playwrights International (WPI), is a platform for female playwrights to meet and build Networks. Its essential goal is to have an impact by supporting collaborative work between people from different parts of the world. >>To learn more, please click here.
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in “Performing Arts Practice in Conflict Zones” at Accademia Teatro Dimitri
We are pleased to inform you that Accademia Teatro Dimitri (Switzerland) is offering a new course of study. In a globalized world in which the consequences of violence, war, and discrimination have become an integral part of our lives, politics is created with angst, demarcation, and isolation determining everyday life. The CAS Performing Arts Practice in Conflict Zones offers an opportunity to open new spaces of reflection and action.
The CAS is developed in collaboration with the Goethe Institute North Iraq and the Swiss Center of ITI. It is aimed at professional artists from Europe as well as from the Kurdish areas in Iraq and Syria who want to bring their performing arts practice in local and international conflict and crisis zones. For further information and inscription please check: (Education/ Advanced Studies)
Call for Candidature for the 36th ITI World Congress in 2020
The Executive Council of ITI and the General Secretariat of ITI is launching an open call to find a host for the 36th ITI World Congress in 2020. Please click here to read the >>call in English, >>here in French, and >>here in Spanish. Please click here to download the document to fill out if you are >>interested to hold the ITI World Congress 2020 in English, >>here in French and >>here in Spanish. Those documents contain the main issues so that a Centre, a Cooperating Member, or a partner which has an interest can evaluate whether the process of applying to host the 36th ITI World Congress should be started. Please get in touch with the Director General of ITI if you think about hosting the next Congress so that your questions can be answered. The deadline to get in touch with the General Secretariat is 30 June. The deadline for the application is 10 September 2018.
Fellows Program Application open, Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics
The Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics (The Lab) invites applications for the 2020-2021 cohort of its Fellows Program. The Lab’s mission is to humanize global politics through the power of performance. To this end, applications are welcomed from performing artists who also define themselves as community-based and/or globally minded activists, educators, or policymakers working at the intersection of performance and politics/social justice.
The Fellows Program is an 18-month, transnational residency that connects Fellows to a community of peers, fosters collaboration, and inspires intersectional and international dialogue.
The deadline for submissions is 27 December 2019. >>To have more information about this programme and to have access to the registration please click here.
Meeting of the Partner Organization of ITI in Shanghai
From 18 to 20 November, ITI and its Partner Organizations met in Shanghai. These meetings were once regular – starting in Sibiu more than 20 years ago and running until 2011 in Paris. Shanghai’s meeting was an attempt to re-establish the tradition, not just for the sake of another meeting, but for finding common strategies and actions to make each organization stronger, to assist each other, to share best practice and, if possible, to collaborate.
The results of the meeting were: 1) To promote one another’s “days” (such as World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People (20 March), World Puppetry Day (21 March), World Mime Day (22 March), World Theatre Day (27 March), International Dance Day (29 April), World Music Day (1 October), World Opera Day (25 October);
2) To create a conference about ITI and all the Partner Organizations at the Avignon and Edinburgh Festivals; 3) To publish important events of one organization also on the website and newsletters of the other partner organizations; 4) to invite representatives of the other organizations to one´s own congress, conference or important event.
Future meetings may happen at UNESCO in Paris, at an event of one of the organizations, or at the headquarters of ITI in Shanghai. Such meetings should happen yearly.
Here you find the list all the Partner Organizations of ITI
Invitation to launch of the book “Theatre in transformation“, Cape Town, Pretoria, South Africa
Two events will take place in South Africa to mark the occasion of the publication of “Theatre in Transformation“. AFDA: The School for the Creative Economy is pleased to invite you on Friday 6 December at 2 pm in Cape Town for a presentation of the book during the Safe Havens Conference. >>To have more information about this event please click here.
Secondly, the South African State Theatre is pleased to invite you on Tuesday 10 December 2019, 11 am to a panel discussion with experts on the occasion of the book's release at the Drama Theatre Foyer in Pretoria, South Africa. >>To have more information about this event please click here.
It is with great sadness that ITI relays the news regarding the passing of Zimbabwean cultural expert, Stephen Chifunyise.
Stephen Chifunyise was critical in the establishment of ITI Centres in southern Africa. He was a board member of the Zimbabwe Centre of the International Theatre Institute, and raised awareness of the intangible cultural heritage of the region. He will be greatly missed.
>>For a full obituary from Lloyd Nyikadzino, Coordinator of the ITI Zimbabwean Centre, click here.
Amendment: ITI Centre Name – North Macedonian Centre of ITI
The ITI Centre once known as Macedonia FYROM (Macédonie ARYM) is now to be called the North Macedonian Centre of ITI (Centre Macédoine du nord de l'ITI) in line with the nation’s name change to The Republic of North Macedonia. The change within ITI follows similar changes within the UN and UNESCO.
Obituary: Girish Karnad 1938 – 2019
It is with great sadness that the ITI GS relays to you news of the passing of Girish Karnad, one of India’s most loved actors, directors and playwrights.
We are sure you will join us in sending our condolences to those he left behind, and showing our appreciation for all his magnificent achievements.
Please click to read touching tributes from Tobias Biancone (ITI Director-General), Ramendu Majumdar (Honorary Member of ITI) & Vidyanidhee Vanarase (President ITI India, EC Member).
World Performing Arts Festival in Vietnam
Unfortunately, the festival cannot be done as planned in 2018 due to different reasons, prime among them finances. As the festival and event calendar for the second half 2018 - The Year of ITI - 70th Anniversary of ITI is quite full, Le Quy Duong is planning to hold such a festival in 2019. As soon as there is news about when and where, there will be information in this newsletter. For further information please get in touch with Le Quy Duong directly.
Call for Application for the Second Student Festival of the ITI/UNESCO Network at Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d'Europa
The Network Secretariat is pleased to announce a second Student Festival of the ITI/UNESCO Network has been confirmed, and applications are now open. The Student Festival will be held at the facilities of Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d'Europa in Milan/Italy from Monday to Friday, 13 to 17 July 2020. Ten successful applicant Universities/Institutions from the ITI/UNESCO Network will be invited to bring a group of up to ten people to give a performance related to the theme of “Home”. The attending professor is also asked to give a workshop during the festival.
The hosts have kindly agreed to provide accommodation and breakfast to successful applicants. Travel and visa costs must be covered by the applicants themselves.
This presents a fantastic opportunity for the Member Institutions of the ITI/UNESCO Network to give their students a wonderful experience on a global stage and for the teachers to exchange with their colleagues. We wish you luck in your applications, which must follow the terms and conditions laid out in the call. The deadline for applications is 15 November 2019. Only Network Member Institutions can apply.
>>Click here to view The Call in full
>>Click here to view the Application Form
ITI North Macedonia: Dispersive dramatics: Poor Little Rich Drama in Kratovo (Drama in Movement)
The North Macedonian Centre of ITI wish to publicise their new project, Dispersive dramatics: Poor Little Rich Drama, which begins on 26 October 2019 in the old city of Kratovo, North Macedonia.
The purpose of the Project, which is funded by the local Ministry of Culture and is the brainchild of multiple authors, is to use the tools and language of theatre to promote the old historic sites of medieval Kratovo. They will achieve this by making public readings from 11 short plays from the e-book Poor Little Rich Drama.
For more information on the event, please contact macedoniancenterofiti(at) or >>visit their Facebook Page.
ITI Austria: Japan-Austria 1869-2019 Celebration Concerts
To celebrate the 150th Anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic ties between Austria and Japan, the Austrian ITI Centre will be holding a series of concerts in Vienna during the month of November.
They will see many top-class performers come to the city in recognition of the strong bonds between the two countries. For more information, please visit or email office(at)
Sibiu International Theatre Festival in Romania 2020: Final Call
The Sibiu International Theatre Festival in Romania is pleased to announce that its 27th Edition of the Drama and Arts Management Universities Convention, which will take place in Sibiu from the 12 June - 21 June 2020.
The festival, which seeks to promote artistic creation of the highest quality, has now put forward its >>Open Call for performances at the event. Lucky candidates will have accommodation and meals provided for an agreed time at the event, have all their technical needs met, and be able to perform at one of Europe’s premier theatre festivals.
>>To register for the event, please click here. Before applying to perform at the festival, be sure to check-out this >>Festival Guide and this >>Catalogue of Selection Protocol. Should you need anything else, do not hesitate to contact luminita.birsan(at) The Deadline for submissions is 3 November 2019.
Critical Stages/Scènes Critiques: Call for Articles and Essays
The International Association of Theatre Critics IATC’s Critical Stages/Scènes Critiques, a peer reviewed journal, wish to post a call for articles and essays on the theme of Re-Orienting Arab Theatre and Performance: New Political Aesthetics.
Critics, scholars and art enthusiasts are encouraged to write on the aesthetics, meanings and social implications of the theme. The deadline for submissions is 1 December 2019. Articles should be in English or French and be no longer than 3,500 words. >>For more information, please click here.
A new international day to celebrate: World Opera Day
The International Theatre Institute ITI congratulates the Opera Europa, OPERA America and Ópera LatinoAmerica for the launch of World Opera Day on 25 October 2019 during an event held in Strasbourg (France) and Karlsruhe (Germany). It recommends to the Centres of ITI to assist Opera in their countries with the know-how of World Theatre Day and International Dance Day that the Centre may have.
The first ever World Opera Day will be held on 25 October 2019, with an international social media campaign and local events shining the light on Opera’s contribution to citizens' wellbeing. The three main opera associations join forces with encouragement from UNESCO and the International Theatre Institute to remind people of the role of artistic expression and creativity.
To engage with the initiative, we invite our members to join the World Opera Day social media campaign via their channels. Gather and publish 30 second videos showing the benefit of opera: young and dynamic singers or musicians that can communicate their enthusiasm for opera, testimonies of children who were involved in one of your educational programmes. On World Opera Day, publish these videos and interesting World Opera Day events on your channels with the hashtag #WorldOperaDay.
Please let celia(at) know about your plans! >>For more information from the event organizers, please click here.
Join World Opera Day!
International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama – Cyprus, July 2020
The Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Cyprus Centre of the International Theatre Institute and the Deputy Ministry of Tourism, announce the opening of the submission of proposals by Cypriot theatre groups/individuals and by theatre groups/individuals not residing in Cyprus, to participate in the twenty-fourth edition of the “International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama”, which will be held from the end of June until the end of July 2020, in Cyprus.
The deadline for submissions is: Monday, December 2, 2019. Please visit or >>click here to see the call in full.
Open Call: Traditional Performing Arts Seminar within One Belt and One Road Countries, Shanghai Theatre Academy 13-15 November 2019
The Shanghai Theatre Academy announced wishes to share its first event related to its ‘Silk Road Platform’.
From Wednesday-Friday, 13 to 15 November 2019, Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA) and the International Theatre Institute (ITI) wish to invite professors and students from ITI/UNESCO Network Institutions to take part in Traditional Performing Arts Seminar focusing on the Silk Road – the One Belt & One Road countries. The Event will contain seminars, workshops and student Performances relating to Traditional Performing Arts. Those interested are encouraged to >>click here for further information and >>view the Open Call and >>Application Form if they wish to apply. Deadline: 28 September 2019.
Tokyo Tokyo Festival Grant – Applications Open
Arts Council Tokyo are pleased to announce that applications for the 2nd Term of the FY2019 Tokyo Tokyo Festival Grant are now open.
The Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL is an initiative that will see a variety of cultural programmes unfold in the run-up to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, promoting Tokyo’s appeal as a city of arts and culture. They are looking for applications to their “Overseas Artistic Creation in Tokyo” category, which will be made up of theatre projects which provide support to projects in Tokyo that encourage creation.
Applications should be made in Japanese by organizations based in Japan - thus overseas organizations are required to collaborate with local partners. >>Please refer to the guidelines and >>their website for further details.
Network for Emerging Arts Practitioners Monologue Success – IROKO, My Universe
Jeff Fagundes, actor and Director of Collaborations for NEAP, is pleased to be able to share that his monologue, IROKO, My Universe, which was first performed at the ITI World Congress in Segovia, has been further developed and has now been staged in four different countries.
With the help of the NEAP Committee, what was once a Monodrama has blossomed into a full-scale production.
>>For more information on the show’s success, please click here.
Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award 2019
Trieste Contemporanea is pleased to announce that the call of the Young European Artist Award 2019 is now open!
Trieste Contemporanea presents this Award with the aim of promoting young artists from Central Eastern Europe on the international art scene. The winner will be given the opportunity of conceiving and developing a solo show for the Trieste Contemporanea's exhibition space in Trieste, Italy, and will have a relevant catalogue published. >>For more information, and full terms and conditions, please click here.
Mitambo International Theatre Festival, Zimbabwe 2019
The Zimbabwe Theatre Academy in partnership with the Network of Emerging Arts Professionals, Zimbabwe Centre of the International Theatre Institute and Africalia are pleased to be able to announce the creation of the Mitambo International Theatre Festival.
The inaugural edition will run from 8-12 October 2019 in Harare, Zimbabwe, and hopes to comprise both local and international performances and workshops. Mitambo, a Shona word for ‘plays’, truly encapsulates what the festival is about; a platform through which local communities can access and celebrate the diversity of cultural identity and artistic expression.
For more information, contact Lloyd Nyikadzino at lloydnyikadzino(at)
Argentine Dance Council: 41st Anniversary Celebrations Award Ceremony
The Argentine Dance Council, a Cooperating Member of ITI, celebrated their 41st Anniversary in Buenos Aires on 2 September.
To mark the event, the 10th National Dance Competition “Consejo Argentino de la Danza Paloma Herrera Award” was bestowed upon 16-year-old Miss Romina García Vázquez in the classical category and 19-year-old Miss Camila Arechavaleta in the contemporary dance category. Following this, the Argentine Dance Council held a “Dancing for Peace” event in cooperation with UNICEF on 10 September.
GavranFest: Celebrating Croatian Author Miro Gavran in Prague
The tenth GavranFest, the international theatre festival dedicated to the Croatian author Miro Gavran will be held from the 7th to the 12th of October 2019 in Prague in Czech Republic.
This year, theatres from six countries will take part: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Albania, Serbia, Hungary and Croatia.
>>Programme/More Info
54th Edition of Borštnikovo – Maribor Theatre Festival / European Regional Council Session
This year the European Regional Council is hosted by the Borštnikovo, also known as the Maribor Theatre Festival. It takes place in the Slovenian city of Maribor from 14 to 27 October. For the duration of the festival the City of Maribor, Slovenia, will become a cultural hub, and as part of its efforts it has invited the members of the European Regional Council of ITI to visit the festival and use the inspiring atmosphere for creating joint venture strategies and exchange examples of good practices for the European region.
For more information about the Festival, which is open to people from all around the world: or: If you’re part of an ITI Centre from Europe, check with Roberta Quarta if your Centre is already part of the invited guests. Email: teatro(at)
ITI Montenegro: “Conversation about Love" directed by Jernej Lorenci & Involvement in the XXIII International Master -The New Commedia dell’Arte
The Montenegro Centre of ITI have two exciting updates to share.
Firstly, they wish to announce the premiere of “Conversation about Love" directed by Jernej Lorenci at the Royal Theatre Zetski dom in Cetinje. The play has been made possible by the EU funded project “ADNICH” and the ART Ghetto programme of the Royal Theatre. It is a result of the co-production between Royal Theatre Zetski dom Cetinje and the Slovenian National Theatre in Ljubljana and as an international project, the play will gather actors and actresses from four countries: Italy, Albania, Montenegro and Slovenia. The premiere will take place on 14 September, with reprises to follow. For more information, please contact kraljevic.zetskidom(at)
Furthermore, ITI Montenegro are proud to announce that Montenegrin actress Marija Masha Labudovic will participate to the XXIII International Master -The New Commedia dell’Arte (1 - 22 September 2019) in Pordenone Italy. This marks a special occasion for cross cultural exchange within theatre.
Directors Lab Mediterranean to launch in Beirut July 15-24, 2019
Directors Lab Mediterranean (DLM) will launch its initial Lab in July 2019 at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. Following the model of the Directors Lab at the Lincoln Center Theater in New York, DLM aims to provide emerging stage directors from all over the world with the opportunity to build peer connections and create artistic networks with other Mediterranean theatre makers.
Emerging and mid-career stage directors from all over the world are invited to apply to join the Lab, which will run for 10 days and will accept approximately 20 directors. The Lab is provided free of charge to all accepted applicants. DLM is accepting applications until December 3rd, 2018 through their website
>>For full information, please click here.
Bethlehem International Performing Arts Festival October 2 - 9 2020
The Diyar Theatre/Dar Al-Kalim, a University College for Arts and Culture, is planning to organize the second edition of the Bethlehem International Performing Festival in 2020. The aim of BIPAF is to link international performers with the youth of Palestine through workshops and activities.
The organizers wish to extend an invitation to performing artists, groups and companies all over the world to apply to participate. Applications are open until October 31st 2019. >>For full information on how to apply please click here. >>For a full report of the previous BIPAF held in 2018, click here.
XIV Meeting of Colombian Theatre Schools 15 & 18 October 2019, Bogota
RET Colombia are delighted to be able to announce the XIV Meeting of Colombian Theatre Schools which will take place on 15 & 18 October 2019, in Bogota, Colombia.
The event will consist of Academic and Practical activities and is open to both students and teachers from Colombian institutions. >>For more information, click here or email retcolombiaoficial(at)
Stretch 2019 – Turku, Finland October 2019
STRETCH 2019 brings together dance professionals - artists, producers, students, researchers, managers, pedagogues – from the Nordic, Baltic and European countries, and aims to tackle urgent issues in the dance field. The encounter is built on the experience and community that was created during the earlier keðja encounters.
>>For more information and to see how to register, please click here.
2019 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama Programme Announcement
The Cyprus Centre of ITI, along with the Cypriot Ministry of Education and Culture and the Cypriot Ministry of Tourism are pleased to be able to announce the programme of events for the 2019 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama, which will run from the 28 June – 27 July 2019. The 23rd edition of the festival has seen six theatre groups selected to present performances at Paphos Ancient Odeon, Curium Ancient Theatre and “Skali” Amphitheatre in Aglantzia. >>To read the full press release click here. >>To view the programme click here.
Iranian Center of ITI Calls for Participation for three Festivals for 2019 & 2020
The Iranian Centre of ITI - the Dramatic Arts Centre of Iran - are pleased to announce some events for everyone to get involved with.
