International Monodrama Forum IMF | Jolanta Sutowicz has been awarded Honorary Professor
Jolanda Sutowicz who is a founding member of the International Monodrama Forum of ITI has been awarded the title of Honorary Professor by the Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany. She received this title for her artistic work and for holding the International Monodrama Festival “THESPIS” in Kiel as an artistic director for 12 editions over 25 years. A festival which has become one of the best festivals of its kind in the world. The Award Ceremony will be held on 10 September, at 4 pm, in the city of Kiel, Germany. For more information and for sending congratulations please write to festival(at)
Wole Soyinka - 90th Birthday
Happy Birthday Wole Soyinka! Your friends of the International Theatre Institute send you the very best wishes to your 90th Birthday that you celebrated on 13 July. We are happy that you are supporting ITI with your presence at the last Congress and in Bratislava. We hope that you are continuously in good health and good spirits and look forward to meet you in the future.
With warmest regards,
Tobias Biancone, DG ITI
In Memoriam - Philip Arnoult
ITI World Theatre Ambassador
We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Philip Arnoult. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by loved ones. Philip Arnoult's indomitable spirit and passion for theatre never waned, even as his health declined. He remained dedicated to connecting artists and inspiring creative collaborations, embodying his lifelong commitment to the arts.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to Brandice at brandice(at) if you have any questions or need assistance.
The CITD team
Photo by Zoltán Szarka.
Lifetime Achievement Award for Ramendu Majumdar
Ramendu Majumdar, Honorary President of ITI, has received the Lifetime Award, offered by the Bangladesh Brand Forum BFF in collaboration with Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. He received this Special Recognition as a Bangladeshi actor, stage director, and theatre producer for his visionary leadership, unwavering commitment, and transformative contributions to our advertising industry. The ITI Newsletter congratulates the Honorary President of ITI for getting this award.
Ramendu Majumdar: Theatre Worldwide – My ITI Years
What the ITI Newsletter announced last year when Ramendu Majumdar celebrated his Birthday has “become true”: The Honorary President of ITI used the pandemic to write his ITI memoirs. Ramendu Majumdar tells us his own story. It gives us an insight into the development of the Bangladesh Centre of ITI – and ITI worldwide. It is proof of the personal perseverance he has experienced with ITI, which resulted in him becoming the President of ITI and gaining the title of Honorary President of ITI. The publication is a veritable cornucopia of facts and experiences of viewpoints through his times with the International Theatre Institute.
The book has been published by the University Press Limited, ISBN 978 984 506 378 4. Hardcover, 196 pages, with colour photos. 35 US-Dollars, 30 Euros. On request, an ITI Centre may receive a free copy. Please allow ample time for sending you the copy. The book can be ordered over news(at)
New: ITI Event Reports – an invitation to browse, read and watch!
The General Secretariat of ITI has worked extensively to inform you about three main events of ITI: The General Assembly Special Edition (10 to 15 December 2020), World Theatre Day (27 March 2021) and International Dance Day (2021).
All the Reports contain what happened during the three event – such as speeches, presentations, and for World Theatre Day and International Dance Day the messages and performances. Moreover, they give you background information and also the statistics of how many people participated or watch the event.
Each Report that you can open and/or download is an invitation to watch or watch again. Just download it and click on what you want to see … The links are meant to be open when you are using a computer or laptop.