2019 sees both the 14th International Street Theatre Festival, from 23 to 27 August in Marivan, and the 26th International Theatre Festival for Children and Young Adults, 10-15 November 2019 in Hamevan, take place.
Preparations are also underway for the 38th Fadjr International Theatre Festival from 1-11 February 2020 in Tehran. They are looking for applications from participants for all three events, specifically theatre companies, performers, workshop leaders, lecturers and essayists who wish to participate. >>Application forms can be found here. The deadline for applications to each event is exactly 40 days before they start.
For more information, contact dramatic.artcenter.iran(at) or >>visit their website by clicking here.
Mitambo International Theatre Festival, Zimbabwe 2019
The Zimbabwe Theatre Academy in partnership with the Network of Emerging Arts Professionals, Zimbabwe Centre of the International Theatre Institute and Africalia are pleased to be able to announce the creation of the Mitambo International Theatre Festival.
The inaugural edition will run from 8-12 October 2019 in Harare, Zimbabwe, and hopes to comprise both local and international performances and workshops. Mitambo, a Shona word for ‘plays’, truly encapsulates what the festival is about; a platform through which local communities can access and celebrate the diversity of cultural identity and artistic expression.
20th International Drama Colony of Croatia
The International Drama Colony was held in the Croatian city of Grožnjan from 1-7 July 2019. This year’s programme was accomplished in collaboration between the Croatian ITI Centre and the North Macedonian Centre of ITI.
The International Drama Colony in Grožnjan has been held since 1999. The main goals are verification of new foreign and domestic plays through stage readings and to establish collaboration between Croatia and other countries through the exchange of plays. For more information, such as how to be involved in next year’s edition, contact the Croatian ITI Centre - hcentariti(at)
Final Invitation & Call – Gurdjieff Institute Centenary Celebrations, Tbilisi, Georgia
The Gurdjieff Institute – in association with the Georgian Centre of ITI – are pleased to be send you a call for participation for the Gurdjieff Centenary Celebrations, an event to mark the 100th anniversary since the mystic George Gurdjieff moved to Tbilisi, Georgia.
The event will be celebrated in Tbilisi from 10-13 October 2019 with workshops, exhibitions, conferences, films, performances, concerts & guided tours to places where Gurdjieff lived and worked. The deadline for applications is 25 July 2019.
>>For a Registration Form, please click here.
>>For further information on the different ways you can participate, please view this Call.
>>For full information on the Gurdjieff Institute of Georgia, please click here.
International Call – Alba International Physical Theatre Festival
The Alba International Physical Theatre Festival are calling for participants to their inaugural event, which will take place in Alba, Italy, from 14-16 February 2020.
Their panel are looking for physical theatre shows with no verbal interaction so that pieces can be appreciated by audiences of any nationality. There is no specific requirement on the genre of the show proposed. Shows should have a minimum length of 45 minutes. Selected groups will be given a minimum of 500 euros, though travel costs cannot be covered by the festival.
The deadline for application is 31 July 2019. Those interested please visit
News from Slovenia - Maribor Theatre Festival coming up in October!
The programme for the 54th Maribor Theatre Festival is ready. In the second half of October, Maribor (Slovenia) will once again be the epicentre of the theatre (and theatre related) meetings and exchanges.
Importantly, this event will play host to the European Regional Council Meeting, as well as a competition, symposiums, meetings and performances. >>For more information, please click here or visit the website;
Salon of Theatrical Book in Madrid
The Croatian Centre of ITI participated at the Salon of Theatrical Book in Madrid organized by the Spanish Association of dramaturges (Autoras y Autores de Teatro – AAT), the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport and the Spanish Dramatic Centre (Centro Dramático Nacional, CDN). Croatia was represented by Željka Turčinović, president of the Croatian Centre of ITI, playwrights Tena Štivičić and Ivor Martinić, and Nikolina Židek, the translator. For this program the Croatian Centre of ITI presented a publication of Teatro Croata in Spanish language with play “Three winters” by Tena Štivičić.
>>For more information please click here.
Kill Zone: a love story by Wanda Graham, 1-28 September 2019, Vienna
To commemorate the 80th anniversary since the outbreak of the Second World War, celebrate International Peace Day, and mark the inauguration of World Emotional Trauma Awareness Day, FotoArt IN FOCUS Franziskanerplatz, Vienna, Austria, are pleased to announce Kill Zone: A Love Story by Wanda Graham.
The show, running from 1-28 September 2019, is the second piece of Graham’s military theatre trilogy. >>For more information click here or contact info(at)
UNIMA – 90th Anniversary
The Union Internationale de la Maronnette – UNIMA, the partner organization of ITI which deals with Puppetry is celebrating its 90th Anniversary on 22 September 2019 in Charleville-Mézières, in France. The celebration is part of the World Festival of Puppet Theatres to be held from 20 to 29 September. There will be an exhibition at the Musée de l´Ardenne from 20 to 29 September with the title: “People and Puppets. UNIMA, believing in and creating a common future for puppetry, 1929-2019”.
More information:
Contact: contact(at)
International Music Council IMC-CIM – 70th Anniversary
IMC, one of the Partner Organizations, is celebrating its 70th Anniversary in Paris, from 28 September to 1 October. The IMC has put together a rich programme for its anniversary with conferences that are focussing on the 5 Music Rights. Full details about programme, registration, etc. to be found on: More information: Contact: info(at)
Workshop: Cantiere Ibsen/Art Needs Time
The Cantiere Ibsen/Art Needs Time Workshop, a Project by Il Mulino di Amleto and created with Fertili Terreni Teatro, in collaboration with the Swiss ITI Centre, is a periodical training regime that will allow participants to understand how to take back the idea of research and creativity. It is open to anyone who wishes to come and explore those questions.
The programme contains 6 workshops by Marco Lorenzi, director of Il Mulino di Amleto, with extra participation from various guests, experts and artists that have been invited to be directly involved in the above-mentioned process. The workshops are aimed at professional European actresses and actors and will take place in Turin between October 2019 and June 2020.
>>For full information such as terms and conditions, a calendar and how to apply, please click here. Deadline for application: 20 September 2019.
ITI North Macedonia: “ConFront Drama” - a collaboration with Mrs. Sylvia Huszar
The North Macedonian Centre of ITI are pleased to announce a unique insight into Contemporary Hungarian Theatre and drama with a lecture and workshop from renowned theatre theoretician Sylvia Huszár.
The Workshop will take place (in English) from 9-13 September 2019 at the Teatar Anton Panov in Strumica, North Macedonia, as part of the Hungarian Cultural season endorsed by the North Macedonian Ministry of Culture and the Hungarian Embassy. Huszar will discuss her own career and highlight the importance of Hungarian drama. Those interested are encouraged to contact macedoniancenterofiti(at)
World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT Newsletter
World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT have released their newsletter, containing many interesting updates for all concerned.
>>Click here to view an online version, which includes a call to their ALthattheatre programme, which implements Quantum Pedagogy and Hybrid Theatre Training, A new edition of their hybrid course The Vertical of the Role, and an opportunity to learn from Jurij Alschitz’s The Art of Dialogue.
Physical Action on Stage - International Workshops 26-31 August 2019
Art Berlin wish to announce their Physical Action on Stage International Workshops, as six-day event from 26-31 August 2019 in Berlin, Germany.
The international programme is aimed at practicing theatre directors, choreographers and performing arts practitioners who are interested in practical investigations of performance making and physical theatre.
Those interested in getting involved can >>visit their Facebook page by clicking here.
Call for Entries: Luigi Riccoboni International Commedia Dell’Arte Masterclass
The organisers of the “Luigi Riccoboni” International Commedia dell’Arte Masterclass, conceived and developed by Antonio Audino, Federico Corona, and the Institute of Theatre and Opera of the Giorgio Cini Foundation, are proud to announce the commencement of the selection of 20 participants for their Commedia Dell’Arte Masterclass, which will take place at the Giorgio Cini Foundation, Venice, from 26 August – 1 September 2019.
>>For more information about terms and conditions for applicants plus a full run-down of the event, please click here.
ITI Montenegro Centre: “Balkan Boys” directed by Sinisa Evtimov
Inspired by Anthony McCarten and Stephen Sinclair's "Ladies Night" & "The Full Monty", “Balkan Boys” is an unusual story about an ordinary man and his struggle for survival – as his faith in life and humanity is tested amid deceived expectations.
“Balkan Boys” is a result of the EU funded project “ADNICH “ IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro and a part of the ART Ghetto programme of the Royal Theatre. It premieres on Wednesday, 7 August 2019 at the Royal Theatre Zetski Dom in Cetinje (Montenegro), with reprises on the 8, 9 & 10 August.
>>For more information, click here or >>visit the Facebook page of the host theatre.
ITI Philippines: Gallery of the Sea on the SDGs and the Care of the Ocean
The Philippines Centre of the International Theatre Institute, the Earth Savers UNESCO Dream Centre, along with the Climate Institute Advisory Board, the Manila Bay Rehabilitation Task Force and the Manila Yacht Club, invite everyone to the inauguration of the Gallery of the Sea on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the Care of the Ocean Exhibition.
The event will take place on Tuesday, 13 August 2019, from 8:30 am at the Manila Yacht Club. It promises to give food for thought to all present on Sustainable Development Goals in relation to our Oceans. >>For more information, click here.
ASSITEJ South Africa – The Cradle of Creativity - 20-25 August 2019, Cape Town
ITI’s Partner Organization ASSITEJ wishes to invite delegates to attend their Cradle of Creativity event, an international festival of Theatre for Young Audiences from 20-25 August 2019, in Cape Town.
The Cradle of Creativity was designed to spark creativity in artists, teachers, researchers and academics, as well as creativity in the children and young people who encountered performances, and in the broader audiences who experienced the event. The event comprises conferences, gatherings, performances and a whole lot more.
>>To find out more, such as how to register, please click here.
Danspunt Out of the Toolbox Workshop Festival, 21-25 August 2019, Ghent, Belgium
Danspunt, a Ghent-based dance organization, are pleased to announce their Out of the Toolbox Workshop Festival, which will run from 21 – 25 August 2019 in Ghent, Belgium.
The event includes creative and educational workshops for all dance enthusiasts, led by educators, dancers and professionals from all over Europe. >>To register please click here or for more information >>please visit their Facebook page.
Conference on Cultural Policy and Sustainable Development 8 - 9 July 2019, Bundesakademie, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
The German Centre of ITI wish to announce an upcoming Conference on Cultural Policy and Sustainable Development, which will run from the 8-9 July 2019 at the Bundesakademie in Wolfenbüttel, Germany.
The conference investigates the role of arts and culture for sustainable development, offering insights and exchange with scholars of the Graduate School ‘Performing Sustainability’ from West-Africa as well as researchers of the Master’s programme ‘Cultural Policy and Cultural Management’ from the Arab Region and academics from Germany.
>>For full information, click here or >>to register follow this link.
Lebanese International Theatre Festival for Contemporary Dance July 6 – 9 2019
Tiro Association for Arts is calling for participation in the Lebanese International Theatre Festival for Contemporary Dance which will be held from 6 to 9 July 2019.
Artists wishing to participate from Lebanon and abroad can contact tiro.festivals(at) to apply and get more information. The festival provides accommodation, supplies and transportation inside Lebanon, but does not bear travel tickets.
Call for Workshop in Locarno, Switzerland / For actors, performers, dancers, artists
International workshop laboratory in Theatre and Performance
True speaking / Authentic being / Invisible revealed
working on POETIC WRITING AS DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE AND PERFORMATIVE ACT, based on the poetry of Alexandro Jodorowski, Allan Ginsberg, Michel Houellbeck and inspired poetry of oriental traditions.”
Directed by Stéphanie Lupo
Location: Locarno at Spazio Elle (Switzerland)
Time: 26 to 30 July 2019
Accommodation is possible on the site by the lake
Deadline for the application: 15 July
Early bird price: apply by 3 July
Contact Stéphanie Lupo: lupo.mental22(at) >>For full information, please click here
16th Seoul International Dance Competition SIDC 2019
The Seoul International Cultural Foundation, supported by ITI, are proud to inform you about the upcoming event: the 16th Seoul International Dance Competition (SIDC) 2019.
SIDC is held over four-categories, Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Ethnic Dance, and Choreography. The event itself however is about far more than just competition, including as it does Workshops led by international dance experts, educational networking, and the chance to get to know dance peers from across the world in a programme stretching from late April to late July 2019 (dates to be officially confirmed).
>>For a run through of the programme, and to see how you can enter the competition in a category, please click here and >>here for the call in full + a provisional schedule. The deadline for entries is 25 May 2019.
Connecting Culture’s Hearts and Minds: Shakespeare in China, Conferences in Zhengzhou and Beijing
Shakespeare’s Globe are pleased to announce a pair of Conferences for teachers, educators, policy-makers and Shakespeare academics under the title ‘Connecting Culture’s Hearts and Minds: Shakespeare in China’. The first conference will happen in Zhengzhou, China on the 6 July 2019. The second will take place in Beijing on 13 July 2019.
For more information as to how you can get involved, click >>Zhengzhou or >>Beijing for the relevant flyer.
Call for Entry to the 14th International Street Theatre Festival in Marivan, Iran
The Iranian Centre of ITI - the Dramatic Arts Centre of Iran - is pleased to announce the 14th International Street Theatre Festival from 23 to 27 of August 2019 in Marivan, Iran. They are now looking for applications from participants, specifically theatre companies, performers, workshop leaders, lecturers and essayists who wish to participate. Applications should be sent by airmail to the Secretariat of the Festival, at Vahdat Hall, Ostad Shahryar Street, Hafez Ave., Tehran, 1133914934 Iran. The deadline for doing so is the 10 July, 2019. For more information, contact dramatic.artcenter.iran(at) or >>visit their website by clicking here.
9th National Dance Competition with the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Argentinian Council of Dance
The Argentine Dance Council, Cooperating Member of ITI, is happy to share with you the celebration of its 40th anniversary that happen on 3 September. The 9th National Dance Competition “Consejo Argentino de la Danza Paloma Herrera Award” began with a preselection of 300 applicants in different regions of Argentina by a jury appointed and sent by the CAD (in March). Then, the 1st round through videos also selected by another jury (in July). The 2nd and 3rd round live presentation in Buenos Aires city (in September). The total number of participants was 33 (19 classical dance and 13 in contemporary dance). The Honorary Jury was chaired by Mistress Paloma Herrera Colón Theatre Ballet Director, Mistress Susan Jones from the ABT New York, Andrea Chinetti Director San Martín Theatre, Norma Binaghi San Martín Contemporary Workshop. >>To see the picture please click here.
Macedonia FYROM Centre of ITI: ‘Lady with a Hat’ – Masa Ogrizek in Skopje, 27-31 May 2019
The Macedonia FYROM Centre ITI will host the Slovenian author for children’s books - Masa Ogrizek. Masa will present her work in front of a Macedonian audience made up of publishers, writers, illustrators, readers, and youth theatre makers. She will open the questions about the old characters included in her books for children; why she adores luggage bags and hats; how she writes script for silent comics; why certain stories are better told through animals; why she loves curiosity and joy; and much else besides. Authors will project illustrations from her books during presentations.
Awards for Excellence in International Theatre and Dance, London, 2019
On 08 April 2019 dignitaries gathered at the Travellers Club, Pall Mall, London, to offer awards as part of World Theatre Day and International Dance Day Celebrations.
The Award of Excellence for International Dance went to the choreographer Russell Maliphant.
The Award of Excellence for International Theatre went to the theatre director and playwright Barney Norris, whose award was handed out by Neville Shulman, CBE.
PQ+ Programme Announced as part of the Prague Quadrennial
PQ+ offers the audiences a programme of contemporary performing arts with focus on scenography. Visitors will have the opportunity to attend Czech and international productions in experimental and physical theatre, dance, performance and installations, as well as exhibitions or guided tours. PQ+ offers also visits of outstanding centers for contemporary progressive and interdisciplinary art in Prague.
All productions are either free of language barriers or have English interpretation or subtitles, allowing all visitors the opportunity to visit outstanding centres for contemporary progressive and experimental art in Prague.
>>For full information on the different aspects of PQ+ at the Prague Quadrennial, please click here, >>visit their website, or email martina.peckova-cerna(at)
Karima MANSOUR, Egypt – International Dance Day Message Author for 2019
Invitation to Promote and Celebrate International Dance Day 2019
ITI takes great pride in announcing that Karima Mansour from Egypt, the outstanding dancer, choreographer and dance educator, has been selected to write the message for 2019. International Dance Day is an event to be celebrated all over the world on 29 April.
>>For more information about message author biography and message, please click here.
If you create an event for International Dance Day, please send the information about the time, location and programme of your event, to news(at) so that it will be uploaded to the virtual worldwide celebration map.
World Theatre Day 2019 Celebration in Rome and Pesaro, Italy
We are happy to announce that the main Celebration of World Theatre Day 2019 will held in Rome and Pesaro, Italy. The programme contains three parts spread over two days, 26 - 27 March. For the programme of Rome please click here and for the programme of Pesaro please click here .
One of the featured aspects of the event is the celebration in a prison in Pesaro. It also involves an award ceremony for a children's play-writing competition “Scrivere Il Teatro” and a main ceremony where the message will be read out by Carlos Celdran.
We believe that this is a unique moment, allowing ITI to take the magic of theatre to marginalized groups and young people. This will strengthen our dedication to encourage communication and mutual understanding through the arts for all people all over the world.
Carlos CELDRAN, Cuba – World Theatre Day Message Author for 2019
Invitation to Promote and Celebrate World Theatre Day 2019
It is our great pleasure and honour to announce that Carlos CELDRAN from Cuba, the outstanding stage director, playwright and theatre educator, has been selected to write the message for 2019.
Here you find the original message in Spanish (original), English and French. Additionally, you find the biography in Spanish (original), English and French, How to Celebrate World Theatre Day Event English and French and the photo by Laura Ramos that is copyright-free (but the photographer needs to be mentioned in usage).
For more information, please visit our website. If you create an event for World Theatre Day, please send the information about time, location and programme of your event, to news(at) so that it will be found on the virtual map.
In addition to this, we ask for you to send video footage of you or a theatre personality from your country reading the message in your language. This can then be used on the ITI Website or at the Event. Please send your videos to news(at)

Further Attachment
Photo by Laura Ramos (royalty free) Picture Named Carlos Celdrán
14th Edition of the Operadagen Rotterdam 17-26 May 2019
The 14th Edition of Operadagen Rotterdam 14th has taken inspiration for part of its programme from International Women’s Day, as the event intends to celebrate the works of 15 female composers over a ten-day festival from 17-26 May 2019.Works including a portrait of feminist author Sylvia Plath, the impressive life story of the African-American freedom fighter Harriet Tubman, and life from behind a niqab, based on the work of three Afghan Women poets, will be shown at the event, alongside many other productions.
To read the >>full press-release of the women specific part of the event, please click here. To view >>information on the rest of the activities click here. >>To purchase tickets please visit the Operadagen Website.
FITMO – Festival International de Théâtre et de Marionnettes de Ouagadougou – Call for Participation
The 17th edition of FITMO (Festival International de Théâtre et de Marionnettes de Ouagadougou) will take place from July to November 2019 across many African Countries under the theme ‘Social Cohesion of Arts and Integration of Peoples’.
For the Burkina Faso part of the Festival, the Burkinabe Centre of ITI are calling for artistic propositions (spectacles, performances, workshops, exhibitions, masterclasses etc), about theatre, from artists or groups from all over the world.
Applications should be sent by 27 June 2019. Documents should include:
- a document about the performance or a video.
- a document and a portfolio for the proposed workshop or master class.
Please send your proposition to fitmofestival(at)
For full information, please click >>here for an English version or >>here for a French one.
European Theatre Academy 2019 – Workshops and Masterclasses during the Festival d’Avignon 3-7 July 2019
The fifth edition of the ETC’s – European Theatre Convention - European Theatre Academy will again take place during the Festival d’Avignon at the beginning of July 2019. It will offer four days of masterclasses and workshops focusing on the different aspects of curating and managing international theatre collaborations.
The European Theatre Academy is specifically designed for theatre professionals at the beginning of their careers, with potential and ambition to grow internationally. The programme they run will be from the 3-7 July 2019, and the deadline for registering is 22 April 2019. >>For full information, including terms and conditions, please click here.
Call for Participation at the 19th World Duo Performing Arts Competition, 27 Oct – 17 Nov 2019
The World Duo Performing Arts Festival is now seeking participant applications for their 19th festival, which will take place from 27 October – 17 November 2019 in Seoul, Korea. The WDPAF’s primary objective is to share a theatrical study on communication between one another, and its competition is a unique and highly valued world art festival.
Any submission must contain a work involving two (2) actors. Submissions must include a transcript, an introduction to the work, the applicant’s history and a full profile of the artists. To submit an application, or to get further information, please contact ray3378(at) by the deadline of 30 April 2019. Successful applicants will receive a small invitation fee, as well as meals and lodging.
70th Anniversary Celebration
The General Secretariat prepared a report of the main event. For those who have not yet received it, you can look into the activities that happened in Haikou. >>Please click here to check it. It is also available in Chinese. If you want to receive it in Chinese, please write to info(at)
The 4th International Experimental Theatre Festival, in Hanoi (Vietnam), 2019
The Vietnamese Centre of ITI organizes an International Experimental Theatre Festival every third year. In 2019, the 4th Festival will be held in October in Hanoi. Artistic groups and individuals from all over the world are invited to apply for it. This festival will be a good opportunity to share and exchange theatrical experiences, and to renew and strengthen relationships with local and international artists, which should help with professional improvement, cultural and artistic development as well as international integration. >>For more information please click here.
>>To apply please click here.
The deadline for applications is 30 May 2019.
Project: Translating Visual Dramaturgy - Lecture and workshop by Jan Pappelbaum 11-16 April in Skopje
The Macedonian Centre of ITI, and the Goethe Centre of Skopje, announce a project on the theme of translating visual dramaturgy entitled ‘The modern on stage /The dream of the house’, which will be held in the Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, from 11-16 April.
The event will take the form of a Workshop led by Jan Pappelbaum of Germany, who will lecture about his professional experience as theatre set designer working with some of the best German and European theatre directors. Pappelbaum will talk about the theatre profile of Schaubuhne from Berlin – one of the most inventive theatres in Germany. In the workshop he will work with our professional set designers and together they will develop set design installations. This will be followed by a digital exhibition.
Akram Khan ‘Why Do We Dance?’ documentary series Spring 2019
Former International Dance Day Message Author Akram Khan has announced a new documentary series to be broadcast this April; an in-depth and up-close exploration of the motivations, provocations and stimulations that make the human race dance.
The series launches to European viewers via Sky Arts on International Dance Day (29th April 2019). Khan takes viewers on a global journey through the most dynamic, seductive and influential dance forms of our time, and profiles the artists redefining the art form for modern audiences.
Lia Karavia’s Nea Smyrni Theatre Workshop Present The Little Prince
March 2019 saw Lia Karavia take her Theatre Workshop, which has previously performed at International Festivals, perform a rendition of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s novel The Little Prince in Greece.
The work was adapted for the stage by Lia and the performers ranged from kindergarteners to adults.
Open call for all centres to join ITI Proud Performing Arts LGBTQ+ Working Group of ITI meeting at TCG in Miami 5-7 June and Stockholm Pride 1-2 Aug
There will be two ITI Proud Performing Arts LGBTQ+ meetings taking place in 2019, one in Miami, USA, from 5-7 June and the other in Stockholm from 1-2 August 2019.
The US and Swedish Centres of ITI would like to invite as many representatives from ITI Centre’s to both events, the purpose of which are for participants to exchange experiences, discuss ways of lending a greater platform to theatre projects with an LGBTQ+ theme, and come up with new initiatives.
>>For more information please click here, or email Ulricha Johnson of the Swedish Centre at ulricha(at)
Call for Young Curators to participate in the 9th CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators
The Trieste Contemporanea Committee launches a CALL FOR YOUNG CURATORS under the age of 35, willing to be among the speakers at the 9th CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators. Winning entrants could have the opportunity to meet international curators and experts and share their thoughts and views on the future art world at the Academy of Fine Arts, Venice, on 9 May 2019.
>>For full information, terms and conditions, please click here.
Renegade Theatre’s The Chibok Girls: Our Story 7 & 11 May 2019
The Chibok Girls: Our Story, is the searing testimonial about the abduction of 276 girls from their school in the Nigerian town of Chibok by the Boko Haram in 2014. Written by Wole Oguntokun the piece will be premiered in tandem with Nobel Prize Winning Playwright and Author Wole Soyinka, who will premiere excerpts from his brand new work A Humanist Ode for Chibok, Leah at the Gonda Theatre, USA.
Tickets are now available. >>For more information, please click here.
56th Theatertreffen: Announcement of 10 Remarkable Productions from 2018
Over the past year, from 22 January 2018 to 20 January 2019, critics Margarete Affenzeller, Eva Behrendt, Wolfgang Höbel, Andreas Klaeui, Dorothea Marcus, Christian Rakow and Shirin Sojitrawalla viewed and discussed a total of 418 productions from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. They have finally announced their selection of this season’s “ten remarkable productions”, which will be invited to the 56th Theatertreffen.
For the >>shortlist in full, please click here, or >>visit the website.
Call for Participation in the 26th Cairo International Festival for Contemporary & Experimental Theatre 10-20 Sept 2019
The Cairo International Festival for Contemporary and Experimental Theatre (CIFCET) invites applications for its upcoming edition to be held in Cairo, Egypt from 10 - 20 September 2019. The festival is non-competitive and aims to introduce the latest developments in international theatre to Egyptian and Arab audiences while serving as a platform for local and regional productions. Accepted performances will present for two consecutive nights. Additional performances may be organized outside Cairo at the discretion of the festival. The festival will cover all accommodation and local transportation expenses for up to 15 individuals per delegation. The deadline for applications is 15 April 2019.
For full information plus an application form, please >>click here for an English version or >>here for an Arabic one. Alternately you can email cifcetform.en(at)
HI Performancz: Prague Visitors' Programme - Czech Puppetry, Dance & Theatre for all the family 30 Oct - 2 Nov 2019
Experience Czech puppet theatre for adult and family audiences plus further theatre and dance productions all within a special programme package for international audiences. HI Performancz: Prague Visitors' Programme is organized by the Arts and Theatre Institute together with Czech theatres and companies, the puppetry showcase One Flew Over the Puppeteer's Nest and Czech ASSITEJ centre. Free accommodation, tickets and networking activities are available for a limited number of visitors. Registration is open until 15 March, 2019. >>Find the registration form by clicking here.
Call for Participation in the IAPAR International Theatre Festival Nov 2019 in Pune, India
The International Association for Performing Arts and Research, is happy to announce the Call for Participation in the fourth IAPAR Theatre Festival.
The festival will feature performances from across the globe, master classes, as well as formal and informal interactions between artists from India and other countries. This festival will take place in Pune, India, in November 2019. Deadline for application is 27 March 2019.
Send an email to iapar.festival(at) for the detailed application form or >>visit their Facebook page for more information by clicking here.
Competition: IATC Reflections on Contemporary Chinese Theatre
The China Section of the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC-China, Beijing) invites entries for an international competition for articles and essays, already published in English, related to contemporary Chinese theatre. Three selected winners will each receive a “Critics Award for Reflections on Contemporary Chinese Theatre,” and a monetary prize of 5000 RMB.
Entries can be either academic or journalistic. Feature articles and academic essays should be between 3500 and 6500 words, and theatre or performance reviews between 1500 and 2500 words. Writings must have been published, in print or online, in the last three years—that is, between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2018.
Please submit entries to cab(at) by the deadline of 1 April 2019.
The Grand ITI 70th Anniversary Celebration
We would like to express our great gratitude to all members of the ITI family that closely or remotely supported us during this Grand ITI 70th Anniversary Event in Haikou, Hainan Island, China. The theme of this celebration “Preserving Cultural Heritage – Encouraging Artistic Innovation – Creating Unity through Diversity”, was very well expressed during these 4 days of celebration. Delegates, students and artists from 60 different countries gathered to celebrate the ITI 70th Anniversary. This celebration also presented the opportunity to acknowledge the members, the colleagues, the friends, the partners and the authorities that have contributed to ITI. With this celebration in Haikou, the Year of ITI approaches its end, on a positive note. The celebration itself was full of enthusiasm for ITI and its next seventy years!
New Website from the Hungarian Centre
The Hungarian Centre of ITI are constructing a new Website – with Hungarian and English versions. It offers ample information about the theatre scene in their country. Have a look.
The Hungarian Centre also publishes a Newsletter. If you do not yet receive it, please write to lakoshanna(at)
Follow-up on the 70th Anniversary of ITI Event in Haikou
Some of the participants of the 70th Anniversary Conference may have heard the statement from Fin Ross RUSSELL, member of the Network Emerging Artist Professionals NEAP, in which he mentioned the results of DICE - a research paper which took an in-depth look at the performance level of students who regularly participated in educational theatre and drama activities. DICE (‘Drama Improves Lisbon Key Competences in Education’) was an international EU-supported project. >>The full research finding´s document can be found here and is well worth reading!
FITAAS – ITI Congo Brazzaville Festival
The Congo Brazzaville Centre of ITI wish to announce preparations for the 2nd edition of the International Festival of Theatre and Other Performing Arts (FITAAS) which will be held from 24 to 31 March 2019 in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire. They can offer accommodation to both local and international troupes who are interested. The deadline for submissions is 15 February 2019. >>For more information (in French), please click here or contact yvon.lewa(at)
Open call: looking for international guests at the Swedish Performing Arts Biennial 14-19 May 2019
Scensverige – the Swedish ITI Centre - produces Scenkonstbiennalen, the Swedish Performing Arts Biennial, every second year. The next edition will take place in the two cities of Sundsvall and Härnösand 14-19 May 2019. Scenkonstbiennalen is Sweden’s largest festival for performing arts. For international visitors it serves as a window into the world of Swedish performing arts, with its selection of outstanding local performances which highlight the best of Swedish theatre, music and dance, as well as international productions and student presentations, workshops, seminars and much else. Those interested are asked to contact Brita Osafo, International Coordinator, at brita(at) >>For full information (in English), including details of which countries may have their attendance supplemented by the Swedish Institute, please click here.
The 15th edition of the Nová dráma/New Drama Festival
The 15th edition of the Nová dráma/New Drama Festival will take place from 4 to 9 May 2019 in Bratislava. The Nová dráma/New Drama festival is an annual presentation of the best contemporary Slovak and world drama productions created by theatre makers in Slovakia. It is a unique presentation of contemporary playwrights and directors working in Slovakia, with a tradition lasting over fourteen years already. Highlights: 9 – 10 Slovak productions based on new drama.
- Focus Greece will bring an insight into theatre of this country through a performance, a lecture and a book presentation.
- International conference Ecology and Environment in Performing Arts will be exploring this fresh and dynamic key topic in contemporary art through presentations of renowned theorists and artists.
- The festival godmother, Romanian playwright Gianina Cărbunariu will hold a masterclass for theatre makers. More information about the festival and an archive of previous editions can be found at
HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival 2019 in Yerevan (Armenia)
The organizers are glad to announce that registration for the HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival, which will take place from 1 to 10 October 2019 in Yerevan, Armenia, is now open. 2019 will be the 17th edition of HIGH FEST which is the main festival in the territory of the former USSR Countries. The application deadline is 15 March 2019. For more information, please contact: highfest(at) >>To apply please click here.
New Centre
We are happy to welcome a new Centre into the ITI family – it is a probably a surprise to many ITI members. After the disappearance of French Centre in 2000 and many attempts to reopen a Centre in France. So finally, we owe our thanks to the initiative of Jean-Charles Birotheau and Joël-Maxime Ghienne, the President and General Secretary of the newly established French Centre, which was approved by the Executive Council at the last session.
The French Centre of ITI is committed to developing the performing arts in France and abroad. Its main objective is to encourage international exchanges in the field of knowledge and practices in theatrical expression and dance. >>For more information please click here.
World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI
You have also the chance to apply for participation in the experimental programme of “Quantum Pedagogy – Althattheatre” that will happen from 23 April to 14 Mai 2019 in Sestola, Italy. Dr. Jurij Alschitz has developed a project of artistic self-education, which follows the idea of a holistic Theatre. Together with his European Team of Teachers, he will open new paths to discover your identity as a unique artist – a unique particle of the Theatre as a Whole. >>For more information, please click here.
New Centre and Cooperating Member
ITI is proud to welcome among his members, a new Centre as well as a new Cooperating Member:
Madagascar Centre
Association des artistes de théâtre malagasy AATM / Malagasy Artists Theatre Associatioon MATALot S.I.A.E. 17 Bis – Ambondrona 101 Antananarivo
President: Andriambatosoa Rajohnson RAVALOSON
>>For more information please click here
Cage Compagnie (Cage Cie)
10b rue jeanne d'arc, 94160 SAINT-MANDE
+336 42 74 19 55
Director : Amandine AUDINOT
Circular Ruins Project
Legends on circular ruins is a project by Astragali Teatro (a founding member of ITI Italy), supported by the European Programme "Creative Europe" for the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. The project features the implementation of artistic residences and an international conference running from July 2018 to March 2019, in five archaeological sites, in Italy (Rudiae and Castro, in the province of Lecce), Spain (Segovia), Romania (Constanta) and Albania (Nivica). The project aims to promote intercultural and inter-generational dialogue by linking tangible and intangible heritage, performing arts, life stories, traditional knowledge and skills with contemporary issues.
>>For a precis of the project activities, please click here or >>visit their website.
Exhibition Searching for Identity (At the Time of Selfie) - Trieste Contemporanea
From 9 – 22 February 2019 ArtSpace and Trieste Contemporanea held an exhibition entitled Exhibition Searching for Identity (At the Time of Selfie) at the Studio Tommaseo in Trieste, Italy. The event was curated by Giuliana Carbi Jesurun and Gabriella Cardazzo. For information, please >>visit their website by clicking here.
World Puppetry Day 21 March 2019
In 2003, UNIMA – the international union of puppetry, launched World Puppetry Day which takes place every March 21.
It is celebrated in a variety of ways. Those organizing events celebrate World Puppetry Day according to their own needs and purposes.
Each year, an influential multidisciplinary artist is invited by UNIMA to write the annual message for this special day. In this special year of 90th anniversary, UNIMA asked to the great indian personality Dadi D. Pudumjee, emeritus artist and President of International UNIMA, to write the international message. >>For more information, please click here.
ITI Italy and USA: C.U.R.A – Next Generation 2019 Artistic Residency
TC.U.R.A (Centro Umbro Residenze Artistiche) are pleased to announce that applications are now open to join their New Performance Development Incubator, an intensive residential retreat for young theatre and dance creators. Part of the Next Generation 2019 initiative, the programme is looking to unearth new talent by inviting individuals and groups who have a project in gestation to its three residencies in Umbria in June 2019, giving them the space and environment to experiment. It is open to a maximum of 18 people, and the deadline for applications is 8 March 2019; >>Application forms can be found by clicking here – please send them to nextgeneration.cura(at)
Argentine Dance Council: Video and Competition
The Cooperating Member of ITI, the Argentine Dance Council (C.A.D.) sends its best wishes to all at ITI following anniversary celebrations for both organizations in 2018. They have created a video showing the history of the Argentine Dance Council since its inception in 1978, to view >>please click here.
They also wish to announce new requirements for entrants in the Paloma Herrera Award at its 10th Dance Competition. This award, which highlights the values of young Argentinians, is open to young performers who hold Argentine Residency.
Registration and participation is free, and >>for further information about age regulations and to sign-up, please click this link. For more information contact: durantebeatriz(at)
Theatre Record 2019
For nearly forty years, Theatre Record has chronicled the British stage through its ongoing cumulation of the reviews of the leading national critics. Published fortnightly, it has established itself as the essential reference for anyone wanting in-depth information on UK productions and their makers, from the West End to the Fringe and beyond to regional theatres all over the country. It is read worldwide and treasured by researchers and students, actors and agents, producers and directors, theatregoers and enthusiasts, not least by the critics themselves. Having offered a digital subscription for the first time in 2018, the Record will be going fully digital in 2019. This does not mean an end to printed versions, but it does mean that all subscribers will in future be able to enjoy many more features of the new-style journal at no extra cost. >>For more info please click here.
Open Call for theatre schools and Boal's technique Artists for the 13rd edition of Meeting of Theatre Schools - Ret Colombia
The 13th edition of Meeting of Theatre Schools - Ret Colombia will be held from 16 to 19 October in Bogota, Colombia. This year´s subject is: The actor as a producer of himself. There will be an academic part, including Forums and discussions about social condition of artist, their training and education, the laws that affect the profession, management and futures challenges for actors as well as a discussion board. This event will also include a practical part, consisting of scenic exercises related to the topic of the day, that will happen each afternoon, guided by an expert in Boal's technique. The workshops groups will be composed of a maximum of 20 students from different institutions. Each exercise will last a maximum of 10 minutes. >>For more information, please check the call here or write to retcolombiaoficial(at)
70th Anniversary of ITI commemoration at The World Theatre Festival Art Carnuntum
Carnuntum was the first city to receive the European Heritage Seal and, under the direction of its founder, Piero Bordin, Art Carnuntum has become a centre of contemporary exploration of the classical cultural heritage of Europe. Ideals, fates and values that have been inspiring people all over the world for more than 2000 years have been performed at this historic site by, among others, the Royal National Theatre London, La MaMa Theater New York, Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d'Europa, Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, Suzuki Company of Toga, A Taganka Theatre Moscow, Theater National du Luxembourg, Croatian National Theatre Split, The Roma Theatre Pralipe, the Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico Rom-Syracuse, and Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. In collaboration with Art Carnuntum, Shakespeare’s Globe on Tour returned to the Roman Amphitheatre to perform The Merchant of Venice, The Taming of the Shrew and Twelfth Night from 29 June to 1 July 2018. The performances were dedicated to the principles set out at the founding of the International Theatre Institute, in particular, working towards a society without any barriers, especially for performing artists all over the world, by creating platforms for international exchange. >>For more information please click here to read the full article.
New Centre
The new UK Centre of the International Theatre Institute has been appointed by the Executive Council, reconnecting the United Kingdom with ITI after the previous Centre was closed down in 2013. The UK ITI office is at Morecambe Fringe, which is based in the West End area of Morecambe in the North West of England. The new organization plans a growing calendar of activities with partnerships all over the UK and the rest of the world where there are performing arts - and also where there are none. ITI is very excited about this new Centre and we are looking forward to our future collaborations! For more information please visit the UK Centre page on the ITI Website at:
Carlos CELDRAN, Cuba – World Theatre Day Message Author for 2019
Every year the Executive Council of ITI choses an outstanding theatre personality to write the message for World Theatre Day, which has been celebrated internationally every March 27th since 1962.
It is our great pleasure and honour to officially announce that for 2019 Carlos CELDRAN from Cuba, the outstanding stage director, playwright and theatre educator, has been selected as the message author for 2019. >>To read the message and know more about the author, please click here.
Happy New Year 2019
All the members of the General Secretariat of ITI wish you a very Happy New Year. 2018 – The Year of ITI - has been rich in celebrations, events, and conferences organized all over the world by ITI Centres, Cooperating members and individual ITI members. One of the highlights was the main celebration in Haikou, located on the Hainan Island in China. This main Celebration was as a tribute to all the members of the performing arts community who offered their great support to ITI and performing arts.
GavranFest: 1 to 3 February 2019, Augsburg, Germany
The ninth international GavranFest, which exclusively features plays by the Croatian author Miro Gavran, will take place 1-3 February 2019. For the first time in its history, it will be held at the Sensemble Theatre in Augsburg, Germany. Five productions from Austria, Croatia and Germany will be presented, as well as round-tables in which Gavran’s work will be discussed in-depth by experts.
For more information as to how to get involved, please contact hc-iti(at) of the Croatian ITI Centre.
>>For the Event Programme (in German) please click here.
E-book: Poor Little Rich Drama
You are kindly invited to read the e-book of the Macedonian FYROM Centre: Poor Little Rich Drama (11 short plays by contemporary Macedonian authors). With an introduction by German playwright and dramaturg Ms. Ulrike Syha. The e-book is a follow-up after the lecture and creative workshop: Who is the Author? and Who am I, the Author? >>To read it please click here.
In the 2019 year, they would like to publish the next e-book based on reader’s professional, personal and impressionistic opinions about the short plays of Poor Little Rich Drama. For that, please share with them, no later than 1 February 2019 by writing at this email: macedoniancenterofiti(at) No longer than one-page A4 format, Times New Roman,12, language: English). Let’s play the game! Your reflections are material for the future experimental theatre plays.
Hip-Hop Choreographic Competition
ITI received a call for entries for a Hip-Hop Choreographic Competition to share with you. It is a call for projects for the next CCN Créteil and Val-de-Marne/Kalypso Festival, to be held on 15 March 2019. Nominations are open until 20 January 2019 to professional hip-hop dance companies (less than 3 creations). Four companies will be chosen to participate in the competition, whose jury is composed of Mourad Merzouki (International Dance Day Message Author 2014, CCN/Cie Käfig), Daniel Favier (Briqueterie/CDCN Val-de-Marne), Nathalie Yokel (Theater Louis Aragon, Tremblay-en -France), Christine Bastin (Dance Factory) and Régis Plaud (ONDA). The winner of the prize will receive a co-production of 3000 Euros, periods of residency at the CCN studio, the Briqueterie and Théâtre Louis Aragon, a training by the Dance Factory and a position on the programme at the Karavel and Kalypso 2019 festivals. Since 2013, the award has become a notable recognition. Each new edition is an opportunity to unite structures that are dedicated to bringing today's dances, supporting hip-hop creation and offering professional recognition to emerging companies. >>Applications are made exclusively by completing the form available here. The form must be duly completed and must contain a video link of the show that the company wishes to present during the contest.
International Theatre Festivals
The Dramatic Arts Centre of Iran (DAC) is pleased to inform that there are some international activities which are going to take place in Iran (2018-2019):
• The 3th International Street Theatre Festival in Marivan from 1 to 5 September 2018. The deadline for submission is 1 August 2018
• The 25th International Children and Adolescents Theatre Festival on November 2018. The deadline for submission is 30 September 2018.
• The 37th Fadjr International Theatre Festival (for all genres) on February 2019. The deadline for submission is 1 December 2018.

For those three Festivals, the Dramatic Arts Centre of Iran is calling for performances. Please send them the attached application form by the deadline of your interested festival. The selection committee will announce the accepted international performances through the international affairs office of the Dramatic Arts Centre of Iran; You can send your application by email to the Director of International Affairs Office, Dr. Saeed Asadi: dramatic.artcenter.iran(at) >>Please click here to download the application form.
The Macedonian FYROM Centre Celebrates the 70 Years Jubilee of ITI
Where is the gun! by Hungarian author Gábor Győri is a new Macedonian production of the National Theatre Ohrid, directed by Dejana Nikolovska . It premiered in December 2018. Where is the gun! is a modern satiric play with a strong existential background, written in 1969. In its core the script explores the duality of human personality, playing between the positions of the oppressor and the oppressed: The main five characters: Servile Miler, bastard Cuki, intellectual Kish, peasant Matron and the monarchist have the mission to get out from the claustrophobic room, where they are imprisoned for some time. We will also see on the stage the figure of oppressor – the gun – which plays mind games with each of the protagonists, with a manner of opening in front of the spectator their true nature individually, and their common, universal nature. Characters are developed plastically and punctual to the level of grotesque. Satiric writing can be followed dynamically, as a result of fast but rich dialogues. >>For more information please click here.
Thomas Leabhart - "from emotions to counterweight”
Every winter Thomas Leabhart comes to Paris to direct a workshop on the technique of Corporeal Mime of Etienne Decroux. This time, the workshop is organized by the Company Hippocampe - Arts du Geste and is based on the theme: "From the emotions to counterweights". The workshop will be held from 3 to 9 January 2019. >>For more information please check here or contact: hippocampe(at)
The Next Macedonian FYROM Centre - ITI UNESCO 70 Years Jubilee (1948-2018)
We are happy to announce - The next Macedonian FYROM Centre - ITI UNESCO 70 Years Jubilee (1948-2018) in collaboration with Oliver Micevski's theatre company and Théâtre de Cannes - Théâtre Alexandre III. The premiere will take place in Cannes on 26 January 2019. The description: A snowstorm in a heatwave. A mysterious package delivered forty-two years late. A young man who speaks the poetry of the Gods. And a girl who can fly. Something strange is happening in Havana. Roland Schimmelpfennig’s Cuban fantasia imagines a family gripped by a miracle and a neighborhood unsure of its future, seduced by dreams of the past. For more information please click >>here or >>here.
International Dance Day 2018
The 2018 International Dance Day Ceremony was held in the Grand Theatre of Alicia Alonso in Havana, Cuba, on 29 April. It is the first time that the main ceremony of IDD has been held in Cuba, a land full of dance spirit. The Ceremony was co-organized by the Cuban Centre of International Theatre Institute ITI, Consejo Nacional de las Artes Escenicas of Cuba, and the General Secretariat of ITI. During the Ceremony the five message authors of 2018 IDD were all present and read their messages on-stage. The ITI World Dance Ambassador Alicia Alonso was also present at the Ceremony; her message for the 2018 IDD event was delivered by Dani Hernandez, dancer of the Ballet Nacional de Cuba. To read the full report of the event please click here. To see pictures from the event please click here.
Fifth National Theatre Day in Prison
We would like to share a very interesting initiative of Vito Minoia, Board Member of the Italian Centre of ITI and President of the International University Theatre Association IUTA. The Theatre in Prison hit a new record for the fifth national day. Sixteen Italian regions were involved, 102 events and initiatives were promoted outside and inside prisons, with 56 prisons chosen to host the shows, with the participation of 58 universities, educational institutions, Offices of external penal execution, theatres, institutions and so on. Furthermore, thousands of citizens engaged in activities aimed at favouring the social reintegration of ex-prisoners through initiatives that produce a significant lowering of the risk of re-offending.
>>To read the full report please click here.
53th Maribor Theatre Festival
Brimming with challenge and the poetics of the senses, the oldest and the most prominent theatre festival in Slovenia has always been the scene of exciting arguments, new insights and unexpected reversals. The festival consists of several thematic programs, including Slovenian theatre performances in competition program and international program. Prizes are given for best artistic achievements, the most prestigious prize is the Borštnik Ring, awarded by a special jury to a deserving Slovenian actor for his/her life’s work. The festival has recently evolved into an international event: international symposia, and foreign guests, producers and performances are obvious signs that it is confronting European and global theater scene.
This year, in its 53th edition, festival brings 10 slovenian performances in competition programme, all part of slovenian showcase and surtitled to English for international audiences, further 11 performances in accompanying programme, among them two performances by italian theatre poet Pippo Delbono Company, including his last one - La Gioia. Among many other events for audiences and theatre professionals festival will host special event, dedicated to 70th ITI Worldwide Anniversary The Challenges of Artistic Freedom.
Festival welcomes artistic directors, festival curators, theatre critics and journalists and theatre professionals to Maribor: from 15th to 28th october 2018, with showcase starting on 20th october 2018. Additional informations:, contact for showcase guests: mojca.kolar(at)
Master class by Antatoli Vassiliev
The Master class by Antatoli Vassiliev, will take place at ARTA in Paris, from 10 to 19 December 2018. Ion, ou l’art du rhapsode. La présence et l’absence (Ion, or the art of the rhapsodist. Presence and Absence). The master class will be held in Russian, with simultaneous translation to French by Natalia Isaeva. The purpose of this internship is to initiate the art of rhapsody, with the aim of getting actors and actresses to master it in their own practice. How to proceed? What techniques? Which paths to take? How to practice?
>>For more information please click here.
Teatr ZAR in Bouffes du Nord Theatre
Theatre from the merge of music and movement. Their main expression and act on stage is singing. We can say that we emerge and lose in musical action, and the genre we create is a contemporary musical drama - says Jarosław Fret, director of Teatr Zar from Wrocław (Poland) The form of the spectacle as a musical drama may be something new for the French viewer. Although the cast is international, no language is required. The performance interacts with the audience through the sound and image directly on feelings. The theaters based on a song and movement, on a mastering the voice and the body are specific to Polish culture and take their roots from the achievements of Jerzy Grotowski.
Wednesday 12 December at 8.30 pm – Anamnesis
Thursday 13 December and Friday 14 December at 8.30 pm - Medeas. On Getting Across
Friday 14 December at 5.30 pm – Akropolis
Saturday 15 December at 3.30 pm - Medeas. On Getting Across
>>For more information please click here or contact: jtabisz(at)
Call for Articles for the World of Theatre
We are happy to announce that the next edition of The World of Theatre (English version) will be brought out in May 2019. The World of Theatre reflects the collective effort of all the ITI Centres worldwide. For the 14th time we will offer such an essential item of information and promotion for ITI. We hope that, with active participation on the part of your centre, it will be the broadest possible survey of contemporary world theatre. ITI Centres are requested to nominate their contributors for the new edition as soon as possible, so that they can commence to collect materials on the theatre seasons 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 which will be covered in the new volume. If it is not possible to cover three seasons, you are welcome to write on two seasons, preferably the last two. >>The requirements for the book are summarized here. Please make sure to >>read the editorial guidelines here.
Final articles must be delivered by 15 December 2018 to Ramendu Majumdar and Alfira Arslanova at: ramendu(at) and alfira.arslanova(at)
Call for submission of proposals by theatre groups or individuals for the 2019 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama
The Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Cyprus Centre of ITI and the Cyprus Tourism Organization, announce the opening of the submission of proposals by Cypriot theatre groups or individuals and theatre groups, or individuals not residing in Cyprus, for participating in the 23rd edition of the “International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama”, which will be held during July 2019 (from the 1 to 31 July), in Cyprus. The aim of the Festival is to present performances of ancient Greek drama which project the specific nature of ancient drama, based on the original text of the tragedians and comedians of Greek antiquity. The performances are presented in open-air amphitheatres, such as the Ancient Odeon in Paphos, the Curium Ancient Theatre in Limassol and the “Skali” Amphitheatre in Aglantzia, Nicosia. The theatre groups or individuals expressing interest in submitting a proposal for participating in the “2019 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama”, should submit their proposal using the form, which is available at the Festival’s website: The deadline is 10 December 2018. >>To read the full call please click here.
2018 – The Year of ITI – 70th Anniversary of the International Theatre Institute
Creation of a Special Calendar on the ITI Websites
Please let us know if you are organizing a Celebration event or if you are organizing festivals, conferences, workshops, seminars, a showcase, etc. that are part of ITI´s 70th Anniversary celebrations.
Please send the information well in advance to info(at) so that we can put it on the ITI Website and make the ITI members aware. >>Please click here to see the map.
Vive ITI!
2018 is the year of ITI. Let´s celebrate it, including both artists and audiences, and increase the visibility of ITI.
Anniversary Logo in your language
As mentioned before, the General Secretariat offers the ITI Centres the opportunity to create the logo in their native language(s). If you want the logo, please send an email to info(at) and attach a Word file with the text in your language.
Swedstage 2018
From 21 to 24 October 2018 Swedstage are welcoming programmers and presenters from around the world to Stockholm. Swedstage is the opportunity to see and experience the very best of Swedish performing arts for children, youth and adults. During three days in Stockholm, attendees will be able to see exclusively selected Swedish performances, and tour the city. This is open to an international audience. You can find a presentation of the performances at The registration fee for Swedstage is 400 Euro. The fee includes three nights of accommodation in Stockholm, breakfast, lunch and dinner and free entrance to all productions and other events. With the support from the Swedish Institute, the possibility of covering the registration fee and travel costs for some participants can be offered. If you wish to apply for this subsidy, please send your name, organization, country and a short personal statement as to why funding is applicable to you (500 words maximum) to info(at)
World Theatre Ambassadors
After introducing the first World Theatre Ambassadors during the 32nd ITI World Congress in 2008, in Madrid, and selecting key personalities from theatre all over the world in the past eight years, two new World Theatre Ambassadors were selected and presented during the Congress in Segovia. Paloma Pedrero from Spain and Philip Arnoult from USA. Paloma Pedrero has honoured ITI with their presence at the Award Ceremony. Philip Arnault was represented by William Wadsworth.
World Dance Ambassadors
In order to benefit from the invaluable and enthusiastic support of some of the world’s most highly distinguished figures of dance as well, the Executive Council of ITI has selected the first ever World Dance Ambassadors: Alicia Alonso from Cuba and Cristina Hoyos from Spain. ITI is especially honoured that the legendary dancer and dance educator Alicia Alonso has accepted to be the first World Dance Ambassador. Her presence at the Ceremony during the Congress was definitely one of the highlights of the 35th ITI World Congress in Segovia.
New Partner Organizations
ITI is proud to welcome the following New Partner Organizations: International Music Council (IMC) More information:, European Federation of Professional Circus Schools (FEDEC) More information: and World Mime Organization (WMO) More information:
New Honorary Members
At the Award Ceremony after the General Assembly, new ITI Honorary Members have been presented based upon their long-lasting support and commitment to ITI.
Christina BABOU-PAGOURELI, Greece
Ann Mari ENGEL, Sweden
Cecile GUIDOTE ALVAREZ, Philippines
Christoph HAERING, Switzerland
Nicole LECLERCQ, Belgium
György LENGYEL, Hungary
Henrik NEUBAUER, Slovenia
Yoko ODAGIRI, Japan
Marcio SOUZA, Brazil
Abhi SUBHEDI, Nepal
The World Theatre Map
The World Theatre Map is a user-generated directory and a real time map of the global theatre community. This project features information about all kinds of theatre practitioners, theatre organizations, and productions. Similar to Wikipedia, anyone can add information and edit the Map. Currently, the project is in English and Spanish and features thousands of people, organizations, and their shows around the world. The purpose of the World Theatre Map is to connect the global theatre community and to facilitate conversation, knowledge sharing, and movement building. It’s an ever-growing map of the global theatre infrastructure, the art we make and the people in our theatre community. For more information please contact: Vijay Mathew: vijay(at) or >>visit:
The Grand ITI 70th Anniversary Celebration
We hope everything is going fine with you, and we hope you have received the invitation letters or/and hotel confirmation for the Grand ITI 70th Anniversary Celebration in Hainan which we sent to you last month (IF YOU HAVEN’T, PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATLEY: info(at)
“Since the date of the event is approaching, please start with your visa process as soon as possible. You cannot do your visa on arrival or before your departure at the airport. You need to do it beforehand in your country. According to the previous experiences of the visa application for the international guests, guests who apply for the visa in different embassies/consulates/visa centres may be required for different documents. If you are asked to provide additional documents not provided by ITI (e.g. special visa letter from local authority, etc.), please inform us right away and we will try our best to help.
Also, we are now working on airport pickup and drop off arrangements: it would be appreciated if you can share with us your confirmed flight information (including the terminals), so we can make the arrangements accordingly. Please send us the info before 25 October 2018. After that, we will not be able to arrange it anymore.
Call for videos / pictures of the 70th Anniversary Celebrations
In order to publicise the anniversary of ITI and showcase the fine work its members do, we are hoping to make a commemorative video. One special facet of the video will be a summary of the events the ITI Centres and Members organized this year as part of the 70th Anniversary, as we feel it would bring the video to life. For that, we simply ask the Centres and Members to send us a video - no more than 25-30 seconds long – or pictures about their activities for the 70th Anniversary of the International Theatre Institute.
NEAPFEST in Brazil
It is with great pleasure that we announce the first NEAPFEST in Brazil is happening from 23-27 October. They united 3 continents to strengthen cooperation and encouragement to the young performing arts. They will have 7 shows, 10 workshops and 8 discussion tables with the theme HERITAGE and all this without any external monetary investment. Brazil is going through a political and ethical crisis at this moment of presidential elections. Their festival is more than a show of artistic works, but a show of political resistance, showing that it is not impossible to accomplish great deeds with few supports. For more information, follow them on social media: @coletivoegregora @neapofITI or >>check here.
53th Maribor Theatre Festival
Brimming with challenge and the poetics of the senses, the oldest and the most prominent theatre festival in Slovenia has always been the scene of exciting arguments, new insights and unexpected reversals. The festival consists of several thematic programs, including Slovenian theatre performances in competition program and international program. Prizes are given for best artistic achievements, the most prestigious prize is the Borštnik Ring, awarded by a special jury to a deserving Slovenian actor for his/her life’s work. The festival has recently evolved into an international event: international symposia, and foreign guests, producers and performances are obvious signs that it is confronting European and global theater scene.
This year, in its 53th edition, festival brings 10 slovenian performances in competition programme, all part of slovenian showcase and surtitled to English for international audiences, further 11 performances in accompanying programme, among them two performances by italian theatre poet Pippo Delbono Company, including his last one - La Gioia. Among many other events for audiences and theatre professionals festival will host special event, dedicated to 70th ITI Worldwide Anniversary The Challenges of Artistic Freedom.
Festival welcomes artistic directors, festival curators, theatre critics and journalists and theatre professionals to Maribor: from 15th to 28th october 2018, with showcase starting on 20th october 2018. Additional informations:, contact for showcase guests: mojca.kolar(at)
Anatoli Vassiliev has been honored with the first Yuri Lyubimov International Theatre Award
The Yuri Lyubimov International Theatre Award has been established in 2017 by ITI and the Lyubimov Foundation. The yearly bestowed award should go an exceptional theatre personality that is constantly enriching the performing arts with performances or educational initiatives. It has been created to remind what Yuri Lyubimov encountered in his life and what he achieved despite having to face big troubles at his time. Consequentially, the award should be given to a person who is doing her or his job despite having be hindered to work as he or she intends to do.
Anatoli Vassiliev, World Theatre Ambassador and World Theatre Day message author 2015, was chosen to be the first recipient of the Award “for his excellence in the theatrical arts as a master for the stage and in education, for his integrity, his courage and his perseverance through troubled waters”.
The Award was given to him at a Celebration in Moscow, on 2 October 2018.
>>To read the speech given by the DG of ITI during the event please click here. To >>read the words given by Anatoli Vassiliev please click here.
2018 Conference and Second General Assembly of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in Performing Arts in Shanghai, China
In a bid to build the Network further, by including a wider group of universities from a greater number of countries, ITI is building a Network Task Force, which will oversee several new initiatives designed to keep the Network active and attract new applicant universities. These initiatives include a Mapping Project, a Newsletter, a Magazine, a Second-Student Festival, and much else besides. Furthermore, together with Shanghai Theatre Academy, the Network is now planning a 2018 Second General Assembly Meeting, with a Prologue and Conference in October 2018 in Shanghai, to which existing, new and potential members will be invited to attend. The Prologue is to take place from the 17-19 October 2018. The main part of the Event will take place from 20-22 October 2018, including its Conference on the theme of Higher Education in the Performing Arts in a Global Context, along with statutory meetings. >>To see the program please click here.
World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI
The World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ITI is glad to introduce >>their new website. It presents both ideas for the future and information about their past. Alongside all their programmes and offers, the IDEA CENTRE will be continuously developed, so that it is always worth visiting. You can also take a look at the >>website’s Book Shop: here you will find all teaching handbooks by Jurij Alschitz available as paperback editions, and some as E-Books. Please order them directly, as it is always the most advantageous and quick way for you to get a hold of them. The main autumn event will be the International Festival for Theatre Training Methods - VIII METHODIKA from 27 November to 2 December 2018 in Berlin. The festival is organized by WTTI’s team of teachers for the very first time and invokes Resonance with the School of Dr. Jurij Alschitz. Festival direction: Christine Schmalor. With this festival they are celebrating an anniversary: 20 years of creative work in AKT-ZENT’s studio in Berlin.
Announcing the dates for the IAPAR International Theatre Festival 2018
The IAPAR International Theatre Festival 2018 will happen from 11 to 18 November 2018. It will feature performances from across the globe, master-classes, as well as formal and informal interactions between artists from India & abroad. This festival is a step towards a sustained effort in curating a festival with a purpose of bringing innovative performances in which ‘Actors’ are at the centre. The focus of the festival would hence revolve around the ‘Actor’ taking centre stage.
First NEAP Festival
NEAP Fest is a performing arts' interchange festival with young artists who are members of the Network of Emerging Artists and Professionals' committee of the International Theatre Institute. In sight of the fact that a great part of the world’s population consists of young people aged between 18 and 36 years old, the NEAP committee was created, in 2014, with the purpose of providing a platform for this demographic. From 23 to 27 October, for the first NEAP festival will take place at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO. 18 countries will perform: Algeria, Brazil, Czech Republic & Slovakia, Egypt, Finland & USA, India, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Spain, and finally Sweden. >>For more information please click here.
The Grand ITI 70th Anniversary Celebration
2018 marks the 70th Anniversary since the foundation of the International Theatre Institute in 1948. To commemorate this special milestone we have decided to name 2018 ‘The Year of ITI’, and plan to hold many events and ceremonies throughout the year. One of these events is a four-day festival on Hainan Island, China, from the 23-26 November 2018: The Grand ITI 70th Anniversary Celebration. Please click here to read the official invitation for the leaders of the ITI Centres and Cooperating Members in English, French and Spanish. Here are some information about Hainan in English, French and Spanish. In order to make this event extra special, we would like for as many of you to attend as possible. Please click here to register in English here to register in French and here in Spanish. The General Secretariat team is happy to share with you the programme for this celebration. >>Please click here to check it. (This programme is subject to change).
Educational Event: Scènes émergentes en Afrique (Emerging stages in Africa)
The Educational Event “Scènes émergentes en Afrique” is one of the key events of the ITI 70th Anniversary in 2018. The event will be held in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) from 21 to 30 September 2018. It is co-organized by the Burkina Faso Centre of ITI and the ITI African Regional Council. The event will include workshops and lectures on different topics, round-table discussions on social theatre and how to bring art to people, performances and the ITI 70th Anniversary Celebration Party. The Event aims to contribute to the strengthening of the artistic, technical and managerial capacities of performing artists in Africa and thus facilitate their access to the world stage. It is also a great opportunity for performing artists and educators from all over the world to gather and exchange ideas. For more information please contact: mandehama(at) or cb_iit(at)
On stage Korea in 2019
On Stage Korea is a programme sponsored by the Korean Cultural Service of Washington, which is designed to introduce the performing arts of Korea to American society while providing a stage for the performers to the artists. Washington Korean Cultural Service is recruiting promising artists and art groups that will perform on stage from 16 July to 7 September 2019. Selected artists will be given opportunities to perform in co-sponsored venues in Washington DC. The contest is open to artists who can exhibit excellent works that include topics and materials related to Korean culture, such as music, dance, drama, traditional arts, and pantomime performances. If you would like to apply, please apply online through the Korea Cultural Service before 7 September 2018.
Call for participation in the 9th Lokoranga-18 (International Theatre festival of India)
The Theatre Organization Kasba Arghya is calling for participation in the 9th International Theatre festival of India (Lokoranga), that will happen in Kolkata from 1 to 4 November 2018. For this edition of the festival, they intend to celebrate with solo performances from different parts of the world. More than one entry from a group/company/director can be accepted. The deadline to apply is 12 September 2018. The final list will be published on 15 September. >>For more information please click here or contact kasba_arghya(at)
Call for participation in the 20th Bharat Rang Mahotsav
The Indian National School of Drama invites proposals for participation in the 20th Bharat Rang Mahotsav (International Theatre Festival of India), which will be held in New Delhi and other cities in India, from 1 February 2019. The festival will feature works by directors, theatre groups and drama institutions from India and abroad, and will showcase outstanding productions that have been performed for the public before 31st August 2018. Applications are invited from interested theatre groups in the prescribed Proforma (available along with other details on the NSD’s website - along with a clear recording of the production in VCD/DVD/VHS. Only one entry from a group will be accepted. Last date for receipt of applications addressed to The Director, National School of Drama, Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi-110001 is 10 September 2018.
Call for Project Proposals: Supporting Intercultural Dialogue for Social Cohesion in Urban Africa
Culture at Work Africa is looking to support innovative on-the-ground projects aiming at developing safe and neutral spaces for intercultural dialogue and the promotion of active citizenship and intercommunity relations. This project is implemented by one of the ITI partner organizations: The International Music Council. The present call contains two categories. Applications may be submitted in one of the following:
Category 1: Projects aimed at enhancing public or private cultural spaces as “safe places” for intercultural dialogue by stakeholders active in the public sphere (e.g. organisations active in the social, educational or environmental fields, youth and cultural centres, schools, universities, libraries, local authorities, etc.).
Category 2: Projects aimed at strengthening institutional and professional capacities in intercultural mediation of cultural organisations and operators for social cohesion.
Lead applicants cannot submit more than one application. For this call, applications are eligible when presented by organizations (not-for-profit/profit; public/private) legally registered in one of the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The deadline to apply is 21 September 2018 at 12:00 (GMT).
To read the full call please click here. To read the evaluation criteria please click here. To download the application form please click here.
First jubilee programme of the Macedonian Center of ITI
The 1st Jubilee (1948-2018) programme of the Macedonian Center ITI, in collaboration with the Macedonian Opera and Ballet as well as Festival Skopsko Leto 2018, happened on 3 July 2018. The performance “Metamorphoses” by Ivana Kocevska has been shown to the audience. Here is the description of it: “The thought gives an impulse for the movement process to begin. The body creates the sound. The movement materializes the music, and dance creates its form”.
The Carthage Puppetry Art Days
The first edition of Carthage Puppetry Arts Days will be held in Tunis from 22 to 29 September 2018. On this occasion, the organizing committee announces a call for applications to all professional structures and companies interested in participating in this event. The approved applications will be funded by the board of Carthage Puppetry Arts Days in terms of accommodation, catering, and internal transport; international transport is the responsibility of the participants. For more information please click here. To read the Call please click here and to download the application form please click here
Analogio Festival 2018
The Analogio Festival 2018 will take place from 21 to 27 September in Athens, Greece. The Festival will invite the most original and challenging creative voices from all continents of the world, each continent per year, for an extraordinary series of celebrations of contemporary playwriting in Athens. In an unprecedented gathering, the festival will feature key dramatists from Eastern and Central Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Each edition will be dedicated to a particular continent, so that during a full week, Greek and international audiences will have the unique opportunity to engage directly with authors from that part of the world. The daily programme will include shows, play readings, conferences, round-table discussions, exhibitions dedicated to every playwright invited to Athens for this truly global programme of Analogio. This festival will be part of the Year of the 70th Anniversary of the International Theatre Institute.
>>For more information please click here.
Call for Artists for the Love Sharing Festival
Love Sharing Festival 2018 will focus on Migration. The Festival is open to all contemporary artists. Special attention will be paid to innovative and interdisciplinary works. All kinds of contemporary artworks and performances are acceptable: theatre, dancing, contemporary music; street theatre and circus; visual arts, video, painting, sculpture and photography.
You can apply with either an artwork or a brief workshop (2 to 3 hours long)
>>For more information please click here.
Prague Visitors´ Programmes
The Czech Centre of ITI, together with Prague theatres and companies, is organizing a special programme for international audiences. Experience Czech independent and progressive theatre, circus and performing arts productions within two packages in May and September 2018. Visit interesting venues and cultural centres, and experience the City of Prague, a popular tourist, cultural and historical destination. From 16 to 19 May 2018: nonverbal, experimental, physical and family theatre shows. From 19 to 22 September 2018: drama and text-based theatre shows.
>>To register please click here. Fore >>more information please visit this website.
Award of Nube Sandoval And Bernardo Rey
Nube Sandoval And Bernardo Rey, Directors Of Theatre Cenit – were awarded by the National Association of Theatre Critics (ANCT) and Catarsi-Theatres of Diversity (European Review) on the 12th December 2017, in Rome, Italy. The award ceremony, established by the European review "Catarsi-Theatres of Diversities" directed by Vito Minoia, was held on 12 December 2017 at the Teatro Argentina in Rome as part of the prestigious initiative of the Critics Award organised by the National Association of Theatre Critics presided by Giulio Baffi, on the occasion of the opening day of the Europa Theatre Prize.
Support "Theatre as a Bridge"
After 20 years of working internationally with refugees who have experienced torture, the Ellen Stewart Award Winners Nube Sandoval and Bernardo Rey, based in Colombia are finally building the headquarters of "Theater as Bridge" in the heart of the Sierra Nevada, in Minca, Colombia. It will be a space dedicated to resilience, art and ecology. A space to heal the invisible wounds opened by the conflict, through empowerment and the strengthening of a sense of belonging. They are launching a campaign and need your support for their project "Theatre as a Bridge". They are doing great work in using theatre as an instrument for social transformation. >>For giving donations over Crowd Funding please click here.
>>For the video of their campaign please click here.
Hungarian Centre
We would like to share with you the Newsletter of the Hungarian Centre of ITI, edited by Anna Lakos, and translated by Attila Szabó. This newsletter shows all activities led by the Hungarian Centre during 2017 and the future projects for 2018.
>>Please click here to read it.
UNESCO Global Report 2018: Re-Shaping Cultural Policies
The launch of UNESCO’s 2018 Global Report took place at the UNESCO headquarters on 14 December. Since 2015, the report series examines how the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) has inspired policy change at the global and country level and puts forward policy recommendations for the adaptation of cultural policies to rapid change in the digital environment, based on human rights and fundamental freedoms of expression. For the first time reports and recommendations from Civil Society Organizations have been added. ITI’s representative at the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, Cornelia Dümcke, was a member of the international CSO working group for this report. Report (252 pages) and a short Summary are free accessible at the UNESCO site in English and French.
ITI Germany yearbook 2017 is published
Freedom and democracy - these are the values, which must be defended worldwide - Especially in the past year the rights and the freedom of artists were seriously threatened and restrained by the raising populism and religious fanatism. On the occasion of the many censorship actions in Poland, Hungary or Russia (which massively restricted the artists in their work opportunities) the annual of ITI for 2017 is focusing on the symptomatical developments of nationalism and populism, which try to hinder a democratic and culturally open togetherness. The new yearbook is thematically continuing the row of the past two annuals of ITI „Understanding“ (2015) und „Who is Europe?“ (2016). >>The annual is accessible here.
International Drama Colony in Groznjan, Istria, Croatia
The International Drama Colony is considered among one of the most attractive programmes of the Croatian Centre of ITI. It was launched in 1999 with the ambition of exploring and promoting foreign and domestic plays through stage readings. This year, the International Drama Colony will be held from 2 to 8 July under the organization of the Croatian Centre of ITI and the Network of Emerging Arts Professionals of ITI. The participants are from different countries of the world. The residency programme will present young and emerging playwrights and actors an opportunity for staging their plays. The residency programme is intriguing and attractive as it is set in the environment of the medieval Istrian town of Grožnjan. The stage reading of the plays is scheduled for 7 July 2018 in Groznjan, Istria. >>For more information please click here.
The Actor’s Atelier
The Actor’s Atelier is a 3-year project of the Grotowski Institute divided into three yearly series of work sessions that will be held simultaneously at different partner venues from 2018–2021. Each year, at each of the venues, a group of 14 participants will take part in a course of 4–5 work sessions. Please note the sessions will be led in English. The programme of the Actor’s Atelier in Paris consists of five sessions held in Paris and one session held in Wrocław, Poland. The Paris sessions will take place at La Guillotine, 24 rue Robespierre, 93100 Montreuil. Each session will consist of several-day training in the lines of practice represented by the leaders who hold regular work sessions at the Grotowski Institute in Wrocław. If you are interested in participating in the project, please email your completed application form and CV to Amandine Audinot at by 9 July 2018.
>>For more information please click here. To >>download the application form please click here.
A Tryout Workshop: Evaluating a New Play as a Theatrical Text
This tryout workshop in the context of the Analogio Festival, in Athens 2018, is a new way of exposing an unknown dramatic text, not merely as literary drama, but as a live theatrical text, open to variable interpretations and conceptions, both on the verbal level – subject to various translations (in case of a foreign play) – and on the staging level – recognizing several directing and acting approaches, including inter-cultural and multi-media. In this manner, the merits of the play, not merely as reading material, but as a holistic actable piece that evokes interactive relations with several possibilities to interpret will be explored. In a world in which not only material goods and information travel fast, but also cultural assets, it is important to test the universal value of a play, its capability to be adapted to differing cultural contexts of production and reception. For more information and to register please click here or contact: gkenar(at) The deadline is end of June.
Open Call for the Students Performing Groups to Participate into the Grand ITI 70th Anniversary Celebration Event in Hainan, China
The International Theatre Institute ITI invites the students performing groups from the current member academies, institutions of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts or the student groups from the non-member academies, institutions which are interested to join in the Network, to participate into and perform during the Grand ITI 70th Anniversary Celebration which will happen from 23 to 26 November 2018 in Hainan Province, China. It is our hope that this event can be a great opportunity for the young students on performing arts to exchange, learn and cooperate. With hundreds of participants from the global performing arts community as well as the local participants, we also believe this will be a great opportunity to promote the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts. For more information please click here. The deadline to apply is 22 June 2018.
Worldwide Competition for Music Theatre and new Opera
The Music Theatre NOW Network of the International Theatre Institute in cooperation with the German Centre of the ITI invites artists to make submissions to their worldwide competition for the creators of new opera and music theatre. They are looking forward to groundbreaking works from all forms of professional opera and music theatre. The jury welcomes submissions that demonstrate dynamism textually, in genre, score, or staging. We welcome works made by opera and theatre institutions, works created by festivals, or works created by individuals: the jury will appreciate a broad range of submissions that demonstrate new developments and dynamism. The deadline for submissions is June 30th 2018. >>For more information please check the call in English or visit to find out the call in different languages.
The 26th India Theatre Olympiad: International Theatre Festival
The 26th India Theatre Olympiad: International Theatre Festival – 2018 will be organized in the millennium city of Cuttack, Orissa state, situated on the eastern coast of India, from 1 to 10 September, 2018.
This International event will provide a wonderful platform, a small world stage, for countries to strengthen ties with the people of India. Forging bonds through the performing arts is a wonderful tool to help young people develop self-confidence, self-esteem and understanding of one another. It is also a great way to promote peace, understanding and empathy in an otherwise intolerant world by forging national integrity, international amity and universal brotherhood through cross-cultural synthesis and social assimilation.
Please click here to read the invitation letter, here to open the Application Form and here to read the General Rules and Registration procedures. The deadline to apply is 15 June 2018
Final Worldwide Call for Young Theatre Artists
Last call to join the Network of Emerging Artists and Professionals as part as the 70th Anniversary of the International Theatre Institute.
NEAP FEST is the first theatrical exchange festival organized by members of the Network of Emerging Artists and Professionals of ITI. The Festival opens on 23 October 23 at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. The first NEAP Fest will feature: 10 international shows—7 from NEAP artists and 3 Street performances from Latin America—as well as 7 Brazilian shows, of which 4 are street performances; 13 Invited workshops; 8 roundtable discussions and 1 Short Scenes Exhibition of UNIRIO students. >>For more information please click here.
Not by Force but by Art
The Global Launch of the International Peace Movement: Not by Force but by Art under UNESCO Patronage is scheduled for 20 to the 23 May 2018 for the triple observance of the UN Day for World Creativity and Innovation Day (April 20), Earth Day (April 22) and to usher the International Dance Week celebration by the International Theatre Institute (ITI) on its 70th Anniversary. This cultural diplomatic initiative consists of a Music-Dance-Theatre Arts Concert with participants from claimant countries of the conflicted West Philippine/China Sea and the divided Korean Peninsula to help lower the decibel of confrontation and aggressive behavior.
>>For more information please click here.
>>To see the detailed programme please click here.
The 7th Colombo International Theatre Festival
The 7th Colombo International Theatre Festival will be in full swing in Colombo from 23 to 30 May. Forums, workshops and felicitations together with 13 foreign and Local productions, 200 dramatists, will be here in Sri Lanka. A special press conference will be held to cover the festival activities on 3 May at the German Cultural Centre Auditorium (Goethe Institut) at 4.00pm. You and your organization are cordially invited to cover this international conference. >>Please click here to read the invitation. For more information please contact: Jayalath S. Gomes or M.Safeer at interactartsl(at)
Contemporary German Theatre Playwrights (2010/2017)
On 12 June 2018, in Skopje, at Kino Kultura, The Macedonian FYROM Center of ITI in collaboration with Goethe Institut Skopje is hosting talented and one of the most significant playwright from Hamburg, Germany – Ms. Ulrike Syha. Syha will give a lecture titled “Who is the author?” - Recent Trends in Contemporary German Theatre and will provide an overview of recent trends in German contemporary theatre (2010-2017), using both video and text-based examples. It will introduce influential voices from the fields of written drama, devised theatre, and other types of text production, offering insights into related debates. After the lecture she will express her approach in the workshop “Who Am I, The Author?”- Writing Strategies and Challenges in Contemporary Theatre. The workshop is aimed at playwrights at the start of their careers. She will discuss the challenges and hazards of contemporary playwriting, including changing types of authorship and their impact on the position of the author in theatre. This project is as part of the programme Poor Little Rich Drama and is organized by Ass. Prof. Ph.D Ivanka Apostolova – Head of Macedonian Centre FYROM of International Theatre Institute with the support of the Goethe Institut Skopje.
The Cairo International Festival for Contemporary and Experimental Theatre (CIFCET) invites applications for its upcoming 25th edition to be held in Cairo, Egypt from 10th to 20th, 2018. As a noncompetitive festival organized annually by the Ministry of Culture of the Arab Republic of Egypt, CIFCET mission is to create a forum for communication and dialogue among diverse populations and communities by means of the various forms of theater and performance. >>To read the call please click here. >>To apply please click here.
Master Program in Intercultural Communication Studies at Shanghai Theatre Academy
The Shanghai Theatre Academy’s bilingual (Chinese and English) Master program in Intercultural Communication Studies recruits excellent students with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from top international and Chinese universities. This two-year English-taught program includes the required first year full-time residency and an optional second year residency for project-based internships. All students in residency are financially supported by Shanghai Theatre Academy, with scholarships (tuition, accommodation, and stipend). After the first year, when the course work is completed, students can choose where to live and intern when they write their Master theses. Duration of study for the Master degree could be extended to maximum of four years. Master theses can be written in Chinese or English. Previous knowledge of Chinese is preferred, but not a must for this program.
>>For more information please click here.
Shanghai Summer School 2018 (Beijing Opera) at Shanghai Theatre Academy
Students will study three courses: Chinese opera, Chinese culture, Chinese language. The main course is the traditional Chinese opera, which is composed of the learning of Chinese opera steps and movements, water sleeve routines, spear and sword routines, and selected scene work. Chinese culture and language are supporting courses for students to better understand the essence of traditional Chinese culture. During the program, the students will have the opportunity to see traditional Chinese opera shows and take field trips.
>>For more information and the detailed programme please click here.
Call for International Students
We are happy to welcome 10 international students (theatre and performance studies, dramaturgy, directing, etc.) to a showcase weekend at the MLADINSKO Theatre, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Participants will have opportunity to see the most acclaimed performances from the Mladinsko’s recent production, take part in talks, workshops and parties in the theatre club.
The programme is organized in collaboration with Ljubljana’s Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT).
Sebastijan Horvat, theatre director, professor at the AGRFT, Ljubljana, and Ana Vujanović, theorist of performing arts, lecturer at SNDO–School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam, will head a series of talks, meeting with artists etc.
>>For more information please click here.
>>To read the full call please click here.
>>To apply please click here.
Call for Papers for the 5th Baku International Theatre Conference
The 5th Baku International Theatre Conference will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, on 5 and 6 November under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic, the National Academy of Sciences and the Azerbaijan Union of Theatre Workers. Various master-classes, workshops and training will be on offer from a host of international theatre experts. The main theme of this year’s conference, “Philosophy of Theatre in XXI century: the Concept of Existence”, will be discussed by more than 150 experts from 40 countries. For >>more information please click here or contact
iSTAN, the international Stage Arts Network, a joint initiative between the International Theatre Institute and the Central Academy of Drama Beijing, has a very exciting announcement it wishes to share with you. iSTAN would like to make you all aware of the iSTAN International Theatre Costume and Makeup Design Competition which it will be running in 2018. This competition is open to Professionals and Students from all over the globe, and is split into two categories of Costume Design and Make-up Design. A total of four prestigious iSTAN Gold Awards are up for grabs for the winners of each category; a Professional and Student Gold Award in the Costume Design Category and a Professional and Student Gold Award in the Makeup Design Category. A total of six Excellence Awards will be made available to notable runners-up. What’s more, the winners of the Gold Awards will then be invited to Beijing for the Award Ceremony and Excellent Competition Work Exhibition on 25 May 2018.
For full details on how to enter the competition, including deadlines and requirements, please see the Open Call. >>For full details, please click here
III Shaki International Theatre Festival
We are happy to inform you that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic and the Executive Power of the city of Shaki holds the III Shaki International Theatre Festival (SITF) from 12 to 19 May 2018. This festival will be arranged within the framework of the State Program “Development of the Azerbaijan Theatre in 2009-2019”.
>>For more information please click here.
>>To download the application form please click here.
The ITI and the Congress websites are being updated with most the important decisions made during the Congress. The new Committee Reports that state the future plans and present the new boards are already online. Please have a look here: The new Executive Council Members are also online The pictures of the Congress are now available at: The DG is also preparing a complete Congress Report with exhaustive information, pictures and contacts.
International Dance Day 2018 Celebration
This year, the International Dance Day Celebration will happen at the Gran Teatro Alicia Alonso in Havana, Cuba, on Sunday, 29 April.
For this celebration, in keeping with the spirit of our anniversary celebrations, ITI will have 5 Message authors, each from one of the 5 different UNESCO Regions (Africa, the Americas, the Arab Countries, Asia Pacific, and Europe). The five message authors are leading lights within their respective regions, are sure to offer valuable insights to the state of global dance through their messages. They will all be present on stage to read their message on Sunday 29 April. >>Please click here to read the brochure of the event in English and >>here to read it in Spanish. To see the programme in English please click here and in Spanish please click here.
International Dance Day 2018
The Executive Council of ITI together with the International Dance Committee of ITI are happy to announce the selected five message authors for International Dance Day 2018:

Africa : Salia SANOU, Burkina Faso
Arab countries: Georgette GEBARA, Lebanon
Asia Pacific: Willy TSAO, Hong Kong, China
Europe: Ohad NAHARIN, Israel
The Americas: Marianela BOAN, Cuba

Please click here: to discover the messages.

We urge you to translate all the messages in your language and send us the translated version (including the name of the translator).
International conference - The Theatre in/and Conflict Zones
As part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of ITI, the Slovak Centre of ITI is organizing an international conference called The Theatre in/and Conflict Zones during their annual festival of New Drama - taking place from 14 to 19 May. The conference as a special activity of the festival will be held on 17 May 2018. >>For more information please click here.
Estonian Theatre Festival DRAAMA 2018: Baltic Forum
On behalf Estonian Theatre Agency, we are glad to invite you to Estonian Theatre Festival DRAAMA 2018: Baltic Forum, which takes place from 3 to 9 September 2018 in Tartu, Estonia
This year's festival is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. To mark the centennial, the Estonian Association of Performing Arts Institutions is bringing the century-long story of the Republic of Estonia to the stage. The project is called “Tale of the Century“. All productions will be created in cooperation between at least two theatre companies – one big and one small – bringing together 22 organizations.
The festival provides accommodation and complimentary festival tickets for foreign guests, but does not cover travel fees. Please send a short introduction of yourself to apply to Liisi Aibel, liisi(at) The deadline is 15 May 2018. For more information please click here.
First International Ballet Competition in Mongolia
The registration for the 1st International Ballet Competition in Mongolia is now open for the Pre Junior (12-14 years old) the Junior (15-18 years old) and the Senior (19-29 years old).
To get all the info please check at:
The deadline to register is 15 May 2018. If you have any questions, please send an email to: president(at)
2018 SIBMAS Conference
SIBMAS (International Association of Libraries, Museums, Archives and Documentation Centres of the Performing Arts) and the Organizational Committee are looking forward to welcoming you to Paris for our 2018 SIBMAS Conference which will take place from 5 to 8 June 2018.
The theme of the conference invites us to reflect on projects and working practices which involve collaboration, working together for the common goal of saving performance heritage. The programme includes lectures, papers and round tables, as well as social events (receptions, exhibitions, performances and excursions) and visits to institutions related to the heritage of the performing arts.
Registration is open from now until 30 April. Feel free to register and participate in this event. We look forward to meeting you next June.
Worldwide Call for Young Theatre Artists
NEAP FEST is the first theatrical exchange festival organized by members of the Network of Emerging Artists and Professionals of the International Theatre Institute. It will take place in October 2018, at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We invite proposals from artists and collectives with at least 70% of your members 18 to 36 years old.
Please email at or to receive submission guidelines and >>please click here for more information.
Call for Videos of the World Theatre Day Messages 2018
The General Secretariat would like to take the special opportunity of the 70th Anniversary to give our ITI Centres around the world the chance to be actively involved in our plans for WTD 2018. We hope you and your Centre will respond to our calls for Videos, which will increase the visibility of your Centre as well as the theatre community in your country. For this, >>please check this Call for Videos of the World Theatre Day Messages 2018. To see the videos made in the previous years, >>please click here.
Pre-registration and Scholarship applications are open for Theatre in Post Conflict Communities Summer School
The Summer School is international and designed for undergraduate students from the Humanities, Social Sciences and other disciplines, interested in attaining knowledge and tools in theatre and performance, as they relate to community. It is hosted by the Department of English Studies of the University of Cyprus in Nicosia (Cyprus), in partnership with Brandeis University's Program in Peacebuilding and the Arts. The first deadline is 25 March 2018.
>>For more information please click here.
Global Peace Movement “Not by Force but by Art”
The Global Peace Movement “Not by Force but by Art” is a Music Theatre Arts Peace Concert to be hosted in the Philippines with artists from claimant countries of the conflicted West Philippine Sea/China Sea in Manila from 20 to 23 April. This concert will be complemented with a special International Educational Cultural Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development, with distinguished cultural leaders in the region as the participants. >>Please click here to read the personal blessing given by the UNESCO Director General Audrey AZOULAY to the President of the Philippines Centre of the International Theatre Institute and Social Change Network of ITI- CIDC, Cecilia Guidote Alvarez, winner of the UNESCO Medal of Peace, and director of the Earthsavers Ensemble honored as Artist for Peace.
Third IAPAR International Theatre Festival 2018
The International Association for Performing Arts and Research is happy to announce the Call for Participation in the third IAPAR International Theatre Festival 2018. The IAPAR International Theatre Festival 2018 will feature performances from across the globe, master-classes, as well as formal and informal interactions between artists from India and elsewhere. This festival is a step towards a sustained effort in curating a festival with a purpose of bringing innovative performances to the city where an ‘Actor’ will be at the centre. The focus of the festival would hence revolve around the ‘Actor’ taking Centre stage. This festival will take place in Pune, India in November 2018. The deadline for submitting an application is 27th March 2018. Send an email to iapar.festival(at) for the detailed application form.
XXX National Encounter of Theatre Lovers
The Mexican Centre of ITI is happy to share with you the programme of the XXX National Encounter of Theatre Lovers that will be held from 6 to 28 January 2018 In Mexico City. That will be the first celebration of the 70th Anniversary of ITI from the Mexican Centre. For this event, more than 49 theatre companies from all over the world will perform.
>>Please click here to see the programme.
10th Edition of the Market for African Performing Arts
The MASA is a cultural platform which promotes African Performing Arts. Its main objectives are to support creativity and good quality productions, and to facilitate the movement of artists and their works within Africa and throughout the world. Since its creation in 1993, a festival is organized every two years. This year, from 10 to 17 March will be the 10th edition of the Market for African Performing Arts (MASA), which will be held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. >>For more information please click here.
First World Mime Conference, and First World Mime Students Festival
The World Mime Organization are proud and happy to invite you to take part in the First World Mime Conference, and First World Mime Students Festival, in Belgrade, Serbia, from 21 to 23 March. The WMO wants to bring together everyone from the world of mime to have a truly rich gathering, and so the Conference and Festival is open to mime professionals, practitioners, theoreticians, researchers, artists, producers, professors, students, agents, festival organizers and financiers, as well as practitioners of theatre, dance, film, broadcasters and anyone else interested. The WMO would like to make a particularly special call to people with hearing impairments, who they are keen to have as part of their beloved audience.
>>For more information please click here. To >>see the programme of the conference, please click here or write an email to conference(at)
2018 Dramatic Arts Workshop in Sri Lanka
This workshop was born out of a collaborative conceptualisation between Sri Lanka and the Philippines as one of the umbrella projects of Dramaturgy Education Exchange Programme, the flagship programme of IPF which originated from the Philippines. The Dramatic Arts Workshop was the very first capability building/training received by Sri Lankan theatre artists after decades of struggle between the theatre community and the government. In continuation of the effort to strengthen the theatre arts community in Sri Lanka, the 2018 Dramatic Arts Workshop will be conducted from 21 to 27 March 2018.
>>More details can be found here.
16th edition of the HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival
The registration for the 16th edition of the HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival, which will take place from 1 to 15 October in Yerevan, Armenia is opened.
>>Please click here to download the registration form. The deadline is 15 March.
International Scientific Conference
The Faculty of Dramatic Arts of Belgrade, Serbia, is organizing an International Scientific Conference with the theme Theatre between politics and policies: new challenges, on 23 and 24 March 2018. They invite academics, artists, theatre practitioners, and students to propose paper/project presentations, thematic panel sessions, or workshops in these areas, or to suggest other innovative and provocative themes. Proposals should be submitted to email: theatreconference(at) The deadline for proposals is 31 December 2017 and notifications of acceptance will be sent on 5 February 2018. >>For more information please click here, and for questions please contact jovana.karaulic(at)
World Theatre Day 2018
The General Secretariat is now working on the World Theatre Day Celebration that will take place on Tuesday 27 March at the UNESCO buildings in Paris. The selected message authors will be announced very soon on the ITI website, and the messages and Message Authors information will be sent out to all ITI Centres and Cooperating Members very soon. We invite all of you to share with us how you plan to celebrate World Theatre Day so that we can add it to the virtual map on the websites.
Please send information about the location, the programme and the date of the celebration, together with a picture to news(at)
Last Reminder: International festival of Theatre and Other Performing Arts
The ITI Centre of the Congo Republic is opening on the organization of the first edition of the FITAAS (International festival of Theatre and Other Performing Arts), that will happen from 27 to 31 March 2018. For this upcoming festival, they are looking for theatre companies from Europe, Maghreb, West Africa and two from Central Africa. The file to be provided for any theatre company that wishes to participate must include:
• the biography of the author, the director, the actors (along with an ID photo for each);
• the synopsis of the show and the creative process;
• a stage photo;
• the technical sheet with precision for the sound and light requirements;
• a video capture of the show;
• the presentation of the company (indicating the name, the date of creation, the number of productions made, the complete address, ...).
The number of members of the troupe (comedians, directors and technicians) must not exceed five (05).
Please send your file no later than 01 February 2018 to: iticongobrazza(at) or ylewalet(at)
7th Colombo International Theatre Festival
The Colombo International Theatre Festival is an annual event hosted by IAA. This is one of the biggest opportunities for the performers of the world to unite and perform. The motto of the festival – Let’s get the hearts together to tie the knot of Camaraderie, unity and tranquillity through dance, drama, workshops and Meeting. For the 7th edition that will happens in from 5 to 12 July 2018 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, they are looking for application for performances. >>Please click here for more information and to fill up the application form. The deadline is 25 January 2018.
It is with sadness that we inform you that the devoted artist, highly involved in ITI, Carlos During, has passed away. Carlos During was an active member of the Mexican Centre of ITI, and member of the former Committee for Cultural Identity and Development (CIDC), for more than 10 years. He always worked closely with indigenous peoples and local theatre people in his area of operation.
>>To read the full obituary written by his friend Alexander Stillmark, please click here.
It is with the regrets that ITI also inform you that Humberto Orsini has passed away. He was a renowned Venezuelan playwright. Vice-President of the Venezuelan Federation of Theatre, a body attached to the Venezuelan Centre of ITI, he became President of the Venezuelan Centre of ITI. In 1965 he was appointed as a member of the Executive Council of ITI, and a few months later he rose to the position of Vice President of ITI. Orsini has further served as chairman of the Committee for Cultural Identity and Development and as a member of the Committee for Theatre Education. He also wrote the World Theatre Day Message in 1995. >>To read the World Theatre Day Message in 1995 by Humberto Orsini, please click here.
Fuad Al-Shatti – Posthumous Acknowledgement as Honorary Member of ITI
In tribute to Fuad Al-Shatti, in recognition of his years of service and commitment to ITI, the Honorary Member of ITI Certificate was given to his son, Ahmed Fuad Al-Shatti, during the inaugural Fuad Al-Shatti Theatre Forum, a conference with performances, organized by the Arab Theatre of Kuwait. The title was bestowed to him in 2013 by the Executive Council of ITI.
2018 – The Year of ITI – 70th Anniversary of the International Theatre Institute
The team of the General Secretariat wishes you a happy festive season and all the best for this special upcoming year during which we will celebrate the 70th Anniversary of ITI. The whole 2018 will be the Year of ITI – meaning ITI and its members are able to celebrate ITI from 1 January to 31 December with celebration, ceremonies, festivals, conference and more. This was decided by the General Assembly during the 35th ITI World Congress in Segovia/Spain. The General Secretariat has created a logo in English, French and Spanish that is for use for all the Centres and Cooperating Members to join the celebration of the 70th Anniversary. Please ask for the logo in your language for your event and send us the information about your event. If you are planning an event for which you would like to have international participation, please get in touch with the General Secretariat for promoting it and for helping you with the participation of international guests from ITI. Conctact: info@iti-worldwide. Vive ITI! 2018 is the year of ITI. Let´s celebrate it, include artists and audiences, and increase the visibility of ITI.
The next International Director’s and Trainers’ Colloquium
The next International Directors’ and Trainers’ Colloquium will take place in Berlin from 3 to 7 January 2018. Dr Jurij Alschitz has suggested a Link to the Roots - The Role. How can radical innovation of training methods build on the foundations of the dramatic arts? What is still important and how to convey it? Dr Jurij Alschitz has studied with J. N. Malkowski, who was taught personally by Stanislavski, as well as with the Russian pedagogical legend Mikhail Budkewitsch. At this colloquium, we will investigate the roots of the art of acting in relation to new methods of teaching. The colloquium builds on intensive preparation and active participation. The discussion will first begin on our hybrid platform. >>For more information please click here.
Open call: watch & write African Cultural Journalists
Journalists from Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Senegal, Tanzania and Tunisia are invited to send applications for a two-week workshop in cultural journalism in Braunschweig, Germany (4-17 June 2018). The chosen countries are related to the theatre programme of Festival Theaterformen 2018. Journalists from other African countries are asked to contact us via email before handing in an application. To apply for the workshop, please fill in the online form on The application deadline is 1 December 2017.
>>For more information about the workshops content and the Festival Theaterformen, please click here. For any questions, please contact: welcome(at)
4th edition of dunaPart – platform of Hungarian Contemporary Performing Arts
We are happy to inform you that the 4th edition of dunaPart – platform of Hungarian Contemporary Performing Arts, will be held between 29 November and 2 December 2017, organized by Trafó House of Contemporary Arts with the participation of other venues and organizations in Budapest. >>Please click here to see the detailed schedule. You can also >>register in advance here.
International Festival of Theatre and Puppets
From 2 November to 2 December 2017, the 16th edition of the International Festival of Theatre and Puppets of Ouagadougou (FITMO) will be held successively in Burkina Faso, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo and Niger, under the theme “sustainable human development”. Created in 1989 by the Burkinabé Centre of the International Theatre Institute in partnership with the Union of Dramatic Ensembles of Ouagadougou (UNEDO), this festival became, after 28 years of continuous activities, a reference in the African cultural agenda. The 2017 edition of FITMO will bring together around 40 African and European artistic companies from Ouagadougou (theatre, puppets, dance, music, storytelling, etc.), professional meetings, training workshops, and a symposium. The festival will continue after this first stage in the other four countries in a dynamic artistic collaboration.
2018 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama
The Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Cyprus Centre of the International Theatre Institute and the Cyprus Tourism Organisation (the “Οrganisers”), announce the “2018 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama”, which will be held during the entire month of July 2018, in Cyprus. The 22nd edition of the “International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama” is part of the celebrations of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, 2018. All proposals from theatre groups or individuals expressing interest in participating in the “2018 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama” should be submitted using the form available at The deadline for submissions is 11 December 2017.
Hybrid Theatre Platform
The Hybrid Theatre Platform is currently attracting lots of interest- why not take a look yourself? You can begin the ‘VERTICAL OF THE ROLE’ COURSE online at any time. You can start with the free, no-commitment TRY OUT course and then progress to the full course, in dialogue with a teacher. You can then complete the course with a practical seminar, which will take place in Berlin between 27 November and 3 December 2017. Specialised training and individual feedback supports actors to experience the so-called ‘light of the role’. Collaborative work with colleagues will inspire you and open up new perspectives. >>For more information please click here.
>>Start the course online here.
Residency program in Performance Creation
The ITI Croatia Centre in collaboration with the Network of Emerging Arts Professionals of ITI will host a residency program in Performance Creation at the ITI Croatia Centre’s annual program, the International Drama Colony in Istria, Croatia in July 2018. The residency program will be for one week and it will involve workshops in acting (Chekhov method of acting) and in playwriting. Participants will explore the theme of Conflict from diverse perspectives. The deadline for application submission is 1 November 2017, and results will be announced in December 2017. For more information contact Taiwo Afolabi taiwoafolabi4(at) and Nina Krizan nina.krizan5(at)

>>For more information please click here.
Call for applications for the categories of Storytelling, Dance, Stand-up Comedy, Music and Theater
2018 will be the 25th year of MASA. The 10th edition of the Market for African Performing Arts (MASA) will be held in Abidjan from 10 to 17 March 2018. The application materials to submit for the MASA Festival are the same as those for the official selection. Applications must be sent to MASA by November 30, 2017. For more information, please visit:
Call for Participation in Intercultural Conference with the theme “Theatre Wars: Return of the Artist”
The Intercultural Theatre Institute of Singapore is holding their triennial Asian Intercultural Conference, which will take place from 27 to 30 November 2017, in Singapore. This year’s theme is “Theatre Wars: Return of the Artist”. To find out more about the >>list of topics please click here
and please >>click here to see the lineup of speakers.
>>The link to register is here. Enquiries can be sent to aic(at)
Surveys for the 35th ITI World Congress
Having your feedback and ideas is really important to help ITI improve the next Congress and its programming. If you attended the 35th ITI World Congress – even if you attended only part of it, please find the survey links below:
If you also attended the Congress Prologue consisting of the Student Festival of the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts, please find the survey links below:
Hybrid Education for Asia
The World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT/ ITI is looking forward to a special pilot project in co-operation with the IAPAR festival (International Association for Performing Arts & Research). At the ITI World Congress in Segovia, a test phase was developed which will give artists from India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh the unique opportunity to take part in an international continuing education programme. The online course will lead to a practical module during the festival in November 2017: Masterclass in India, Pune 4 - 9 November 2017. Participants from this region should start the course NOW to be ready for the practical module in time. >>Please find the course here.
Ellen Stewart International Award
The Ellen Stewart International Award is an award given to an individual theatre artist or theatre company whose work promotes social change, and community participation with a particular focus on the engagement of young people. With the support of the ITI (International Theatre Institute), La MaMa New York and Italy, and the Spoleto Festival of 2 Worlds, the recipient of The Ellen Stewart International will attend the ITI World Congress, receive an artistic residency at La MaMa Umbria to create a new work, and the financial and production support to present the new work at the Spoleto Festival of 2 Worlds.
>>For more information about the criteria and nomination please click here or contact; estewartaward(at)
>>To download the application form please click here. The deadline is 27 October 2017.
African-American and African Playwrights Creative Residency at the Camargo Foundation
The Camargo Foundation, located in Cassis, France, and founded by artist and philanthropist Jerome Hill, is a residential centre offering programming in the Arts and Humanities. The Foundation encourages the visionary work of artists, scholars, and thinkers in the Arts and Humanities. The Camargo Foundation, with generous support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Jerome Foundation, is excited to announce a four-week residency programme for mid-career/established African-American and African playwrights. Four participants from the United States and four from the African continent, all of whom are interested in the cross-cultural interactions between the United States and Africa, whether historic or contemporary, will be hosted at the Camargo Foundation in Cassis, France, from 28 May to 25 June 2018. The deadline to apply is 19 October 2017.

>>Please click here for more information.
International Theatre Festivals in Iran
The Dramatic Arts Center of Iran (DAC) is pleased to inform that there are some international activities which are going to take place in Iran.
- 18th International Ritual and Traditional Theater Festival; 1 to 6 September 2017, deadline for submission: 6 July. 2017;
- 12thInternational Street Theater Festival - Marivan, 8 to 12 September 2017, deadline for submission: 23 August 2017;
- 24th International Children and Adolescents Theater Festival, 30 November to 5 December 2017, deadline for submission: 2 October 2017;
- 36thFadjrInternational Theater Festival (for all genres), 21 January to 1 February 2018, deadline for submission: 8 November 2017;
>>Fore more information please click here. >>To download the application form please click here.
International Dance Day 2017
The International Dance Day 2017 Summit in Shanghai has been a beautiful event, which started with powerful speeches during the conference, workshops with workshops leaders from more than 30 different countries, and three night of exceptional performances. We will soon publish the event report and pictures on the International Dance Day website:
International Symposium on Theatre studies
Shanghai Theatre Academy, together with the ITI - UNESCO - Network for the Higher education in the Performing Arts, will hold the International Symposium on Theatre studies as a Discipline from 3 to 5 November 2017. They would like to invite experts, scholars all over the world to have an extensive dialogue on the development and cooperation of theatre studies in the world. >>For more information please click here
Call for Participation in the IAPAR International Theatre Festival
The International Association for Performing Arts and Research (IAPAR) is happy to announce the Call for Participation for the second edition of “IAPAR International Theatre Festival”
IAPAR International Theatre Festival 2017 will feature performances from across the globe, master-classes, as well as formal and informal interactions between artists from India & abroad. This festival is a first step towards a sustained effort in curating a festival which brings innovative performances which put ‘Actors’ at the centre of their productions to the city. The festival will be hosted in association with the Indian Centre of ITI and take place in Pune, India, in November 2017. Send an email to iapar.festival(at) for the detailed application form or visit our website and download the application form.
Analogio Festival 2017
ANALOGIO FESTIVAL, member of EFA/EFFE (European Festivals Association/ Europe for Festivals- Festivals for Europe), comes back at the Theatre Technis, Frinichou Stage, Plaka area, Athens, Greece, from 16 to 24 September 2017. The Festival presents a wide programme with a focus on the latest writings for the Stage, a Tribute to Nikos Kazantzakis, a target on new Greek plays and international drama, and parallel events such as seminars, discussions, new media, walking and poetry performances and installations in public spaces and archaeological sites. >>For more information about the programme please click here.
57th International Theatre Festival MESS
The 57th International Theatre Festival MESS will happen in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 30 September to 8 October 2017. The final programme will be ready in early September but we are happy to share with you the >>preliminary performance schedule here.
Call for Participation in “Exercise 40/40” by AKT-ZENT
With the next step, the Exercise 40/40, the World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT / ITI proposes a ground-breaking concept for spherical education created by Dr. Jurij Alschitz. The pilot starts with online education in July 2017 followed by 40 days of contact education in September/October and will lead to 40 years of self-creation. Sign up now and reserve your place. For more information: please visit and Alschitz_Hybrid Theatre Platform 40.40
31st Annual International VASTA Conference
From 4 to 8 August 2017, the LASALLE College of Arts in Singapore is organizing the first Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA) Conference ever held in Asia, where regional and international experts will showcase techniques and uses of the human voice particular to the Asian region. Network with voice and speech trainers, scientists, performers, and public speakers from around the world to celebrate the human voice in its many qualities, dialects and languages, and develop future areas for investigation and research. VASTA Asia 2017 will be an exciting time for vocal, personal, pedagogical and cultural exchange. >>For more information please click here
New Congress Website
The Congress website is now online in >>English, >>French and >>Spanish We will regularly post and update information about the main ITI World Congress, the Congress Prologue, as well as the International Dance Symposium. Stay tuned!
This year’s International Theatre Institute (German Centre) Prize
Yael Ronen will be awarded this year’s International Theatre Institute (German Centre) Prize. The decision for the Israeli director and author will be announced by the ITI president Joachim Lux after the German ITI Berlin’s board meeting. The prize will be awarded in the context of Theater der Welt 2017 in Hamburg. They will announce the scheduling well in advance. >>For more information please click here
African Regional Council
The African Regional Council became a member of the Executive Board of the Regional Centre of Performing Arts in Africa (CERAV/Africa). This nomination shows the role of ITI in the promotion of the performing arts in Africa. This is an important partnership that puts ITI at the heart of cultural action in all African countries via the African Regional Council of ITI.
Da Nang International Fireworks Festival
From 29 April to 30 June 2017, the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival is taking place in the city of Da Nang, Vietnam. The theme is "Shining Five Basic Element Mountains" - inspired by Da Nang's famous local heritage of the Five Element Mountains. The programme will consist of five firework displays and artistic nights and six parallel programmes organized to take place over eight weeks. Participating countries are: Vietnam, Austria, UK, Italy, Australia, Japan, Switzerland and China.
Call for Participation in “The Vertical of the Role” by AKT-ZENT
The ITI Research Centre AKT-ZENT has turned into the World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT / ITI: the International Institute for Theory and Practice of Theatre Training, under the artistic direction of Dr. Jurij Alschitz. The Institute started immediately with the world’s first online platform for hybrid theatre education. This is not only a technical innovation, but, moreover, a proposal for changing the mind-set towards the process of the artists’ self-creation and an exploration of the theatre of the no sphere. The first basic course for the actor’s self-preparation - “The Vertical of the Role” - is free of charge. Every artist in the world is invited to join and share this experience with the team of teachers. >>Please click here for more information: Alschitz_Hybrid Platform Vertical and >>here to sign up
Call for Micro Performances up to 15 minutes by Young Practitioners
One of the numerous goals for the 35th ITI World Congress, set by the Executive Council, is to bring the largest ever number of Young Practitioners to the Congress in order to rejuvenate and strengthen ITI. That is the reason that the ITI Congress Task Force, together with the Young Practitioners’ Committee of ITI is launching this “Call for Micro Performances up to 15 minutes by Young Practitioners”. The call is for Young Practitioners (18 to 35 years) from all over the world for any type of performances (theatre, dance, music theatre, circus art, visual arts performance or a mix of different genres).
Please >>click here to read the call, and >>here to download the application form.
The number of accepted performances are limited. The application form should be submitted to tom.johnson(at), no later than 25 May 2017. The decision will be made until 1 June 2017 by the board of the Young Practitioners Committee and the Congress Task Force of ITI.
35th ITI World Congress in Segovia
IMPORTANT: Please register to the Congress before it’s too late. Please note that the deadlines for registration are the following: Head of Delegations, Delegates, Members of the Executive Council and Members of the General Secretariat: 1 May 2017 Participants of the Students Festival, Dance Symposium: 12 May 2017
Other participants who needs a visa: 12 May 2017
Other participants who do not need a visa: 20 June 2017
After 20 June 2017, only on-site registration is possible.
Please register now, even if you are not sure if you will finally make it to Segovia. All the details of how to register will become apparent when you fill out the Registration form that is currently available in English, French and Spanish.
>>Link for the registration form in English

>>Link for the registration form in Spanish

>>Link for the registration form in French
5th International Ritual and Traditional Seminars
The 5th International Ritual and Traditional Seminars is going to take place in Tehran from 30 and 31 August 2017. All researchers and scholars, who are interested in this international seminar, can apply to present his/her article based on the 4 below topics:
1. Based on others and neighbor’s countries, articulating feedback of Iranian Narrative and Shabih-Khani (Taziyeh);
2. Dramatically presenting different kind of storytelling (Naghly) and narrative in other cultures;
3. Introducing the various, dramatic and traditional forms in the world (except Iran);
4 .The interaction of traditional and contemporary theatres.

>>For more information please click here, or contact: dramatic.artcenter.iran(at) >>For the registration form please click here, the deadline is 21 June 2017.
13th International Festival of Making Theatre
The 13th International Festival of Making Theatre, will be held in Athens, Greece, from 3 to 8 July 2017. During five days of creative interaction, Theatre Makers from different parts of the world will have the opportunity to share and get acquainted with new working methods and ideas, regarding the following three sectors: Acting, Movement and Voice. Theatre of Changes invites, actors, directors, drama/acting school students, dancers, choreographers, singers, acting, voice and movement teachers and finally all those with a vivid interest in performing arts to attend the workshops of the 13th International Festival of Making Theatre which will be held during this festival. >>For more information please click here.
2017 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama
Performances of ancient Greek drama will be presented in July, as every year, in the context of the “International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama” that is co organized by the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Cyprus Centre of the International Theatre Institute (CCOITI) and the Cyprus Tourism Organisation. From 2 to 28t July 2017, five theatre groups will present performances of ancient Greek drama at the “Skali” Amphitheatre in Aglantzia, the Curium Ancient Theatre and the Paphos Ancient Odeon. >>For more information please click here.
From 4 to 10 June (NON - Residential setting) in Copenhagen, as a part of the major international Danish theatre festival: CPH STAGE, Chekhov International Theatre School is hosting the educational venue Within the Art of Acting: “DISCOVER THE METHOD”.
Participants will have an opportunity to share their artistic work at presentational showcase and symposium afternoon on Sunday June 10th, 2017 at The Theatre Chapel at The Assistens Cemetery in the City of Copenhagen. >>Please click here for more information.
If you have any questions about participation, please contact Viktor Melnikov at Feedback(at)
The Ibsen Scholarships 2017
Ibsen Awards are announcing the Ibsen Scholarships 2017. The Ibsen Scholarships were initiated by the Norwegian government and will be handed out for the 9th time in 2017. The Scholarships are applicable to individual artists, theatre companies, organizations and institutions. The application deadline is 30 April 2017. The winners will be presented at the Skien International Ibsen Conference on the 18 and 19 October at Teater Ibsen in Skien, Norway. For further information, statutes and the application form, kindly visit:
The International Sea Festival
From 10 to 13 June 2017 the International Sea Festival 2017 will take place in Nha Trang. The theme for this year is "Opening the Friendly Arms". The Opening Ceremony is scheduled on 10 June with international performances from Sweden, Spain, Brazil and Fujairah.
Operadagen Rotterdam 2017
The full programme for the Operadagen Rotterdam 2017 has been launched today, and the online ticket sales are now open. Rotterdam is set to be the epicentre of new opera and music theatre in Europe for the 12th time in a row, from 12 through 21 May 2017. Audiences of all ages can enjoy classic works in a modern form as well as international show-stoppers, up-and-coming talents, and mesmerizing multimedia projects. >>For more information on the programme please click here
World Theatre Day & International Dance Day
Please also send us your World Theatre Day and International Dance Day activities reports so again we can share them on the virtual map on the website ( and

Please send information containing the location, programme and the date of the celebration, together with a picture of your festivities to news(at)
Open Call for Performances, Lectures and Workshops
The International Dance Committee IDC is organizing the International Dance Symposium which will take place during the 35th ITI World Congress, in collaboration with the Spanish Centre of ITI, the Alicia Alonso Dance Foundation, the Municipality of Segovia and the Municipality of Royal Site of San Ildefonso.
The International Dance Symposium of IDC is part of the 35th ITI World Congress, held from 17 to 22 July 2017. The activities of the Symposium will take place from 18 to 20 July 2017, in Segovia and the Royal Site of San Ildefonso.
The theme of the Symposium is “The city is our stage; the stage is our nature”. The purpose of the Symposium is to highlight the relationship between the artist and his/her natural or urban environment.
The application deadline is 15 May 2017. For more information please contact: alma.llerena(at)
>>Open Call for the International Dance Symposium 2017
>>Application form for the Dance Performances
>>Application form for the Lectures
>>Application form for the Workshops
International Dance Day 2017 Message author
The message author of 2017 Trisha Brown US born dancer, choreographer and artistic director of the Trisha Brown Company.
It is with great sorrow that we share the news that Trisha Brown, dancer, choreographer and dance theorist (as well as International Dance Day message author 2017), died on March 18th after a lengthy illness. As one of the most acclaimed and influential choreographers and dancers of her time, Trisha’s ground-breaking work forever changed the landscape of art. Her passing signifies a great loss to dance and the performing arts. We are sure that everyone associated with ITI will join us in expressing our grief and sadness at the news of Trisha Brown's death. She will never be forgotten by lovers of dance and the performing arts.
2017 International Dance Day Summit
We are happy to announce that this year, the International Dance Day will be held in Shanghai. This is the first time that the International Theatre Institute, together with the International Dance Committee and the Shanghai Theatre Academy will organize a 3-day event, from 27 to 29 April 2017. As part of those 3 days, educational activities will take place such as Workshops (on Friday 28 April and Saturday 29 April), Work presentations, Round tables, but also keynote speeches (on Thursday 27 April at the Fosun Art Centre, 600, Zhongshan Road (E-2)). For this occasion, more than 30 specialists are invited from all over the world. The detailed programme will be uploaded soon!
Call for application
With a history of over 70 years, Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA) is a leading comprehensive university of arts in China, which has made outstanding achievements in theatre arts education and research. STA is seeking specialists from around the world who can be part of and contribute alongside our existing fraternity of specialists who are at the vanguard of performing arts studies. >>For more information please click here. The application deadline is 30 April 2017.
Summer School 2017
The Shanghai Theatre Academy is running a Summer school from 15 June to 16 July 2017. The students will study three courses: Chinese opera, Chinese culture, and/or Chinese language. The main course is traditional Chinese opera, which is composed of the learning of Chinese opera steps and movements, water sleeve routines, spear and sword routines, and selected scene work. Supporting courses in Chinese culture and language are offered to help students better understand the essence of Chinese culture. >>For more information please click here. The application deadline is 15 April 2017.
Croatian Theatre and Dance Showcase
The Croatian ITI Centre is honoured to invite you to the 12th edition of the Croatian Theatre and Dance Showcase. The Showcase will be held from 20 to 25 April 2017, in two cities: Zagreb and Rijeka. Please note the mentioned dates.
>>Please click here for the programme
MA Programme in Intercultural Communication Studies
The Shanghai Theatre Academy is looking for applicants for their MA Programme in Intercultural Communication Studies. Applicants are expected to have a strong interest in Chinese culture and intercultural communications in any academic and/or artistic field, including but not limited to, performing arts, performance studies, literature and all forms of the media. STA’s bilingual (Chinese and English) MA programme in Intercultural Communication Studies recruits excellent students with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from top international and Chinese universities. >>For more information please please click here.
Call for application for a Master in Arts of Theatre / Physical Theatre
The Master’s degree programme of the Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Verscio is aimed at professionals and graduates of the performing arts. The Master’s program focusses on the process of theatrical creation and artistic reflection, and provides time for the development and realisation of an individual project for the stage. The training, structured modularly and composed of workshops, courses, and seminars, allows each student to develop their own expressive capacity in terms of composition and theatrical creation, to enable them to cultivate their own aptitude for theatrical reflection and self-criticism. The application deadline is 30 April 2017. For more information please contact: corinna.vitale(at) or silviana.vogt(at)
Call for Papers for the Conference ‘I laugh, therefore I think’: The Power of Comedy in the Twenty-first Century
Organized by the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) in the framework of the Comedy Festival of Bucharest (FestCo), on 2 and 3 June, the conference ‘I laugh, therefore I think’: The Power of Comedy in the Twenty-first Century invites critics and scholars from around the world to discuss the meaning of stage comedy in the twenty-first century, between local specificity and the global context. Please send your abstracts (no more than 250 words) to soerenson(at) and octavian_saiu(at) before 21 April 2017.
Punto Cadeneta Punto
Umbral Teatro is organizing the second version of PUNTO CADENETA PUNTO (Encuentro Iberoamericano de Dramaturgia) to be held in Bogota, Brazil, from 1 to 8 December. It will be a week in which playwrights, actors, directors, musicians and writers meet to celebrate and discuss Dramaturgy, with workshops, colloquiums, lectures, dramatic readings, etc. Attendees will consist of theatre professionals from all over America, which shows the importance of Punto Cadeneta Punto as a prestigious space for meetings and high-level training, and show it to be a key contributor to the development of dramaturgy in the region.
Twenty playwrights from six countries - Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Spain - will be attending.
Showcase Weekend
The German Centre of ITI (ITI Zentrum Deutschland) is happy to welcome 30 international students (theatre studies, stage design, dramaturgy, performance studies etc.) to a showcase weekend at MÜNCHNER KAMMERSPIELE from 10 to 12 March 2017, in Munich. Please find below the programme and the application, deadline is 31st of January. Apply now! Program: Application form:
International Artistic Cooperation for the Performing Arts
Applications for the International artistic cooperation for the Performing Arts run by the German Centre of ITI together with the Robert Bosch Foundation are now open. The German Centre is looking for cooperation projects that address prevailing social themes and change and manifest them in a joint artistic response. Applications can be submitted until 15 February 2017 online in German and English. Partners from North African or Eastern European countries should submit their application together with a partner from the German-speaking world. >>For more information please click here
18th International Translators’ Workshop, Mülheim
Together with Mülheim’s “Stücke” festival, the International Theatre Institute (ITI Germany) is inviting translators of German plays to a workshop during the festival in Mülheim from 12 to 21 May 2017. Please send your application (in German) via e-mail with a bibliography and information about your professional background before February 10 to a.zagorski(at) >>For more information please click here
Call for Participation
The Chinese Centre of ITI is now calling for the participation of the first meeting of The Traditional Performing Arts Forum (TPAF), which will be held on from 18 to 22 June in Yinchuan, China.
Events will include traditional theatre information exchange, discussion and networking, Chinese "Xiqu" workshops, international workshops on traditional performing arts, and free access to the plays of the 15th China Theater Festival during the stay in Yinchuan.
TPAF looks forward to the participation of the traditional theatre practitioners, scholars and leaders or delegates from ITI Centres.
>>For more information, please click here or write to ctawangling(at) or pangjinlai(at) before 20 February.
New ITI Website
In collaboration with Futura Communication the ITI Headquarters have worked on a new ITI Webiste, in the last three month. Explore the universe of ITI and give us a feedback.

>Letter Introducing the new ITI Website
35th ITI World Congress
The Executive Council of ITI is proud to announce that the next edition of the ITI World Congress will be held in Segovia, in Spain from 14 to 22 July 2017

From 14 to 16 July there will be a Theatre School Festival, General Assembly and Opening Ceremony is on 17 July. Closing Ceremony 22 July.

More detailed information soon.
International Directors and Trainers Colloquium
Dr. Jurij Alschitz invites for his annual artistic meeting in Berlin, from 4 to 8 January 2017, all colleagues interested to discuss a new dimension of theatre training:
A ground-breaking innovation called 40/40 - forty days for forty years - using the tools of hybrid education for theatre practice with a new approach of creating knowledge and changing mindset.
For more information please visit: or >>click here
From 27 to 29 October 2016, a series of activities were held in the campus of the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing, which included keynote speeches, workshops (covering almost all the field of the stage art: stage design, make-up, sound design, light design, multimedia, set design, stage technique, cultural heritage, etc.), lectures and the presentation of the iSTAN Lifetime achievement award which was given to the Swedish stage artist: Gunilla Palmstierna-Weiss.
For more information please visit: or contact Chen Zhongwen, Director for Collaborations of ITI: chen.zhongwen(at)
International Fadjr Theatre Festival
We are pleased to announce that the Dramatic Arts Centre of Iran will hold the 35th International Fadjr Theatre Festival from the 20-31 January, 2017, in Tehran.
You can submit any new productions your theatre company is undertaking to be considered for inclusion at the festival. The festival’s main theme focusses on the use of technology & new methods in theatre, and adjudicators will prioritise entries relevant to this topic for admittance. However, the organisers are open to performances which touch on other themes. If you are interested, please fill in the application form below. Be aware that the application should reach the secretariat of the festival by the deadline on the 22nd November 2016. For more information please write to: dramatic.artcenter.iran(at) >>application form of Fadjr Theatre Festival
Theatre Born in Conflict Zones
The International Theatre Institute, under UNESCO, launched project called “Theatre Born in Conflict Zones” all over the world to achieve peace through the performing arts.
As part of the “Theatre Yearbook” special projects, our Japan Centre has been acting in concert with this project and has carried out “Theatre Born in Conflict Zones” activities since 2009. This is the 8th production of the “Theatre Born in Conflict Zones” in Japan, and we would like to contribute to the promotion of peacebuilding operations between countries. The production period is from 14 to 18 December. For more information about the programme please >>click here
2017 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama
The Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Cyprus Centre of the International Theatre Institute, and the Cyprus Tourism Organization are pleased to announce the “2017 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama”, which will be held during the entire month of July 2017, in Cyprus.
All proposals from theatre groups or individuals expressing interest in participating in the 2017 International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama should be submitted using the form available at The deadline for submissions is January 16, 2017. For more information please visit the festivals website or write to ccoiti(at)
Call for participation
The Dramatic Art Centre of Tehran, Iran, is organizing an International Seminar On “Theatre and the capacity of independent department” from 5-7 March 2017 in Tehran.
Any person who wishes to attend this seminar (which will be delivered in Persian/English), please declare your interest to the seminar secretariat before December 21 2016 at dramatic.artcenter.iran(at)
For more information, please >>click here
Croatian Theatre and Dance Showcase
The Croatian ITI Centre is honoured to invite you to the 12th edition of the Croatian Theatre and Dance Showcase. The Croatian Theatre Showcase 2017 will be held from 20 to 25 April 2017, in two cities: Zagreb and Rijeka. Please note the mentioned dates and soon we'll give you more information about the programme and production conditions.
The Croatian ITI Centre also presents to you the 25th edition of its dance magazine Movements. The topic is “What makes a performance dance and contemporary?” On the following link you can find online editions of previous Movements:
Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts
On July 15th 2016 : Opening of the Information Centre of the Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts in Moscow, Russia
The Raykin Higher Education Institution of Moscow has been appointed as the Information Centre" of the ITI / UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts.
On 15th July this was celebrated with a Press Conference in Moscow.
Fore more information about the Network, please contact: Dimitry Trubotchkin, trubotchkin(at), or Chen Zhongwen, chen.zhongwen(at)
Call for Collaboration with the Theatre Department of Universidade de Estado do Amazonas
The situation in Brazil and Manaus not only hit culture, but also arts education. The teachers and students of the Theatre Department of Universidade de Estado do Amazonas were extremely disappointed that the workshop programme of the Congress did not happen. They need your support. Please write to the leader, Annie Martins, from the Universidad de Estado do Amazonas, if you see any possibility of offering a workshop. Email:
12th edition of the Shakespeare Festival in Yerevan
This year from 22nd to October 28th 2016, the Armenian Centre of ITI will organize the 12th edition of the Shakespeare Festival in Yerevan. The festival will be opened with an international project of the Dramatic Theatre Committee of ITI “The Tempest”. All ITI Members are invited to join the festival as participants with their Shakespeare performances. You can send the brief information about your theatre company and the synopsis of the play, along with the link to video of the play to sitfarmenia(at) till August 15th 2016. The results will be announced on August 20th 2016.
The Importance of Regional Councils
Regional Councils are important for the development of ITI. They are regional collaboration body that enables for the Centres and Cooperating Members of the region to exchange information, to coordinate activities and projects, to help each other by showing “best practices” and to scout for new Centres in the region. That is why the Executive Council, its president and vice-presidents plan to organize regional councils in the near future, preferably before the ITI World Congress.
The Arab Regional Council happenend on February 23, in Fujairah
The Regional Council for Asia / Pacific is planned for 28 March, after the World Theatre Day celebration in Guangzhou / China, by the Chinese Centre of ITI. The European Regional Council is planned to happen at the end of March or beginning of May in Lecce / Italy, on the initiative of the Italian Centre of ITI. The African Centres meet regularly and the Centres of the Americas (North, South and Central America) might meet before the Congress as well.
Relocation of ITI Headquarters to Shanghai and the ITI Office at UNESCO
Moving from Paris to Shanghai.First of all I would like to clarify that we still have an office at UNESCO. We moved from the UNESCO Office of ITI into a smaller (and cheaper) office space in the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, Bonvin Building, Room 9.44. The address is the same: UNESCO, 1 Rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France. This is still the official address of ITI. ITI still is registered in France. The office is used when the members of the General Secretariat are in Paris for meetings or for the International Dance Day in April this year. Account in France: All the contributions of the ITI Centres and Cooperating Members go, to keep it simple, to the same account as usual, Société Générale. The relocation of the General Secretariat to Shanghai is now completed. After sending all the material to Shanghai, handing over the archive of ITI to the Bibliothèque Nationale de France BNF where the information is easily accessible to all interested persons such as ITI Members, academics and students from all over the world, etc., emptying the old office spaces and moving the furniture and materials needed in France to the new office, ITI officially was welcomed by the Shanghai Municipality, the Shanghai Theatre Academy and the Jing´an District in a provisory office at the beginning of April.
The Development of the New Team in Shanghai
As you were informed in March the Paris staff do no longer work for ITI. This meant that a new team in Shanghai had to be built up.
CHEN Zhongwen was the first staff that was employed for the General Secretariat, in April. Originally from Shanghai, she lived in France for 8 years. She did her master degree in education in France. Before she left to France she worked in Xinhua News Agency Shanghai Branch and afterwards established a private school in Shanghai. That means she is well acquainted with the procedures in China, and a very good asset for ITI. The participants of the last Congress met her there as a photographer. She has the post of Assistant of the DG / Director for Collaborations. She also is responsible for the Accounts, Budget and Collaboration with the Shanghai Theatre Academy and the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing. She speaks Chinese, English and French. Email: chen.zhongwen(at)
TANG Yiming is a Chinese staff. He holds the post as ITI Establishing Officer. He work for different organizations connected with the performing arts, and a event management agency. For ITI he is helping to establish the organization, takes care of new international staff when they arrive in Shanghai, translates from Chinese to English and English to Chinese at events and at meetings. He started to work in autumn last year. info(at)
GUO Ping is a Chinese staff. She is well versed in accounting and purchasing and is doing all the thousand things that have to be done with dealing with finances, receipts, accounting, and all the regulations that are legally mandatory for finances and purchases. She worked for different big companies and organizations before she joined ITI mid-2015. She speaks Chinese and is currently improving her English. Email:
Malory DOMECYN es from France. She is the ITI Communications Officer and just started working for ITI, part time, after her return from Hong Kong to Shanghai. She did two master degrees one in United Kingdom and one in France. She started working in Shanghai and then in Hong Kong. She is doing translations from English to French and is currently introduced in part of the huge communication tasks that ITI has to develop for being a highly professional world organization for the performing arts. Email: malory.domecyn(at)